Join us as we wait for the announcement of the announcement date for the premier of the new Netflix Original Neon...

Join us as we wait for the announcement of the announcement date for the premier of the new Netflix Original Neon Genesis Evangelion in 3 hours!!!
Asuka is best girl!~

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Other urls found in this thread:

Who hasn't already seen it? Do people really care about a new dub?

me, I'm not watching Pretentious Transformers to search for some existential meaning in the cartoon, and that ending song sucks

Netflix admin is in the chat right now, he's taking questions.

Ask him how many black dicks he can fit in his ass

/V / G G E R

hes a total weeb, you can tell his IQ is 85

It's very hard to find legally right now because I think the rights have been in limbo. People who like anime a lot probably pirate everything, but normies who have just heard of the show for the most part have never actually seen anything from it. I'm looking forward to seeing it for the first time.

I hope there is widescreen support

What am I in for? when I watch the show

Another remake?
Oh fuck off

No, it's the original show coming to Netflix.

Look at how ignorant people are to the JQ, its like they automatically deflect by default

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Well who cares then

It's just the original 26 with a new english dub.

It's the first time the show has been legally accessible in America for a really long time unless you can track down a box set.

>Countdown for the announcement for the premiere of an already finished cartoon

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It mostly sucks but the last two episodes are kino in the purest form, but then they made a shitty movie that ruins the ending.

I can't wait to check this cartoon out, the only anime I saw before was Cowboy Bebop which was okay.

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Will they also make the ending movie available?

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Yes, it's all going to be there.

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They’re getting the series, the recap movie, and End of Evangelion. They’re not getting the Rebuilds.

>new english dub version will include jokes about the 45th US President Donald Trump
oh no

True kino oncoming

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The ending of Eva is iconic. The movie had two memorable scenes and the rest is pure shit.

we need piko piko anime desu

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>It mostly sucks but the last two episodes are kino in the purest form
christ i bet you love twin peaks the return

it better be in a week or fuck netflix

>there are people who have yet to see eva
Imagine being this new. The BD has even been out for a couple years and yet people are going to watch a compressed, degrained shitty stream instead.

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Already seen this show 3 times but kinda interested in hearing the new dub. This announcement would be great if they released the first episode along with it. The end of NGE's first episode would do pretty well at building up hype to the release if it's soon.

>They’re not getting the Rebuilds.
what a shame.

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The show is older than me

Good luck finding a copy.

Predict wich zoomer song will they change it with-

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Final kick that kills the angel has been changed to them dabbing on it.


>Dub only

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Siko mode

the fact that a situation like that exists is the reason people just download shit.

There are torrents on Nyaa. Not as good as a physical BD but better than streaming.

Another shitty slow acoustic guitar song sung by some faggot who has had his balls almost completely gripped off.

La bamba.




Rei's bday is March 30th just saying

Wait, so not even a chance to choose original audio? Why is this allowed?

Wtf, I guess I gotta rewatch it now

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>wait for an announcement of a release date for a 20 year old cartoon show coming to netflix
Do people unironically do this?

>premiere for a 25-year-old anime


This really. Is it still "piracy" if the product being copied isn't available by legitimate means? And quite often English releases only follow in the wake of fansubs proving the property is popular enough in the West to warrant an official release.

It starts out basically just giant robits defend the city with monsters but it gets darker and weirder going into the minds of these mentally damaged children. The creator was entering a deep apiral of depression when he made it and shit was super rushed towards the end but it ends up being kino. Movie end of evangelion replaces the last two episodes and has action.

Evangelion sucks. Watch Berserk, kids.

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Zoomer pieces of shit do. Not even an elitist, but I really hate this new demographic. They post on a film board but don't even watch film, for the exact same reason they haven't seen Eva yet: because it's not on Netflix.

>Netflix original
>a fucking 20+ year old series that existed before Netflix was even dreamed up

Go back to Yea Forums you fucking idiot.

Cartoons are for children and will never be taken seriously as an art form.

Berserk has never had a good adaptation and the manga now has more bad chapters than good.

>Seething because people haven't seen a cartoon "yet" as if it's some kind of requiered viewing.

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What about Belladonna, Angel's Egg, etc? You're just a shitposting pleb, what do you know about art? Name a film, any film.

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Forrest THe Gump


>eva isn't a requiered viewing
What are you even doing here in Yea Forums, little redditor?

It is if you weren't a newfag. Yea Forums was originally an anime imageboard first and foremost.

The 90s anime is flawless.


so this is just a new dub? did they ever even finish those rebuild movies?


the fuck? just download 2D4U's release on nyaa or AB lmao

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Why the fuck is there a thread about this? A "premier" for a show thats over 2 decades old and has always been freely available online? I hate the newfag idiots who have overwhelmed this site.

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I'm excited to see it again. I originally watched it when I turned 18 so I want to see if it still holds up.

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>freely available online
nice try but illegal streaming is for niggers

>Berserk is LITERALLY baby’s first anime


How can you be this much of a brainlet

It's shit dont bother.

calm down incel

Have Sex

Netflix might suck, but their original anime is pretty good. I've seen Devilman Crybaby, Baki, Castlevania, and the Godzilla trilogy. What else is good?

Why do they have dates for everything else, but EVA doesn't? Is the Miraculous Mr.Ano having a giggle?

JIDF confirmed

that's what i think he meant by online, torrenting is not online


he meant online as in you can get it easily on the internet like nyaa

Is it getting a new dub? Why? The original dub is basically perfect.

Because Gainax/Khara don't have the rights to the English dubbing track and Netflix probably don't want to negotiate with the original VO cast and crew about royalties

That's not how normies see it.

Normies don't register something if it isn't on netflix. There's no interest or acknowledgment of a product if it's not netflix, or at the VERY LEAST Amazon Prime.

So to them, this is a new product

incel confirmed

Every get on this board gets deleted.

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>Last night I James Bond hamburger your sister

Ive seen every episode, the rebuilds and have yet to watch EoE.

its been 5 years since I watched the Rebuilds

Enjoy your (You)'s

The ending of the anime is such a blue ball though

it's bondburgered

>torrenting is not online
Fucking moron.

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is this based or not?

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It’s going to be tonight, isn’t it?

Tell me who is expecting a quality localization, dub from netflix. Especially when their jojo sub are just copies from their dub. I expect another butchering.

cringe, weak bait

not true, even now with warped digital it's more detail and quality than 99% of manga. Dude they could just be picture books and they'ld still be better on those merits alone

>tfw yet another thing incels like will be taken by normal people
I can't wait!

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Evangelion is like how normies treat Harry Potter here and it's fucking embarrassing.

I don't like sex. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere

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isn't this the other way around? More incels will find save haven in these communities because of a greater sense of common identity. When did the mentality of keeping summer fags out turned to letting summer fags in to burn the place further to a shit hole?

/V / G G E R

It's been 6 months, how long does it take to dub a series???

Why isn't this show on Blu-ray? There's only second-hand DVD sets on eBay that cost 200 bucks.

Are they including movie part 4?

>Last night I Pierced In-N-Out of your sister

are you retarded

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It is, but only in Japanese

>4.44 netflix exclusive
imagine the outrage

>a show with a great orchestrated ost
>advertise it with drum and bass nightcore
Fuck this shit

June 21.

Jeez, I hope nobody waited all day for that.

>Last night I, Pierce Brosnan, fed your sister cheeseburgers so she'd become nice and plump

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holy shit that was hilarious for some reason
>people waited hours for that

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I waited for like 10 minutes, why did they even bother to make a countdown stream for that?

Last night I secretly pounded your sister


Excellent music choice. I hope they replace everything with dubstep and rap


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please no

Holy shit, I didn't consider the outrage his good FRIENDSHIP with another male would cause.

Shinji is a fag though.

It might be that it came out in 1996 and anyone who cares has seen it, but this smells... shilly.

reddit anime desu lads

>not required viewing
you're on a fucking anime imageboard you relentless fucking faggot

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I haven't because the MC looks like a massive faggot.

Eva isn't required viewing because its total dogshit

t-tucking your shirt in isn't gay

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Netflix original doesnt mean they fucking made it jfc.

Lol this cocksucker tucks his shirt in.

This music is terrible. Why didn't they just use the last 30 seconds of the theme song? Maybe an instrumental or something. This dub-chip-tune shit sucks.

Ah fuck you just know this is happening

it's not gay to tuck in your shirt

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could be a music rights issue. just because you have the show, doesnt mean you have the music.

Fags leave their shirts untucked

Man, so hyped to watch a 15 year old series I've already seen 5 times but in glorious streaming and could easily download in 1080p at any given moment.

What the fuck even is Netflix at this point?

> has toys pop up in robin williams movie
> memed to death by 14 year olds for the past decade
>literally baby's first mecha
>complaining about it being just now being for normal fags

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Licensing for the original series in the west has been in limbo for ages and the dvd is out print worth loads because kf thay. It's up to netflix now if they want release a blu-ray boxset they probably will and they'll probably charge $200 for it and have in limited quantities because they now people will buy it.

>What the fuck even is Netflix at this point?
If you're that far removed from society that you can't answer this question I think it's time to go outside for once.

kys sailor moon loving ass faggot

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English VA for Asuka is prolly hurting lol, basically her waifu

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>Removed from society, go outside
>Not up to date on what's going on with internet streaming service

Ok, champ

> 15 year old
user Eva’s more like 23 now

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damn, you're right. Where did all the years go?

>tfw other kids use to make fun of me for tucking in my shirt in middle school

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Been that way since about 2007 when anime started getting posted to Youtube. Broke down the barrier for entry for a lot of people, so even when it was purged a few years later people still had the knowledge that anime is out there and streamable.

The Waifu Wars

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Spring 2019 my ass.
Yo ho ho

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>whats going on
>we dont know
>all our meters and gauges are going off the scale
>but we havent done anything yet
>you think it could be Shinji?
>thats impossible, Unit 01's power level must be at zero!
>my god is that what im piloting
>god in heaven what kind of monster have we made this from

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Anyone know if the soundtrack is the same? Very important

Yeah, I'm kinda scared now.

>zoomer song
if they really wanna be hip, they'd use an 80's song because that's in right now.

I really hope EoE doesn't end up on shitflix too.

It's good but contrarians will pretend it isn't
It renders all other kids-in-giant-robots shows irrelevant in perpetuity

Hideaki Anno is a crazy whore for money. Like, it doesn't matter how crass or cheap the tie-in is, if it makes him mad yen he 100% will do it. Is there a man more morally bankrupt this side of George Lucas??

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I don't care for the dub, but I'm waiting to rewatch it again. People who has seen anime only through netflix like Devilman Crybaby might interest in it...........THEN FUCKING EVANGELION LIVE ACTION MOVIE BABYYYY

>live action anime movies
please kill yourself



What is the meme spliced in here, it looks very familiar.

Only patricians appreciate live action.

you weebs need to be gassed.

Fucking kill yourself

>that background track
jesus fuck, I'm quite glad it isn't anything original, story-wise


so much for a spring release

If, hypothetically, I didn't really enjoy Eva when I watched it years ago and found it self-indulgent, over-complicated and deliberately obtuse, is the Rebuild stuff worth watching or should I just accept my pleb-hood and go watching Darling in the Franxx or something?

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What studio did they contract for the new dub? If it's Funimation voices they can fuck off.

this would be an unironical improvement

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Actually, they just barely make it

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if the prequels were so bad why are the so quotable

I'm pretty sure when most people talk about seasons they are referring to meteorological not astronomical seasons.

spoilers: right now

I, hypothetically agree with you, I did enjoy the rebuilds. They are finished though, so it's kinda shitty to watch

What do you guys think of Love & Pop? Did Anno actually do good?


>his good FRIENDSHIP
keep living in denial, shinji is straight bi

Why the fuck would you watch the rebuilds without EoE
Fucking retard
Incredibly retarded

>just watched the eva netflix trailer
>trailer is set to dubstep

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not the guy you replied to but i love sailor moon AND evangelion tho eva, beyond all else, is my favorite. hideako anno said misato is partially based on the sailor moon character- like an older version of her, and it makes complete sense, which is why misato is so perfect.

I read that in each of the character's voices and heard the beast in my head while I watched the clip.

It's Drum and Bass you cultureless faggot.

people waited years for this

what is this garbage

This is my first time seeing that trailer, and you're right- people have waited years for that ... myself included. I'll continue on now not watching anything dealing with the movie until it finally drops in 2020.

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dat drop tho

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>This is my first time seeing that trailer

i haven't been on Yea Forums in years and i've not followed any news about evangelion because i don't want to be hyped about something with a tentative date. Good to know it'll drop in 2020 though.

Why the fuck is there all this hubbub about an anime from the 90s getting released on Netflix

>anime from the 90s
Because it's last decade when anime was actually good.

>that Fate GO avatar
Shit. Now I feel like I need to buy more Quartz.

its master anno's specialty: a decades-long cocktease cultimating in a disappointing ruined orgasm while he laughs at us and counts his otakubux

are they still on the fucking hoat?

i dont want to live on this planet w these kinds of people anymore

At least a new generation will find out who best girl is.

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I havr a gashapon figure of that scene

Can't be worse than the live action movie Japan made last year.

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>eva waifu war iii
dont remind me
youre right tho

Who the fuck is that?

>announcement for an announcement of an announcement

misato best girl

based anno-sama

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Here in my garage

The entire cast is replaced

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I'm really interested in this redub. Surely they must have put some effort into this if they're going to be advertising for it 3 months in advance.

But also... why redub?

>Dub only

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can you imagine, a netflix localized dub. Can you fucking imagine, shinjin screams, or misato, or asuka being different. Oh the fun. I mean eva isn't bebop. But it wasn't horrible.

Why are Evafags so obsessed with the property? Anno has gone out of his way time and time again to mock fans of his work for being pathetic weebs yet you fags keep eating it up and giving him money. Is this a form of cuckery?

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who gives a shit about Anno. Fanboys of his work should be mocked, and his work pirated. Who gives a shit. The creator doesn't fucking matter if the work is good. He only matters if you let him.


The answer is Misato. She's literally a 30 year old boomer, just give her a lawnmower and a ring and you're set.

I will never EVER care about dubfags, dubbed VA's, or any of their problems. Dubbing should exist for properties watched by young children that can't read yet and that's it.

Wake me when YYH, untouched and Full HD, hits Netflix

Exactly. It's nonsense drama and has nothing to do with what the original Japanese director wanted. Do you think Anno gives a particular fuck about Tiffany Grant or whomever replaced her? No, because he cast Asuka for who he wanted to play that role 24 years ago.

Best episode? For me, it's the magma diver.

Makes the decision to stop watching past the first episode much easier

>not watching the vastly superior Space Dandy dub

lmao. I made this webm

Dubbing isn't completely cheap, I wonder what studio is doing it. If it's farmed out, that could be like $8-10k an episode, if it's in house maybe a quarter of that, based on quotes I've heard from people in that industry.

>announcing the premiere of a 25 year old show


This and Bebop are probably the only ones they could do this for. No one would care for the likes of Escaflowne or Outlaw Star or Nadia: Secret of Blue Water. Luckily the dubs for all of those don't need to be redone, even though FUNi did just because of a few extra scenes.


Misato's a millennial and she's unequivocally best girl.

>no spike, tiffany, allison
Oh hell naw! This dub is going to be terrible. Thank god I still have the original VHS collection before they did the remastered dvd versions years ago where they redid lines and that garbage.

Nothing can compare to the original english voice cast done by ADV Films. Nothing.

>Nothing can compare to the original english voice cast done by ADV Films. Nothing.
I just have to imagine all posts like that are satire for the sake of my sanity.

Imagine the state of the morning brainlets who have never seen the anime or read the manga yet are excited about this farce because it’s netflix and Evangelion is something they vaguely know of from pop culture

fuck off faggot, they were legitimately one of the only english dubs better than the original

Are we going to have a /NEG/ general ? Can’t wait to discuss theories with you guys like we did with Twin Peaks


NGE is 20 episodes of some pussy faggot crying

No wonder its so popular with depressed degenerates


There are some dubs that are objectively good. Evangelion just happened to have one of those. Ritsuko's english va was particularly good. In the episode, At Least, Be Humane, the scene where Asuka takes unit 02 ahead of Rei in unit 00 to confront the angel against orders, Ritsuko screams, "Asuka!" as Unit 02 projectiles through the launch sequence towards the surface of Tokyo 3. In the English version, that scream is intense. It has stuck with me for all these years. It's one of those things that you hear and you know you're experiencing something uncommon and rare yet exceptional. There were some other good scenes involving Ritsuko especially the ones between her and Gendo. I understand preferring japanese voice acting in some cases, but the voice actors for Evangelion ... I don't know what it was about the series for them, but they created something special- the original voice actors did anyway in their original delivery of their lines. I don't like remastered versions as much. They're just not as good, and I doubt the Netflix dub comes anywhere close to the magic that occurred during the initial english dub.

>the entire cast is replaced
>tfw you get rei'd

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You're basically just describing nostalgia. And even if one VA(of a secondary character) is good it does not excuse shitty and awkward performances by most of the others. Shinji and Asuka are trash and people commending the former because of just one scream he did in 26 episodes and a movie and forgetting his otherwise consistently shit forced delivery are ridiculous. Or how asuka VA has better german that she uses for like 2 lines in the entire thing like that's in any way relevant. Let's not forget the retarded editorial decisions like adding sound effects and their own shit by the weed aunt Rei VA. And it's not like I hate dubs on principal. Bebop, FLCL, a few others and a handful of jap games have very good dubs but eva is definitely not one of them.
Even if the Netflix one is mediocre it will still probably be better.

Also I don't remember that particular Ritsuko scream in the dub but just by description the fact that it is so intense is out of character for her in general and for this scene in particular because she was just frustrated and a bit annoyed at that moment so whatever.

Eva isnt available to watch anywhere legally.
And no. No one is buying a 100 dollar bluray, so dont be a smartass.

Reminder that Kaworu is the only person Shinji ever really loved.

poo pee pee pee poo pee pee poo pee peepee poo

>just nostalgia
There's plenty of people who recognize the great va work done by all those who worked on the EVA english dub, which is why people are legitimately upset these va's won't be returning. You clearly have you preferences, and I that's what I'm hearing in your response. The intensity of Ritsuko's scream wasn't out of character- it was very short though welcome given the circumstance and stress they were under.
Mediocre at best. I see no significant reason to prefer the english dub of FLCL over the japanese version. I can see that significance with EVA- though only for the series and not for the movies.

>And even if one VA(of a secondary character) is good it does not excuse shitty and awkward performances by most of the others.
I only mentioned the voice acting of a secondary character to illustrate how good the main characters must've been by comparison. Misato's va was also fantastic along with Shinji, Asuka, Rei; for all the main characters. I've not come across a english dub as good as this yet.

>Or how asuka VA has better german that she uses for like 2 lines in the entire thing like that's in any way relevant.
Strange nitpicking- but I get it, you prefer your japanese va's. Bleh.

>like anime a lot
>pirate everything
what is the reasoning behind this mindset?

>it's another Yea Forums sucks teryaki anno cock


Buy the shit you love, pirate everything else. Those anime seasons/movies aren't cheap.

God damn that movie was beautiful and depressing

It's more complex than that. Anno is pandering super-heavily, but in a way which allows fans to act like they're not being pandered to. The delusion is complete. Which is why has a point.

just wait for blue haired hambeasts to start posting more shinji is gay comments

>There's plenty of people who recognize the great va work done by all those who worked on the EVA english dub, which is why people are legitimately upset these va's won't be returning
No. There are a handful of people who are nostalgic about it along with another handful that think it's 'not fair' for the original cast to be replaced even if they don't particularly care about the actual dub. And all of those have an active account on every social media.

>I only mentioned the voice acting of a secondary character to illustrate how good the main characters must've been by comparison. Misato's va was also fantastic along with Shinji, Asuka, Rei; for all the main characters.
You are either delusional or have some sort of sensory impairment. It's not about preference. They are all amateurs that sound like the voicework of an indie game where the programmer and level designer recorded lines because they couldn't pay anyone else to do it. By the way you exaggerate how great it is I'd say you were somehow involved with it but English is not your native language so who knows what your deal is.

There's always one of you every fucking eva thread; you just can't help yourselves. I don't know what else to tell you. You've got shit taste and you shitpost about it.

do you know where you are?

Honestly, the dub isn't good.

Especially you, Especially in Rei's case, the dub is really bad. Which is horrifying because of how competent the original VA is, and there are some good cases of good dubbing in say, the german Rei.

The VA's there don't get the character at all.

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You got it wrong. Dubfags are the shitposters that start their contrarian routine.

He's right. How else do you justify Rei's voice being what it is?

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reifags should neck themselves.

There you go. Why should anyone care for your opinion if you're an asshole like that? Because god knows you didn't provide any good arguments.

Good arguments like whose? Yours?
>compared to the superior japanese version, my waifu sounds different and i don't like it
Fine. What an amazing argument. You've already shown a preference and can't discern the quality of an item without comparing to what you prefer. I'm saying the English dub has good VA. You keep saying it wasn't like the japanese version. Well, no shit.

why does anyone like this junk
it's nearly 100% incoherent past some episode and it never stops.
it's not like 2001 or anything else that puts abstract weird shit in reasonable amounts. it is overwhelmed by it.

Why do people prefer dubs over subs? Why do you find reading hard?

Hi, you must be new here.

The fuck am I reading?
>Born 1986
How the fuck is th... ah, I remember, the series plays in the future.

you can't get a lot of anime legally, some you can't even get on public trackers.

so what was all the hooplah about?
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

>it's nearly 100% incoherent past some episode and it never stops.

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Well I'd have hoped you were debating with good intent and not downright hostility. It's not just a matter of difference.

The original voice is the blueprint of how the character sounds - in Asuka's case, being obnoxious is what they're going for, so it's not exactly hard to mess up. But in Rei's case, she's simply got a soft voice, but she isn't soft spoken. She doesn't whisper in the original voice. Why on earth would she do that? People don't do that.

Here's what soft spoken Japanese sounds like:
Here's what Rei sounds like:

Which means, the english dub VA can't go around whispering her lines.

I'd also like to add that makes no sense to not compare with the original. The dubbing voice actors aren't there to create something new, they are there to adapt the existing dialogue, tone of voice. If they take liberties, they've messed up.

>bad acting is a preference

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yeah i am sure that's why he is attracted to Asuka and Rei

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>Well I'd have hoped you were debating with good intent and not downright hostility.
Well, I was told that I was delusional or impaired. That initiated the hostility, that to some degree, is expected on a board like this, so I responded accordingly. Don't get your panties in twist.

There's nothing wrong with comparing it to the original, but saying "english dub bad" just because there's differences between it and the japanese version without the slightest objective viewpoints about the quality of the voice acting in general is fairly biased. The tonality of the English cast was far more representational of the emotion I was expecting compared to the japanese version. American and Japanese audiences aren't necessarily exactly alike, and the creative liberties taken with the english dub, i found to be more palatable.

>bad acting is a preference
Maybe for you.

This is a pointless debate. We've all been attached to this series long enough such that no viewpoint regarding the original series, especially if you started watching it back when it first released back in '95 as I did, is going to change any minds.

>what do you know about art?

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I never understood why people are so militant about dubs being inferior to subs. It's obviously american dubs that ruin the reputation of the profession around the world. Americans add completely different or new sound effects, rewrite dialogue to mean entirely different things, overact constantly in an desperate attempt to feel like they are real actors.
I never understood why people feel the need to mention their butthurt about german dubs for example when the worst things happening there are at least honest mistakes and the worst offenses are that the translation of a phrase in the dub sounds clunkier and wrong compared to a direct translation which in the end is more related to subjectivity than quality.

>and Rei
His attraction to Rei is a bit different though and does not seem particularly sexual. At the very least he rarely displays it. Even in the first scene in the apartment he seems more flustered and embarrassed by his own actions rather than anything else. Asuka and Misato would be a better example even if he denies Misato's 'comforting'. Granted her timing was fucking retarded so who knows.

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>Presenting it as an action packed mecha anime
And thus another generation is left confused and disappointed.

Can anyone help me with the order? How should I watch it? I've heard I should see until episode X and then go straight to the movies. Is that correct? Where should I stop in the anime?

I don't want to seat through that CONGRATULATIONS, GZ thing all over again. Please help Yea Forumsmates.

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Watch 1-26 then EoE. Pick which ending you liked best. People suggesting non-linear first time viewing are idiots.

Ignore everything else.

You should start with episode 1 and work your way through until episode 26 and then watch The End of Evangelion.

>I don't want to seat through that CONGRATULATIONS, GZ thing all over again

It has kind of two thematic culminations and one plot culmination. It makes more sense to watch the one that has 1 of each last(especially the plot one)
So just watch the full series(1-26) and then EoE


you're an idiot.

>he denies Misato's 'comforting'
>turns down best girl
>in favor of laying in bed crying about how lonely he is
No clearer evidence needed of what a colossal faggot he is.

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Why? It's not going to be a pleasant surprise for everyone. It's kind of a polarizing work so you'll also have a new wave of 'lmao shitty anime with pussy MC' people.

Watching anime with subtitles is retarded. It's a visual medium, not textual, so you're missing out on what's really important. I prefer subtitles over dubs of live only because the voices not syncing with the characters mouths is more distracting than having to read, but with animation you don't have that issue.

There's a massive tone shift midway through. It wasn't to my taste, maybe I'm the only one but the pseudo-psychology and LSD trip effects didn't really keep my attention.

Eva has always been advertised as a shonen anime until it pulls the bait and switch around half way through. it's part of the experience.

>you'll also have a new wave of 'lmao shitty anime with pussy MC' people.

sounds like someones insecure about their tastes...

You weren't called delusional by me - learn to keep up with anonymity. Respond to the post in question. Let context go.

>The tonality of the English cast was far more representational of the emotion I was expecting compared to the japanese version. American and Japanese audiences aren't necessarily exactly alike, and the creative liberties taken with the english dub, i found to be more palatable.
There should be no create differences. When they chose to do the voices differently, they made a mistake. When they added sound effects, they also made a mistake. It is not their job to create new voices, it is their job to translate as accurately as possible. By making Rei whisper constantly she simply sounds hoarse, which she isn't.

Whatever tonality "you expected" was wrong, as the de facto tonality to represent is found within the Japanese version and nowhere else. This is because it is the original, where the original director personally directed the voicing in this case. Voice and audio is no different than the video - you wouldn't want to change the order of the scenes or the contents of it to better fit an audience. What you get then is laughable a 4kids dub.

Now, there ARE bad subs as well. Laughably bad, in fact. So bad that it's better to not use them at all, and a dub might be better.

In this case, I pointed out the german rei as a positive. As a rule I simply watch with the original audio.

>It wasn't to my taste

why are you here then?

>Two+ Decades
>It's still just waifu-wars and dubs v subs
Oh good, I look forward to having the exact same fucking discussions in 2035 when Eva is released in 4D Holo-vision for the first time.

To discuss it? Might come as a shock but not everyone seeks out comforting consensus and echo-chambers for their opinions.

Rei is the best girl in the original.

And still fringe to the average Netflix normie

So does this really end on fifteen minutes of two girls waiting in an elevator, the main character just getting over it and doing the thing, and the cast standing around clapping at him for doing it?

Not really. There are still decent threads occasionally that have almost none of either. There is one on Yea Forums right now(not the netflix one)

>mmm anno cock *slurp*
you people make me sick

>learn to keep up with anonymity
I did, by not caring about who actually was the recipient of my hostility as long as there was a chance that it was reciprocated to whom it was meant for. how about you learn to understand these dynamics a bit better while you presume to be repeatedly talking to the same user.

Localization is a thing, and I imagine, at times, tonality too becomes important regarding the translation of a theme. My main criticism of your viewpoint is that it wouldn't exist if you hadn't watched the japanese version. You couldn't say, "Well, it's supposed to be blah blah," because you wouldn't have that point of reference. You'd only be able to judge the art on its own merits instead of this ridiculousness you're having others read.

No. But it's interesting how people think the story goes just through memes and cultural osmosis in general

It's a fair point, my viewpoint would definitely not exist if I hadn't watched the original. But, I have, and there's another point where I disagree:
People who translate or localize aren't making art. They're adapting it for an audience, and that in my view, requires utmost dedication to being faithful to the source.

Localization isn't necessary in most cases, translation would suffice in most cases.

I thought they were going to do an original adaptation, similar to Netflix's Death Note.
What's the point of this release when everyone has already seen one of the most popular shows in the anime industry?

But this has the low-budget ending with the more stereotypical ending right? That they re did?


to reward good goys that never download anything

discuss what? that it wasn't to your taste so it didn't keep your attention? What could you expect to add to a conversation if that was your opinion??

go do something better with your day instead of spending it here talking about something that wasn't to your taste.


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At the very least it's supposed to sound well acted and somewhat natural. I don't need to hear the original voice for Symphony of the night to know the dub is objectively trash. I don't need any other dub to say the original Resident Evil(the game) English VAs are garbage. Eva and 99% of anime dubs are bad in the same capacity. A bunch of people with minimal training and talent gathered to say some lines for cheap. Not that guy but I originally started watching the dub and only managed to make it to episode 3 because of how stilted pr forced everyone's delivery was.

>and that ending song sucks

I will beat the everloving shit out of you.

Don't go in expecting some life-changing experience. Just enjoy the ride.

You didn't stick with the series long enough to experience the english va's true growth into those characters- but I'm ONLY referring to the original english dub that released back in '95. I'm not talking about the remastered versions because I think they're objectively worse and lack the charm of the original english dub release. Most people hate Shinji's voice. It's not my favorite either, but even his va improves. They're damn near masterful by the end of the series. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the best work any of these va's have done or will ever do for an english dub.

It's basically just a glorified ad for the manga. An effective one, admittedly.

Should have named him Shekelbergenstein or something.

alright, waste your day then

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In a way I guess it's kind of the case. It doesn't exactly go down the way you described though(although those are things that happen in some capacity and the elevator part is just 1 minute)

>There's only second-hand DVD sets on eBay that cost 200 bucks.

No shit? I've been sitting on the original VHS release, the initial DVD run, the Director's Cut versions, the Manga DVD release of D&R/EoE, and the Platinum releases for years. I figured they would be worth something, but not that much.

I totally forgot about this. What happened to them combining Unit 8 and Unit 2 into one?

You kidding? The bait-and-switch is the best part.

Do people actually like this bitch?

Some new character that was added in the NGE reboot.

Poochie: The Anime Character

Seriously, they've had three movies now to explain who she is, what her motivations are, or how she figures into things, but they've opted to not do that at all. She just sort of shows up, and everybody's just sort of cool with it. She's an Eva pilot from Europe, IIRC, and that's all we've been told about her.

I'm fine with something new for Rei, Asuka, and Shinji, but Allison is a really good Misato, and it's a shame to lose her.

Why can't people just enjoy something? Does it hurt your feelings?

Those are also readily available on streaming services. Part of Eva's mystique is that it hasn't been available in any official capacity in years.


It's so weird to think that 2015 is four years behind us now.

Anno finally officially confirmed that Rei is best girl.

He wants to fuck all three of them, but he's repressed as all hell.

Wonder what's taking them so long. It was announced for 'spring' months ago. I don't really care about the dub but if there are some licensing issues with the OST and some or all of it gets replaced that would be pretty insane.