What was this fanoik’s problem?

What was this fanoik’s problem?

Attached: B136B7C6-A5D4-4160-9D4E-5F8443DF83B9.jpg (650x556, 27K)

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Is there a video?

Repressed homosexual who was previously hooked on heroin.

What was this guy's problem?

Attached: grizzly man coroner.png (1920x1080, 2.98M)

He's secretly a furry and wanted to mate with a female bear

Horse pussy feels so fuck good

He lived in a society

Live by the bear, die by the bear


Attached: 11-leave-britney-alone.w330.h330.jpg (330x330, 29K)

He didnt fly so good

He wanted to become an actor to get attention, failed as an actor, then tried seeking attention somewhere else.
Herzog talks about madness and touches on his topic very poetically, but - as most things Herzog - that's the extatic truth, not facts. Old man Werner hates facts.

*ecstatic truth, of course

Fuck you park service!

Attached: hqdefault (2).jpg (480x360, 22K)

he was secretly joe rogan in a gay mans body

Lloyd left him and he never found Samsonite

There was an audio recording, but it was destroyed at the request of his family.

it wasn't destroyed, it's on fucking youtube dipshit


I thought the friend put it away and never intended to listen to it. It existed when the doc was made anyway, because Werner listened to it.

That's a fake recreation.

He was an actor from California who wanted to create a show for the world and was a massive attention whore.


Attached: MV5BNDE4M2Y4OWEtOTRiZi00Mzc2LThlNjEtNWMxZjNlMzQzYTQwL2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDAxOTExNTM@._V1 (700x700, 90K)

suicide by bear

Prove it, bitch.
My proof is Treadwell screaming his lungs out after being ravaged by a bear. What's yours?

Are you being serious?

>i can't prove it

he shouldve tried the cesar milan approach with the bears

based herzog wondering if jellyfish dream.

Use google, I'm not hear to spoon feed reactionary faggots.

Heh, lil' boy sad.

Fake and gay. This has an actual transcript of the audio.
