"I hate to be seen as the race guy"

>"I hate to be seen as the race guy"
>"US is about ourselves
>"Get Out was about white liberals"
>"I just wanted to make a modern doppelganger movie"


Why does Yea Forums hate this guy again?

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>Why does Yea Forums hate this guy again?
Yea Forums doesn't hate him, just the /pol/ incels

>>"Get Out was about white liberals"
based and redpilled
>Why does Yea Forums hate this guy again?
I don't, I hate the situation about the same white liberals praising his stuff just because of race though


>"I hate to be seen as the race guy"
>keeps doing racebait movies
People usually don't like hypocrites. He's a funny guy tho

fucking based

The new one had literally nothing to do with race

There is literally zero references to race in Us

I thought they were gonna go a completely different way with Us, like the doppelgangers were supposed to represent the “black” parts of the family rebelling against them acting “white” or something, never really thought everyone else would have doubles as well

That's why I said raceBAIT. Because it's not about race, but he knows racial stuff sells in today's day and age.

I wonder what his reaction was when white liberals bent over backwards to praise him and shower him with affection and awards, completely missing the point and message he was showing them

The only people who hate Get Out have never seen it.

>white liberal cuck prostrating himself before black protagonist awkwardly assuring him that Obama is the best president of his lifetime and he would vote for him a third time


This is odd, because just earlier today, I thought "Jordan should inform people not to box him in as the race guy. Maybe on an interview"

Seems like a nice guy. Would watch citizen kane with.

Lol... Didn't you see the white guy with the shirt " Fragile" ? Dumb fuck.

He is bit overrated, but still very talented, especially as someone who started out as just a comedian

>having a movie with a black family at the center of it was very important to me
>but also it's not a movie about race
What did he mean by this?

I mean, it’s not a big thing, but:

>Doppelganger finds a key in a fake rock outside the house
>Dad says “what kind of white people shit is that?”

Because nonretards understand that it was mocking liberals for not being woke enough, not mocking Liberals for being woke.

It means every race are just nationalists, except white over the last 40 years, and whites are literally the least racist.

>"Get Out was about white liberals"
He never said this.

>Why does Yea Forums hate this guy again?
I don't hate him, but I find his work to be mediocre at best. I hate the critics who praise him though. They are horrible people.

Personally I only dislike liberal medias reaction to him and his movies, not him or his actual movies, he's good

My thought was that the coast to coast line separated North and South. American Civil War, anyone?

I think like Yea Forums he's also pissed at how everytime there's a movie with an all black cast or the majority being black it's always about race or slavery or bitching and complaining about their skin. He wanted there to be just a regular family that's black but them being that race isn't the point of it.


Us is about the fear of being replaced by the oppressed. Not necessarily about race, but power.

That's kinda white, you must admit.

It’s “white” to have an alternate key? It’s a fucking rock

It’s actually about the fear of wh*tes

>Get Out was about how much retarded white liberals are
>But they dont get the message and gave me 150% on Disney Tomatoes
The absolute state of USA.

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i thought they did get it and are self-hating

he's the modern day Goethe (whom was actually black), change my mind!!!

Oh, no, those accolades were totally real and, if anything, were severely dampened by the deep seeded racism harbored by all whites.

this coon director really missed the mark, the movie was fucking garbage

I dislike him because he looks like an ogre.

based obsessed redditor

how ironic that the white liberals he was mocking are the ones who went gaga over it

Are you so sensitive you can't handle a single joke?

Overrepresentation of blacks is race bait

No it reminds us of how whites can't live in peace if blacks are allowed to be among us. If the Jews in Israel can have an ethnostate so can whites.

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>Guy gets shot in the street or father leaves his kids
>What kinda black people shit is this?!?!?!
This would totally fly, right? After all it's just a joke :)

We are in a time where we fear the other. Whether the mysterious invader who might kill us or take our jobs, or the faction that doesn’t live near us that votes differently than we did. Maybe the evil is us (you)

Not him but I do alway find it odd in about almost every single black movie some sortve racial reference is almost always made. Same with black stand ups, pretty much 100% of them will need to make a racial comment or reference. I honestly don’t care and not anywhere near offended, I just find it odd that it seems like more often than not they always end up relying on that kind of material

isnt it about making docil clones, like engineering the ghetto out of them

I like him, but the guy can't write reveals or ending to save his life. Get out had a retarded reveal and Us might even be worse

In the interview he specifically says that "Us" is not about race. It's about the legacy of a traumatic event the mother character experienced as a child.

Stanley Niggrick
Alfred Niggcock
Christopher Nigglan
Spike Niggze
P.T. Niggerson

right so she distanced herself and became docile, disliking the aggressiveness of her culture

I agree. That Us has a less focused message then Get Out proves that point

No, I don’t personally care. But it would NEVER fly if it was reversed, and I’m pointing that out

White characters had clones as well

yes anyone can be aggressive, its a masculine trait, so its about toxic aggression

I thought Get Out was about being confused till a magic tv explains the plot then 20 minutes of fighting than end

He's baboonifying cinema

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In men and women?

I cannot sanction his baboonery

Not him, but you know that if any other movie had dialogue like:
>”What kind of black people shit is this?”

They’d get crucified immediately

>dishing it out but being unable to take it

most people can reasonably seperate a character from its writer

Literally and unironically SEETHING.
Yes that's a total equal comparison you sperg.

>Yes that's a total equal comparison
The words "what kind of black people shit is this," no matter what the context, would cause an absolute shitstorm and everyone involved in making the film would be forced to issue a public apology

Ok, kiddo I'm sure that is exactly what would happen.

It is.

have you ever seen a tarantino flick?

Are you kidding? Seriously, just imagine a modern day movie saying “what kind of black people shit is this?”, you REALLY think there wouldn’t be a fucking massive shitstorm?

>black families don't exist and can't be represented in film

>>black families don't exist

>gave me
Sup Jordan

He's a racist negroe.

based /pol/ poster

Get out was actual kino

The black guy saved himself by literally picking cotton (out of the chair and using it to stuff his ears)

He's alright he just needs to sometimes not be so full of himself in interviews.

Like others said, he still can't avoid playing race card here and there in his work, despite what he says. Some much less than others however.

Very competent writer and director though.

Yea Forums posters have an innate, crippling fear of black men

>Wow you were really racebaiting by not having literally anything racial in your movie and no I'm not obsessed!

you're pretty disconnected if you think there would be, unless the movie as a whole is clearly racist no one would care

>David Lynched

that is, unless of course you count some butthurt tweets that would be posted on this board non-stop to whine about political correctness as a massive shitstorm

Imagine being this butt blasted over a rock joke.

That is a reference to Nassim Taleb

If blacks get to be butthurt by the slightest racial humor then I do too.

this made me a little angry

what this dude is doing is exactly what blacks should be doing
>stop blaming white people for their problems
>do the things you say need more black people in them using black people
the only problem is still coming from the white (((libs))) who promote the fuck outa him and affirmative action his stuff
he is better than most, he makes interesting and neat movies, is he the greatest and his films should be on par with ratings with the best that film has ever done? no.

Define this

I like see him saying that

>"Get Out was about white liberals"
He doesn't say this in the interview, OP you liar.

I don't get it why most comedians at some point convince themselves that everyone is generally interested in their personality or worldview. It's not right. People love you because you're funny. So tell a fucking joke or get out, lol.

The main characters are all niggers though. what

i understand they might feel the need to be taken more seriously at some point. most of them are probably interested in art and comedy doesn't enjoy a lot of prestige as an artform so they will want to make something more serious. mostly they don't really succeed but if they do, i don't see the problem.

You are so fucking stupid

I remember Yea Forums liking Get Out. The only rift I saw was people who thought it was a pure blood horror movie (it plainly wasn't) as opposed to a clever satire with scary moments (which it was).

that doesn't mean it's about race though, just like a movie with just white people isn't automatically about race

Hi retard, at least correct me, so I can learn something (in Italy, usually, French was the second language for boomers like me).

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Doesn't Tyler Perry already do this?

>if a movie centers around non-whites it's racebaiting
this is your brain on /pol/

It’s not so much that they aren’t woke enough, it’s that they are disingenuously woke. They’re virtue signalling basically.


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kek black twitter memes are unironically funny as fuck. So is black comedy.

>black protagonists trigger me

If only the premiss of the movie would become real, but only with trailer park trash.

Makes sense. A based and redpilled from me.

> suckerpunching someone for raising his hand

lmao the fragility.

Which guy? the nigger in the picture? Who is that? Besides being a nigger, why should I hate him?

Don't you have to be in another thread, explaining how white girls not wanting to fuck you is white genocide, cancer faggot?

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This movie was kind of about you. You seem to want to pretend there’s no historical context to the race relations in this country. That everybody is on an equal playing field because the 60s are behind us. People held hands across the nation so racism is over forever, what are these blacks complaining about? Why isn’t there a white history month? Why do people get mad at me if I say the n-word?

have sex

>if they can act like babies so CAN I
>the lines between huwhites & blacks is so very thin...

It’s retarded to be so assblasted about the past. Racism is here and there, but if anything, people get really ducking pissed off at white people who don’t think black people should be able to use the race card for every little fucking thing.

>Commiting 50% of violent crimes despite only being 13% of the population? What kind of black people shit is this?

“Black people should have different standards than white people! I’m not interested in actually ending racism, I just want people to be racist against white people and I want to give black people an infinite race card.

>>if they can act like babies so CAN I
Equality's a bitch.

I don’t think it’s retarded to be assblasted about the past when it domino effects into the present and future. Prevents the past from being repeated.


Gay retard

>I don’t think it’s retarded to be assblasted about the past
There's your problem

>Without a father

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eh, that's just one joke and it's in character, doesn't seem like racebait to me
peele is honestly pretty based for this flick, think the hollywood cabal was a bit slow in catching on to the fact that he wasn't going to pander 100% of the time otherwise they would have (((shut him down))) before now

But doctor... I am /pol/ incels


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At some point you just have to get the fuck over it and move on. When is the past too far in the past to bitch about for you? I was born in '98, not involved in any of this race bullshit, not going to feel guilty or change my behavior over shit that happened 40 years before I was born. And I don't care if you don't like it.

>Prevents the past from being repeated.

Except we are repeating the past just with the roles reversed.

The dab on the jannies was so hard that even simple posters got bootyblasted

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I saw a commercial; that called US the greatest horror movie of all time. Is this true?

Context does not change the dynamic with people alive today
With that logic you would have to accept and sympathize with the fact your asking a race of peope who seen you as shit to accept you as equal when you have still not earned it.

If we are suppose to play nice with each other no one gets to be racist

Sure that's pretty retarded, creates division and hatred in the back of blacks mids against whites of today who had literally nothing to do black peoples historical anxieties.

or you can just keep pushing hatred and anger onto them to keep them mentally enslaved because you pity the poor negro and that makes you feel better about your self.

Gay retarded redditor

> defends suckerpunching
> immediately starts into routine about white genocide when called out

kek, have sex.

I didn’t make slavery or racism happen, so stop telling me to fix it when it’s already gone.

fucking reply to me you assholes

Doesn’t every horror trailer have a quote like that?


wait what? when was that? did i watch an abridged version or something?

Any time an Ooga Booga does anything, its the greatest thing of all time these days.
Apparently, the "normal" thing to do is to treat all black people like children, who need and a big pat on the back for every single thing they do.

Pretty condescending imo.



It's very quick and in a very tense scene. I only caught the end of it because
a) I was paying attention to other stuff on camera
b)I was pretty fucking nervous tbqh
c) There were several groups of teenagers overreacting to the movie in order to get attention from the other members of their respective groups.
But it is there. Also, I am white and had no problem with it. This movie manages to avoid most cheesy horror tropes.
Except for one.
It is set in America during an invasion of sorts. AND NO ONE SHOOTS A GUN? Science fiction indeed.

He's overrated desu. Get Out was not that good.

You don't have to say ooga booba. You can say dirty fucking nigger fuck

>I just wanted to make a modern doppelganger movie"
too bad that Don't Look Now exists

>Spike Niggze

Get out was a terrible movie. It was packed full of plot holes. It was obvious race bait. It was boring and anti climatic. All the actors were cringe as fuck except for TSA guy. The first scene of the movie shows that they could just snatch people instead of going through years of fake dating, then brain wash him, it fails as a comedy, it fails as horror, and it fails as suspense.

He's THE master of suspense. Hitchcock and Kubrick are old dead white dudes and Speilberg is a hasbeen nobody cares about.

Normal people love him more than any other modern director

it's ogre incels

Just saw the movie. The clip where they are watching the news and its about Donald Trump being impeached and they are re celebrating was cringe.

In the end, you're both crybaby faggots.

OK I just saw this piece of shit,
lets just say the cinematography, the score, the imagery, the aesthetics, OH GOD THE ACTING (Elisabeth Moss is unbelievable), everything was perfect. But the allegory or message gets lost in how thin the plot is, the amount of holes in it
it just ruins what could've been an amazing movie, and that's why I'm mad

Its about the class divide in America, right?

Sad thing is I have no idea if this is bait or not because I wouldn't put it past any modern director to be this retarded. See: Spike Lee.

Imagine being a cinephile and justifyin an artist's work with the word 'competent'.

That's gonna be a hard pass for me, Shlomo.

Get Out was shit because its social commentary was so forced. Fuck off, we get it.

Us was far better imo becuase of the subtlety. At first I thought there was going to be a major racial componen, as the white family is an obvious foil for Lupita's. It turns out the movie is more about privelege, how two identical people turn out differently based on their circumstances, and how those people will kill each other to get the better end of the deal.

In the end, the doppelgangers and the originals are all equally guilty.

*Every horror directed by an African American

>a movie with surface level symbolism

no thanks

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>It turns out the movie is more about privelege
The irony being the director has had a very privileged life and isn't doing anything with that privilege except virtue signaling how totes bad privilege is. Fucking hypocrite.

>Why does Yea Forums hate this guy again?

>racism is gone
Imagine being this sheltered

Except that joke has been done a million times with grape drank, fried chicken, etc., have you never seen a black movie?

fucking thick cretin

>"Get Out was about white liberals"
Holy fucking shit I didn't realize how based this man is

REMOVE /pol/
REMOVE /pol/
REMOVE /pol/

I think when Dave Chappelle accuses you of doing "his show" for 10 years I don't think you get to just go
>hey guise I don't want to be the "race" guy XD
Keep dreaming.

>makes a normal movie but has a black cast
>incel poltards still flip their shit
Cry more, faggots

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