What are some other times when adaptations surpassed the original source?

What are some other times when adaptations surpassed the original source?

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You can't "surpass" what doesn't exist. The writer literally abandoned the series.


no retards

Book is obviously ready and final one possibly as well but he's withholding them as a D&D favour to not steal the series' thunder.

Hunt for Red October
Star Wars (original draft was bad)
Captain America
Iron Man

>Star Wars (original draft was bad)

That wasn't source material it was just Lucas' original bad ideas.

This sounds like cope.
I really, really hope you're right, but it still sounds like cope.

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This is either the ultimate cope for the fatfuck is just a gigantic cuck
>n-no d&d you finish my story for me

The Godfather

HBO is prolly just paying him a fuckton to withhold book release, nothing mysterious about it

Yeah, right. More like fat boy has already cashed his checks for his other books and no longer gives a fuck. He's got a date with the reaper and his publisher's lawyers can't fuck with him in Hell.

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Scott Pilgrim movie
The Thing
James Bond films
The Princess Bride
Who Framed Roger Rabbit

true grit
3.10 to yuma
das boot

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Fight Club
The Terror

The Princess Bride

Somebody needs to slit GRRM's throat.

grrm was contractually obligated to delay the release of the book until the show was finished

>Iron Man
When comics of Tony Stark being a big Chad caught up in corporate espionage exists no. Dumb MCUck.

it never ends. that was the whole fucking point of the war against the targaryens before the books. the whole epic war against the mad king which brought peace to the whole realm. tho lol it didnt really because the game of thrones never ends. fucking brainlets journalists should all kill themselves. worthless trash.

No Country for Old Men
>the terror
I preferred the book

Coming to an end in a pretty shitty way.