Midsommar will be a "Wizard of Oz for Perverts", says Director



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eyo dese wypipo b crazy niggums

Do you also have a problem with The Wicker Man?

The Wizard of Oz is already pretty gay by itself

imagine having sex

yes actually it's the thought wank of an anglo director who is the natural enemy of the Gaelic man and seeks to portray him in a bad light in his media

that said there's no Gaelic traditions on the Isles of Scotland or the West of Ireland that has anything like that but there's traditions in Scandinavia where they dress traditionally and the women dance around that yggdrasil thing with the garlands and whatnot that they feature prominently in this, it's pretty obvious Get Out tier shite only this time it isn't about cray cray whypipo upper middle class liberals or anything

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I wonder who could be behind this post

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The Wicker Man was from decades ago, made by mostly English people, and not part of a multi-film rut about modern evil white pagans. Every film A24 makes is Soviet-tier propaganda, effortfully ignoring some prominent undiscussed social problem with a non-existent evil white analog. Why isn't Room about a Muslim? Why wasn't Hereditary about London Africans practicing voodoo? They're going to make a movie about the Rape of Nanking, it will be titled Those White Nazi Devils.

Does anyone want spoilers? Especially about that deformed lil nibba

>defending modern gayganism

What an interesting concept.

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Protip: that doesn't work coming from the same people who want to normalize pedophilia, cross-dressing, and weight gain 3000.

wait who are we talking about

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You have a mental illness. Please seek help.

Someone exactly like you did not get proper psychological help and murdered 50 people just a week ago. Get help before you hurt yourself or other people. Your thoughts are not normal.

>Why isn't Room about a Muslim? Why wasn't Hereditary about London Africans practicing voodoo?
user did you know that the director made a short film about gay incest in an African American family? Of course you don't because you weren't here in 2011 when that short was Yea Forums's favorite film back then.

Right, and that would at least be semi-OK if it was not totally made up. Filmmakers (not A24) made a movie vaguely based on Jonestown. I haven't seen it so I don't know if they whitewashed the bit about Jim Jones being primarily a ghetto phenomenon whose targets were overwhelmingly black. But that's still a scary thing that really happened and for which an evil white person (Jones) is responsible. A24 takes things that are really happening at the hands of non-white people, then makes a fantasy movie in which white people are responsible. They sacrifice authenticity and cinematic power to be able to cling to their racism.

Fuck off back to reseterareddit

But everything he just said is true. Like how handmaid's tale is islam society but in the show its evil white right wingers

>oh but he did this one thing once
Not sure what this is supposed to mean.



It means fuck off newfag, Ari Aster is the master of dindins

I wish you people would read 1984 like you all said you would.


Newsflash fuckface, more people disagree with you than you think. Fuck niggers, fuck sandniggers, and fuck faggots like you especially

Go shoot up a church, fattie

>Yea Forums promoted fat acceptance even once in its history
Nope. Being fat and pretending that 2+2=5 are not interchangeable.

What if I’m a pervert and I already like The Wizard of Oz?

Man I really hope that script I wrote about me going back in time and hanging out with Mohammad's nine year old wife while he's out slaughtering 800 jews gets greenlit.

>Someone exactly like you did not get proper psychological help and murdered 50 people just a week ago

Compared to the 100+ Christians that were killed by Muslims recently, I'd say it's small beans.

>wicker man remake
>reeee genocide!!!!
Wow you incels get offended over literally anything

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What the fuck does this even mean?

>yeah, but they do it too!

I thought whites weren't savages and that your "culture" was worth saving? Guess not.

>spend literally decades calling out racism
>white people start calling out racism a lot more overt than the kind you spent decades calling out
>start throwing a shitfit
It's pretty obvious how evil our culture is becoming, bro, no matter how much you try to shame people for noticing biases against them.

You didn't actually think that, tho.

Seems like you're even more offended, Reddit

there is not enough imagination in the world for me to imagine you having sex user

Looks like a poor man's Apostle.

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>Conquest of the Americas
>christianity culpability
lol wut, was a land conquering thing, who was the retard who did this. Also nice forgetting about 60 million death chineses

Germany has been defeated and gone for almost 80 years, this is a Jewish world now and a Jewish name.

I think what he's trying to convey is that Midsommar is thematically a "happy-go-lucky" movie on the surface but with a side of perverseness, so basically Lynchian.

It’s not even about midsommar tho. It’s an unrelated ritual that takes place every 90 years

that wasnt youre original question though, so dont confuse me

Wtf, I live in Midsomer in the UK. We don’t need this shit.
It’s bad enough “oh where all the murders happen lol?”

Fucking No

midsommar is swedish the movie takes place in sweden you will never see people as white as those in this movie in england only sweden