This guy comes up and slaps your yeoman on the ass, what do you do?

this guy comes up and slaps your yeoman on the ass, what do you do?

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btw this is your yeoman

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laugh my ass off this is funniest episode on tv history ever.

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no can do this episode causes uncontrollable laughter.

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This is my O face.

Isn’t this episode literally just a ripoff of the Pilot and that Twilight Zone story?

Entirely too many Ayy Lmaos with godlike power in the Star Trek universe.



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The Cage?

For me, it's the sequel.

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space is big user

>its the 23rd century
>every planet is mind shattering anomaly, some terrible new ayy that just wants to eat you, or godlike entities that go out of their way to fuck with you just because
What kind of personality disorder do you need to voluntarily join starfleet in the TOS era?

>What kind of personality disorder do you need
a sense of adventure you rube

I've got a sense of adventure. I like camping, rock climbing, sky diving, but if I knew the woods were full of spae shifting salt vampires, I'd keep my happy ass at home because my sense of self preservation kicks in.
Being a junior officer on an away mission is a guaranteed death sentence.
Think you're safe because you stay on the ship? Good fucking luck, because you're stationed at console with super heated plasma that's waiting to explode in your face when the computer has a bad day.
If you're not the command crew of the flagship of the federation you're probably going to die in the most gruesome way possible.

so u got a sense of adventure when nothing bad can happen and it's all controlled

doesn't sound very adventurous to me

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yeah you don't have a sense of adventure
it requires danger

>when nothing bad can happen
Nigger, I jump out of airplanes for fun. There's only one way that something bad DOESN'T happen.
At least if my chute doesn't open I splat on the ground. In trek winding up with plasma burns over 98% of your body talking through a flashing light in an antigravity wheelchair is the best case scenario for 99% of the people onboard.

what the fuck happened to her? She just disappears in middle of season 1.

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i wouldn't equate thrillseeking to a sense of adventure, though they are similar

Majel Barret had joined the cast and she persuaded Gene to get rid of her since he was a terminal horn-dog and she knew it was only a matter of time before he went after her. There was only going to be one homewrecker on the show and it was going to be her.

Sorry, not Pilot, I meant Where no man has gone before.

>Computer, load the 'Sonic Visits the Train Station' autist containment program on holodeck 3; keep 'My Little Pony plays Super Smash Bros.' on standby just in case.
>Initiate site-to-site transport.
>Disable safety protocols.

>tfw its so rare I get to be a pedantic prick about TOS
It's actually the "second" pilot, the first episode filmed with Kirk, but it's the third episode in broadcast order (after charlie X) and has been the source of nerd arguments longer than anyone on Yea Forums has been alive.

Adventure isn’t just an adrenaline rush or doing dangerous shit, it’s about blazing a trail into the unknown. Skydiving is cool, but it’s been done before.

Honestly, playing Sanic on the holodeck would be pretty fucking awesome.

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>he doesnt go innawoods
You people don't really just shitpost from your basements all day every day do you?
Besides that, as bad as things could get for me out there, I don't have to worry about someone putting my fucking molecules together wrong.
Its Twilight Zone set on a wagon train to the stars.

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