Is it blackino?
Is it blackino?
Yes but not in a “dindus good wypipo bad” way
My friends and I cant wait to see “Us” !!
the guy in the magenta shirt in the back is cute
Yes, it's great. Not a perfect film but more ambitious and exciting than Get Out. AMA.
why do you lie?
The concensus is essentially.
>Twist is predictable. Be it that is a good thing or not is up to you the viewer.
>The rules of the Doppelgangers are all over the place and convoluted and seems to contradict one another.
Fixing some writing in the movie
>Addy focuses more on the accident she had when she was 14, instead of the one line she mentions. Use this to explain that she fell off the stage, causing her amnesia to forget her life underground.
>Lose the grandscale invasion. Make it just the one family as it makes it more personal for those involved (red/addy)
>Have Red more focus more on replacing Addy, showing that it’s more like she wants her life back.
>In Red’s fairytale, have her mention that it was a bunch of people that were cutting into her when she gave birth to pluto. This at least will allow the shadows to move around underground to be closer to their above ground selves, otherwise it would seem impossible for any pairs to match the above. (though this brings up question about cars and shit though)
>Have the red pajamas as part of the shadows’ main attire since the beginning. Sure while it is because of the thriller shirt, but the problem comes from the fact that the undergrounds has cloths that matches the above people at all despite not having anything down below where those cloths are.
>Loose the explanation of the Tethered that Red gives. Red is clearly an unreliable narrator overall as she is just the real girl that has been broken over 30 years so badly she believes she is one of them. If you leave the idea that these tethered are magical/dopplegangers to begin with then at least alot of their shit can be hand waved.
Fuck off JIDF and resetera with your subversive shit. Useless parasites, all of you.
This movie was so retarded I can't believe I let Yea Forums talk me into it
I personally loved it. Not nearly as scary as Hereditary, but it is an excellent thriller. The whole second act is pure cat and mouse, and it succeeds immensely in being suspenseful. It’s a very well done “edge of your seat” movie. It doesn’t really have any progressive themes at all. Even if your a red pilled /pol/tard, there’s literally nothing that should trigger you. If the family was white it would have made no difference. The third act is the weakest, but it’s still not bad at all. Has multiple decent twist.
Overall, /pol/ btfo once again (kidding). Seriously it gets an 8/10 from me, and I would recommend seeing it in theatres.
Depends how much white guilt you have.
It was great. Not as good as i espected tho.
The better parts where the dark humor scenes.
Madea is
>playing "Fuck Tha Police" while a black family kills a white family
Sure sounds like it!
What was her end-game?
Why were no guns?
It's basically a zombie movie
I walked out of the theater when they revealed the twist. It pissed me off so much. Throughout the entire film I was hoping they wouldn't go there.
>Black conservatives are the devil!
Just read the synopsis on wiki.
>the doubles are a result of a cloning experiment by the government
>the final twist is inconsequential
>Thriller! Kept me on the edge my seat!!
Wowie! It invoked a lower, harmful emotion in you! Whoa, cortisol flooding whole body!!! AWESOME!!! 10/10
fucking garbage
>kill surface world normie counterparts
>form giant human chain across the entirety of the continental US so that all of the upperworld knows your people exist
So, you walked out when the credits started to roll?
Get Out is a modern horror masterpiece. Us is just decent.
Yeah, I didn't stay for the credits to finish scrolling. That's how mad I was.
i hope you spilled your 90% full extra-large coke of cola all over the seats and floor, fuck these theater scabs man, unironically
I just can't watch any of Peele's "horror" movies because Rotten Tomatoes sucks him off so hard for their SJW diversity agenda. He could shit on a film reel and they would give him a perfect score.
Actually the soda machine was broken.
unironically pleb filter
>doesn't know how RT works
Sorry but Us opening scene is way better then the entirely of Get out
>the doppels match your movements but only when it's convenient to you
>Red somehow rallying an entire nation of doppels despite them not having their own agency
liked the movie but giving the doppels more than 5 seconds of thought really pulls the whole thing apart
Felt more "horror" immersion in US, than in Get Out.
The twist is at the very end of the movie. Were you about to shit your pants or something?
Strange how much of that would actually fix the issues the movie has
Liked the movie but found Lupitas """spooky voice""" pretty cringeworthy to be honest. And the twist was weird. Not in a good way but I don't really know what Peele was trying to do with that at all or what purpose it served.
t. Peele
I just saw it today, its actually pretty good, the twist kind brought it down quite a bit for me, and the double twist was the dumbest most pointless twist in the history of cinema. But overall I had a good time with 90% of it.
Sure, nigger. Why not.
Soundtrack was great
>Liked the movie but found Lupitas """spooky voice""" pretty cringeworthy to be honest
That's what people sound like when their vocal cords is damaged
It sounded like she ate a habanero before she read her lines, and it was distracting.
How about this instead
I never got the impression that she had amnesia, but it's possible I guess. They did have more things below, we just didn't see it. I feel like a lot of it can be explained away by the psychic connection and the government that we didn't see. I agree that it would be better if she tried to replace the woman instead of the way the twist was handled.
I think revealing the twist early on so it's ambiguous who to "cheer on" would have been much better.
Who are you quoting? I didn't laugh at her voice and I would've found it weird if anyone did. It was cringe not funny.
I thought her creepy voice was really well done.
So you walked out at the end?
I honestly had to hold back laughing when she first started talking for the sake of the others watching it. I thought "God I hope she doesn't do this for the entire movie." Definitely brought the performance down a bit for me at least.
I think you might be on the spectrum.
>you criticize one thing in a movie I like so you're autistic
real genius
I have no problem with you criticizing it, but the fact that you had to hold back laughter during a serious scene for the sake of others says a lot.
This is a great poster for retrospect.
>show little girls doppleganger grabbing her around the neck
>everyone realizes it's going to be in the movie
>doesn't show it until the very end
>it's the big """twist"""
If Peele or anyone in production thought they could do this and movie goers wouldn't figure out the "twist" long before the end then I don't know what to believe
>show little girls doppleganger grabbing her around the neck
>everyone realizes it's going to be in the movie
What are you talking about?
I meant that it's in the trailer for "Us"
The trailer for the movie had the scene where the Adelaide's tether attacked her in the house of mirrors
going to see Us tonight with some friends (they all wanted to see it, i wanted to get out of my fucking room on a friday for once but have never wanted to see it so I'm biting the bullet). what am I in for? no spoilers pls bros
Why the fuck would you watch a trailer in 2019?
Leave the thread before you get spoiled.
Pretty good movie with shitty twist. If not for that dumb twist it might have actually been unironic kino.
To generate interest in a movie
Nobody is falling for your act
>Why the fuck would you watch a trailer in 2019?
What does that have to do with anything? It's still stupid to put that in the trailer.
i'm dead serious though, is it actually surprisingly decent/good or does it live up to all the memes about it being
>le black man directs mediocre movie
>receives heaps of praise by media and critics
All trailers these days show the entire plot, spoilers and the end scenes. You won't see many surprises in a film if you've seen all the trailers and previews for it.
If you're dead serious you wouldn't be on this board asking what you're in for while asking people not to spoil it or post the damn frog.
You might not love it, but it's not a bad horror movie. It's a home invasion movie with some surprises. I prefer Get Out though.
I saw the trailer for Bad Times at the El Royale, it didn't spoil the entire movie
US is just the last 15 minutes of Get Out stretched to fit 2 hours.
That whole segment was hilarious.
Just watched it. Boring as fuck.
Would unironically rather watch Captain Marvel a second time.
It was pretty great. I think I loved everything about this film apart from the writing.
Fuck, the opening sequence was so good!
Loved all the musical choices in Peele's films, if nothing else.
The gregorian chants and the afrobeat mixed in is fucking inspired. Feel like i'm on some AKIRA shit. Haunting and engaging all at once.
Also, how many doubles and references to monsters living underground did you guys catch?
So many shots had literal mirror images of things.
The Stephen King reference at the very beginning was nice, too.
I liked that it takes place in Santa Cruz since I go to the Boardwalk a decent amount of times. Music was good, I like black music. Opening scene was kino. The rest of the movie was just so boring desu, I did like the last fighting scene though. It's a shame no one died.
>Get Out is a modern horror masterpiece
more like a modern sjw pandering type of movie
pretty good horror about cultural war and split we're living in, more redpilled than i thought it would be
>Opening scene was kino
What part in particular? The Michael Jackson shirt?
What’s the hidden subtext to Us?
It’s that those we think of as our enemies are really just…us. They may be disaffected, they may not be as privileged, but they are still people. They are, as Adelaide’s Red Character calls her people, “Americans.” This isn’t a black vs white thing, either: Since the movie has a hilarious and riveting sequence showing the “other” versions of the family’s white friends. Anyone can be disaffected.
The point here is that there are a lot of “us” in our society that we have chosen not to see. They live in slums, sleep under cardboard, and beg for scraps. But they are us. They’re not some other people. They’re not our enemies, at least not inherently.
The message of the movie is: We shouldn’t divide ourselves into groups because we are all people. If the Adelaide character who torments the family in the movie was just another subterranean monster then the movie is just an “us” vs “them” story. Instead, a person who lived down there switched places and spent most of her life “up here.” She learned to talk, to laugh, to love. She proved that if everyone had the same chance to live as she did, everyone could be just as happy as she is.
That’s what’s so amazing about the movie: For 99% of it, you’re conditioned to think of the red-clad people as the bad guys, but the whole premise of the movie is false (on purpose). Those “bad guys” are doing bad things but the people aren’t bad, inherently; they’re bad because they were brought up that way, raised to be bitter and resentful against those who had it easy. The film’s use of the cheesy Hands Across America gimmick highlights that idea: A bunch of privileged people held hands one afternoon to “raise awareness” for underprivileged people. And after they were done holding hands, they went back to their nice homes and comfortable lives…and forgot that everyone else still had problems.
I’ve come to the unfortunate conclusion before now that just because something is in a trailer, doesn’t necessarily mean it will be in the movie.
guys, remember that Simpsons episode where Bart had an evil twin (Hugo) that was locked up in the attic, but that evil twin had some master plan to get back at Bart for having a decent life but then it turned out Bart was actually the evil twin and not Hugo?
is this movie just white people bad again
>references to monsters living underground
I don’t recall many of these except the Jaws shirt (not underground, but still, a monster from the “depths” of the ocean). What were some of the ones you noticed?
>She learned to talk, to laugh, to love. She proved that if everyone had the same chance to live as she did, everyone could be just as happy as she is.
lol it's not real though.
It's not.
Is that really a message and not just common sense?
Oh no, everyone understood that part.
Its just that when you take into account how this is presented through the villain protagonist, you'll realize that this most of this motif is thematically contradictory.
The dopplegangers barbarity isnt just a response to abuse- its inherent to their personality. The final sequence shows this when the villain protagonist brutally murders her surface double and supplants her. She's not just defending herself- she enjoys hurting people.
Her gleeful slaughter of the dopple-twin shows glimpses of her true nature and flashbacks as a changeling show her clearly enjoying her parents grief.
Its why the surface son does not trust her at the end of the movie.
The Red Suits arent just victims, they are evil. And the film explicitly highlights this.
Its part of why the third act crumpled for me. The premise and the second act were kino, though.
Here are a list of massive plot holes that make absolutely no sense ;
Why is the facility still up and running with full power, lights, and a working fucking escalator if the government abandoned it
The government created a facility that could be easily accessed via an exit door and escalator with ZERO security, literally nothing to prevent entry or escape.
The government would abandon a project of this scale and do absolutely nothing to stop it, they just left it and said yea whatever ?
The dopplegangers lived there for decades and they were able to get an unlimited supply of food and clothes ??
The facility is sparkling clean , even though its abandoned ... if the dopplegangers are tethered they would literally be pissing and shitting everywhere.
How is it possible that people in the outside world were not able to cause multiple untethered people from escaping accidentally due to the fact that the inside of the facility is finite.
How is it possible that anyone could be that close to their own dopplegangers if they are tethered when they are all underground with such a limited amount of space it is not possible for them to get that close if they have no ability to control their actions
How were the dopplegangers able to give birth without massive complications.
How were there that many rabbits when the place had rabbits locked in cages so they couldn't fuck like rabbits and reproduce.
How is it possible that the dopplegangers were able to get ALL THOSE SUPPLIES
How is it possible that the dopplegangers were able to shower, cut their hair, brush their teeths , cut their nails etc.
None of this makes any sense if these people are forced to perform the actions of who ever is on top because they cannot sustain themselves or do anything that would lead to anything functioning.
What happens to a doppleganger when the person on top decides to commit suicide or flys a plane or enters a plane or during 9/11 or during swimming, or during drowning.
I know how they work. They push political agendas while pretending to score movies.
it's a movie.
Yes. And it is not a racial conflit kind of movie, pretty universal actually. Anyone can identify with the characters. bretty good.
is that the one where they move to ol Simpson place
Negroes are easily impressed by common sense.
what do you mean double twist? Just saw it, there's no "double" twist.
or getting hit by a car or driving in a car or climbing or hiking or getting mauled by a dog. There are so many possibilities that make no sense because the dopplegangers would not be able to attempt to do so.
There is no way generations of these people could exist, how were babies fed or changed or kept alive AT ALL , anyone notice how there was a clear lack of children present apart from the main character like come on, I could go on for like 30 more plotholes but you get my point.
Is this a quote?
If you pay careful attention to the title sequence, you'll see a videotape for "C.H.U.D.", a movie about cannibals who live in the sewers.
"Chud" is also a ritual that the children perform to defeat the monster in Stephen King's IT. IT has monster who lives in the sewers, and has the power to produce dopplegangers to lure victims it can feed on.
Stop being a bitch
They were not always psychically connected with their doppel. One would presume that they ate, used the bathroom or whatever when they were not. The kid was able to lead his doppel into the fire at one point.
The chanting and stuff was cool, but most of the score was just generic orchestral shit. It just made everything feel kind of phoney and old.
Other than Lupita's expression and the way she kill her doppel, what makes you believe that the underground people are inherently evil?
Remember the part in the woods? She knew.
>Remember the part in the woods?
No? elaborate?
It's an allegory. No one takes allegories that literal. I bet you think you're smart because you can find "contradictions" in The Bible.
>No one takes allegories that literal.
No but you can't get away with presenting elements of a world without delving even slightly deeper into them/trying to root them in reality in any way
it's shit
>No but you can't get away with presenting elements of a world without delving even slightly deeper into them/trying to root them in reality in any way
You can if you don't have autism.
I was gonna say she knew it was her real daughter that was dying but that doesn't make sense since she got replaced when she was a kid. But I still get the impression that she knew (where she came from) when I look back on the scene. She seemed remorseful.
I think the grand scale stuff is meant to represent a real life movement
Whether that movement is the disenfranchised rising up or immigration or whatever is up to you but it's clear it's meant to be an allegory for something happening country-wide irl
Oh I see what you mean - I didn't piece that together
Not that user but good catch... Like Get out it's gonna play well on second viewing.
The Tethered family's gesturing and clicking and shit was sick desu, the first time especially was a pitch perfect spooky flourish
I thought the doppels did have agency but were just too animalistic and primal from being kept underground
Most of your points are valid, but
>The dopplegangers lived there for decades and they were able to get an unlimited supply of food??
I think that’s what the rabbits were supposed to be for. Unlimited rabbits (and it is admittedly easy to make many more of them very quickly) means unlimited food, and they expressly state that the doubles ate raw rabbit meat. Of course, that only opens up further questions, like how the dopplegangers’ human bodies could survive on the nutritional value of rabbit meat alone, or like you said, when were the rabbits breeding, or how were the rabbits being cared for otherwise: food, water, grooming? But they did make a weak effort to at least explain what they were eating, and the half assed answer was “rabbits.”
rabbit is delish
There's a bunch of jumpscares but otherwise it's fine.
I have to still process it, but am I wrong that the implication was that Adelaide, raised above for 12 years or whatever, was able to lead the inssurection from below *bc* of that? Like she was their Messiah not just for dancing but for being advanced or different and was thus able to control them like a hivemind?
What's it about?
What is the symbolism behind the doppels using scissors and red suits?
Why addy didnt try to escape the doppel bunker like her clone?
Red's the messiah because she can be the puppeteer to Addy. You see it in the classroom fight. Addy mirrors Red's position and movement initially, but Red has the agency to go on the offensive.
Consumerism, middle class privilege. For "us" to do well, by necessity "they" can't.
It's about communism and cutting up the constitution so blacks can be free and sheeit
what do you guys think of the theory that the son was tethered the whole time too
Could be bc it seems like something was up but what's the basis or any notable clues for this theory?
The red suits were because the Hands Across America advertising used red silhouettes, and she wanted to recreate that image of a bunch of red people holding hands.
The scissors are a tool for cutting things, like cutting strings, and so were determined to be appropriate symbolic tools for the “untethering” where they were going to “cut their tethers.
Scissors work doubly well because they are a symmetrical tool made of two identical parts that are attached and mirror one another.
itt and society: a mediocre horror movie gets praise because its black people
The dopplegangers of the Tyler family immediately dispatch of their surface twins, but they take the time to lure and torture the Wilson's- particularly the father and villain protagonist.
Pay careful attention to the reactions of the dopple-Tylers- the manic indecision of the wife's twin- between personal vanity, her dopple-husband's stalking of Gabe, the potential disfigurement of Lupita's character. Its their not out to avenge any wrongdoings- that mechanism
s done. The real Tyler family is dead. If they were just out to have their time in the sun, as the real Adelaide said, they would have stopped after the initial murder. But they keep killing. And theyre clearly enjoying that.
They're just trying to hurt as many people as they can.
I wont go into the explanation for their behavior, because its clear that its intentionally muddled. But if we follow her insane logic, the real target of the dopplegangers fury should be the initial instigators of the project-The US govt. and not the people they were engineered to "tether"
So you're either saying don't think about anything you saw in this movie past the initial viewing and just let it slip out of your head forgotten without ever considering anything about it or it's world or characters. Or, alternatively, only think about it in this one particular sense thinking of these particular aspects and never ever think past that point, because if you think about it in this certain way with nothing but emotions it all makes sense, but if you think about it the 'wrong' way with your head it doesn't make sense and it shouldn't have to because you thought about it the wrong way?
Even religions add in an omnipotent character who can fix most of these errors, you're asking people to be dumber watching this movie than they are in religion.
>"I don't close creative doors because I don’t know where I’ll be in a few years. There's greater mythology involved with this movie, as there was with Get Out, that is not even in there, so there's room for more stories in the Us universe," he explained.
So what would you like to see in the sequel? He's cited Romero before and the parallels are there in Us, this is his Living Dead series.
didn't you get the memo? anything black is kino!!!
More to the point, if all the doppels underground just mirror the surface world, how was she let out of the handcuffs?
A person would have had to mirror that action aboveground for a doppel to be able to "see" her and set her loose.
How would she have found a key?
On her own?
Im not actually concerned with this, but I just thought that part was amusing.
>tfw can't tell if movies are good nowadays or are just mass propganda that people think they should like because of social pressure
If he was gonna make a sequel in the first place, he should have let the first movie just focus on a home invasion involving the one family, and left the apocalypse and nation-wide protest for the sequel.
Now that the entirety of America has been fucked because the dopplegangers rose up and killed so many people, there’s not many places for the story to go. Unless they made a prequel, which would probably feel pretty pointless anyway.
He wises up awful quick and outsmarts his double, but I chalked it up to him being precocious, and not due to supernatural means.
(That Firestarter sequence was great.)
He's clearly disturbed by learning the truth about his mother and refuses to get near her at the end of the film.
If he was tethered, I dont think he would have behaved the way he did.
based as fuck, their kind are not welcome on this board.
The twist was bascially the groundwork for the entire theme, but it was kind of obvious at the same time.
It doesn't make any sense that they mirrored their activities 24/7. Since Adelaide was smarter, she probably convinced someone to let her loose. Also Jason got his doppel to mirror his movement in the surface world to walk backwards into the fire, so it's not only mirrored in a surface/underworld type way.
My take on the people holding hands:
The main character is driven insane by being kidnapped at a young age. In her search for meaning the vision of the world in unity holding hands that she saw on television prior to being kidnapped becomes her religious symbol.
Her childish, twisted worldview is developed to think this vision for a world in harmony must be attained for her own redemption/sanity. But ironically kill everyone on earth just to join hands in harmony?? What exactly will that human chain they've created achieve for the betterment of humanity? Not shit. It's an empty, gratuitous gesture that's more of a marketing campaign than a practical solution for saving the world.
I think it speaks to the empty virtue signaling and vapid gestures portrayed through media that purport to show a solution to a chaotic world (a quaint image of everyone holding hands in unity). It's almost like she developed her whole worldview through that commercial..speaks to how powerful these grand (yet empty) symbols are, especially to children. The truth is that many young people literally develop their interpretation of the world through television and deceitful images they see receive through media.
Anyways that's what I got out of it.
he was making tunnels at the beach, his supposed tether's mouth is burned, how protective adelaide is of him
Maybe he's talking about the underworld as being the first twist, but that's more of a reveal than a twist.
Every time I see this title I read it as (you)s.
The thing about plotholes is that most people don't care about them so long as you adhere to one question
>What am I getting out of it?
You'll be hard pressed to find too many people who think Jurassic Park sucks because the T-rex suddenly appeared at the end. Just the opposite, most will say how cool the Raptor VS T-rex fight was and how amazing it looked at the time. It's a massive plothole that makes no sense and ruins the tension of the raptors attack, but it was cool and unexpected enough it gets a pass.
So, moving the question on, what did the audience get for leaving these errors in, and what would have been there instead if they'd left it out?
More like SJW criticizing movie.It literally shits on white libtards that wished they were black.
>movie with all white cast
>an array of different hair colors and types, eye colors, and skin features such as freckles, tans, etc
>movie with all black cast
>everyone has the same exact hair and eyes and skin
Why is this?
Shame that's not how the media and most of the people who watched it interpreted it, and that's really all that matters.
You see, I dont quite subscribe to that theory, since were shown a more-or-less 1:1 ratio of mirroring during the real Adelaide's flashback sequence..
And its doubtful that real Adelaide was smarter.
Remember, it was the fake Addy's masquerade that inspired this whole spool of events. If fake Addy hadnt escaped (for 30 years, no less), none of this weird fuckery would have come to pass.
The result is kinda hokey, but credit where credit is due.
then why he didn´t refuse the oscar when the white liberals literally handed him just because he was black?
monkeys are a simpler creature user
God forbid you ever discover Asian films
I remember when I was in kindergarten or first grade asking my teacher why black people all have black hair while white people can have all sorts of different colored hair and they sent a letter home that I had to bring back signed by my mom.
But doppel Adelaide wouldn't have escaped if they were mirrored all the time. Unless they were drawn to each other because they were close, but if that was the case why didn't the 11:11 guy discover his doppel first? Also why did Jason's doppel mirror his movement and walk into the fire?
I'm settling into franchise fatigue this season, so Im not sure if I'd welcome a continuation of this universe* as it is.
Peele's good at one-offs. His initial concepts are sound.
He should keep at it.
Self-contained narratives stand out from the chaff, right now. Even if they dont completely succeed at everything they are trying to do.
And I do appreciate that. (As faggoty as that sounds)
I think her glove is alluding to how she got out of the handcuff.
>user who chose to never watch the Monkey King or Detective Dee series
>Unless they were drawn to each other because they were close,
You see, thats what I think. Fake Addy noticed her because she could sense her presence nearby.
> but if that was the case why didn't the 11:11 guy discover his doppel first
I think its implied that he did.
Remember when Jason finds the man on the beach? That's Jeremiah Man's doppel.
The blood on his hands is most likely the blood of his surface twin. Whos body was being carried away by the ambulance when the Wilson's first arrived to the beachfront.
Could be! Maybe she used it to slip out of the cuff.
Is this supposed to be an insult? They look like well adjusted people
Quite enjoyed it up until they started with the reveals and the exposition dump about cloning
What does “tethered” mean in that sense? I don’t understand. Weren’t all doppels tethered?
I doubt it. Peele likely made Get Out "fuck whitey" so no one could whine about him not addressing issues in the black community in later movies.
Oh damn that's pretty unfortunate. Guess I lucked out a bit because I didn't watch the trailer
If he was autistic he would have just laughed without caring though
This board is an honest place. Everywhere else will just say its GOAT
Alright someone just give me the full on spoilers. I don't plan on seeing it, I read everything in this thread and still don't get it
Ah I didn't realize that was him on the beach, but if that is the case, it's strange that it happened in present day and not in the 80s back when Adelaide interacted with her doppel. It's possible I missed something.
I was referring to the other user's question in a roundabout way.
I used "tethered" as a shorthand for dopple. Ineffectively, I suppose. Sorry about that!
What I meant was: I dont think the theory of surface Jason being a changeling, like Fake Adelaide, makes sense.
I think she broke the bones in her hand and the glove is to hide her scars.
Yeah, it confused me while watching it too. It wasnt until I realized that we were seeing the real Jeremiah in Adelaide's flashback that it started to make sense.
Fake Jeremiah has the numbers "11:11" scratched into his forehead. We see him once below ground as a mirror and in the Present Day, on the beach, at the end of the film.
He's in the prayer circle with the other Red Suits. lol
Thats actually a pretty cool idea. Sort of like the Fake Jason has burn scars from burning their "house", the real Adelaide might have broken her hand attempting to escape the underground prison.
besides the quick reproduction what the bunniesmeans?
im still finna see it 5 times
what are the box office numbers looking like
>*as a mirror in the Past
edit. honk honk.
I thought of clones,in the traditional sense. Like Dolly the Sheep. And experimentation on animals in a general sort of way.
They use a rabbit on the logo for "Animal Testing" in the U.S.
Production Budget: $20 million
dopplegangers live underground and one doppleganger snatches little girl and replaces herself in the "real" world. the kidnaped girl goes nuts and becomes leaders of dopplegangers who bust out of the underground tunnels and kill everyone. they form a chain holding hands around the earth cuz crazy chick saw it in a commercial before she was kidnapped
Rabbits are also traditional subjects of magic tricks for stage magicians.
They mirrored the movements of the people in the surface world.
This is a good analysis.
I think the gloves are an MJ thing
It was a logical masterpiece
>California blows budget on shadow clones to win more votes but doesn't realize all of the electoral college votes are blue every time anyways until about 30 some years in
>just leave them all to die
>they dont
>they Get Out
>Cali McNoGuns
The big question this movies rises is..... Do clones have the same SOUL as their original?
This is why I didnt take the real Adelaide's explanation for the doppels as the truth. If you examine the doppels behavior and their method of finding people, its more supernatural than super-soldier govt. experiment.
I think its clear that this is what a child (the real Addy) would have made up to explain her situation and her suffering.
None of the pieces fit together because they cant. She hasnt been chosen by god, the government isnt out to get people, its just some spooky action happening in the sewer that found a way to ..Get Out./spoiler]
I'm sorry.
But seriously, think of the opening quote:
"There are [thousands of miles] of tunnels burried under the U.S. soil. Most of them serve no actual purpose."
No one knows what the tunnels are for, user. The people above ground, including the government, do not know these things exist. In a literal way. They have no connection to the spooks.
they don't have a soul at all, that was the problem. 2 bodies 1 soul
I.. I dont know.
Maybe thats the problem.
The evil twins and the surface dwellers share a soul.
>this board is an honest place
Zoomers are the worst
this is your brain on /pol/
What did he mean by this?
I know so many white kids with soundclouds that ate that music video up. fuck
I wouldn't call it ambitious. It's relatively apolitical compared to Get Out which was risky enough that non-white critics and viewers straight up told white people not to watch it.
I know youre joking, but for real, I thought Adelaide was wearing a "Thriller" shirt in 1986.
Was disappointed when it was something else.
>What are you?
>We are Americans
I smell another Oscar winner bois
So can someone explain to me the ending? Are we all just accepting our indifferences towards one another or were all the dead white bodies a literal message of white race bad colored race good?
Nah, I think they'll pass on this film next year, just to prove they werent being all "affirmative" for kicks.
any time i thought this movie did something interesting or cool the next scene had something stupid as fuck. They could have ditched a few plot elements and it would still have been an original story
So the US government created the Doppelgängers? How did they make a copy of every person that mimics their movements and shit?
Does anyone know the song that was playing at the end of the movie?
Its up here, user! :
I think that's something the real Adelaide made up to cope.
He was just half-shadow. He took more after the mother, while the daughter took after the father.
I'm not joking. It was a Thriller shirt.
she was the clone all along
So how exactly does this movie shit on whites and the orange man? I'm assuming it must in some capacity due to the shill reviews I'm seeing everywhere, and the director's track record.
I don't understand why real Lupita didn't just go up to the surface again after breaking free? That shit had been abandoned for whatever reason
Thanks, finally figured out the sample in
Oh shit!
I wasnt able to see her clothes properly, so I wasnt sure.
Pretty cool.
I thought the revelation was gonna be that she's been in a psychiatric ward every since that night (she probably got molested).
>She remembers the human chain shit from watching TV as a kid so it bleeds into her psychosis
>"The cops will be here in 15 minutes" and "She was gone for only 15 minutes."
>The whole underground looked like a psychiatric ward.
>Rabbits were probably used as therapy animals
>Dancing and the paper crafts she makes with the scissors are how she expresses herself.
Poor people in America get ignored. This shit isn't rocket science.
Imagine being this triggered by absolutely nothing.
lmao at this zoomer thinking any treehouse of horror plot was original
I've read some synopsis of it.
Peele lays down some rules about how the duplicates/originals interact, how things work. Most good horror movie have rules.
But from what I've read Peele contradicts the rules he's already laid out dozens of times.
A dreamscape horror movie is fine. Sometimes you don't need rules and it can just be this ever changing nightmare and it's still a great movie.
But if you DO lay down the rules, then the movie has to follow them. Don't go providing the audience with a set of rules your movie will follow and then disregard those rules because that makes the audience go "Ah, so if X, then Y!" only to be disappointed when that's not the case.
The plot inconsistencies seem amateurish to me. Like it wasn't thought all the way through and instead Peele was just going "This would be creepy. That would be creepy. Ooh this would be creepy too." and just smashed it all together even though it didn't meld well.
It was odd at first because I certainly wasn’t expecting it, but got better later.
He was asking about the movie, if you've seen it why don't you just answer his question instead of spouting buzzwords?
Does anybody have an answer to this?
Are you 12?
there is no answer, she just didn't
Doppels can't resist mirroring unless they're driven to. Red drives them to. Son had more will and drew the other into the fire. Red let "Adelaide" take over so she could dance.
It is niggerino.
>Remember guys, the whites who sympathize with you and actively campaign to undermine their own race are ALSO EVIL!1!!
based hot take
Nice blog post about a movie that you haven't even seen
>Inherently brutal
>Spend literal decades underground in cramped quarters more peacefully than a subway car full of Japanese
>"Adelaide" tries to reason with them several times and even mourns her doppel's childrens' deaths
Also her surface son trusts her, but he's unsettled by everything that's happened. That's why he's petting the rabbit. He accepts things from the underground, if only because it's the only thing he's got for comfort.
I gotcha senpai.
do you think he makes horror movies because he's afraid that he can't make anything actually worthwhile or that if he tries people will hate him? Horror is such a trash genre - even among genre films horror is the bottom of the barrel
>Horror is such a trash genre
Confirmed pleb.
It was a thriller shirt that the doppels made a poor bootleg off, but I don't think the glove was a reference.
>I've read some synopsis of it.
Jesus christ, user...
>reeeeee he wont go and prostrate before the altar off wokeness and see the horror sensation of the year!!!
>how dare he!!!
>The next movie's title is "Mexico" with the "xico" scratched out.
It's possible she didn't know how to at first and she sympathized with the underground people.
It's a mirror image of how cartoons are.
>>Spend literal decades underground in cramped quarters more peacefully than a subway car full of Japanese
user, youre forgetting the parts Addy's story where she said she was raped by doppel Gabe
>"The girl met a handsome prince and feel in love"
>"And the shadow met Abraham and was bonded with him..whether she loved him or not.."
She goes on to describe how the doppel's cut the rape baby (Jason's doppel) out of her stomach when she was unable to give birth normally.
Her accounts of the dopple's origin and her "purpose" are dubious, but I believe she told the truth about those parts, at least.
That's a pretty far cry from harmless.
I dig your interpretation of the rabbit, though. A kid's gotta find comfort where he can, with family like that.
I think I would have enjoyed it more if I wasn't the only white person in the audience and that I wasn't forced to sit in the very first row because there were no other ones available. For two whole hours I had to look straight up and to my right to see the screen. My neck is so freaking sore.
it isn't uncommon (for the past 15 years) for trailers to give away the entire plot for a movie from start to finish; I think the new Pet Sematary trailer leaves out only like the last ten minutes itself
people don't remember
and people don't think
Forced to? Front row is the best row. There wasn't a single black person in my theater.
He's right though. Majority of it is like science fiction - only enjoyable if you like that sort of thing. It's not really an acquired taste and it's not something that appeals to everyone.
real lupita should have brutally murdered fake lupita during the dancing fight scene. Just imagine the shock on the crowd’s face if the one we were led to believe who was the clone ended up murdering what we thought was the original lupita. It would be dark as fuck and it would have had the whole theater talking.
And as the crowd is mad at her for taking over and winning she is the actual OG Lupita. It would conflict a crowd so much.
"Forced to" as in the theater was crowded and the front row were the only open seats.
>There wasn't a single black person in my theater
I live in a suburb that's getting blacker every year.
>doppel's cut the rape baby (Jason's doppel) out of her stomach when she was unable to give birth normally.
Naw she had to do that herself.
The point isn't that they're mindlessly brutal but that they're driven to it, either by their tether or Adelaide. And they're able to be driven not because they're inherently more brutal or inferior, but because they're trapped in 80s mall hell.
Bet it was considered and also filmed.
The worst thing would be if it didn't test well and the original ending got I Am Legend'd
>I live in a suburb that's getting blacker every year.
My condolences. I'm a Swede so I know the feeling. Arabs spreading like a cancer all over the country.
do you think they had lupita have a long shirt on at all times because that donk would be too distracting
>Red wearing under-class minority types created by a ruling, oppressor class to live in torment for the benefit of upper society literally rise up and kill their controllers/torturers because of a based leader figure starting a revolution
Jordan Peele is truly the Joseph Stalin of our time.
If sentimentality is a sophist device used to manipulate many into feeling a certain emotion, as is the case with most Oscarbait, then Peele is guilty of the filmmaker's version of sentimentality--the movie never feels comfortable exploring itself, instead we're constantly pulled in various, nagging directions with action as a distraction and foreshadowing as a strategic placement for a specific payoff, as if we, the audience, are being pulled through the shortest line possible to various distractions and points of ponderance, given the minimal amount of time deemed necessary for these ideas to ferment, and the moment they have fermented having them all recalled back into the foray. The end result is the audience feels smart without thinking, the themes feel proficient but not organic, and the cinematography feels like the binding agent of a pill with a payload to deliver with brutal efficiency rather than an exploration of a visual landscape.
>because they're trapped in 80s mall hell.
What do you think was playing on the underground sound system before it fizzled out from years of overuse?
Peter Gabriel?
Tom Tom Club?
Being trapped in a food court for 30 years should have driven them to something much more drastic.
I could feel the whole theater silently distracted by her ass in that one shot in the early on in the movie where her back was turned.
I don't know, I hven't watched it
>didn’t even watch the movie
>still more pissed off about it than 75% of this thread
We’re hitting some SERIOUS autism levels here.
Has Uncle Armond weighed in on this, yet?
This is a good imitation of his prose.
The last fight was kino
Glad Peele made a decent horror movie without a racism angle, just some clones fucking people up
>epileptic dance editing with 0 impact because we never see anyone dance in the first place
this is your brain on pol
Lupita had a better fight scene in this movie than in Black Panther
have you ever seen a david lynch movie
The twist was at least integrated well into the plot and didn’t come out of nowhere.
thank you for your absolution, loudfriend
It had better choreography than any mcu movie that’s for sure
Is the underground facility like a homage/ rip off of THX 1138? I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm thinking about how most of THX takes place in a big underground city spanning miles.
Surprised he broke the pattern. I mean, he did make one whole movie about that subject.
No. The whole point of the uprising, other than Red's revenge, was to gain the souls that were "rightfully" theirs by killing their topside versions.
i was distracted even with the obvious wardrobe trying to cover it up lol
It doesn't.
>movie theater full of mostly black people
>theater rings out in hoots and applause when the main girl kills the clone girl with a golf club
I wish I was kidding
Or gunning them all down in self defense would also solve the problem thou.
should've spilled a 2-liter from home for that shit
Muzak/smooth jazx version of I've Got 5 On It.
It's sad to me that both of those styles were killed by marketing technicalities and not because people didn't enjoy them.
The government was also wizards.
Watched this in the whitest city in America (literally)
One (1) black person, some fat bitch dating a buff white guy with clear issues. Everybody was silent throughout the entire movie.
Get Out is legitimately mediocre, and I don't care about any of the racial or political context of it.
the big question is: why clone niggers?
There was constant chatter and a few callouts at my screening and it was actually nice after I got over my initial annoyance, because more than once it put a period on a dramatic moment. Like seeing a bunch of replies on a post here or a Carlos poster.
too bad they don't watch horror movies
Was your theater 5 people like mine?
The Chatterer was me, user. Sorry about that. In my defense, I only whisper when a theater is mostly empty.
ok thanks
So they produce identical sperm and both have the exact same sperm out of millions fertilize the egg?
eating nothing but rabbit meat can cause you to starve
jesus christ adam just watch the fucking movie
Yup. Living underground is a hell of a drug.
Run down of the plot??
we Peele Cinematic Universe now
Yes user, people normally cheer when a protagonist beats an antagonist in a horror film
Finding plot holes is dumb. But there is one that bothers me. If underground Adelaide was able to leave, why couldn’t normal Adelaide leave?
why were boomers so fucking retarded with kids?
Is it really "finding" when the holes are blatantly in your face?
This movie had so many fucking Plot holes,
the fact that Tim Heidecker was in this movie made me think it literally Jordan Peele coming up with the dumbest fucking shit he could and still getting 100% on Rotten Tomatoes
>denying kek
felt like it was trying a little hard
Nigga you don't even watch movies.
less complex
The twist didn't hit me like it was supposed to. It's probably because I just watched, "Blade Runner 2049" and I had already worked out this exact moral dilemma presented in both BR2049 and "US"
It's good that tethered Adelaide won. Yes, the parents didn't raise their real daughter, but in the end, it would have been terribly wrong for the real Ad to take her life back. The clone is the one who had those children, the clone fell in love with the husband, the clone made friends and was beginning to live a normal life. The real Adelaide went insane in the tunnel. She orchestrated a mass murder and is responsible for the deaths of millions of people.
The clone didn't even realize which one she was until the end. When she did, it didn't matter because it was already over. She wasn't tied in mind to the real one anymore and was now free to live her life.
In "BR 2049", Kay was a replicant of a real person and even though he was never truly human, his human base lived her entire life locked in a tower while Kay managed to do something good before he died.
If you like him I have news for you, he thinks you are an idiot, he's well stated to hate all his fans and think anyone who thinks what he does is funny is an idiot.
This is coming from someone who loves Tim and Eric, that's just how he thinks and would definitely tell one of his friends to make a movie that would have retards spinning their wheels.
Jordan Peele reads creepy pasta from 2010 and makes a movie out of it with admittedly good cinematography but somehow makes the plot even worse.
She explained that the pint was to control people on the surface. Speak out, resist, get rekt by CIA, get replaced
t. Sam Hyde
was anyone else distracted by how bad every child actor was? young lupita and the song especially but every person under 20 fucking sucked
who died and how?
I just want to let all you redditors know that I went to the gym today and that there’s absolutely nothing you can do to stop me
Could barely take the movie seriously when he was on screen
So was it Horror or a Comedy?
tried to be a horror and failed, realized Tim Heidecker was in the movie and went full comedy in the 2nd half.
How the fuck you lose to your clone twice, guess soulless is better after all.
holy shit, that treehouse episode legit scared the fuck out of me when i was little. damn I forgot all about it.
>t. never watched any chinese cinema or even tokusatsu
The white family didn't stand a chance cause they were ambushed.
The twins were pretty hot desu
The only difference is their hair.
You may have autism, being unable to differentiate facial expressions and facial features.
Negros make goofy faces too, still doesn't change the fact that they all have shit colored hair and eyes and pig noses.