Yea Forums movie - dubs decide premise

The genre was decided yesterday, but the premise was not good enough. Let's go again!

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Our story follows a young, lonely janitor who works cleaning up a basement-run Chinese rice factory for no monetary compensation whatsoever

Story follows a fat weeb transported back to feudal Japan

Young Eastern European female immigrant found dead in LA.


Also I would add that an alcoholic detective played by Ryan Gosling stars to follow the thread, but it leads a higher conspiracy.

A chain of corruption and poor institutional oversight leaves the world's biggest nuclear reactor going online with critical security flaws and key failsafes untested.

Gritty cop story set at night in a neon-lit Hong Kong

These two


user plans an executes an attack on a furry convention.

Internet pirates stockpile the only they saved not buying entertainment and make a massive galleon and take to the high seas, since cargo ships no longer have cannons and are defenseless against their high tech grapeshots

Shitposting on Yea Forums

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Perfect! Next step: Designing Principle

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This. This sounds FUN.

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user gets plots his revenge by going undercover and learning to hate furfags even more

Designing premise: An asshole finds how hard it is to hate and kill shit when you don't know what the fuck you're doing

Here's some inspiration, too. Some guy in Kentcuky actually tried to start a gang war with furries.
Start at post No.88175446 for shit to get weird and you'll see what I mean:

A gang of furries has decided to start selling drugs by hiding it inside their fursuits. user was hired as a private investigator to check out some missing fursuits, but soon finds out that there is something far more insidious going on at the local furrycon and he needs to plan an attack using anyone or anything available.

Excellent! Next step: Character development

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Who doesn't like seeing furries get killed?

Anonymous goes from hating furries to hating furries more.

a supressed homosexual and open white supremacist, user learns that under the cover of a fursuit no can see his fat folds and will finally accept him for who he is

The main character is a contract killer who gets the job to take out some gang members smuggling product inside fursuits. He is completely neurotic, a germaphobe, and nearly OCD. He is so used to dealing with the worst of humanity, that he simply cannot understand furries enough to do his job right.

Part 2!

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pic related may help

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The guy is a mess of neuroses, barely has a life. He compensates by being a workaholic. He lives for his job, and his OCD means he has a code, of sorts. He always tries to sketch out his targets life, to really understand it. He is so confused by the fur community it literally causes him to have a breakdown.

Added! Next step: opponent

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Hero is an ex military balkan man with ocd. He is a gambling addict and video game junkie. He is a big fan of 80s. Usually very reserved but prone to manic burst of emotion. He is kind to animals but not people. He wants to make enough cash to pay his grandmas debt before she dies, or they will come for the rest of his family.

The "is kind to animals but not people" thing is hilarious, this will make for some great scenes



Kero the Wolf and his Zoo Crew.

That kid I knew in high school who became a furry

a twisted protestant priest who bamboozle naive kids to join the furry community so gang members in fursuit can exploit them, he receives a % for every kid

gambling addict or workaholic? what's better?

What's his fursona?


the lamb of Jesus

This is taking on a nice shape. Feel free to add to the previous points as well.

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Workaholic seems easier!

Maybe get rid of the gambling altogether

His plan is to assimilate into the culture by being taught about it from a whacky furry sidekick so he can infiltrate a convention and get close enough to kill the priest

The dubs have spoken. Next step: main battle

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The priest attempts to run away through the convention hall, if he can get to a shuttle bus outside he gets away. Both characters make use of different cosplay props and merchandise to fight each other. A gag involving elevators will be used.

Kingsman church scene but with furries

He learns that he was a furry all along and joins them

Okay, we are closing in on the rough overview

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The priest tries to escape thru the convention, the convention accidentally catches fire and people in fursuits ignite easily around them. A gun fight ensues between the MC and the gang members while the priest avoids the fire and debris. Everyone is ducking behind con booths and using props, etc. The priest manages to escape while the MC and sidekick are being held down by gunfire.

hero is busted at convention two farmers (farmer 1 and farmer 2) hold hero down and priest circumcize him and suck his dick. he breaks free and kills priest

He realizes he is a non-binary, gay, furry.

The priest and mc have to fight IN fursuits

Before we can have a self-revelation, we need a need. Maybe stop being a workaholic?

He realizes that his furry partner was using him to remove the priest as a competitor in the furry child market.

now this is fucking deep

maybe he realizes with this that he has to stop using his OCD for others and can become powerful himself

Next step: equilibrium

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Mc learns to control his neuroses and workaholism a bit and goes to comic con to relax. BOOM. Sequel.

looks like something Nicholas Cage would do

Perfect! Now we get more detailed, establishing the character web.

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We already established the main opponent and a Fake-Ally Opponent (the teacher furry). Still, we need more characters to keep the story interesting. Pic and link related may help.

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We need to actually research furry culture though and I dont wanna do that...
How about throwing in a bunch of star trek fans ad furries getting into a fight about convention space?

Portray different levels of the furry gang hierarchy

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fuck research, this is art

Yeah and the different cliques and the place where they force all the bronies

Pierce "The Architect" Brosnan

In that case make the usual "these are all middle managers in fursuits" stereotype and then flip it to make them all a bunch of coke snorting degenerate dude bros, or at least a bunch. Frat boy furries and black ghetto furries and mexican cholo furries and jew furries etc. Then the actual cartoon loving fans get ostracised in their own convention.

Fake-opponent Ally: Convention Manager

Has to enforce security due to the contract, but would love to kick them out. Shares OCD with protagonist.


one subplot character would be nice, to keep the story interesting

Time for some worldbuilding!

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How about a regular furry? Just a guy, maybe an artist, goes to a convention and is oblivious to the whole affair. He is youngish, kinda fat, beard and glasses. He talks to the protag a few times and learns some lessons about self respect but also not living through fantasy. In the end he gets shot, but called a hero in the news for opening a fire escape at the right time.

Can you relate him to the main character somehow? Maybe he has a similar desire?

He learned to deal with his workaholism and social phobias by going to conventions? Maybe the protag gets drugged and confuses him for a childhood pet?

We still have to resolve why his grandma was indebted, and if/how he pays back at the end.


the main character is also a black transgender woman

it could start in his grandma's house, or at her funeral. with him soon after realizing the debt, or being confronted by the creditors

maybe cross cut to the priests HQ, too


Well, we didn't get very far with the setting, but maybe you have some symbol ideas

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Cringe furry are based

Human skull with knife through it, a tattoo on mc.
At end it has fox ears

what does it represent? where does it point to? what does it mean? what is its relevance to the story? where did he get it from?

A fursuit with a cross-like emblem on it, turns out its the bad guy pulling the strings from behind

Any scene ideas? I'll legit create a formatted pdf

Also movie title

>symbolic characters
Both protag and antagonist cling onto the past in their own ways. The protag by being an A E S T H E T I C 80s cosplayer, the priest by making children live out his own unfulfilled fantasy of being a furry

>knife thru skull
represents his hatred for other people
>fox ears
represents his kindness towards animals

coconuts, they're furry and hard.

What's his name? Just user? Or something more closer to his background?


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>"What's your name?"
>"I drive"

David. Has to be David.

David Bane it is.

He accidentally swallows a bomb and his ass explodes so he spends the second half of the movie in a wheelchair writing poetry and sexual erotica

Any ideas for good scenes?

this is so fucking retarded I'll not honor the dubs

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Fuck you, you promised. I got dubs so it's in the movie now whether you like it or not.


you gotta write the scenes then

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Are there more steps/tips you've got for us, user? I find it very helpful. Thank you.

I screenshotted everything from a summary of John Trubys "Anatomy of Story".

Summary here:

But nothing is more important than actually writing, which is why I wanted to try this.

its too much work for Yea Forums, I think you've got the best there could be. It's friday night here, people's brains are melted already to actually write a Yea Forums story. But nice attempt. Try again on sunday maybe.

yeah, I'll be back

If we can bring up enough energy to actually write some scenes, we can ask /3/, /wsg/, Yea Forums and Yea Forums to help us with the production

you're quite ambitious, good luck with that

the 4ch cup inspired me. it's just a matter of energy and coordination

God speed. Thanks for the based thread.

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obviously we need to get some LA anons together to do the production
I know a guy who can get us into some theaters if we get a final reel

alright, let's continue

Furrydelphia - Founded in 2017 in the Philadelphia area and held in the Valley Forge Casino Resort Radisson - a setting with swiming pool, casino tables and a hotel.



nice! how do you think Davids arrival should be like? bus? plane?

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I am one of the idea guys and I just wanna say, Dude this is the best thread on Yea Forums you are doing gods work. You are a cool guy and I hope you have an awesome evening!

thanks user!

anyone have any scene ideas?

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How about credits over a scene of people making a custom fursuit? Those things are hard to make and elaborate!

maybe with them sewing some cocaine pouches into it - to keep it relevant to the story

>user's tragic backstory that caused him to hate furries was walking in on a furry orgy

Yeah that sounds pretty good! And do you want the usual 5-10mins of explaining what furries are, or just dive in to the main plot?