I find your lack of Deadly Class discussion disturbing

I find your lack of Deadly Class discussion disturbing.

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saw the first episode only. the music kept me going but i wasn't very invested in the story of characters

>Set in the 80's
>Main character is woke
>Calls people out on their bigotry,racism and unsensibel remarks
>His main goal is to kill the bad republican president
Not even the cute japanese girl was enough to make me keep watching this

The series tries too hard to be edgy. Plus, if you're an assassin in the 80's, you'll kill people with guns and not swords.

The graphic novel is much better

Like most series, it takes a few episodes to fully establish the characters. Hell, even the first couple of Dexter episodes were awful. DC absolutely gets better. Definitely not 10 grueling episodes of 'wokeness'. The only headscratcher is the black 'thug' whose actually scared of guns.

>DC absolutely gets better.
I'm on episode 7. When does it get better?

I never even heard of this show until like 2 days ago when someone posted about it with a Lana Condor pic here. She's an Asian with big tits, so I downloaded the whole season. Will probably start watching later today. Literally the only reason I'm interested is big tit Asian girl. I hope she's featured a lot.

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Which is why only 1 character (Yakuza, no less) relies on a sword. Keep in mind, it's based on a comic book.

Episode 9

much higher production value than i expected, looks a lot more cinematic than most other shows

She's one of the main characters. Very heavily featured.


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Just go talk to her, user.

>Yakuza girl has the sword
>Maria has that knife fan
>only Chico had guns

I generally like Remender. I couldn't make it through Umbrella Academy. I absolutely despise wokeness, but I can tolerate it if there's no SHITTED and the plot is good. Should I watch this shit?

I thought the same considering it's on SyFy. Decent show

I'm a Remender fan myself and it's a pretty decent adaptation. Much better than Umbrella Academy.

If you could compare it to any show, what would it be? Give me a way to weigh things here. I haven't read the book, since with indies, I'd rather see the thing actually completed.

The plot is shit.
I don't know about the wokeness because I'm not American. Maybe because I'm a foreigner is the reason the show doesn't work for me since I don't know much about American culture and the Reagan era.
I suggest you to not waste your time with Deadly Class. There are better series, animes, films and books out there.

i watch the trailer, looks like shit.

the comics are in the 80s, is this in the 80s? because it doesnt look the 80s for a single second by the trailer.

and if i wanted a beautiful story about FRIENDSHIP and MASS MURDERING MARTIAL ARTS, i would watch MIAMI CONNECTION.

I've watched the first 4 episodes and it's trashy fun. Not really invested that much into the story but I think the style is fun enough.
Not Syfy's best but it's decent

without all that black

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Sci-fi has a bad habit of cancelling promising shows after the first season too, I hope they don't follow that trend and axe Deadly Class because its one of those shows that would only get better with a second season

I'm not American either. I just don't like niggers.
>There are better series, animes, films and books out there.
Sure, but I've already downloaded it and I'm wondering. The premise seems interesting.

Underrated kino

First episode didn't particularly spark my interest either, but if you keep going it picks up fast

It's set in the 80s, yes.
BUT, it's a very sensationalized, over the top version of the late 80s. In other words, the clothes, hair styles, and dialogue aren't period accurate. If they were, it wouldn't be nearly as interesting.

Agreed. Very much hoping for a season 2.

Ywn have a kino office with near nude living furniture.

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Why would you want that? Scarfu is best as a goth