Is this worth watching?

Is this worth watching?

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nope, its completely awful

It's fine. There's nothing wrong with it. The opening theme is the best part.

But it has Jesuses of all kinds, including white ones

Anyone who poses as the son of God is an arrogant prick who desrves eternal suffering.

Well maybe but in a context where the show is all about gods and features a lot of gods in it surely it's not as bad

No and for one reason only. The pacing is fucking awful.

It's a bit better in season 2 so far, they're actually starting the war they talked about starting for all of season 1

pretentious waste of time

It's rather boring and not enough happened in the first season. This too

the opening theme is one of the few that I never skip

The third episode is two (male) curries boning for over 25 minutes of screen time. I dropped it during that shit.

He’s the son of Odin to be fair

The literal actual Jesus is in this show too.

A bunch of them
A whole passel of messiahs

Attached: Jesuses.jpg (1000x667, 177K)

Why do I keep seeing this albinegro on television

It's horrid.

What denomination is responsible for chubby, wall-eyed Jesus?

I get tired of books getting stretched out into multiple TV series and them being filled with obvious padding. American Gods would be amazing if they put the same story into half the episodes.

Preacher, Legion, Umbrella Academy. Getting real fucking tired of ultra slow series. I wish they'd go back to 90's style TV and use isolated single episode storylines rather than just make everything slow as fuck.

My first thought was Mennonites but then he'd be wearing a hat


Attached: The_Messiah.png (1800x1200, 3.72M)

Spring was so fucking hot.

For me, it's Chinesus.

Did Preacher already get to the retarded Jesus-grandson? Did it get any better than the first season?

Judging by the pants and popped collar it's gotta be either the bro-dudes' Jesus or some WASP thing.

The Jesus just behind him in the kind of red shorts seems like a chill dude. I'd hang with him. The kind of Jesus who'd turn water into PBR.


>Did Preacher already get to the retarded Jesus-grandson?
They're way past it. Last season was set on New orleans with Jessie's grandmother

>High tier
Black Jesus
China Jesus
Hillbilly jesus
>Middle tier
Classic jesus
Rock star jesus
red man jesus
>low tier
Red head jesus
The arabic jesuses
>Why tier
all the others.

Is it in any way decent though, or is Cassidy still the only one acting properly? I dropped it in season 1 when they suddenly had that woman just randomly feed her fuckbuddy to Cassidy, before killing the whole town off. All the characterisations were just way too random with no proper characters beyond Cassidy, especially with how they changed Jessie from the comic.

its shitty edgelord leftist blasphemy, with the only saving grace being BASED WEDNESDAY and the wacky misadventures of Mad Sweeney and the DEAD WIFE. the atrocious as fuck miscasting of Mr. Nancy was an affront to the book. I bet they could drag this out like the last 20 years of the simpsons. they could make a 5 season shitshow of a 55 page short story about training films for food service handling, that is 27 blank pages and the rest being bare sheet with a bar across the middle that says ATTENTION/WARNING LOW TONER CARTRIDGE LEVELS REPLACE IMMEDIATELY
its a KINO theme.
best Yea Forums jesus right there m8.
shes like the coked up southern regional beauty pageant winner wife with a coke problem, and a case of the hornies.

preacher got fucking GOOD.

It's stupid good. Last season fully embraced the schlock.

that black jesus looks chill as fuck

the fight scenes in preacher are great. like the grail team in New Orleans vs Jessie.

Season 3 is a-OK

Why do you think he's got his fingers pinched like that? He doesn't turn water into wine, he turns air into weed like the true rastafarian Jesus.


hipster jesus best jesus

>High tier
>Black Jesus
>China Jesus
>Hillbilly jesus
carry on

Not particularly, but it has Ian McShane and he's basically enough reason to watch anything.

Not even he could save that pirates movie

Season 1 was fine, new season is sucking pretty bad though. Must be because Fuller left