The Dirt

Step aside Bohemian Rhapsody, the rockstar biopic for heterosexuals is here

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Other urls found in this thread:

Was it good?

It was exactly as good as a Motley Crue movie deserved to be.
>this review
pic related, its the author

Is this movie of the year?

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What a faggot

>the director Jeff Tremaine (best known for Jackass)
Well, cucks aren't gonna like it, but with that director, even still it's probably not good.

It's genuinely good. Very dumb. But good

it was a fun movie, book was better obviously but they actually did a really good job.

>glam metal

pick one

being in a glam metal band on the sunset strip in the 80's meant when you walked into a bar you got free coke and free pussy, it was literally the height of female objectification and debauchery. Your mother probably flicked her bean to the thought of Crue gangbanging her tbqh.

Motley Crue have gotten more pussy than you ever will in a thousand lifetimes

keep coping, sexless boomers

you redditors really need to come up with better responses to posts you have no argument to. honestly cant even tell if these posts are from bots at this point

>dress like women

Glam is kino, don't be a goof.

the only good part of that was megadeth at the end.

>he's a thrash fag
>sausage central, full of nerds who want to suck the big 4 off
so you're ACTUALLY gay?

More STDs too

was pretty good

desu motley crue are barely glam, they were way heavier than shit like poison

Does it have nudity?

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>this is what glam homos think is "straight"


as long as it's not aids who gives a shit about VD. its 2019 they got pills/shots for that shit

>user doesn't understand trends

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>t. Yea Forums kpop poster

Nikki sixx on his own has done more drugs and pounded more puss than anyone of us

I'd bet my left nut you look as hetero as pic related.

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you'd lose your left nut

Mick Mars this morning has had more sex than any one of us

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so on par with the tranny in the back?

im 6' 2", 170 pounds, broad shoulders, and a full head of hear that extends past my shoulders. i play guitar in a metal band

i would literally beat the shit out of you if i ever ran into you in person, poser

oh yeah? what band?

>doxx'ing myself
lol how new are you

Any glam band and Motley Crue particularly fucked more women than you ever seen in your life

>no rip over 4.34 GiB


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the first scene is Tommy eating a girl out until she squirts all over the apartment.


so you're in a no name garage band. got it

t. pimple faced 11th grader who wears the same Slayer t-shirt and black beanie every day

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Didn't the anecdote from the book was that the bitch constantly squirted on the band's van and it got to the point where it stank so bad, they had to ditch it or something?


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slayer is overrated (there are much better modern thrash bands than them, and im not even much of a thrash guy desu) and i'm in my mid 20's

yup, Bullwinkle

squirting isnt real, and didnt become a popuar porn thing until the 2000s. why would they write about fake stories?

>still trying to prove himself
go restring your ibanez, loser

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i don't play ibanez but their high-end guitars aren't bad. why are you so defensive and angry? glam is literal queer shit for women. it's ok if you like it, but you should be aware of that fact

>why are you so defensive and angry?

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Does it feature Home Sweet Home


>squirting isnt real
It's still real to me, dammit

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>glam is queer shit for women
you plan in a glam band to attract women
you play in a metal band to attract men with no friends

which one is homosexual again?

the guys in makeup and hairspray prancing around the stage like queers lmao

>slaying puss is gay if you look like a girl while doing it

There's honestly nothing more telling than a thrash fag who ignorantly shits on the 80's sunset strip scene. He probably only got into metal this past year, he doesn't understand what it was yet, he just sees the makeup. He probably doesn't know that his """favorite""" bands loved that era and were glam kids themselves (Pantera, Anthrax, Slayer, etc)

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>desu motley crue are barely glam
Pink Cream 69 were barely glam, Guns and Roses were barely glam, TS were barely glam, fucking Glamtera were barely glam, but Motley crue are the definition of a glam band
That doesn't mean they enjoyed it.

>can't get laid unless i wear makeup and eyeliner
big gay

im not a thrash fag though, and i actually dislike pantera, they're extremely overrated bro shit

What are you even talking about?

1. Glamtera was always shit and trendy
2. Anthrax was not glam, for fucks sake they were in new york
3. Slayer were into shock crap, their did were make up, but they were into fantasy retarded dragon spooky shit, not glam, they were from LA and HATED glam metal.

based and metalpilled

You can fuck women if that is part of your job.
t. Faggot

>Motley crue are the definition of a glam band

Motley Crue were literally almost W.A.S.P tier hairmetal shockrock. They were weird, but they were the kings of that era.

Attached: motley-crue-performing-live-on-the-shout-at-the-devil-tour-at-the-KCMFCE.jpg (1300x977, 120K)

1. Crue
2. Cinderella
3. GnR
4. Ratt
5. Warrant

debate me. you will lose

Ok kid

>were into fantasy retarded dragon spooky shit, not glam

But having a Pentagram on your album and dressing like Mad Max x Escape From New York is glam.

you're in denial my d00d

>1. Ozzy
>2. Van Halen
>3. Crue
>4. W.A.S.P
>5. Quiet Riot

was missing some little details from the book but otherwise it's pretty good

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user i think he was talking about glam bands.

>almost W.A.S.P tier hairmetal shockrock
W.A.S.P. is one of the best 80 hairmetal bands. Fight me in the fucking car park.

>incel thrashfags turn Crue thread into a glam debate


>yfw WASP still fills arenas in Europe

>quiet riot
they literally had 3 songs

>you plan in a glam band to attract women
Same can be said about a boy band, don't be retarded, i can't believe people have to defend glam by saying that shit (or that the other guy has to attack by by calling it gay). The argument about glam can't be about pussy, they did looked like faggots, the music was massproduced and for women, they were the darlings of mainstream media, there was a lot of great INSTRUMENTALISTS, but the same can be said about pretty much every style of metal. Was Glam Metal shit? YES, it was, but that doesn't mean that there wasn''t good material (especially outside the LA scene) and that even the shittiest glam band didn't had some good songs. Being deffensive over fucking glam, or larping as a thrasher 35 years later when thrash "already won" it's retarded. The good and bad shit about glam don't come from how many pussies they fucked or how many dicks they had to suck.

>squirting isnt real
Virgin or sexually incompetent user detected

>But having a Pentagram on your album and dressing like Mad Max x Escape From New York is glam.
No, and it didn't started in glam bands either.

glam was the last genre of mass produced music that still required talent. once the music industry realized how easy and how little work it was to manufacture pop/rap stars the genre died. sad times

>The argument about glam can't be about pussy
why not? that's what that scene was about man, nobody's out here saying Nikki Sixx was a lyrical genius or anything like that. It was just fun, pure fun and debauchery. What do you have against that?

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>i got pissed on once so squirting is 100% real!

For me it’s the Doors

>Val actually sang in all the live scenes
>walked, talked, and looked eerily like Jim
>Densmore and Krieger praised his performance

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How do you go from this...

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>that pic
The good times will never come back will they

to this?

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Umm Nikki actor looks like the real life version of a young Tommy.

Razzle and his daughters' death were pretty tragic, i'd let myself go too if I was a millionaire

age 30 years

years of drug and alcohol abuse, and then not changing your eating habits when you find sobriety

MGK was surprisingly really good as Tommy in this, so was whoever was playing Vince.

Thrash isn't about beer. I just believe that there's a lot of negative things to be said about the style, and some positive shit, so pretending is still 1986 and that we are teens and focusing on pussy is a waste of time
i actually agree, since most rock acts in the later years were not really mass produced and started to be niche, there's a lot of talent in many glam bands, white lion, extreme and fucking NITRO had top tier talent.
Same it was fantastic, it's one of my 3 music kinos along with some kind of monster and the Wall, the 3 are pretty sincere about what they want to be and are not just promotional tools.

>squirting, they found, is essentially the involuntary emission of urine during sexual activity—though there’s also a small contribution of prostatic secretions as well.
Squirting is pissing. Deal with it.

>Metal back then
>hugely popular and most big music stars are white
>Metal now
>bunch of geeks who don't understand melody wearing black while all the girls go to Tyrone and Jamal's concert

>pretending is still 1986 and that we are teens and focusing on pussy is a waste of time
oh, but you see it was your decision to step into a thread about Motley Crue's adventures in that time, so what are you still doing here then, apart from muh thrash posting

How does it compare to the book? Did they exaggerate the fuck out of everything even though Vince already did when he was writing?

>focusing on pussy is a waste of time
never a waste of time. literally the whole point of life

thrashfag is gay, we've established this

What do you mean deserved to be?

it had all the best parts from the book for sure, i feel it should have spent some time on the recording of shout, or Tommy and Nikki being the Terror Twins, we don't even see Tommy do heroin.

Not the same guy.
Fun and mediocre


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movie of the year. just like they should have been band of the year every year until they stopped touring

hi thrashfag

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what? im glamfag


>motley crue
well hair rock was better party music than rap ill give you that. at least it was music.

Guns are in a different league, son. They are a worldwide Main Event. The are/were not.

>main event
Yeah, but it was becuase no one wanted to play after them. ;)
He is either autistic or is so used to being mocked that has accused 3 guys that were talking about glam in a possitive way that they are the thrashfag that probably already left this thread

>not wanting to be in a hairmetal band in the 80's, bar hopping on the sunset strip and fucking prime swimsuit models like nothing

what has the left done to you "guys"

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>ywn fuck prime Bobbi

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Axl has a more iconic voice than Vince, but Crue has more iconic songs than GnR. girls girls girls is a staple in every single strip club in the country. possibly the world. GnR can't claim that with any of their songs


>thinks Megadeth is glam


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i didn't say that, queermo

also, im the "thrashfag" that everyone ITT is talking about, although i literally don't listen to a lot of thrash lmao everyone here is just mad as fuck cause their gay hairspray band is shit

Dip Slots

"The Dirt Celebrates the Soullessness of Mötley Crüe"

kek. Of course I wasn't expecting something 2deep4u and these guys are juvenile af, but i still love them.
>tfw some completely immature guys had more sex that you could ever have, even if you try

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>Axl has a more iconic voice than Vince
Vince probably had the worst voics out of every band that came out in that era.

Lemmy was a proud glamfag too, spent life on the sunset strip and his last days at The Rainbow.

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Eat 5 donuts
And then another 3 donuts
and then eat 4 donuts
every day

Guns have songs played before or after sporting events in stadiums worldwide with Jungle or Paradise City. Also a Wedding classic with November Rain. I'm talking worldwide, not only the US.

Whats the measurement for better music? Personal taste of you and me? Or Album Sales? Guns have more records sold than Crüe.

I had no idea who MachineGun Kelly was before the trailer and I gotta say he is great in this and on the new song. just an unbiased thought.

yeah I know
I junt wanted to remember him
and called faggot to someone

Metallica re the ones that based their careers on being the complete opposite of glam metal bands.

Lemmy was friends with everyone.

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i honestly really dislike his music and his whole persona, and i had my doubts about him being in this movie, kinda thought they were just using his name like they were with Pete Davidson. But he was actually the best part, i'm glad he was cast.

So how is that 4GB rip?
Is is H.264 or H.265?


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Yeah but Ronda Rowsey is in too so fuck this shit

You can beat her up with Johnny and Noob.

She's just so untalented i can't stand her voice acting.

>Crue has more iconic songs than GnR

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>Noob wants revenge on Scorpion for killing him (Noob/Sub-Zero) when he was Sub-Zero
>Scorpion wants revenge on Noob/Sub-Zero for killing him (Scorpion)
fuck this fakakta lore

>Crue has more iconic songs than GnR
I really doubt it

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The best motley singer was in the movie too

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i thought this was a stupid statement too but let's see

>welcome tot he jungle
>november rain
>sweet child
>paradise city
>heaven's door (if you can even count this)


>Home Sweet Home
>Kickstart my heart
>Wild Side
>Looks that kill
>Dr. Feelgood
>Live Wire

I feel like they're even played just as evenly, but i'm gonna go with him on this one, though Guns are the better band, no doubt.

If you only count the US then MAYBE. But I don't believe it.

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Normies don’t know Looks That Kill or Live Wire

Go put your dress on faggot

I hated the glam movement (i'm class of 87) and made fun of the faggy look but I have to admit that that first Poison album was a solid offering of pop rock.

The good glam bands:
1.Crue (didn't start glam but turned glam with the fads emergence)
5.Twisted Sister
6.Black n Blue
7.Stryper (1st album was good)
8.Warrant (barely good. More shit than gold per album)
9.Great White
10.Queensryche (did not start as glam)
12.Winger (maligned but actually skilled musicians. My mind was changed about them after I saw them open for the Scoprions in the 80's. They covered a few thrash songs. A Metal Church song among them)
13. Cinderella (only like three decent songs)
14.Rough Cut
15.Quiet Riot (another 2-4 good songs at all)
16.Killer Dwarfs

Shit glam bands
1.Faster Pussycat
2.LA Guns
5.Hanoi Rocks

Lots of big time bands tried to appeal to the glam movement and did themselves up in the faggy hair and makeup but they don't qualify (prob should have left Queensryche off the lis for this reason) Like even Ozzy had a glam style album (Ultimate Sin).

tl;dr some glam was good. 80s were weird/gay

lemmy was a nice guy
damn, I miss him...

Attached: lemmybowie.jpg (832x572, 194K)

And more men. Cmon dude, nobody wears faggy clothes like that without taking it up the ass.
The 80s are over, dressing like a faggot is for fags

I can still listen to and enjoy Crue's first two albums.
I cringe when I hear most GnR (with a few exceptions from 1st album ONLY)


None of the songs on the bottom are even close to iconic though lol
Either way, both groups got BTFO by Kurt Cobain anyway

You could be mine
Don't Cry
Civil War

>80s were weird/gay
80's were the closest there was to the old ages of kings and whores.

it may have looked gay, but it was far from it.

don't bring Kurt Kaboom into this, that's a whole other can of worms



Pick one faggot

none of those are ever played on the radio, maybe nightrain.

I know. I am only acknowledging that in retrospect, the optics are pretty gay. It was a glorious age to live in.

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>for heterosexuals
sorry fag, real spank fodder right here

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inb4 he posts Peter Steele

>L.A. Guns
>Hanoi Rocks
Kill yourself ASAP.

The boomer rock station in my area plays Civil War almost once a day it seems

finally a rocking biopic, with Jeff Tremaine directing

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>implying hanoi rocks weren't infinitely superior to crue

>Crue has more iconic songs than GnR

Attached: james-hetfield-james-hetfield-29539106-500-351.jpg (500x351, 55K)

>kick start my heart
>not iconic

I liked it more when Led Zeppelin sang it.

You must be living under a rock.

They never did.

what is Whole lotta love?

Hey fuckin redditors, get off my board! You got your own place to post, this is my board!

What are the odds that all 4 had huge cocks

Saw both live. Both horrible. One half decent song by LA Guns on record. Zero from HR.
I continue to live in righteous truth.

See now why does she look alright there?
All her movies she looks like she came of the street

I saw Vince Neil's sex tape.

He's not Tommy Lee.

Abysmal taste.

>"modern" pop culture league
Show this to Moore and the Reeing could power the world for a year.

>played on the radio
>You could be mine
>Don't Cry

>Saw both live.
Why? Didn't you say you hated glam?
And Mötley Crüe couldn't play for shit live either. I saw Hanoi Rocks live twice and they killed it both times, plus their live album is great.

>generated very little enduring music
The guy that needs a beating is the kid that let him out of the locker he was stuffed into.


move hanoi rocks to good and i agree with this list.

Eat a whole beerkeg.

Well, she was usually covered in body fluids


What's your stance on Mother Love Bone?

I hated glam up until I actually listened to some. Thought it was too faggy by appearance. I was Maiden/Priest/Metallica/Slayer etc type. Made fun of glam. Eventually accepted it.
I never caught Crue live. Perhaps my Hanoi exposure was too light. I only heard one album and it sucked as did their performance I saw. Maybe I'll give another try.

First metal concert was Ratt with Bon Jovi opening at Irvine Meadows. Power went out.

Aren't they grunge?

Poison gets a lot of shit but they had some real bangers.

>Home Sweet Home
>Kickstart my heart
>Wild Side
>Looks that kill
>Dr. Feelgood
>Live Wire

same old situation
don't go away mad
primal scream
rattlesnake shake

hell, they even play helter skelter cover on hair nation

Shout at the Devil is one of my favorite songs

Ozzy had one album where he pandered to Glam, The Ultimate Sin. the rest were all normal 80s metal.

metal bands still regularly fill arenas in asia, europe and south america. look at how many live dvds they've released with south american shows for instance. even iron maiden has one.

this is really tough to listen to.

No he hasnt. His vertebrae is fused to his skull.

No Rest for the Wicked was also pretty glam though easily a few years after the fall of glam style. Big misstep but some good tunes.
try this one on for size then champ

ITT: posers

Anyone have a screenshot of what Ozzy looks like in the movie?

ozzy plays himself in the movie

Lemmy was too busy trying to make a living to actually being rivals with someone else. Reminder that Metallica's royalties for the 4 Motorhead songs they included in Garage Inc gave Lemmy more money than all Motorhead album sales ever

Seeing his shitty apartment in his documentary was really sad.

>be 17
>long hair, skinny, semi-ripped
>Anthrax half-shirt, Vans, no socks
>not just rocker chicks digging me
>highest rate of trim in lifetime
>drinking, drugs, revelry
>still plenty bro-time, poker, music, etc
>lived like a god but kinda poor

No Rest was actually the first Ozzy album I bought. He looked glam, but Zakk's guitar gave the whole thing a heavier edge.

I bet most rockers and metalheads live like that desu. Only the bands that are like U2 or Metallica big can afford real big houses anymore. And Motorhead was always an underground band.

Ok. Yeah this is way better.
I still think Ratt was the best Glam rock band.
New York Dolls sort of mastered it and ditched it way before all of this though.

agreed. underrated

Dokken teh besto

Dance is the best Ratt song. someone try and refute this

Yeah but why can't she be covered yet classy? Is that too much to ask

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>Hefner probably fucked those glorious tits
what a lad

It looks fun, but I get the sense that the bar for this is a lot lower than it was for Bohemian Rhapsody or Lords of Chaos... reason being, everybody hated those movies for being shallow, and not tapping into the substance of amazing bands like Queen and Mayhem. The difference here is, Mötley Crüe never had any substance, so there's nothing to be angry about.

>ywn exist in a time where Playboy was just for sleazy men

I'll do my best

>I really doubt it
you'd be wrong then.

>net worth
>rock HOF
good metrics there. fucking kiss is in the RnR HOF lmao

>you'd be wrong then.
Not really. There's a reason why GnR still fills stadiums and Motley Crue had to retire to do so.

Nobody cares about the HoF i don't know why you had to bring it up; Kiss deserves to be in it anyway.

How do you not have a netflix subscription?

>implying la guns is bad
>implying hanoi rocks is bad
>implying warrant isn't top-tier glam
>implying quiet riot isn't absolutely terrible

lol you can see he got molested and liked it


I would spell it "HIII HEE".

>>implying la guns is bad
>>implying hanoi rocks is bad
>>implying warrant isn't top-tier glam
>>implying quiet riot isn't absolutely terrible


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his soul mate

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Sure i just never expected someone as influential and renowned as Lemmy to be living off scraps.

>Thrash isn't about beer. I just believe that there's a lot of negative things to be said about the style, and some positive shit, so pretending is still 1986 and that we are teens and focusing on pussy is a waste of time
actually, the real waste of time here is when thrashfags LARP like it's 1986 and the rivalry between thrash and glam is still a thing.

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>not just rocker chicks digging me
Yeah I bet you got all kinds of dick.

Glam bands were based

Shame that music has been replaced with Maroon 5 or whatever their name is and Taylor Swift. I blame that faggot Kurt Cobain.

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>I blame that faggot Kurt Cobain.
He took a gunshot to the face if it makes you feel better

Is this the boomer thread?

It does, thanks.

and its a good thing

pop music like T-Swift and (mainstream era) Maroon 5 has way more in common with glam metal than grunge

Grunge was dope

>calls someone a poser for liking LA glam

You must be awfully proud of that one time a junked up punk whore sucked your dick in the alley behind a bar after your Anthrax cover band played a mean version of Got the Time.

Meanwhile Bret Michaels put on some eyeliner and lip gloss and fucked a couple hundred girls a year in the 80s.

You're hilariously butthurt and retarded

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true boomer would be 70s dadrock, imagine a beer gut covered by a led zeppelin or yes t shirt
although limp bizkit qualifies as dadrock now, 1999 was 65 years ago

They weren't a hair band.

>I-It's not true
Cry more faggot


Unironically true

No wonder I like 1989 so much

Warrant in particular got severely fucked by the labels. They were a decent hard rock band but the gimmicks they had to put up with were stupid.

Hanoi Rocks has more in common with 70s glam than 80s glam imo.

Not really. They were a Diet Cheap Trick.

Attached: CHEAP-TRICK-OVER-THE-EDGE-1.jpg (1401x788, 171K)

>Millennial pleb detected
1. Badlands
2. Faster Pussycat
3. EZO
4. Britny Fox
5. Bang Tango

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>no Hanoi Rocks
>no Twisted Sister
>no Mother Love Bone

Ratt and Faster Pussycat are good tho

Just finished watching this. Bretty gud :DDD

If you're 170 at 6'2" you must be an absolute string bean, so chill with the tough guy talk.