Thanks Netflix
I will never be able to sleep again
Thanks Netflix
I will never be able to sleep again
Other urls found in this thread:
Spoiler that shit faggot
I'll never see hyper sleep they same way again
So where was he sticking his dick during the hallucinations? In the mouth hole?
>tfw you'll never receive the cosmic succ
So why did the spiders make him hallucinate?
I didn't understand everything
>mouth hole
he's stranded in an uncharted part of space and they're just trying to make it easier on him
>anus spider
Why are zoomers such wimpy little pee babies?
When I finish reading the novel Ill let you know
I thought the space station was actually invaded by those aliens or something, this would make sense
You are welcome.
can he impregnate her?
You're being a faggot if you think a Netflix cgi monster is scary
sounds like an interesting watch, but then again it's from kikeflix, so what do you anons recommend?
Its the scenario that is scary not specifically the image
It's one-shot animated 3D shorts
The quality is pretty variable, it ranges from pretty good to 15mn mobile game cinematic
It reminds me of what Animations School like Gobelin do every year to display each other's skill
Also tits and ass
So far most of them are worth watching
sounds good, is there any story that stands out or is best watched alone or are all of them linked together?
None are linked together, but I might be wrong (I'm on the 8th episode), there might be some throwbacks or references but I'm not aware of any of them
None of them are linked. While people seem to have their favorites, Zima Blue seems to come up the most as the best episode.
so i just read the stories change f you're straight or a fag, the fuck is that about?
Yes, the videos have built-in breath analyzer and gives you Marvel movies if it scans dick and balls scents
I wish these had better directors. There's a short, but there's also just randomly ending the episode.
isnt there another jazz general open at the moment? why create another one
I feel like the first one left a really bad impression on most people because it's some of the most blatant SJW shit. Most are absolutely worth seeing.
The Chinamen one was also pretty ridiculous
>Full on John Bulls wearing monocles assaulting passerbys at night
Fish Night >> blind shot>>> blue>>> everything else
the real question is, is that a drider?
I'd actually put Sonnie's Edge in at least the top 5 myself.
I also think Beyond the Aquila Rift is overhyped. Too many attempted misleads in a short animation.
>Mfw I saw this for the first time
>interesting thread
>cant find name
i dont visit netflix enough, i see some names of the shorts but what's the one in OP's pic
Ignore Nazis, fight ghouls.
Beyond the Aquila Rift
did u guys also masturbated to Thom fucking Greta?
Filename idiot.
must watch:
>zima blue
>the secret war
>beyond the aquila rift
good but optional:
>shape shifters
>when the yogurt took over
>good hunting
>the witness
Love Death Robot. It's like black mirror but made by pixar
>Jazz general
when the yogurt took over was kino
I feel that some episodes like Sucker of Souls fucked it up by being too one note or blowing their load too early.
>dat cute as fuck demolition girl with her C4
Heck I'll even count 3 Robots as part of good start for the series. I'd say The Witness was the first bad one.
>lmao cats
litterally reddit
every episode is like that
where are the endings?
There's a novel?
Oh shit its also Alastair Reynolds
so you're telling me I don't need to watch all the other shit to get my sci fi horro lovecraftian fix after all?
yfw you die and meet Yog Sothoth in the afterlife and that spider gives you the best sex ever and you love "her" for eternity
Fuck sucker of souls. Why the fuck were all the Draculas at the end super fucking buff when at the start of the story it shows that they get power by absorbing the soul of a human? Also was another story where the writer didn't know how to end a short story. Animation was great tho.
Loved it, Steampunk Cina foxlady one could and should be a live action movie.
Whole season is 100% this- Why not put the real name on? could not get rights?
>pokemon fanfiction, but HARDKKORR!!
>portal fanfiction
>derivative of something too bland to remember
>starcraft fanfiction
>darkest dungeon fanfiction
>lmao so randum xd *holds up spork*
>event horizon fanfiction
>more starcraft fanfiction
>gravity/planetes fanfiction
>ghost ocean, ok
>space above and beyond fanfiction
>dude commentary on the creative process lmao
>fortnite fanfiction
>that one twilight zone episode, AGAIN
>wolfeinstein fanfiction
basically this entire series is nothing but shitty knockoffs
Fuck, I just remembered I bought a Heavy Metal issue some years ago, but I've lost it.
Is it still running?
are 90% of the stories still as lewd and strange as ever?
So what's the horror like in this series and do I have to watch all the episodes to see the horror bits I want?
Based. I'll take brainlet user over pol user anyday.
Secret War was straight out of Metro games. Saved the best for last.
>shitty pencil drawing
>animation was great
i fucking despise hipsters like you, burn in hell you disgusting weirdo
Literally looked like some teen made animated that
Your opinion is stupid as your dumb mother, no wonder your father died
autists will ree about that because metro is post-apocalypse, and secret war is WWII.
The joke is there is no functional difference between post-apocalypse russia and WWII russia.
accurate review of the show, very nice
There is one where Soviets go demon hunting, it was pretty good.
>the best
>oh shit monsters
>nothing interesting happens
Quite a strong reaction mate. Didn't mean to cause such distress for you. What animations did you actually think were great?
Horror episodes are
Beyond the Aquila Rift - the one in the OP, but you don't know it's horror till the end
The Secret War - Probably the most in line with what you want if you're going in looking for horror
The Witness - short and dumb to me, but still a very much a "fleeing from a murderer" story
Sucker of Souls - More of an action movie starring horror movie vampires
And maybe Helping Hand, if you count suspense and self mutilation as horror.
you da real mvp
Wasnt it friendly?
Sure its ugly as fuck, but its an alien lifeform after all.
>sounds like an interesting watch, but then again it's from kikeflix, so what do you anons recommend?
Mixed bag.
Some are amazing, some are literally "girl power, Hitler is bad, fuck white people and nationalism"
Im not even joking, one of the episodes is about Hitler as a young man/teen getting killed in random ways in some bizarre jewish fantasy. There is a scene where a small girl and 2 jews beat young Hitler to death.
But then there is the space horror episode, the russian army, or the werewolf one that seem light years ahead of rest.
Am I the only one who liked Fish Night?
I liked it, but I studied biology and love fossils. Ending could have been cooler though. Unexpected episode for me
which are good which are bad
basically some actual good stories with some brain washing in the middle to please (((them)))
>>nothing interesting happens
>balalaika starts playing as comrade air squadron bombs the monsters back into the stoneage and avenges the protagonists
worth seeing for that one scene alone
Easily the worst one
>ultra advanced alien species, can induce hyper realistic hallucinations and put people to sleep forever
>look like giant deformed spiders
Best, real shorts, proper endings, real stakes.
>Beyond the Aquila Rift
>Lucky 13
>The Secret War
Are worth a watch since they have some nice stuff.
>Sonnie's Edge
>Three Robots
>Good Hunting
>Helping Hand
>Zima Blue
Really mediocre
>The Witness
>Sucker of Souls
>Suits, would be higher but its done in this weird as 2fps style that is borderline unwatchable, hope someone got fired over this
>Alternate Histories
>Blind Spot
>Ice Age
>Fish Night
>The Dump
I liked the colors but the climax was pretty dumb. If there was supposed to be a point or climax I straight up missed it.
I also wasn't that into the animation or voice acting.
What the FUCK was the point of Ice Age?
Not in a series that contains The Witness.
If you want to keep to comparing it to just the comedic ones, it's way better than Alternate Histories.
I think I'd also put it above The Dump.
>Shape-Shifters that high
Spotted the furry
>shapeshitters that high
>sucker of souls that low
This is the closest list to my own tastes I've seen in one of these threads so far. I'd still swap a lot of your "bests" and "worth watchings".
I'd want to put Blindspot higher too. It was cool, but for some reason it was also the only one I completely forgot existed after watching them all.
Oh, and you forgot When the Yogurt Took Over.
there is nothing new under the sun
Youghrt feels more like a joke rather than a short, its also the shortest one, what was it 3 or 4 minutes?
I liked a lot of these shorts, but the only two that went in a direction I wasn't expecting and managed to surprise me were Zima Blue, Aquila Rift and Blindspot.
And even then Blindspot pretty much cheats at the end with them all still being alive anyway.
The writer whose book this is based on literally based the plot from Outer Limits s3e9 Tempests
I did, but I'm a geologist and studied paleontology so I thought it was a neat concept. Garbage ending though.
I liked Lucky 13 for the tech.
Secret War was good, but being limited to 15 minutes was a mistake.
Zima Blue was actually interesting.
Shape-Shifters and Beyond the Aquila Rift were okay.
The Witness was too obvious from the start.
Everything else isn't worth mentioning. Overall, I hope no one is actually paying for this shit.
to remake that twilight zone episode for the 80th time.
that doesn't mean being totally derivative can be forgiven.
Cool, was the shark a megalodon? I thought it might be, but it appeared to have plates on it's front mouth
>Everything else isn't worth mentioning.
Not even Good Hunting?
it was a made up creature
He spent 150 years travelling to this location. His crew died due to them being retards and adding meme paint jobs onto their sleeping pods. Everyone he knew was dead. His wife is dead. His civilization might be dead. For all he knows he's the last human.
He finds out that the Archangel was part of the alien intergalactic transportation hub, he ended up at the stop between galaxies. Aliens vanished centuries ago and nobody really knows how to use the thing, they just sort of press buttons and hope for the best. Everyone ends up there due to malfunction with the alien tech Archangel. Spider-sis ended there up as well. In the end he finds out he's the first ever human to wander into her nest, all the other ships are actually alien.
That's novel though.
man i'm so fucking lonely i would fuck anything. the spider alien wouldn't need to prepare me for her reveal so i wouldn't freak out or something. just promise succ and i would be a-ok.
so youre saying you look to Netflix for originality?
It looked liked it was going to be good up until the father died, then the story turned to shit for me. Not a fan of steampunk either so that didn't help.
I thought it looked familiar, but aside from
I've only watched half the eps, and Aquila Rift is my fav so far and the last one I watched. Sounds like Zima Blue is one that everyone else likes so I'm excited about that. Both were written as shorts by the same author.
The gates were build by ancient aliens and used to connect the galaxy. The aliens disappeared and the network crumbled. When humans came into play the network was broken up into "bubbles", chunks of the galaxy where the gates are still working, but not connected with each other. Humans call theirs the local bubble, you can hear that in the show. Now sometimes a "routing glitch" occurs, sending the ships of course which usually results in a few weeks/months delay. However Thom experience an extreme one, being sent hundreds of years away to a lonely still working gate.
Suzzie and the other dude had painted their tanks, which is not an issue on normal distances, but it becomes a very big issue if you travel for a long time, it clogs their filters and kills them.
From Greta we learn that there were around a dozen or two of ships who had the same thing happen to them. Gretas ship being the first (at least the first that didn't risk a voyage back) she had enough people and supplies to set up a self sustaining station, so she does. We also learn that the second ship helped, so at least some of the aliens didn't find her creepy af.
I think that some of the other crews panicked, either because of the distance or because of Greta, even killing themselves. So she adopts a more cautious approach.
And that's what's happening to Thom, she is trying to ease him into reality, both being far from home and her unusual looks.
In the book it ends with Thom "waking up" at home after a 40 day delay for which Suzzie didn't wake him up. Which implies that Greta gave up on him and is either just gonna let him die of old age in the tank or try to repair his ship and send him back. It also doesn't seem like she tried more than once.
In the show she still keeps trying, probably because they imply that he can't go back because of navigation or smth.
>tfw years of Yea Forums and /d/ have conditioned you to find this sexy
>the fbi agent monitoring this thread
Robert Rodriguez owns the rights.
thank you user, I can never explain shit properly
Super Mario is run run jump and Halo is pew pew jump and World of Warcraft is slash pow jump
Minimalizing with autism text doesnt make them any less worthwhile
fbi sits on /pol/, /int/ and Yea Forums. they don't give a shit about autists arguing about Alita or Captain Marvel for weeks.
>fbi sits on /pol/, /int/ and Yea Forums
those poor souls
>This is all CG
Lucky 13 actually looked real at times
>people hating on the Yogurt and the Witness
Dracula, Suits and 3 Robots are 10x as worse, in fact, the Yogurt episode is easily in my top 5
Yea that's a hack move really.
Why didn't she just swim back to her satellite?
Why didn't she just throw her other glove?
Why wasn't she tethered?
Why isn't she falling toward Earth?
Why was she alone?
Not objectively worse than a burn victim or pet tarantula.
The alien should just slowly introduce the concept that it is different. Maybe wear some sleek looking full body clothes.
the furry one looked real as shit when it wasnt about werewolves
Those were low effort twists if you couldn't see them coming you've been under a rock.
maybe we look disgusting to the spider as well
Real MVP Question:
Why does he look so fucked?
Can't she feed him or keep him healty at least?
Also he's a pussy that he forgets about everything afterwards.
Acquiring rights is more than just paying for the paperwork. You gotta pay everyone attached to that IP. Heavy Metal certainly has a long list.
she or the tank sustain him in some way but not moving around ever makes his muscles atrophy
and i guess she cant be bothered to cut his hair and shave him
Furry looked dated due to the sunny environment
Beyond the Aquila rift in it's shadowy spaceships actually had me question at first why this particular episode used actors
twitter should be banned
Yeah why didn't the protagonist remember those Twilight Zone episodes?
>Ugh so much violence against women
>See all these men dying, being ripped apart and stuff in literally every episode? Who cares lol!
and /k/
Was the show produced by French people? All those tits and ass and whatnot, this really looks like their signature move
/k/'s a fun place, I wish I could get paid to shitpost in nugget threads
that's exactly what an fbi agent would say
also you know that scene in every movie where the kidnapper is on the phone and they say
>you have to keep him talking it takes at least 30 seconds to track him
i bet that's all bullshit too and really it only takes 3 seconds
in 2019 they probably start monitoring as soon as your computer starts up
Very good series, that episode kinda reminded me of an 90s Outer Limits episode.
It's also literally a spoiler and if you see it it will literally spoil the fucking ending.
What is this from?
I've added you to the terror watch list user, shut the fuck up next time.
you can try at least
>Sounds like Zima Blue is one that everyone else likes
Have fun with that, it's "we wuz kangz" coupled with extreme levels of retardation
>tfw no pink alien gf
>sonnie's edge
>beyond the aquila rift
>the secret war
>lucky 13
>good hunting
>the witness
It's all a little hit or miss. When the Yogurt Took Over is probably the worst, but it's less than 10 minutes long. The good news is, the entirety of the gag of WTYTO is contained in the title, and it never gets any better than that, so you'll know instantly if you like it. Shape-shifters was shit, but it had some cool moments, so it wasn't all bad. Even Zima Blue, which I didn't really like, had a neat idea in it.
>Sounds like Zima Blue is one that everyone else likes
That's weird to me, ZB is definitely near the bottom of my list.
Budget cuts
When people say this, are they being sarcastic? I honestly don't know anymore.
>the witness
holy fucking pleb batman
>Those were low effort twists
Is that supposed to make me like it better?
>you'll never get to drink her love juice
The Witness looked great, the direction and animation was sometimes incredible, but the story was fucking stupid. Which is fine for a short, but the story was really, really bad.
Lucky 13 made me mad. AI should never be used for warfare.
Yeah because she's dead
Season 2 never
Ice Age looked incredibly photo-realistic too
are you for real?
I was crushed by this reality the other day, shimoneta was cursed
mouth pussy
I hope they release the Mary model...
If you look at the whole scene it has a female form on it's back
there's still hope
First episode, Second Episode, Rift, and Mech Farmers are all kino. Third episode is weird and dumb, Yogurt one was good but too short
I interpreted it as a weird spider hivemind sorta thing, where everyone is kinda just stuck in this web of hallucinations. It's unknown how long he's been hallucinating (considering he has a beard and his comrades are long dead), so most likely everything from the beginning to the end and his entire life was a hallucination. It's really unclear if hes able to remember or everytime he jumps and sees reality his mind gets wiped, but thats the plot of it. It's unironically space kino
The absolute breaking point where loneliness becomes hilarious.
He didn't . He was in the pod engaging with the simulation. Episode kinda fucked it up because there's no reason for him to be so unkempt considering he was in stasis the entire time.
His pod was broken and if you remember the layout at the beginning, he was to the right of Suzie's pod.
When he wakes up he's across her on the other side, so I assume the crash or something did all of that.
>Episode kinda fucked it up because there's no reason for him to be so unkempt considering he was in stasis the entire time
based fucking retard LMAO
Zima Blue was the best one by far
I recommend you watch Alberto Mielgo's short as it's the only one with an actually-interesting visual style and knows how to tell a short Twilight Zone-esque story with minimal exposition. I don't think there was a single other short in the collection I enjoyed, although Zima Blue had a neat twist.
I know you're just memeing but you've upset me.
It's about a robot finding his meaning in life. The only part I didn't like about it was that he's black.
Eh it had more of a shark's nose, but it looks similar.
>shapeshifters high
Good taste user
Oh no some rando said stupid shit in Twitter stop the presses
No user. Zima Blue is the most commonly liked episode by the majority of posters. I personally wouldn't rank it as the very best, but I'd still put it near the top.
I thought they wanted equality?
>being this fragile
This shit was good, half of them were really good and i'd like to see them become full series, like Sonnie, Mech Farmers, and Robot Apocalypse. The other half were either meh or really fucking boring or bad.
I hope next season turns the tits and sex and rape down. It's called "Love, Death, and Robots" not "Tits, Sex, and Rape"
that is not what it is about and only an absolute retard would think otherwise
It's nothing like that retard.
>Yea Forums has shit taste
oh i forgot
Would a crazy alien spider really freak someone out that they could never deal with it? I've seen enough weird shit on the internet that it wouldn't bother me at all.
You act tough on the internet but if you saw that thing come out of nowhere you'd shit your pants
Marvel. Methinks GotG. Dont bother
how long does it take to make short movies like Aquila/Secret war? a year?
maybe a dark tunnel like the webm. but the spider could just do a half simulation half reality like a well lit football field and present her true form and time to get used to it. it would take seconds. scientists already study weird creatures why would this be any different?
Ive only watched lucky 13, aquila rift, suits, yogurt, old man junkyard one and three robots
Lucky 13 was probably my favorite, followed by suits. Three robots was alright too.
The junkyard one with the old man was meh so was yogurt.
Aquila rift why did i listen to you guys, its over rated as fuck by you guys, i thought it was quite stupid and its premise just didnt have enough time dedicated to it, the Worst one imo.
Just so we’re all clear, he didn’t die of dehydration because he was drinking the fluids coming out of her back, right? That’s why in the dream when he was having sex, she poured champagne all over her body. He was definitely drinking spider alien piss right?
Imagine living life being like this
fuck you, 2d pencil animation is the best, nigger
sounds hot
but yeah he must be drinking something. even if he looks like a skeleton people die without water in 3-4 days. he must have also been eating something as well if he was there for more than 3 weeks.
With a full team maybe
>i'd like to see them become full series, like Sonnie, Mech Farmers, and Robot Apocalypse
you mean like pokemon, starcraft, and portal?
I might be a brainlet, but I didn't understand Shape-Shifters at all.
Like, they were werewolfs, who were treated like shit, (despite there being minorities who know exactly what that feels like), and then they attacked a military base, only for the dude's friend to die? Then the dude hunted down the enemy werewolves, killed them, sniffed his friends farts, then carried him to his grave in Afghanistan? How the fuck does he intend to get back? Does he just plan on living in Afghanistan his whole life?
This short is about gays in the military
Yeah, I was wondering about that too, but my guess is he didn't care about going back right away. And he could still get a regular commercial flight back if he wants.
>secret war
pleb taste
Always check filenames, friend, they frequently reveal many mysteries.
because of you two I will rewatch, I was in awe of the animation and overthinking the coming twist that thought the two other crew members were alive and died some time when they met momma spider.
simple as fuck plot, how the military treats soldiers, like rabid disposable dogs. Animation was top tier.
I guess I might be the only one that didn't give two flying fucks about secret war, it was one of the nicest looking shorts but the fake accent and muh duty got too old too fast
phoneposters can't see filenames
This story has been told many times,3 I can remember,The Outer Limits,Sealab 2021,and The Matrix where the machines looked like spiders.
The reason it keeps getting told is because it's true.And these stories are trying to wake us up.
Don't say the first one, they're in different orders for everyone.
Was the yogurt a metaphor for artificial intelligence?
all that stuff is from the short story user, most of it isn't in the episode
I've heard that claim, but only ever seen one order discussed.
Imagine being this much of a fag, the fuck does it matter if he's black? It didn't change the story. Are you really this fragile?
why the fuck does every episode have Sex, Gore, or Nudity in it? Literally every episode, I can't think of one that doesnt
>would I rather keep on being a depressed NEET or wake up to the huge spider reality
Both are fucking horrible
I had Beyond Aquila Rift as the first episode.
>Male protags
>Aquila Rift
>Secret War
>Sucker of Souls
>Fish Night
>Good Hunting
>Female protags
>Zima Blue
>Sonnies Edge
>Lucky 13
>The Witness
>Helping Hand
Who wins?
Title of the show
Yeah but theres only robots in like 2 episodes
robot is a euphemism for the soulless animation.
look at that bearded onions suck HAHAHA
This. Too many shorts these days don't seem to think they need actual endings. It's the film equivalent of a short story. Not a vignette. Some of them have endings, so it's not the entire collection. But many will just leave you with that empty unresolved feeling.
To me this one was one of the emptier shorts that felt like video game footage.
so did his mind get wiped or did he just be alike meh and went with it?
Is that Barry Burton?
I'd say it came the closest and I think we might be starting to hike up out of uncanny valley. Not out of it yet, but definitely getting there.
>not a single comment about how nice mew's ass looked in her ep
I hate that it was clearly inspired by a spider. It seems like we are really not that imaginative after all since we can't ever seem to base aliens on anything outside of our own experience. Look at just the different forms of life on Earth, and how hilariously different they are from each other. Where is that level of alien?
>dani midsize carr out of nowhere
goddamn it, so tired of this literal pig ruining Talks, now I have to see her in Yea Forums threads? FUCK OFF!
Zima Blue felt like the most pretentious f them all. The one most clearly trying too hard. I could see it working as a story, kind of an anti-Bicentennial Man, but without the head up it's ass animation and 2deep4u writing.
This was a terrible series, and we agreed it was last week. So this is the power of Netflix shills huh?...
haven't finished them all, but aquila is the only 5/5
that said, they're all worth watching, even when they're terrible.
>sonnie 4/5
>three robots 2/5
>witness 3/5
>suits 3/5
>sucker of souls 2/5
>yogurt 1/5
>good hunting 2/5
>dump 1/5
>shapeshifters 3/5
>helping hand 1/5
>fish night 4/5
judging from ratingraph, the main points I differ is good hunting, which seems to be merely a pleb filter since it suffers so terribly in execution, and fish night, because its pretty much just a fairy tale.
Did anyone NOT get Sonnie's Edge as their first episode?
sessler's coke habit really got out of control, huh
>I might be a brainlet
There's no mights, maybes or possibilities here, lmao.
everyone pirated it
apparently its 25% otherwise
makes me glad, normalfags haven't completely taken over
even when my sister had an active netflix account I just pirated anyway, I like being able to do whatever I want with my video files
was there a clause when funding all of these short films that they had to include a dick scene in each one?
best ep. most of the rest were fedora tier.
>spider waifu willing to do whatever it takes to save you
so, the writers were homos or something, right? even if he couldn't fuck her in simulation (which he could), there's no functioning man that wouldn't acclimate. even without the simulation, most men wouldn't be so superficial. hell, some of you degenerates would probably try fucking the spider.
>the vampire one with the cartoon dick
couldn't take it seriously
Blessed post
Lil buddy, you weren't supposed to. That's why it got shot off by a fat bitter dyke.
3 Robots...
>god's not real (and that's a good thing)
>cats are super cool!
>iamverysmart tier convos
dude, you're shitting me?
Suits was 3/5 until that ending reveal, then it was 4/5
Sonnie was 5/5 until random lesbians
Three Robots was 4/5
Witness was 2/5
Sucker of Souls was 3/5
Yogurt was 4/5
Good Hunting would have been 4/5 if not for dumb fox subplot which drives it down to a 1/5
Dump would have been 5/5 if not for random murdering of a city official
Shapeshifters had a cool concept for does nothing with it and falls flat
Helping hand was neat until random gore moment
Fish Night was really boring
is there a new coming of episodic shit like buster scruggs and death alien robot?
So is this like some art students work mashed into one thing? Or a deliberate thing by a media group, and if so how the fuck did they get so many big name voice actors like Keith David and Yuri Lowenthal
yes they can. once you click on the pic.
Glad I'm not the only one who realized this. Even the different art styles mirror Heavy Metal magazine.
I got the Russians vs monsters one first. It's been playing in order since.
>muh specul club!
Honestly, are you 13?
based desperation
i agree with this user. it had potential, but the awkwardly misplaced entry level social commentary was just awful.
oh shit, i forgot about the ending shot of suits, yeah that was brilliant.
I definitely agree with you on hunting. the problem is the fox is the whole central point of the story. what they really should have done is cut the scene about her mother getting killed, and cut her whoring out. instead, she meets the guy in the city, and she can't turn into a wolf, but even worse: she starts turning into a machine. he repairs her, they do some ecoterrorism, they flee to the countryside. cut and choose the parts you want, but the main thing is to get rid of every part involving her not involving the guy, since she's merely a symbol. and get rid of the fat fucks giant floppy dick.
my problem with sonnie wasn't the lesbians, it was the old white guy. i went back and read the short story, and basically they gutted the dyke assassin, and sonnie's character by
>making the rape and not bullshit she made up to manipulate him
>giving lines from the assassin to the old white guy
and randomly killing the assassin. that's a big problem with these: randomly killing people. i notice you pointed that out for dump in particular, yeah. i also wasn't a fan of the narration or animation in yogurt, and it was so heavy handed for an obvious AI singularity.
i hope so. anthologies are great because you don't have to sit through two hours of something if its shit. if only the twilight zone reboot was being given to someone competent
>pirating is a special club
no, user. the point is, people aren't entirely retarded enough to have netflix subscriptions.
someone help this user
>Suits, would be higher but its done in this weird as 2fps style that is borderline unwatchable, hope someone got fired over this
It's truly a tragedy, it's so close to be my favorite episode but it's literally 5FPS
it's unbearable
Helping hand:
Should all spacesuits have a special weight in case you need to throw something to gain momentum?
What I liked about Lucky 13 is that despite the protag being a black woman there was no pandering really, she was just a good pilot
It's BS because you need enough mass to counteract your mass for anything but the lightest of drifts. If you accidentally bump your knee enough to push yourself backwards, you'd still need a lot of mass. Unless they're going to straps hundreds of pounds of weights to you, it wouldn't work. Even then, guesstimating trajectory in space would be hard as fuck and you'd just be a moron desperately throwing weights around. There's a reason they use compressed air. It just malfunctioned.
Just finished that. 4/5+ definitely. Really solid episode, although, racist that I am, I'd rather not look at a nigger, she didn't offend me personally.
Isn't that standard already? Plus, didn't she have a whole shitton of other stuff strapped to her? The whole episode seemed to be this poorly thought out idea to have her rip her arm off in space, which I personally didn't enjoy watching. Like, why would you send only one person up? The savings are minuscule. Plus, the actual amounts involved, as says.
They wanted the authentic console experience.
>this is your brain on /pol/
on average there's a cute spider within 2 meters of you
>implying you want to look at niggers
spiders are based, fuck flies
oh nice to know, will rewatch either way but thanks for posting that, I would have preferred that one lasted a few more minutes giving a bit more info than having other shorts that were boring as fuck.
ice age was one of the best ones, the humor was on point
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, Bendis' run. art is great, writing is shitty.
Would definately bang. Are actually people so faggotrous that would pass on the chance of spreading their genes to another planet?
to die. They want it to die, because you are having fun with it.
What books are they based off of? I want to read some paperkino
they're all from short story collections, at least the ones I have looked up.
your best bet is to run a google search a few times then grab it off irc
>Beyond the Aquila Rift: The Best of Alastair Reynolds
it's a book full of short sci-fi stories
What show?
Love, Death and Robots
Just finished Zima Blue. 4/5 easily.
I was tempted to give it 5/5, since the we wuz and general pretentiousness didn't bother me, and the anti-bicentennial man bit got me.
I think I'm docking a point because of the ending. It transforms the story from the search for truth and simplicity to ignorance is bliss. It's like being a child, and enjoying standing in a rainstorm. And then many years later, you stand in another rainstorm, after travelling the world, and still remember and feel. BUT NOPE YOU BETTER LOBOTOMIZE YOURSELF FAGGOT.
Just didn't sit right with me, anyone else?
Not a single moment of we wuz kangz you retard
He accomplished everything he could in the world. He showed the world the possibility of what a lowly pool scrubber could achieve when society/family/whatever adds/supports it. He's lived life-times. He found his home, and wanted to go back. What is wrong with that?
blind spot 4/5
really barebones, but well executed. suffers from lower framerate like most of these shorts.
not much to say beyond that. definitely more fiction than science, but I've never had a problem with that.
three episodes left.
could this episode be interpreted as laborers finding peace in menial work and dissatisfaction when they rise above their station? seems like it was advocating slavery in america
The one with the farm didn't have sex or nudity.
Maybe stop seeing the naked body as a sinful abomination and stop being a prude, faggot.
There's nothing wrong with that, I think it's a very beautiful thing, and far different than the average message of JUST GET MORE THINGS. My issue is the implementation. It would be like a gardener killing himself and then saying the tree that grows over his grave is his greatest creation. It's a quitting, a destruction. A better ending would be him just scrubbing the pool, as human or android, and then the audience slowly leaving, until it's just him in the stadium. It's the ultimate victory over pride, being able to choose every single moment to step into another supernova, and still sitting in a pool. One that no human could truly understand in a single lifetime. Once he made the decision to become a cleaning bot again, it's merely events he's set in motion, just like the suicidal gardener. The message becomes you can only be happy by being slaves to things outside of your control.
Spacesuits should have a tether to attach you to whatever you're working on. People fixing telephone poles have this shit, come on now
Yeah nah that story was trash, a tether is 101 shit, they could of still have the same story via making the debris sever it, but they didn't
Pure trash, in the bin it goes
Helping Hand
1. Why was she not roped to something?
2. A hand tightened strap around her arm would not prevent that suit from depressurizing.
3. Are we supposed to think this chick is strong at the end when she calls off the rescue party, or dumb as fuck?
So how was he even still alive? Wouldn't killing him be a better mercy? Was the alien just lonely?
Yeah...oh so spooky...dropped
It was based on a script that Wachowskis originally planned to turn into a movie about a decade ago, main characters were gay lovers and the idea was that they eventually didn't really care much about humanity (here one of them obviously does) and the living one took over the local pack of werewolves after killing their leader.
I dare say it was written by someone who has no fucking idea about anything regarding vacuums, space or safety protocols.
Ice Age was decent.
Predictable and unoriginal, but still entertaining.
yeah, absolutely dreadful torture porn
She was obviously trying to save him, and would reset the simulation anytime he panicked. Presumably there is some emergency intravenous ration that is keeping him alive.
that's like your opinion, man
My understand is that in the original short story, she only tries once, and then abandoned him in the simulation. Which is honestly a much weaker story, and the way the changed it for the show was well done. The complete opposite of what they did to Sonnie.
If this witness is a loop, with the man chasing the woman, and then the woman chasing the man, does that mean the man is also a stripper?
Why would Netflix have an order that leads with one of the best ones? If Zima Blue is right next to it. It will be all disappointing afterwards.
I didn't notice about the painting on the pods.
Was it even pointed out in the episode or just in the books.
Alternate Histories 1/5
Hands down the worst episode I've seen. Painfully unfunny. Only good part was Lincoln cocking a pistol. Seriously, who could have possibly greenlit something so retarded?
no u
If a copy of someone counts as them being alive.
Since we only see the chick's side of the story the dude's day job will forever remain a mystery. Assuming he dresses like his predecessor did then he's probably not a stripper. Probably just an office nobody.
I got three robots first. Makes way more sense as an intro episode. It goes through all the basic tropes, like it's catching people up who don't watch sci fi. Then I got Sonnie second.
I'll agree with you on this. In a way it's a cowardly act to become simple again to enjoy simple things. It's like saying the effort of continuing to evolve is too much so make me dumb again. Uniting with a technological singularity at the end might have made more sense. Abandoning self to gain the capacity to grow further. That might have raised more questions about the nature of consciousness and curiosity and how far one would go to continue the journey. I get that it wouldn't have been as visually impactful, but the visual impact of his choice ultimately didn't satisfy after digesting it.
They aren't doing it for the viewer. They're using the viewers as guinea pigs to refine their algorithms. They'll look at how many people thumbs up each order and make decisions on how to feed viewers mixed bags. Good stuff first, starting with shit and increasing in quality, good stuff in the middle, good and bad evenly distributed, etc. This will help them determine how they order other things in the future.
Pretty sure anything that mocks Hitler gets an automatic green light, regardless of quality.
Secret War
Zima Blue
Lucky 13
Fish Night
Shape Shifters
Ice Age
Three Robots
Sucker of Souls
Good Hunting
Alternate Histories
Helping Hand
Nope secret war Russians vs mutants
Saya no Uta?
So, was the spider a huge pervert for wanted to fuck the two legged monkey thing? Is this like the equivalent of a dogfucker among us?
>basically an alien ponyfag
Your sister sounds hot user
Quads comrade lieutenant
>Loved it, Steampunk Cina foxlady one could and should be a live action movie.Whole season is 100% this- Why not put the real name on? could not get rights?
Yeah, this is HEAVY METAL in everything but name and what I've always wanted from such a show!!!FACT!!!
Thing I like most is the variety of styles used. Keeps it interesting!!!FACT!!!
Hi Bree!
>Lucky 13 not being in skip
ok retard
The alternate history episode about Hitler dying in increasingly absurd ways was one of the worst things I've ever watched.
Can you imagine getting a big break and getting to make a short about anything in a show that is executive produced by Tim Miller and David Fincher and this is what you turn in? How fucking embarrassing.