Films about men doing the impossible

Films about men doing the impossible

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Haha if not having sex makes you stronger then I’m Superman haha

haha imagine not having sex for a month

based and semenretentionpilled

Bro these dudes fuck a white girl a day whose gonna make more single moms for me to fuck

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I'm gonna a try to give up alchol for a month. I feel like my body is dying drinking s 750 ml vodka bottle a night.

Schindler's List. Poor Nazis tried everything to exterminate Red Sea pedestrian vermin, but failed.

>there are people on this planet that have to give up having sex
why live ;_;

Read about alcohol and testosterone and cortisol. Yeah even in normal conditions it fucks you up

*chair clatters*

Sex is overrated

He's married

haha imagine not having sex for 300 months!!! can you imagine??????????

What's going to happen when he finds out the only purpose for sex is to create life and beyond that it's of no use and only makes men weaker? Will all the other athletes follow his path? Will men finally figure out we don't need women?

>normies are so degenerate they think this is impressive

Same. I drink about a fifth of bourbon a week. I noticed I was having brain fog more and more, and not retaining information. I also started seeing what I thought were cockroaches out of the side of my eye, but nothing would be there.

Stopped drinking last week and started exercising. Hoping for the best

a WHOLE month? noway!

>go thirty days without sex
>achieve special mind powers

It's thirty YEARS, you normie fucks

>Seeing the cockroaches/elves
Yeah bro that's your mind begging you to stop

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