Just finished Z

Just finished Z.

Should I watch GT or Super?

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just db


Kill yourself anime nerd


GT. Super is just deviantart recolors of goku and El Hermano memes.

Alternate between the two after every episode.

Dragon Ball Sneed

go watch the original dragon ball

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I'd say Super, OP. It happens before End of Z, while GT is way after. So that way you watch both and make your own opinion about them.

Super because GT ain't canon

I'm a few episodes into Garlic jr and I'm bored. These villains are shit

Neither. Z is already mediocre but both its inbred sequels are incomparably worse.

Garlic JR is the lowest point of the series. Pointless filler that wasn't even in the manga in the first place.

Just push through. Androids are up next and it has a huge jump in quality


People who say GT im guessing havent watched it in years, the animation is even worse than super, the series is 95% still images being panned over

Neither. Flip a coin in three months and watch them then.

A real anime

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GT is a fun yet flawed alternate ending that, while not canon, gives the franchise an incredibly satisfying and definitive finale. I think that every DB fan should watch it at least once if just for the closure it can give to a franchise that is destined to go on for eternity

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None, both are utter crap. Smash your balls with two stones, it would be less painful.

Also you should already had left by the end of Cell, Buu was bullcrap too.

>Should I watch GT or Super?
it is the same shit
Mary Sue Goku fights and wins

Well, you've never watches it apparantly. Goku never wins fights.


I mean if you had time to watch Z, why not watch everything ? It doesn't sound like you have anything goin on

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Super starts like a week after DBZ Buu arc. Start there.

Stop watching filler and skip to 118