Who else is hyped for G:KOTM?!

I can't stop talking about with all my friends and etc

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You're a cool shill, OP. But next time, just make it a kaiju general.

We should start a Godzilla Gang General

Wasn't trying to stir up shit user. I'm.just excited about the film

Fuck yea!

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Really looking forward to it. 2014 Godzilla is unironically one of my favorite movies in the franchise.

For me is Detective Pikachu.
Plus, no Millie.

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Get a load of this guy

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Same here user. Find myself watching it a lot. Comfy G Film

Ghidora's going to job again. No doubt about it. But I'll still go see it.

I will watch both

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>king of monsters made by americans instead of the japs
lol no thanks

new japanese poster

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>first movie criticized for only showing the monsters in darkness, fog or with frequently blocking the view
>sequel does the same shit
that's gonna be a yikes from me


Same here but I'm really looking forward to Pikachu. I'm a nostalgiafag.

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Same friendo. 2014 in the theatre was one of my favorite movie experiences.

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Trailer in the theatre it looked great.

like it better without the sub

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bless those counter-trips

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You're not good at this. Stick to shilling on reddit and Facebook, retard.

Fuck off, faggot, this is the big boy thread

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>going up against Endgame AND John Wick
Deader than DOA

>John Wick
Pikachu is going to run circles around John Cuck

Or you could just continue acting like an ass

I understand the complaints people have about it, but you can't tell me the money shots of Godzilla weren't fucking amazing.
>that first reveal at the airport
>atomic breath
>the kiss of death scene

My favorite scene is probably the Golden Gate scene, I thought it was shot well and was intense

Why do you use words if you don't know what they mean