I can't stop talking about with all my friends and etc
Who else is hyped for G:KOTM?!
You're a cool shill, OP. But next time, just make it a kaiju general.
We should start a Godzilla Gang General
Wasn't trying to stir up shit user. I'm.just excited about the film
Fuck yea!
Really looking forward to it. 2014 Godzilla is unironically one of my favorite movies in the franchise.
For me is Detective Pikachu.
Plus, no Millie.
Get a load of this guy
Same here user. Find myself watching it a lot. Comfy G Film
Ghidora's going to job again. No doubt about it. But I'll still go see it.
I will watch both
>king of monsters made by americans instead of the japs
lol no thanks
new japanese poster
>first movie criticized for only showing the monsters in darkness, fog or with frequently blocking the view
>sequel does the same shit
that's gonna be a yikes from me
Same here but I'm really looking forward to Pikachu. I'm a nostalgiafag.
Same friendo. 2014 in the theatre was one of my favorite movie experiences.
Trailer in the theatre it looked great.
like it better without the sub
bless those counter-trips
You're not good at this. Stick to shilling on reddit and Facebook, retard.
Fuck off, faggot, this is the big boy thread
>going up against Endgame AND John Wick
Deader than DOA
>John Wick
Pikachu is going to run circles around John Cuck
Or you could just continue acting like an ass
I understand the complaints people have about it, but you can't tell me the money shots of Godzilla weren't fucking amazing.
>that first reveal at the airport
>atomic breath
>the kiss of death scene
My favorite scene is probably the Golden Gate scene, I thought it was shot well and was intense
Why do you use words if you don't know what they mean