Why was he such a cunt? Easily the most unlikable character

Why was he such a cunt? Easily the most unlikable character.

Attached: the-office-jim-is-the-worst.jpg (646x431, 48K)

>le muggy smugman
No idea. Easily the least likeable character.

Pam is infinitely more unlikeable, but he’s a second.

That's why they pair up so good together.
Everyone in the office is awful in some glaring way, that's kind of the point.

he was written purely for normies to root for against the bad man dwight. we all know that dwight was unlikeable in context, but easily the most in-depth written character with the most personality of everyone in the office

He started off by being what the viewer thought of themselves. The smartest one, the funny one, the most grounded one. Jim was someone to root for because he was you. They quickly started to change that. Anyone who hated him after season 3 was just butthurt. They made him spineless and stupid and made it apparent he thought he was more charming and smart than he actually was. There are so many moments he gets blown the fuck out throughout the show, it's great. Especially in the later seasons.

That's why this show is great. It's very realistic in that sense that everyone is kind of awful, selfish and stupid at times.

Pam is okay until the 4th season or so, but after that she's totally unbearable and obnoxious.

I can’t go to Yemen!

>xd le jim is le villain dwight did nothing wrong!!
I bet you say Die Hard is a Christmas movie too

Can smell the fish cooch from the catalog in this hread, if you like the office you are a braindead woman

If you ignore Phyllis' existence, perhaps.
What redeeming factors does she have?

>le jim and pam were the worst characters!
Is there a more reddit take than this?

Why the hell are you wat watching that awful remake?

>US Office thread
>some butthurt britcuck shows up
Literally every time.

Phyllis doesn't do anything wrong. She may not be good but she's not bad

Because he’s an entitled white male with delusions of grandeur

What the fuck are you talking about? Jim is the embodiment of Reddit.

What is the point of no return for the flanderozation?

Season 1/2 Kevin vs Kevin at the end is such a joke.

Jim is just white Oscar. He's the straight man who's job is to make this face

> :^/

At the camera when Dwight, Michael, etc do something wacky.

If i was dwight in that scene where she hurts her back, i would've oiled her up and fucked her right there on the conference table