Why didn't Peter tell MJ to fuck off and go for his cute neighbor

Why didn't Peter tell MJ to fuck off and go for his cute neighbor

MJ was a terrible person in every fucking film

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>penetrating a sl*v
What would Uncle Ben say?

Peter Incel-Parker had a serious case of oneitis.


>they’re as white as you can get, Peter. Keep the white race strong
Weird flex but ok raimi

MJ was played by a nudist

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I wish.


I'd fuck Mageina right in vageina if you catch my drift

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>leave MJ for disgusting flat chest and no ass McGee
The only correct choice is pic related

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Slav girls are the best though


She's clearly a jew

>have prime K Dunst
>even thinking about ever leaving her
k dude

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>MJ was a terrible person in every fucking film
So? You can't really decide to stop being in love with someone, dude... People stay together with awful people all the time

There's more to cuteness than looks user

That's her prime? Yikes!

Jumanji was her peak, I wonder if Robin Williams got to fuck her

I can

>perfect cunny
>perfect mommy

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williams fucked them all with his turgid, excessively veiny 11 inch cock

>Mary Jane is supposed to be a gorgeous model
>cast this instead
What did they mean by this?

Gwen's tits really bloomed between HS and college. I bet those sick SJWs would have put HS Gwen on hormone blockers to keep her flat chested if they would have had their way.

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm pretty sure if you picked out some girls with runway model looks, I would say Dunst is hotter than some of them.

She looks like she fucks black guys

Well, most people can't... Peter couldn't.

I think uncle ben would take a slav over a jew or nigger any day

She still fucked a millionaire's son and A FUCKING ASTRONAUT

>>perfect mommy

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Wasn't she being secretly abused by her father while Peter masterbaited to the noises?

>he hasn't seen the comic where she does
A-user I...

I have some thin sweaters like this and my bf always call them fucking mommy sweaters from the 70s

FUcking kek

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Thank god I stopped reading comics 10 years ago

>perfect mommy

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Why didn't Peter kill all the kikes in New York like Uncle Ben asked him to in his dying breath? I thought he loved and respected his Uncle.

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someone tweet this to Brie

Look at this fuckin Garfield face....She looks like she's about to fall asleep all the time. WAKE UP BITCH! Jesus Christ...

yeah, okay satan. Your triptrips cant fool me

>go for his cute neighbor

Though MJ is a total prick tease and overall bitch (and she fucked dem keedz)
neighbor has too many moles
watch Slav porn and get back to me

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fucking underage shits

He would have slapped the shit out of Petter

no, just because uncle Ben had some of them in his basement doesn't make them the "best"

Uncle Ben doesn’t get to talk what with his dozens of half-gook rape bastards running around Vietnam.

Uncle ben would disown peter if he had anything of value but hes leaving nothing behind so he has the ultimate laugh

>Peter, did I ever tell you about the time I had relations with a Slav? It was a different time and place back then. Darkies were still treated as third rate citizens and we had just gotten back from hunting gooks out in the East. There was this girl Peter, a Slav girl. My god did she ever bake the best cookies I have ever eaten. Peter, you need to promise me that if you ever come across a Slav girl who offers you cookies....now this is important Peter. You need to fuck her. You understand me Peter? Hard.....and deep. Will you do that for me Peter?
How did Rami get away with this?!

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She also plays the hot Librarian on The Magicians.

Attached: Mageina Tovah Magicians.jpg (598x672, 227K)

Because she was a whore who liked being choked

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"Peter! Why, I didn't hear you knocking. Let me finish getting dressed and I'll be right out."

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even better

Meth Damon's dick slowly morphs everything he fucks into looking like Meth Damon. Fucking powerful.

"I'm something of a race traitor myself"

Ain't much slavs in US, especially in NYC. They may have slavic names, but most of them are either russian jews or polish jews or whatever else sort of jewdom.

For real Ursula would have bent over backwards to please Peter, but noooo he wanted that icy traitorous bitch that always friendzoned him.


She looks like Peter herself here

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Also posting the most beautiful woman in the trilogy

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Best girl right here

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the roast is toast

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Why does her face look copypasted on lmao

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>at her prime
Get a load of this pleb

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patrician choice

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whats the point of getting married if your wife will just look like this in a decade

Move it football head!

Fear of being branded as a fag.