Wtf was her problem?

wtf was her problem?

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> her

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>having a son that could just turn into a daughter
yeah, I think children in general are cuckpilled

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Not doing what he asked politely.

Nothing she was a powerful ferocious Transwoman expressing her true spirit

He only wished he was a tranny, the same way he wanted to be a neo-nazi.
t. Hannibal.

his internet was out so he couldn't use discord


oh yeah, today he would HAVE TO BE called her

>He only wished he was a tranny
lol the ultimate tranny cope

>Portraying transexuals as the mentally ill fetishists they are
What are some other movies that could never get made today?

no discord in the 90s

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>only a few years until this movie will be seen as transphobic and gets removed from the public eye

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Lord of the Rings
Too white and Orcs would be considered an allusion to minorities.

That's not a tranny cope, that's Lecter's professional assessment. What, you don't trust him to know the difference between someone with body dysmorphia and some fucker who just wants to be a trap because he thinks it'll give his life meaning the same way being a neo-nazi should have?

Only literal retards think like this, but you're still correct

>some low life spent hours to make that picture

Typical tranny mental illness

here's your reply, don't spend it all in one place

Judging by the mix of try-hard shading and everything being shit I'd say it took days.

Nah. Hannibal makes it extremely clear that Bill isn't a real transexual.

>Don't ever have kids goyim

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