ITT criminally underpraised movies

ITT criminally underpraised movies

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I don't like how the action was shot.
Too jerky.
Fun movies though

It felt like two sequels smashed together into one film, so much shit going on that you stop caring about any of it. Also they should have kept Colin Firth dead and had the hot Lancelot girl join him. It's one of the most disappointing sequels in recent memory, only thing I really liked about it was the asshole President of the United States. He was a riot.

Oh and I really, really hated the Elton John shit.

The 2nd one was terrible and felt like a whole different film.

>ITT Dead Disney Franchises

Ya the second one sucked


The third film was just bizzare.

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That god tier church scene

Sequal was shit though, can't even remember the plot

>white aristocratic gentlemen are heroes
>blackman is a villain in first movie
>woman is a villain in second movie
I mean uhm isn’t it problematic?

Kingsman 2 > Kingsman
This is fact.

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Julianne Moore was trying to legalize drugs by killing drug users, or something? It was bad

it felt unrealistic having a manlet potrayed as a super spy for me
tom cruise is the only manlet that can do that

Patrician opinion.

Right, yeah it was bad except we got to see that qt Swedish princess again

No anal scene though.

I liked Moore more than Jackson. Overall the first is a better movie but I loved pretty much everything with the Statesmen and the fight scenes and soundtrack were still great with Golden Circle.

I liked the Statesmen but they added absolutely nothing to the story. Why do they even exist? Channing Tatum was introduced and then sidelined for the rest of the film

More like criminally bad movies

I don't use this term often, but: More like criminally reddit movies lol

Whiskey added nothing to the story?

Good idea for a thread OP, why don't you start?

Are you implying only white men can be villians?
Trying ton legalize drugs by holding all the drug user in the world hostage

He was little more than a tagalong

>Plan is to make a prequel movie before going back to Eggsy, then make more prequel movies
Fuck the film industry.

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Tatum wasn't Whiskey, Tatum gets blued and then frozen. literally a cameo but makes it onto the poster unlike Whiskey's actor

Mars Needs Moms

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golden circle is probably the most disappointing sequel of all time

ending was K I N O tho

God, I have rarely been mad after watching a movie, but I was seriously flustered that I paid to see this shit

I never said Tatum was Whiskey. You said Statesmen added absolutely nothing to the story and why did they even exist. Whiskey is a major part of the story. Yes, Tequila didn't add shit other than to set up for future films.

user. It's been so long.

first one was kino
second one could have used about 14 less Elton John jokes.

I thought it was unanimously agreed upon that Kingsman is redditcore

The sequel is awful
>kill off a bunch of characters because ????
>make the americans too OP so you need to just write one out of the movie
>make the other one a bad guy as a twist because ?????
>Harry knew he was a bad guy because ??????
Elton John was the only genuinely enjoy able part for me.

I am still mad that poor doggo died

>I thought it was unanimously agreed upon that Kingsman is redditcore

Probably the most reddit sentence I've ever heard.

>terrible IT WAS HER TURN metaphor
no fuck off

why would you pay to see that after those trailers showed you exactly what you were going to get

Here you go have an upvote!

I bet you would enjoy the banalities of Mark Millar.

It's vulgar trash for stupid people.

literally James Bond for zoomers

Why didn't you like it then?

I did not see the trailers, my girlfriend said she wanted to see the movie and I thought "Cool, Robin Hood"
She liked it

Funny you say that, I thought it wasn't vulgar enough. Like it does weird stuff like the robot dogs, Elton John, sword peglegs, etc but it never really leans into it. The first one isn't so bad but the second feels like it's being too precious and winking at and nudging the audience.

It feels like someone read a cracked article about "top 10 weird things from James Bond" and tried making a movie based around that but did it without any real sincerity or care for the source material. So it comes off as weak. It never tries to do any better than the things it's aping.

Harry watched Whiskey purposefully knock the vaccine out of Eggy's hand.

He couldn't have said anything?

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Why do movies set up their own world/organization like this, then destroy it in the sequel? Give me some time to appreciate it first, otherwise I don't care, it's just more dumb explosions.

>movie literally starts with blowing up the worldbuilding from the previous movie
I could respect this if they actually outdid the original.

That movie sucked.

COUNTRY ROOOAAADS > Every other scene in the franchise*

bitch, people still shilling that church sequence in the first one.

While I agree with this sentiment I think the second movie was pretty shitty and the first one is awesome.

Fuck them for killing the cowboy guy and Merlin. If they shot cowboy in thr head again and left him in memory loss it would be still okay and funny even. Country road scene is forced drama and every one of you know it but lie because of meme.

Kingsmen, le Cornetto Trilogy, and all that other shit are criminally cringe Reddit garbage for 10 year olds who want to watch "adult" movies

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Wait till you see the spin-off prequel...

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>Fuck them for killing the cowboy guy and Merlin.
this disapointed me, merlin was cool and its only the second movie, you've barely established this world why are you already tearing it apart.
I predict he will be back if there is a third one as some kind of computer/robot

I feel like the only reason people pretend to like kingsmen is because of all the obvious idpol bait.

>but never really leans into it
First one had exploding heads literally anti 4g/5g mobile phone cellular network memes it was pretty weird.
That said the sequel didn't go weird enough the minced henchmen taxi car kino was great but yeah I found the seppos particularly wasted.
Jeff fucking bridges got zero screen time and the funniest all round best actor (Channing) got literally knocked out of the movie
If the prequels bullshit is true I'm done with this series
All I want is a 3rd movie that just goes balls to the wall like kick ass 1 and kingsman
Why pull punches? Also they killed off the cute thiccfu from the first movie ree

Honestly not much stranger than the continuity in bond movies.

Fuck off cunt it's literally just the first movie plot with a shittier cast


So these movies are pretty much done for right? What with the Disney acquisition and all that. Or continue without the R rating.

The third mainline sequel is being filmed right now

wanna put me weiner in julienne moore

What does kissing a girl feel like?

I really enjoyed the final fight against Whiskey. The movies are shit, but that fight was cool.

Meh tier

Don't feel bad. I paid real money to see peppermint and widows.

Second one is pretty much ass

bags of coins and salty milk


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>bad guys win: the movie
Also fuck that romance subplot. Shit was so boring.