Black Summer

Damn i'm hyped about this upcoming zombie TV-show and TWD killer

what do you think

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>bunch of white kids gunnning down a poo
>not only just a poo but a deaf poo

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Can't really tell if it looks any good from that trailer.
That bit in the air vents looked alright though.

Running zombies is where i got sold

So is this like a Chinese show?

>Zombie fiction
>90% "MAN IS THE REAL MONSTER" human drama

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Is Black Summer not how they referred to the first year of infection in Z Nation?

It's a spin off

Just ONCE I'd like a story where the zombies are a real threat and all the humans actually like and get along with eachother great and don't fuck with eachother/ other survivors, making them all devastated when a person is lost etc. Closest we ever got was Shaun of The Dead.


be mad somewhere else, incel

>twd killer
The walking dead died a long time ago from boring stupid storylines

'Man fights monsters but the real monster is man' is such an overused twisted cliché, only behind, 'prince tries to save princess, she needs no help' and 'what if superheroes were actually psycho assholes'

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But chief irons is a serial killer who goes straight to kidnapping.

you're fucking retarded then because thats the whole fucking point of zombie movies

this is not the zack snyder zombie flick. fuck off

>the whole point of zombie movies is to tell exactly the same story over and over because we can't stop copying Romero
I bet you slurp up all the reboots and remakes as well, you complete faggot.

watch all the aliens movies you want but don't call them zombie movies, faggot.

Ada doublecrosses Leon though?

Irons is the only real evil human

She couldn't shoot him and saved him at the end by tossing him the rocket launcher, the implication was that she at the very least still had some humanity in her to help in the end

>Irons is the only real evil human
He's also on of like three humans that aren't playable characters? Hardly something to go by.