So what can be learned from Lord of the flies?

so what can be learned from Lord of the flies?

Attached: rexfeatures_2060428a.jpg?w968h681.jpg (968x681, 86K)

Whites are violent from a young age

The pillars of society rest upon a foundation of bullying nerds

You probably shouldn't let a group of children live on an island.

An adult negroid has the mental capabilities of a Caucasian 12 year old. It's a metaphor for why there never was a subsaharan civilization.


Don't have kids.

Hey pal, did you get a load of the nerd?
(As jocks it is our duty to give nerds a hard time.)

Attached: homernerd.jpg (640x480, 39K)

two sides of racism

That young boys should be legal

males are malformed creatures with destructive social characteristics


Children must be crushed under the authoritarian boot of adult supervision and force.

one of those kids donated semen and is the biological father of paris jackson

That there can only be one lord of the flies... and he does not share flowers.

how does the 60s movie hold up? I know the remake was a failure

Civilisation is a delicate thing that should not be taken for granted

Unironically this.


Yea Forums is the island

all communities need a cum bucket


That what is considered fat has changed drastically.

Every society is three meals away from revolution

*white males