Will you be watching The Witcher starring Cavill?
Will you be watching The Witcher starring Cavill?
Jude Law tier hairline, he's doomed
Look at that cunny eyeballing him in the back
I cancelled Netflix subscription because my white money would prop up the oppressive capitalist system and it would be an insult to women and non-white men.
God, just imagine him squeezing your head with those thighs before sitting on your face wouldn't that be funny hahaha
And her dad, completely defeated.
They should of gone with Jeremy Irons as Geralt
He looks exactly like Geralt is supposed to look
the david brent glance
The dad looks like Affleck. True pottery at work
He looks like a chubby fuck when he is not cutting
we need social justice and intersectionality with in the straight white male community, this guy has more privilege then 99% of SWM he need to check it now
henry is the most handsome man of earth
imagine how heavenly henry's crotch musk is
>ywn have your pelvis crushed by his muscular iron thighs
>Will you be watching The Witcher starring Cavill?
I won't want netflix's "lol there are niggers now in this polish story because we say it" witcher, thank you
There were always niggers in the Witcher world, brainlet.
>There were always niggers in the Witcher world, brainlet.
there aren't, read all the books, not a single nigger
There's orcs
>ToysRUs in the background
Where did the time go?
>read all the books, not a single nigger
You're lying, and that's pathetic.
No, it looks awful and he's a mediocre actor.
t. gay
COPE. Even women lust after Jude Law right now with his hairline, and he's like 5'10 and has a bad body.
That's not how my name is spelt.
Will be dragged along to watch it, no doubt.
What happened to his face, did he gain some bodyfat % ?! Lookin very bloated compared to his usual self
He's muscular but he drops the fat with the films, shirtless scenes, etc. where how he looks is important. He probably eats pretty well in his personal life but will indulge in alcohol, sugary shit (like eating an entire cake Tom Cruise sent him), and so on.
>seething cueball white knighting for actors he'll never meet
>I state how things are, akin to stating the sky is blue
>W-w... white k-knight!!
Jude Law is FAR from successful. He went from young heartthrob to hasbeen overnight. His only saving grace was an actual talent for acting, which manifested later. But keep singing his praises and emulating his life, I'm sure it'll grow back if you pretend you're him!
>I'm sure it'll grow back if you pretend you're him!
You reading comprehension is shit. Yeah, his hair line is heavily recessed and so is Cavill's. Where is that in dispute? Oh, it isn't. Pointing is screeching 'IT'S OVVEEERRR!' for him cause of this strikes me as shitty cope. Cavill is still lusted after and so is Law with his recent roles in Young Pope and in Fantastic Beasts. But please, keeping picking up on a flaw these men and screeching about it being the end of the world for them if it makes you feel better.
Garbage cast, not to mention all the blacks. Might not even torrent it desu
His body isn't even that bad.
Who can do the roll better?
The guy isn't pale enough to look like the witcher
Mads Mikkelsen. Can't see him doing jokes though. Depends how they want to portray Geralt i suppose
I meant dad body. You could tell he had some muscle at some point but he's past his peak.
this guy actually has some range
have you seen the hunt? goes against his typecast of the silent madlad
Reading the books right now, I will probably torrent the show just to seethe and make threads about how fucking garbage it is and how the showrunner is a fucking hack cunt