ITT: NPC-repellant films

ITT: NPC-repellant films

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Anything by pic related.

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But that's the movie every NPC likes to hold up as some fucked-up masterpiece when it's just an edgy flick that looks like it was written by an eleven year old

The music in Serbian film was so fucking great.

How do I give gold here?

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batman v superman dawn of kino

Martyrs, new level of brutal, without being gory..

So much this.
A normie friend showed me this movie claiming it was the most fucked up thing ever and that it was oh so traumatizing.
I was not impressed by this pile of predictable edginess.
Seriously, did a 15 year old Yea Forumstard write this schlock?

It's called a Yea Forums pass, but you need to ask OP for their email.

i watched this but forgot what was the big twist?

reminder that 'Irreversible' was the go-to for this before A Serbian Film came out

This film was created purely for propaganda purposes to make Serbs seem scary to people.

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it turns out they were all robots who learned how to love

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>ITT: NPC Troll-bait

the composer is a Serbian rapper called Wikluh Sky
his solo stuff and the shit he made with his group Bad Copy is also great

Irreversible is actually good, tho.

If you mean shit, then yes, it was great.

>Seriously, did a 15 year old Yea Forumstard write this schlock?
A Serbian Film is supposedly "ironic" so yes.

ITT: edgelord baits

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Serbian Film
Siberian Mouse
Which one do you choose?

How about we just seal off Serbia

This is usually enough to get most normies to stop asking me to watch movies with them.

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any bela tarr movie

I unironically jerked off to the birth scene in the movie.

>watching Baraka with other people
>that scene where they line up those naked little jungle girls and put their vaginas in center frame

What are more movies like that? I want to feel like I’m going to throw up.

I Stand Alone, Irreversible, Sodom are all better versions of A Serbian Film.

Some people would bring up Lars von Trier but I think his films always have some kind of humanist or positive-absurdist lilt to them. Even at his darkest von Trier hasn't taken the blackpill.


This and Salo are the movies that normies use to feel adventurous and edgy with their friends.

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salo is actually good though
and fapworthy

It is, but i got tired of hearing "Dude. Salo is so fucked up, lmao"

It's boring as fuck

This. A Serbian film is just an anons shitty wish fulfillment flick