The worst movies you've seen

the worst movies you've seen

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Let's just get this one out of the way

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1:13 wtf

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you cant comprehend how awful it is, I don't know ho they got Christopher Lee

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True kino

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Tree of Life

just kidding nobody has seen this movie lmao

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Christopher Lee has been in loads of terrible movies

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Nigga why u lyin'?
No Cage moie can ever be anyone's worst movie ever by virtue fo Cage being inherently entertaining.

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thz poster always scared me, It was recently when I found it was spanishcoproduction and it was the director of Dagon and Reanimator, Bryan Yuzna
Is it as bad as critics said?

it's pretty bad. it's sort of like the story of faust but turned into horror capeshit. but what takes it over the top is that someone, one of the producers maybe, filled half the scenes with someone's shitty euro thrash metal band's music which drowns out all other sound. it even plays during a sex scene. ridiculous

I show it every Halloween at my bar

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Looks entertaining as fuck and the music is sick!
Am I being bambozzled here? I mean, it's obviously not hight tier art but it seems like fun.

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I remember fapping to the bluehead when I was around 14.

I can barely understand their bong accents

This and everything else made by the same fuckers

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>director of Dagon and Reanimator, Bryan Yuzna
that's stuart gordon. him and yuzna were frequent collaborators. gordon's actually a decent director. yuzna not so much

And I mean Funny Man, not the bilal shit

they had little boys on set

The time Adam Sandler raped his fanbase. You could say that his follow-ups were even worse, but this one was the one where it fell off a cliff.

I wanna say that this one was somewhat decent, but that might be because of adolescence and the fact that they showed pusy in the unrated version.

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One of the main characters truly made me abhor this film.

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Don't let the cover fool you. The "zombies" are literally just women wearing a lot of eye shadow.

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I don't know if it is the worst. but it is the worst in recent memory. Oh Billy Zane what happened to you man?

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what's worse this or Superhero Movie?

The big titty muslim girl who get her tits sucked by Malkovich was really hot.
Sad this is a movie about a woman enjoying nigger muslim rape and kidnapping tho.

Movie 43

No redeeming qualities

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Funny Man is just too smart for you to understand

Looks like pure kino desu


The featherfag version of Jurassic Park

Oh shit this actually looks great

Borat. Only film I walked out on.

Funny man is sick you nonce
Probs a dumb yank

There's not even a wikipedia article for this one.


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All I can say is I really want to watch it now.

The Lawn Mowerman

Felt like watching a terrible live action 90's anime OVA.

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>live action original video animation
what did she mean by this


Wasn't good-bad, just awful. Painfully unfunny.

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