

>The story of how Mötley Crüe came to be one of the most notorious rock 'n roll groups in history.


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all people that make biopics need to fucking hang.

I read the book in high school, thats good enough for me

Opens with a girl squirting...Ok you have my attention

>Opens with a girl squirting...

>mötley crue
>not motörhead


Closes with a girl squirting...Ok you have my attention

>Machine Gun Kelly

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Realistically, is there anyone that looks like Lemmy?

It was pretty bad. Horrible acting.

>directed by Jeff Tremaine, the guy who directed the Jackass movies
What did you expect?

A slightly make up on Krasinski would do the trick, and then hire Tony Cox as the mole.

>a netflix film
I'll pass

I guess I can KINDA see it.
I just hope that with Bohemian Rhapsody, Lords of Chaos, and The Dirt music biopics get popular enough so we could see a Motorhead or Black Sabbath film.

Exactly what I got. I saw his name at the end and said to myself yea that’s about right

His son could die his hair but in the age of CGI, who cares? Just cast someone who can fucking act like him.

What bullshit. The soundtrack is all a bunch of punk and powerpop songs, zero hair metal of the era besides Motley Cru's own songs.

Just like with that retarded Lords of Chaos movie, it's like they wanted to present it more like just generic "rawk" so boring garage rock hipsters could relate more or something. Should have known with that piece of shit Jackass director helming this. Jackass practically invented that bullshit '00s diluted 'rawk' idea.

Also, the direction and editing in this is garbage, looks like something from the 00s. And the art direction and costume design doesn't get anything right, everyone looks more 70s than 80s. The womens' hairdos are wrong, the metalheads look wrong, everything is wrong.

Doesn't really look like him, but I reckon Michael Shannon would make a good Lemmy.

>less than 10GB

You are shitting us right?
Come back when you find the real deal.

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idk why i was expecting this to be anything other than lousy