It’s got to be the best Bond theme song, right? Adele knocked it out of the park

It’s got to be the best Bond theme song, right? Adele knocked it out of the park.

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can't beat this

Barely sneaks into the top 10
>Nobody Does it Better
>You Only Live Twice
>Live and Let Die
>A View to a Kill
>For Your Eyes Only
>The Living Daylights
>The World is Not Enough
All better

Moonraker is the best. A View to a Kill is 2nd.

I agree

From Russia With Love has the greatest theme for a "The Sequel" of all time let alone Bond theme.

No, you imbecile.

>From Russia With Love has the greatest theme
refresh my memory user. All I can remember is bongos and lights flashing on womens' stomachs

>No Moonraker

>No Goldfinger

You're kidding right?

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>no Goldfinger

live and let die and you know my name, skyfall is low

Goldfinger is overrated, much like the movie it opens

Ahhh, I see now.

You have no taste. That explains it.

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it goes
do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do

>The Living Daylights
>From Russia With Love
>License to Kill
>You Only Live Twice
>A View to a Kill

>Tomorrow Never Dies
>The World Is Not Enough
>A View to a Kill

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skyfall and golden eye have best themes

radiohead - spectre is way better than any of the official bond songs

Eh. After consideration, Live and Let Die is the superior theme to A View to a Kill. I'd have to replace them.

So is your mom.

I think it's the first Bond film that's basically shit. I mean Connery's got some good banter and screen presence but the plot and the Sumo razor hat man and shit like painting the pool slut gold are so laughable that you can't take the movie seriously.

The soundtracks are nothing without Derek Watkins. He had an inimitable sound.


Dr No is easily top 2.

They fucking rejected Radiohead's Spectre song

>Thom Yorke wailing for 4 minutes again
no thanks

It's lonely at the top.

Dr. No is solid. Top ten in my book, certainly. Plus it featured Best Felix and these sunglasses.

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It's not Spectre by Radiohead, so no.

It was rejected with good reason. It's shit even just as a Radiohead song, let alone a Bond theme. Am I caught up in some sort of meme?

the radiohead song is fucking terrible

If you think the Sam Smith one is better you're delusional.

they're both generic wailing, both are bottom five material.

Writing's On The Wall is one of the worst Bond themes, but it's at least passable as a Bond theme.

I am sorry that music is juts cringe. It looks like someone is gladly reading a script instead of singing.

>generic wailing
Literally meaningless criticism. Might as well just say "Me no like song" and be done with it.


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It is valid criticism you just refuse to admit it.

"Generic" is not a valid criticism in any context whatsoever, it means nothing without qualification.

meaningless reply, you're just too blind to acknowledge your husbando may not be perfect

Craig is okay. He's better than Brosnan who was Pussy Bond and Lazenby who was Not Enough Acting Experience But It's Alright Because The Script And Telly Savalas Are Great Bond.

Yes it is.

>hating on based brosnan
skinny girl detected

Adele. The name’s Burgered. Bond Burgered.

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Casino Royale was the best for me IMO.

Your opinion is bad. Shit, even.

Your opinion is wrong. Catastrophic, even.

Piss zoomer
Baste boomer

no u
that's a good song

I like Nobody Does It Better because you can see fully-exposed tits during the intro as the song plays

The Moore films and their themes were just comfy as fuck. Comfy Bond.

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Throw yourself off from the Tilted Towers, zoomer.

wouldn't craig fans be the zoomers though?

Zoomers weren't born on Casino Royale though.
The who who were, were babies, plus Zoomers don't like 007 movies.

It's just a shit theme, man. I don't see what my birthday has to do with it.

Most zoomers havent even seen casino royale
T. Zoomer
Best Bond music

I heard the song "Rolling in the deep" was about a man who was trapped in her vagina

isn't Kaji meant to be James Bond's son?

Licence to Kill and GoldenEye for me. Gladys Knight and Tina Turner are the best.

You Know My Name is the best bond theme don't @ me

The fucking Chris Cornell song?

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best bond scene every

And suddenly Moonraker is now the best Bond film. Damn my fetish for small japanese schoolgirls that can kick ass.

the living daylights
best movie and best theme

Came here to post this. Goldfinger btfos all the rest.

But Moonrakerr has Dolly Jaw's Lolly

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Skyfall is all bluster and no content, so a perfect match for the film. Three Blind Mice was never bettered at a Bond theme.


Yeah if you haven't heard any others

How can your top list be so good yet your bottom be completely wrong?

Those themes are baller. Consider giving them another listen. Again, Live and Let Die should replace A View to a Kill for fifth best theme.


>A View to Kill

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On her majesty's secret service please, it's the only true Bond theme.

Best Blofeld coming through.

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More an Anelephant that bitch is bigger than a fucking truck. She couldn’t knock anything out of a park. They need a crane to get her out:

Best villain, best bond girl and best assault music.

Nobody Does it Better
You Only Live Twice
Living Daylights
Man With the Golden Gun
From Russia With Love
All of these are better themes than your list. TND is fucking awful.

The final scene is essential Bondcore. I must say though, by the time I had watched every Bond film, I was all fucking done with gunfights on skis. That's not necessarily this film's fault, though.

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You Only Live Twice and From Russia With Love had great themes, but I wouldn't quite put them in my top five, more like top ten. Nobody Does It Better and the Man With The Golden Gun are decent. The Living Daylights theme is terrible though and I say that as someone who thought it was the best film with the best Bond. A-Ha never made a good track after Take On Me.

adele sucks ass. I really liked Quantum's theme

Actually based, I rarely find myself listening to a bond theme as music but I do with Cornell and Tina Turner's Goldeneye. Anything with Cornell is good.

>I really liked Quantum's theme

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Jack White tho

Forget themes anons, who is the best Bond Girl and why is it Xenia Onatopp?

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That was goooood.

plebian taste

Liking that shit song is turbopleb taste

I'm with you. The song has a compelling intro but about twenty-five seconds in it goes to shit and remains shit.

Nope, in terms of nuBond nothing has topped Chris Cornell’s Casino Royale theme


my personal fave is the die another day themesong by Madonna

>no "You Know My Name"
fuck you
kill yourself
based as FUCK
commit suicide, quickly

I didn't care for the song personally, but the video for the song I actually thought was great, until the end when it's suddenly and inexplicably about Jews.

I legitimately don't know what it is about that Chris Cornell track you guys like so much. There appear to be several of you in this thread. It is unremarkable in every way to my ears and in no way evocative of anything I would've thought Bond-like.

>The Living Daylights
Whatever you're smoking, stop.

>Tomorrow Never Dies
Sheryl Crow managed to write a song she couldn't actually sing. Listening to her struggle with her own chorus is hilarious.

I'm a fan of Writing's on the Wall tbf

You know my name is much better

>she will never ride you into the ground while demanding you give her your seed
christ why am i alive if only to experience such a tragedy.

>no way evocative of anything I would've thought Bond-like
>song theme is so evocative it reappears later as incidental music

Meanwhile, Eva Green has been waiting for you to cuddle her in the shower. You blew it, user.