Oh yeah!

Oh yeah!

Attached: download.jpg (275x183, 5K)

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Is it back ?


Heh. The Original Angel? Didn't care for it.

The Original Anastasia

The ending was dumb af. Just a few years of Tai Chi Chuan training to prevent a school shooting.

The scientist researches were the best part

Weird, I was thinking about this show before I went to bed last night. It was garbage, a complete squandering of an interesting build.

yeah that ending is trash

>watching ep 1
>follow the nig around
>le racist cop
>those xxx_hacke3rs_xxx
>niggress is a "slay i"t programmer

its the leftovers season 2 all over again

Attached: itsall.jpg (807x659, 37K)

I aint finna watch this shit niga

So I guess it literally was just a magical portal to another universe, then? I’m glad that they’re at least going that route rather than “THE OA WAS THE FRIENDS WE MADE ALONG THE WAY”, which is definitely what the finale implied.

This show was good at building up some kind of tension, like it was gonna eventually go somewhere. But then it never did. I can’t believe I watched the whole of season 1 just to see a bunch of teenagers do le silly dance in a school to stop a school shooter.

brainlet conclusion

Is that what you gathered from the end? I feel sorry for you

>muh hidden meaning
>you have to be pretty smart to understand the ending
That's just a dumb ending and this user
Perfectly described it

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 45K)

Post the video.


Someone watch the last episode and let us know if it's worth it. Not sure why I should care anymore if she's in another universe and everything is ok.

They literally said that it might all have been made up by her, because she’d been through trauma.

I certainly didn’t gather that after she’s shot, she somehow travels to an alternate universe or whatever, which seems like what the season 2 trailers show.

dunno what this show is but sounds cringe. thanks for that. will make a point to never watch it now

I don’t remember this at all

what was the tweest?

>tumblr tranny shit
yep that's gonna be a yikes from me.

430. Richard and Linda.

Of season 1? It was that EVERYTHING SHE SAYS MIGHT BE A LIE, and then they do a magic dance during a school shooting and she gets shot.