How do we fix Aussie television and film industry?

How do we fix Aussie television and film industry?

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More Islam.


That's the New Zealand film industry mate.

stop trying to conform to american sensibilities, and keep political shit out of it

the better question is
>how do we nuke australia out of existence

Even though they are a fucking continent they only have 4 major ports. We could blockade ausfalia easily and watch them starve to death.

literally nothing of value would be lost. it's just a congregation of criminal failed britbongs, negative intelligence european diaspora, chinks, and muslims.

Can they still post here?

you cant

australia is literally going to belong to china in the near future

there's no hope for you

why is our media so fucking pozzed?

does your average pleb actually agree with them?

Australians are hot.

Yes, 4channel was never blocked

dubs of truth. So many young Aussies are very handsome.

are you kidding? australians look like nigger albinos

Why would you?

Harmsworth, Kwanten, Jackman, Sivan, Simpson and many more

>cherrypicking celebrities

does this show do anything but whine about women and muslims?

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>unable to refute
tsk tsk

i just did. apparently australians are not only nigger albinos but also nigger intelligence.

What the fuck are you talking about they grow tons of food you fucking retard

google most handsome boy and you'll get william franklyn-miller an australian



s m h

Where? In the giant fucking dessert? They have a shit ton of cows and sheep I'll give you that.

The Australian boy who played Peter in Jackman's Pan is very handsome.

no. I mean whine for women and muslims

literally fetal alcohol syndrome tier

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He cute.




What industry?

Defund ABC and SBS

so handsome i'm in love

inverse of based is u haha

Start hanging lying journalists from lamp posts

Yeah it was.

so how long until the civil war bros?

why do australians purposely stick up for rotting shit so long as its remotely connected to their country? misguided patriotism?

how can other whites even compete?

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apartheid and balkanisation more likely m8

anyone else thinking of converting

Already have.

i saw you on /pol/ earlier, i stand by my calling you an idiot

go back to /pol/ you fucking faggot stop polluting the other boards

I would not shame my ancestors like that.

i said nothing of a political nature. cope harder, poof.

not now. we know you retards can't contain yourselves

>talks about converting to islam
>complains about board pollution
hmmm... hyprocrite much sweaty?

actually make shit that is commercially viable overseas, remove screen australia and give tax breaks to filmmakers/small studios so they can actually make stuff
I swear half the projects that screen aus hands out money to are bullshit lgbt documentaries or shit about aborigines.

>has schizophrenia
>doesn't take his meds

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Nobody watches tv anymore except for boomers
People only want to watch American shit on netflix

Sorry mate I thought you were another poster.
My apologies.

I would but I hate kneeling and my beard comes through a patchwork of different shades.

no drama lad

I work in the Oz film industry.

It’s fucked. All the state and federal funding bodies (Screen Australia, ScreenWest etc) are run by university indoctrinated, feminist, SJW nutjobs. The only things getting funded now are feminist snowflake wankpieces, whities bad/abo’s good, and lame inner city depressing low budget gangster tripe.

They literally have these ridiculous quotas so you need an absurd percentage of females, like at least 50%, to be even looked at for funding. Think about that. How many groups of women sit around wanting to make movies compared to number of males? Fuckall. And you know the types of ones that do. Ugly purple haired bitches with a gigantic chip on their shoulder because Chad wouldn’t look at them in high school.

I'm an aussie who wants to make movies with an all female cast but they're nude at all times, do I have a shot?

They infest every aspect of Australian society, our (((universities)) have profited immensely off handing out arts degree's to cunts for decades though.

If you can convince some 85IQ feminist nincompoop that works for a funding body that it’s a “deconstruction of female sexuality and the male gaze and a commentary on female strength by challenging the fabric shackles of contemporary fashion norms” or some such bullhonkey then they will throw money and praise at you.

It worked for Fury Road.

sounds good

Don't mind me, just posting the best aussie song.

The only aussie I know thought that as well. China has buying up a bunch of infrastructure, real estate and companies. Pretty scary stuff, and eBen though they are really ducking rich as a country of 25 mil there is not much they can do.

>a “deconstruction of female sexuality and the male gaze and a commentary on female strength by challenging the fabric shackles of contemporary fashion norms”

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