Don't you hate it when americans think they're funny?

don't you hate it when americans think they're funny?

Attached: timthumb.jpg (650x866, 86K)

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seinfeld sucks
Norm’s Jew joke at the end of this vid is fucking amazing so at least Jerry gave us that

Why do people find this jew funny again?

They find him funny because he's funny

i hate it when a new talk show host appears out of nowhere and behaves as if he's a chat-show and comedy veteran of twenty years' standing.

How's his stand up?

that's the network propping itself up on its crumbling, newborn-giraffe legs

I don’t consider people who didn’t have ancestors fight in the civil war American. That’s a stretch too, sometimes I extend that to the Revolution.

That would actually be almost everyone who was born in the US, wouldn't it? If the requirement is only 1 ancestor.

oops meant for

this sounds like an australian thing to say...mate... you an aussie?

His stand up stands up well.

i hate it when any culture founded by white people thinks it's capable of humor (which requires critical thinking, something wh*toids are biologically incapable of)

Now this was hilarious.


There’s a huge amount of people in the US who had nobody here before 1900. Hell, there’s a late amount that didn’t have anybody here before 1990.


Attached: 1540652981356.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Chances are you're descended from dirt poor potato farmers from the early 1900s and your parents made up some bullshit story or were fed it by their parents so you would feel special

Oh fuck, you're right

Attached: 1474554282736.jpg (493x276, 33K)

reminder that this guy actually SAID that he has never SAID THE N-WORD, ever. not in his private live, never.

americans are honestly fucked up.

Good it means he’s not an underage /pol/tard.

>no thanks

I hate that everyone just laughs at everything a comedian says or does. Most are mediocre at best, but the mainstream loves them so anything they says is a hilarious joke.

Please don't be that Bill Hicks faggot ass muncher.

They were all pretty good jokes when you got it.

I miss Seinfeld threads.

>America is the bastion of free speech
>they always bitch about this
>for them it literally means they're the only country in the world tho have actual absolute freedom
>can't literally ever pronounce the word nigger like it's some Voldemort shit

Attached: Amerimutt.png (741x649, 21K)

Spanish American here

If your family wasn't in the southwest during New Spain, then get the fuck out