Are blue eyes a requirement to being an actor?
Are blue eyes a requirement to being an actor?
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Not a requirement, The only requirement is to be Jewish, at least if you want to be a Hollywood actor.
>b-but jews don't naturally have blue eyes
Just as they change their name and get cosmetic surgery, contacts are a thing.
Colored contacts exist so it's pretty irrelevant I think
The entire cast of LOTR has blue eyes.
Im a joo and i have blue eyes (naturally) explain
>not having green eyes
can hav other coleurs to
That or being Jewish.
Blue eyes is not required being part of the tribe is. even if you're a weird looking creature who can't act(like most j*wish actors in Hollywood) you'd be fine
Your people worked relentlessly on hijacking european genes for centuries by whoring out your women. There's a reason jewishness is matrilineal and you've come up with the cucking fetish, which you spread with your amerigolems.
There's less than 15 million of them in the world. Do most of them live in Hollywood?
Those are light green
nn-no, I'm not colorblind. I swear!
tfw dark grey eyes
>tfw white but have brown eyes
just fucking end me.
Anything eye color that's not brown (and the most common) is elitist and superior.
just be a jew and a vegan
Oof and cringe
it does seem like asolutely every handsome-regarded actor that you ever heard of, even though you never noticed, when you check they have 'em
It certainly doesn't hurt.
Your evidence wounds me even more than before.
sorry m8 but you're mixed as shit, hell there's probably not a Jewish drop on your blood
ashkenazi "mutts" are a fucking joke
What about for actresses?