What do actors do in their trailer between takes?

What do actors do in their trailer between takes?

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molest children and sacrifice animals

coke, mostly


Hang out. Study lines. Jerk off. Fuck some ho. Play video games. Do drugs. Sleep. Instagram.

I'd jerk off


smoke or vape
depending on age
some carry sudoku books
always asking if you got a pen or pencil

Is this a poem?

When I was a lad I always wished I was in charge of trailers because I'd put hidden cameras in the bathroom and look at famous women's heinies all day
Now that I'm grown I fap to traps

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At least post some traps instead of a dumb frog.

When I was 15 I'd put a spy cam in the bathroom when my older sister showered. I fapped to those videos a lot.

Lucky, I have no sisters

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This unironically. It would actually put you in the mindset to do and overachieve whatever crackpot idea the director drives everyone to do.

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And by this I meant

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U kinda became a little fag huh?

Smoke weed and make out with extras

Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and Hanks haven't done that?

fucking youre a poem


I'm a big guy
And traps aren't gay

Sorry. Ur a big cowboy buttfuckin faggot. That better?

Meant for this homofag

>mine never did anything because she's a weirdo who doesn't seem to feel any sexual urges

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browse Yea Forums inbetween takes

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Probably eat eachother butt. I know I wuld eat all the butt I cuold eat

I caught her playing with herself once on video.
She was drying off and slipped a few fingers in and out for about 50 seconds then stopped

Shitpost on Yea Forums and masturbate to child porn.

it really do be like dat sometimes

nude selfifes

Why would they masturbate to child porn when they already have a near infinite supply of child sex slaves?

It's amusing you find that less believable than the shitposting on Yea Forums part.


post the story about Schwarzenegger eating snatch in his trailer

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Shut the fuck up idiot.

As others have already said, cocaine.



watch pornhub on their ipads