Post loneliness kino

Post loneliness kino.

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You start.

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Fuck, I haven't even seen this movie, but from listening to Mike and Jay talk about it I feel like it would destroy me. I had an emotional reaction to this image.

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no thanks

Great contribution to the thread faggot

Driver? I guess. But Jarmusch is incredibly redpilled.

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That movie is a shitty environmentalit propaganda

The Conversation
The Apartment
Blade Runner 2049
About Schmidt

like every other ryan gosling movie, that's a given

holy shit this. It completely moved me

guality guntrol

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contemplating watching this tonight, will i be depressed as fuck or is it comfy?

Paterson > Drive

really? I didn't get that impression

you should basically just stop consuming media and go live in a cabin if that's your angle

kind of both

Oslo, August 31st

Ban pedos

>I'm alone, but not lonely.

It's such a beautiful day
Lost in Translation
Lars and the Real Girl
The Elephant Man

>guy who makes the manliest films about honor, dignity, responsibility, and what it means to live in the modern world as a man
>his name is Mann

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no other answer

What the fuck are you going on about?

King of comedy
You were never really here



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>is supposed to be a loser bottom-feeder
>doesn’t live with parents or roommates, has their own apartment in a major city

Yeah, Taxi Driver takes place back when NYC was cheaper and way more dirty and dangerous but still.

I've been wondering about neet kino

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i thought it was pretty clear he has a bit of money cause he's pulling extreme shifts and popping speed pills cause he can't sleep anyway
let's be real nobody even wants to see that shit. if there was anything to see it wouldn't be itself.

Seth Rogen in Observe and Report was way more realistic to me than Nightcrawler.

what is it?

New York in the 70s and 80s must have been wild. I’m honestly kind of sad I’m too young to have experienced it. Gentrified expensive as fuck NYC sucks.

There was a French film someone posted months ago about a mid-20s guy struggling with depression and he barely speaks to anyone. Someone know the name?


Madonna was raped the first day she was in NYC

Actual loneliness kino coming through. Caught it on filmstruck before it went belly up.

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Are you impaired or illiterate?

Yeah sure buddy

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A Ghost Story

>I drive.
I watch.

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>attractive female

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fuck, i just posted this without noticing some one else already did.

The Double

i really enjoyed this film. probably his best role

Why couldn't Duncan Jones continue making shit this good

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sam rockwell is very underrated.

one hit wonder

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Love this movie, saw it in my hometown tiny theater with like maybe 10 people there and everyone had a chuckle during neighbor window conversation and then when they go "i forget" we all immediately silenced and looked at each other upset that we were just laughing, was a good time. also i got this sick mondo poster

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What? He won an Oscar for Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri last year.

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and nominated again this year

i meant underrated as in that a lot a people dont talk about him and he does not get cast a lot and doesnt get a lot of appreciation.

Jeremiah Johnson made his way into the mountains, betting on forgetting all the troubles that he knew...

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Holy Shit this just made Taxi Driver and Escape From New York that much better.

He should've been nominated for a supporting role back when The Green Mile came out.

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that's a cool poster


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I think OP is looking for movies with voluntary loneliness.

this was shit.

this really made me want to kill myself. but so did Manchester by the Sea.

Pic related.
This is literally the story of my feels living as a white westerner in SEA.

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That's categorically untrue in the current year. He's a very well respected actor.

>Check out the book "A Cinema of Loneliness" from library over 10 years ago
>Never read it, never return it, still on my shelf
How do you like feeling lonely now, book? You gonna pontificate to me about loneliness, author boy? Looks like your little book is all alone and abandoned being read by no one now hahahahaha

Is there another one of these where Billy gets his comeuppance? I mean when Percy gets PTSD and gats him.

Not as much lonely but more depression kino is Synecdoche New York. Must watch, it will stick with you for days

Un homme qui dort

Great film, really impressive.

I'd recommend Rosetta (1999)

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kino poster

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can you post the full Thing?

I can try:

tl:dr people suck.

I only got halfway through because it was too potent

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die redditor die

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>Taxi Driver for a new century
Is this true?



not even close, but its a good movie

The Lobster

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Source Code was dec. His career went off the rails after directing the Warcraft movie.

Watching this in 3D was one of my favorite theatre experiences

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Synecdoche, New York

While a bit pretentious had me feel empty for a week


This one is good

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pretentious drivel

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I couldn't identify with this movie because Ryan Gosling is so damn attractive and the woman immediately falls for him. How am I supposed to self insert there?

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>Gentrified expensive as fuck NYC sucks.
It'll come back, don't you worry. NYC has better PR now, but under the tarp it's still as shit as it ever was. One day the money will leave NYC, and it will return to the same piece of shit city it used to be. Watch Hypernormalization.
Alternatively, just go to Detroit or Chicago and experience the same exact thing.

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ANSWER US, Yea Forums
your meme dream film is FLAWED

she's a single mom in a broken relationship with a convict, you could pull that too

Sunday, maybe?

thinking about renting that trailer looked good

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>Le Rayon Vert
>The Man Who Sleeps
>Le Samouraï
>Red Desert
Only good recs.
Also, Oslo August 31st, Three Colours: Blue, Vive L’Amour, and Edvard Munch

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>no my real life posts
This boards slipped

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Its a slow burn but worth it.

This is probably one of my absolute favourite films of all time. Not only is it a great film, it has the deepest meaning a film can have.
It's such a masterpiece. How they made the ghost without facial expression or dialogue feel so alone and desperate is a thing of wonder.
I'm so glad a few people here know of it

Watch it, man.

They made it look like a toy.

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I was thinking Moon too, because it's one of my favourite films, but it hardly addresses loneliness as a theme, right? It's more about selfishness

This. Absolutely. Charlie Kaufman knows exactly what it’s like being a sperg

How has this not been posted

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Same. Took my friend with a lazy eye to the 3D showing and she fell asleep

>hardly addresses loneliness
it's been like 7 years since I've seen the film, but I'm sure they do

Good flick but it doesn't even come close to describing the paranoia and mania of being alone that Taxi Driver is able to pin down


Main character has sex with almost every woman he mets thats a small success in my book

Meant for this