Jim Jefferies caught editing a guests comments in wake of NZ shooting


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Rundown? Can't be bothered to watch.

Not interested in the video, but Jim Jefferies is a faggot.

some jew hates muslims but so does jim jefferies

>Jim jeffies
>Lying piece of shit.
The only person who doesn't already know this is the sort to refuse to watch a video exposing him and/or rationalize his behaviour.

>trusting a jew
that serves him right

isnt this one of the opie and anthony losers? when did he become a documentary maker?



it's only 7 minutes and worth watching, especially if you don't like Jim Jefferies. makes you wonder how much this shit happens and we've no idea.

I'm most surprised that jeffries is still around and anyone watches him doing anything

>Jim Jeffries runs another Jon Stewart type show
>interviews an arab Australian that doesn't want Islam in the country
>Jim tries to bait him into saying something liberals would be upset about
>Arab doesn't play along
>Jim tries to bait him into laughing at something liberals would be upset about
>Jim makes joke "if a dingo ate a Muslim baby he would throw up", and he draws a picture of Muhammad
>Arab doesn't play along
>Jim's final show just edits one of the Arab's answers to one question out and replaces it with the answer to a different question to make it seem 'insensitive, and like Jim is the good liberal cuck.
>Turns out Arab secretly filmed the whole thing and is uploading it online

Watch on 2x speed if your time is so precious.

>jewish activist

Attached: contempt.jpg (280x180, 8K)

no not "an arab australian" he's a conservative jewish guy with brown skin, who aligned himself with the far right because they both hate muslims. and these are the dumbbells alt-light bootlickers defend because they're idiots.

>a conservative jewish guy with brown skin
So... an Arab?

Chill snowflake

>Jews aren't allowed to be right wing.
Fuck off racist.

Look, i know it's hard, realizing that the funny man on the tv is not really your friend, but you gotta keep the crying for your mom zoomer

Is this the end for internet celeb I've never heard of? Is the internet engaged in outrage and backlash? Where can I click to learn more?

Watch this thread get nuked while pedshit stays up.

>internet celeb
he's on TV and has netflix specials and shit
>Is the internet engaged in outrage and backlash
no, because he's a lefty puppet

I don’t think Jim was necessarily being genuine when he said he didn’t like Muslims- he was being deceptive and trying to goad the other guy into saying something inflammatory. Like “It’s okay if you wanna say something anti-Muslim, you’re among fellow Muslim haters, friend!”

If this Jew is so smart why didn't he get a contract

Do those kinds of excuses ever work when it comes to celebrities saying something "insensitive"?

Good. End this dickhead America

>signing contracts
pick one