Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
Previous Thread: KICK 2.0

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Other urls found in this thread:


>a Yea Forums disease caused by an uncontrolled immigration of tourists onto a board that bump an abnornal thread with posts unrepresentative of Yea Forums's culture
>"The Alita General is cancer."

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Culture changed four years ago. Go see the movie though.

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flop kun is evolving

I worked on the movie on set. Pic is proof. I only redacted phone numbers. I'll answer your questions.

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he was only 16 seconds off, impressive

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>guéri par alita

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this is a good webm.
now we need an edit with her kicking Brie/Mickey. Or Mendelson.

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on it

And what a beautiful cancer it is

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What was the directors / actors approach to the movie? Did they have as much fun doing it as it shows?

What do Rosa and Jennifer smell like?

you don't know shit.
fuck off and die

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don't bully Mendelsohn please I like him

well at least effort is being made here

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What did you do on set?

Did you get to meet any actor, or even more important people as Cameron or Rodríguez?

he drew the dots

How was the snack table? Serious question.

are people aware of the intense fanbase they have? Even the ones here?

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It's not fair!

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What do Rosa's farts smell like?

What does Rosa smell like???

>intense fanbase
"delusional cult" is more accurate.

What was the city set like from your POV

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Guess her main

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>all these (you)s replying to bait
Well at least its wholesome bait so far.


is it hard to watch garbage movies and be forced to do good reviews for those?

pikachu, duh

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Do you like my cat?

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The last thing we need to do is use Alita to bring attention to Brie/Mickey, Mendelson or any other piece of trash unworthy of attention.

What the fuck was his problem?

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actually I was talking about my boy

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you stole my shitty dumbells, you bell-end

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Drugs, man.

Thanks I'm going to go buy some now and see what those smell like.


Nice dumbbells, by the way.

idk where you've been but editing in Brie/Mickey shit has been going on for a while m8. It's not even that bad honestly, it's just to make us laugh.

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i'm not her
Robert is a lazy director. He basically shows up with the actors during rehearsal and runs away to video village (the monitors watching the cameras). He would only relay notes to the 2nd 2nd AD in the tent to the 1st AD to correct anything. It seems that he got annoyed whenever Christoph wanted to ask him stuff in person after the rehearsal. He also keeps his guitar in video village.
they smelled good
Set PA
The crew and set were huge so not a lot of interaction with the cast unless your the 1st team PA or Basecamp PA getting the actors ready off and on set. Unless you were the higher ups you never talked to Rodriguez. He didn't care to meet you and just hid in video village. James Cameron only showed up for a day of filming to visit the set.
Craft services and catering were excellent. The downside was that the production, because of James Cameron, were not allowed to buy bottled water so the main crew got these gigantic nalgene water containers. If you didn't have the bottle you could only get these tiny bio degradable cups. It was a nuisance because you can't a bottle of water with you as easily to quench your thirst.
the crew were mostly unaware of the manga so that thought didn't cross our minds. to us it was 60+ days of work and a paycheck.

So apparently they grey suited his whole body to cgi a crappy torso onto him wtf.

>"delusional cult"
how so?

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Anyone have questions about the Iron City experience? Fuck it would have been cool to get a picture of the replica motorball they had there. I almost wish I could have just walked around and checked out all the props and set instead of having to play the games.

Also if anyone wants some good pictures from the art book I can upload some. I wanted to get pictures of things for people to make memes and shit with but there was so much going on that it was hard to focus on anything.

Its been a shill technique since the beginning to push outside trash into the Alita conversation. Your post reeks of the same shilling.

Could you use shit like the bike?

Link. She likes using the master sword.

bost bix pls

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its easy to think that so much of the movie is blue screen but a giant set of the city and many locals such as the Kansas City Bar were built on the backlot of TroubleMaker studios which Robert founded.

the set was very detailed and parts of the set went up to 3 stories. it was neat seeing the stunt team rehearse with those wire hoists they used in kung fu movies to send up motorball stunt players 3 stories in the air to grind with their roller blades off the rails and come back down.

nice looking cat

>they smelled good
Ah fuk ima nosebleed over here

Which actors fucked between each other ?

There wasn't a bike but there was like a three wheeled cart thing that I might have been able to sit in and another little car off to the side that was closed up

Is Robert's immense laziness why he just pulled these boomers in to be extras? Is this somebody's mom? Did he say "eh, we'll fix it in post" a lot?

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Imagine the smell on the set.

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Ok another question. Where did Rodriguez get all those shitty background extras and why did the6 suck so much? Did they get an6 directions at all?

How cyberpunk did the place look? Do you think it was a great experience?
Do they imply something related to a sequel?

Most of them were just from Austin. One of the people working at the Iron City thing said she was an extra but she didn't know anything about the movie when she signed up for it.

I fucking love the extras it feels like a proper snapshot of life. Not everyone when you're out and about is dressed up or special. It feels organic with them as just people.

god damn my video editor cuts off a bit off the end of the clips i insert, using openshot, anyone know any other free alternatives?

FINALLY! I KNEW one of you would eventually wander into our thread.

Oh, jeez, where do I even begin?

1. Nicest member of cast? Snobbiest?
2. How was Rosa?
3. Coolest thing on set? Coolest day of shoot?
4. Ever catch a glimpse of Jimbo?
5. Any scrapped scene you wish they'd kept?
6. Any dangerous stunts that got people seriously injured or almost seriously injured?
7. What were work hours and conditions like?
8. How do I get a job like yours?
9. Any talk of the sequel on set?
10. About how many extras were involved?
11. How much of the movie was practical vs. how much was CGI?

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Did they actually film that awesome scene where Hugo looks up through the cathedral roof and realizes Zalem is hanging from the star that never moves?

Exactly. Cute, swift, and lethal, like her.

Yes i would like to know everything about Rosa


I'm not sure if this is true or not but my co worker said that Rosa slept around with the crew and cast. Sadly I was not one her conquests.

Robert is not in charge of extras casting. They basically answered the call to be in the next Robert Rodriguez James Cameron movie. They sell that line to get people to sign up as extras.

BG make shit money and work long hours. Also we physically took their phones and if they were caught on set they would be banned from coming back. On 2016 election night it was a overnight shoot and they kept asking crew members whose winning the election. When someone told them that Trump won they got depressed while I had a satisfactory grin on my face.

I don't remember off the top of my head

>at the gym
>on my last set
>Swan Song starts playing
>power through

Thanks, Alita

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what if Alita could become pregnant?

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what the hell just happened?

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Another jannie sweep.

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You start out in Kansas while you're waiting to go into the main area and the actual bar was exactly like the movie. I have a pic of the sign. Everything was very cyberpunk but a lot of the set pieces were just made out of random things like a jukebox with weird stuff mounted inside it. All the walls had posters and signs and wires and tubes and things all over them. Apparently the actual set designers from the movie made everything. There were market stalls in the middle and a couple little rooms off to the side for other games. Everything looked great but up close you could tell that it was a lot of random stuff just stuck to things.

I really enjoyed it but I wish I had more time to take pictures and look around instead of playing the games to win credits. It would be cool to see all of it without a bunch of actors doing things and getting you to do all of the activities.

No word of a sequel, some of the other workers had only seen the movie like a day or two beforehand but all the actors seemed really into it.

>mfw this whole post

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A colossal pain in the ass and worth every goddamn second. She deserves it.

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>Fucking Zapan in the background
This OC rocks, 10/10

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Tbf both cyber and steampunk have a longstanding tradition of sticking random shit together and calling it a day when it comes to props. EG old Dr Who props

>That Zapan and the cop in the background

and well worth the wait! Nice work user.
i c u Zapan

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Only problem....Alita is to big. She's smol, remember?

Could you shrink her down to realistic size, please?

>my co worker said that Rosa slept around with the crew and cast. Sadly I was not one her conquests.

We need more info.

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Zapan in the background kek

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Around 8:48 ;__;

11/10 user

this is the accurate one

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Thank you all for supporting my movie. I know we didn't make a lot of movie, but I couldn't have asked for a better audience. I'm sorry I let you down. I love you.

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I don't understand how Passport to Iron City can still be a thing a month after the movie supposedly """flopped"""

>Rosa will never pounce on you like a lioness in a shadowy and private part of the set.
Why fucking live?!

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it's not true user, it was just something he heard from somebody else.


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>I know we didn't make a lot of movie
If you meant money, Alita, we made enough. Love you.

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Probably because the movie didn't flop user

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I would definitely believe that she banged Rob Rod. Have you seen the way she looks at him?

you will make a lot of movie, so much movie. Just believe.

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lol wtf they put too much grain on her wtf

>goes to the waifu general on /r9k/
>control+f 'alita'

Which one of you is it?

1. I don't recall a cast member being rude but Rosa and Christoph really stood out. They were super nice and just say hello to you as pass them.
2. Nice
3 & 4 The set itself of the city as great. So much detail and set dec going into it. The coolest day was just seeing James Cameron visiting.
5. It was so long ago that I can't remember what we specifically left out that was cool
6. No one in stunts got hurt. The stunt crew on the show were amazing. The Stunt Coordinator had a eye patch around of his eyes. Total bad ass.
7. Very long days and you were getting burned out. Robert would want to continue shooting no matter what. Thankfully we shot half of the movie and took Thanksgiving to mid January off to rewind and get back into it.
8. I got this job by a AD I worked for in the past it was 100% networking. Best you can do is just find your local film commission, job postings on facebook/craigs list, and emailing your resume to productions in your area to see if you can get the job
9. No
10. Depending on the days it would be around 300+. Our biggest day I believe was 1000.
11. 50/50

I wish I had more info to give

When I heard about this going to happen I realized that the sets were still at TroubleMaker are intact I believe that they were confident about making the sequel

I only live to work on the next kino and post in these threads

he's director, so that's an exception, but random members of crew and cast? no way

>going to /r9k/ post 2016

>I don't recall a cast member being rude but Rosa and Christoph really stood out. They were super nice and just say hello to you as pass them.
>Christoph will never give you a friendly high five to lift your spirits.
>Rosa will never give you a flirty compliment if she sees you looking down.

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He banged Rose McGowan while they were making Planet Terror so it's not completely out of the question

I can imagine Rob wanting to shoot for as long as possible since he made the Spy Kids movies so goddamn fast.

>Sets intacts

Yeah, the real indicator to me that a sequel would not be happening is if they tore down the Iron City sets. If that happens, then yeah, it's cancelled. We'll see.

for him

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In catering Christoph joined in singing happy birthday to a crew member and clapping once it was over with a smile on his face.

she just takes little bites with her little porcelain teeth

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ywn even have a basic interaction with rosa

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>Rosa slept around with the crew and cast
I-it's ok. I like to be a virgin anyways...

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I never knew how much I wanted this until just now.

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adding to what I said on is that there was no reason for this person to lie to me about that.

I've always loved that guy. He's like a role model to me. What you just said only reinforces that.

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don't stop me now

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please, its enough

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>"haha, sorry, user"

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God, this is turning into one of my favorite /ALITA/ threads. SO happy I was on tonight.

THANK SO MUCH for answering my questions, BASED Alita Crew member. You're tops.

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I came for comfyposting, not to get depressed

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Great. I have a waifu AND a dadfu now.

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thanks. I was generally surprised when on this board how big the movie would be to where there would be a dedicated general thread constantly. when you make a good movie or tv series it just boosts your moral.

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Here you go, user!

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Pretty sure the term would be dadbando

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Thanks for answering our questions user. Do you want a story request? I'd be happy to give something back for your time.

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Both sound too romantic, though.
I think he's officially changed waifuism fundamentally to include actual fathers.

100x cuter now

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wait was gangsta in the original????

Yeah he was.

I kept looking for Brie screaming about, "Flops."

thanks but I'm good. I just like explaining work on sets to people and I was waiting to find free time in a /alita/ thread since I have the week off work.

I freaking love you, dude.

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as she gets escorted out by security

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I hope I don't bring anybody down but I think I need some help and don't know where to turn. My problem is also Alita general related so hopefully it fits with the discussion. Long story short, I have been struggling with alcoholism the past few years. About four months ago I made an effort to clean up. It was a struggle at first but I managed to get sober around Christmas. I did pretty well till early March when I started lurking in these Alita threads. What happened is that I am single and have been for years and coming to know Alita, even if just a meme really tears me up. I wish I had a woman in my life like Alita. I hate being single and its probably the root cause of why I became an alcoholic. Seeing Alita and the comfy posting in these threads really fucks me up. On the one hand its positive to hang out in these threads, on the other hand these threads can really bring me down because my life sucks and these threads are a comfy delusion to escape to. This caused me to recently start drinking again. Now my days are spent at work or hanging out in these threads getting drunk. I don't know what to do. I feel like I need to leave these threads to get sober but at the same time these threads are all I have to keep positive. Someone please help me out. Should I try to get sober and hang out in these these threads too or should I leave and cut myself off from Alita and booze all at once?

Easy. I hope you stick around with us all the way through to the sequel.

That's just too wholesome.
I would have wanted a dad like that, to be honest.

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I hope I can come back to work on the sequels if its back in Austin. The only reason it was filmed in Austin is because Robert was directing. If not then it would have been done in LA or Atlanta.

just drink orange juice lmao

You should get counselling if you can. Outside of that though your health is paramount. Barring suicide, alcoholism will kill you faster than a broken heart. You're worth the struggle user.

I want to watch the movie again seeing this webm...

Stay with us bro we're here for you

Alita isn't the problem user, go to AA, it really does work its not a meme, they fixed my 60 year old boomer father.

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>I feel like I need to leave these threads to get sober but at the same time these threads are all I have to keep positive
I have dealt with what you're going through. That's a lot to unpack at once but what's most important is to talk. Talking to others will keep you focussed and away from drinking hard.

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If you do please keep us updated! We're all dying to hear any details as they come.

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Are you Alita's prophet

this might be a controversial question for some of you but do you think Alita needs to brush her teeth?

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How beautiful is JenCon irl

pretty much any webm makes me want to see it again.

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this question is NOT OK, user! BAD!
of course she brushes

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find something else to do other than just working and staying at home.
group counseling is the best thing to get through problems like alcoholism since it makes you meet people.
i know that's reeeeeally hard but do your best to love yourself
as long as this general keeps going i'm here for you

>To you Alita was the most important movie in your life. To me it was 60+ days of work and a paycheck.

Her artificial teeth wouldn't stain or rot like normal teeth, but whenever she does eat something she'd want to clean her teeth just to get the junk out, for presentation purposes.

After all these generals now I want to see the movie, maybe in IMAX, but it's too late

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sure. since the assistant directors are local they will most likely be rehired which leads to hopefully be rehired. the 1st AD has basically worked on all of Robert's movies
she's beautiful but shorter than I thought she would be IRL

Probably unless her teeth are also NANOMACHINES SON

Depends on her diet and genetics. For example, I brush like once a month and that's good enough to prevent any cavities or wear on the enamel. Maybe more if I get morning breath. If I was going to kiss her though, I'd brush my teeth and make sure she would do the same beforehand.

Make sure you catch the next one on the biggest screen you can find

go see it if you still can, we haven't made 220+ threads about it for no reason

Did Cameron look satisfied with the film’s production?

you shouldn't have waited bud

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Was there anything strange or unusual about this shoot vs. others you've been on? Crew rituals, stuff to keep in mind, etc.?

I've heard 3 big headaches to work with in the movies are children, animals, and water. This movie had all 3. Any difficulties there?

Anything stolen or went missing from set, props or otherwise?

Nah man it's clearly just shills because I'm waiting for my FoxBUX™ to come through

>general for a flop

>i brush once a month

I see you finally reset your IP.

Don't eat a lot of sugar and don't drink coffee. Boom, you now don't need to brush every single day.

*pat* *pat*

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Thanks for the posts
Did they give you a tshirt?

never been banned my friend.

You will be.

Dude, I have a question. What took you so long? The movie was released more than a month ago, but you came to /alita/ thread just now?

Props to the jannies for doing a good job with the thread sweeps.

There is nothing good about this.

My answer to that question was me thinking about the moment in time of working on the movie without any hindsight to where the movie is now. Looking back its nice to think that there wasn't this "burden on your shoulders" unless you're on the creative side of the crew.

To us in the AD department we just wanted to be ready for the cameras and wait for the cameras to be ready than other departments waiting for us. Its the best we can do to keep the days shoot on schedule and its a personal relief to know that.

I don't recall seeing James disappointed

Whether or not its a big or small movie/tv series the same protocols to make the day are in place. Crew rituals are not really a thing overall but can vary department to department.

Child actors and child BG are the worst of the 3. Child actors are limited by work hours and have to have on set schooling. Also their parents are there so you have to coddle them. In addition BG kids bring their parents so you have to coddle them. I have seen every trick in the book dealing with children on set to make their day and be ready with body doubles to fill them in when they are required to stop working.

Animals are not bad to deal with. You just have to give time for the animal to get comfortable on the set so you can't be loud and spook them.

Obviously you can't control the weather so you can't get upset with it raining unlike other people.

yes and departments got their own schwag for their departments. WETA also gave out shirts to the crew.

I'm currently working on a TV series so I didn't have the time to do it but its our mid season hiatus break so I have the time now. also I was nervous about what I can say and not say so it was delayed.

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I don't care if you are a jannie or not. Fuck jannies and (you) too because it needs to be said.

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Why the FUCK does a movie need a general?

>We hold the line!

doubtful, but do you have any pix of these? Would be rad to snag one but I'm just curious to see what they look like.

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We're at 220+ generals for Alita actually. All of them hit the bump limit.

because it's a good movie, you dumb faggot

anyone have the battle angel gf meme?

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thanks user

>user, close that thread and come get comfy with me

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>swn whisper this to you

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How easy is to get laid on the set?

>I was nervous about what I can say and not say
how you do now?

All I want from an Alita gf is her heart

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>get comfy and watch a movie

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In my dreams she does

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how get cyborg gf

i was not actively trying to hook up with co workers so I don't know
better and it was more fear of the NDA and my identity being discovered which could screw me over.

Just saw it tonight; pretty fun movie, it really gave me a lot of the same feelings that Speed Racer gave me years ago.

I felt like some of the stuff got glossed over really quickly though. What happened with that woman's body part? Did Alita just leave those sitting in the office? That's cold!

don't be soft meat boy

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Total Lifetime Grosses
Domestic: $82,566,774 20.9%
+ Foreign: $312,341,937 79.1%
= Worldwide: $394,908,711 probably 400 by now

so, it closes at 400 million

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>kposting intensifies

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Yeah, Disney did overtime to muscle it out. They still failed, though.



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o ok

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nobody is sure. I doubt she got sent to Zalem so I assume Ido retrieved her and maybe put her into a machine body.

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I just watched the very last IMAX showing.

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This is 100% underhanded.

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I'm still going one more time and trying to bring people too

>want to watch the movie again but can't because no more showings
>still can't stop coming to these threads
>still can't stop thinking about alita
>still can't stop wishing I could just see her movie one more time

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Great idea!

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sorry fren
a pure heart gives you a shot though

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Jeez, you're the real MVP, man.

All I gotta say is...

"Compliments to your crew."

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I hear you're a frog
I'm pretty frog myself


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>walks around naked doing fucking yoga poses
>somehow looks way lewder in the purple dress
Man there are going to be a lot of young boys growing up with a robot fetish.

You have to make it this weekend, I was able to get to a showing after class but they're not going to be around for much longer dude.

God bless you user. I'm glad I got to experience it once in IMAX 3D.

it seems like both great movies from the past couple of months(this and Bumblebee) have barely made 400 million, but been so critically acclaimed that they're guaranteed sequels, in spite facing down colossal superhero competition(Aquaman and Captain Marvel).

Could this be the season of the underdogs, /ALITA/?

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I did it, bros. Until today, I was in a bad relationship and was friends with junkie dirtbags with no prospects. Today I finally cut ties with all of them. I was afraid of being left alone but at the same time I've known for a while that all those people were taking control of my life and walking it in the wrong path. But not anymore. This thread gave me the courage I needed to stand up for myself. Off to greener pastures I go. Thank you all for the wholesomeness, anons.

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An actual member of the crew that made this movie is answering our questions. How does that not deserve its own thread?

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this pain will never end

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Fly with your new wings, user!

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The poster gives off a very Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow vibe, which was also box office poison.

thanks. after the crew screening before the movie came out there was this sigh with fellow co workers who realize that Robert didn't screw this up but this is the most Robert was on a leash as a director in a long time.

me on the right

>what can I do to make the wait easier user?

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I'm a Chinese Quebec frog
Too bad it was dubbed, but the dub was pretty good. Just a few translation that makes me cringe here and there.

me taking the pic

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Way to go bro Alita would be proud of you

good for you user. Focus on all the good you have to look forward to.

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Great movie though

True, he's even said multiple times he really tried to make this more a James Cameron film, not just his own.

You did good, friend.

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that smile
I can't take it lads

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I can't say I remember much of anything from the first half but I agree, a fun adventure that channeled what I liked about the first two Brendan Fraiser Mummy movies.

Yeah he's used to doing damn near everything so it must have been weird to have other people doing all of his jobs.

He still couldn't resist doing a few songs for the movie and making the chocolate and shit like that.

That motorball soundtrack with the horns, the drums/percussion, that beat... that one beat of total silence RIGHT after the drop... Damn man it gets me every single time.

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Stay in my dreams and in my heart.

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He earned the name of the one man film crew, but this time, he was just director and a co-writer.

>want to dream about alita
>dream about dying instead
brain wtf

>you did that for me?

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Great work user. We're always here for a chat if you need us as you move to a better place!

Most important questions
Did you see Edward Norton during his scenes?
And what was your fav scene?


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don't forget the comfy you promised for tomorrow

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It's a sick track I hope we get more of that blend from JXL next film.

okay anons, sleep time. Stay comfy, don't engage obvious shitheads, etc. Onwards to 999. Thanks crew-user, it was fun getting some insight into things. Can't wait to comfypost all weekend.

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he was in this one

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Oh user I've already posted it. I'll relink it if you want. There's a lot of comfy. therepastebin.com/3pi6er9r

Sweet dreams, user.

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Sleep well fren

Crew-user, I've been waiting for someone like you to enlighten us with awesome behind-the-scenes info since I first joined these threads. Thanks for making my whole damn month.

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Alita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. A-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Ah. Lee. Ta. She was Al, plain Al, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lita in slacks. She was Lalita at school. She was Gally on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Alita. Did she have a precursor? She did, indeed she did. In point of fact, there might have been no Alita at all had I not loved, one summer, an initial girl-cyborg. In a princedom by the sea. Oh when? About as many years before Alita was born as my age was that summer. You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns.

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Let's take the K Posting up a notch, eh?

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Fun fact. By #580 there will be as many posts in Alitathreads as number of frames in the film.

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That's some great colouring user

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oh let's see

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Please use these to make more Alita OC>=.

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It's also for all the people scared of a goodbye. My posts are going to get a little less frequent because of life so it'd important that I give you all quality in consideration of that.

Edward Norton's role was not cast at that time and he was never there during principal photography. Maybe a month after wrap he came in to film his scenes in a day. I was only told about this from another crew member who worked on the day he came in.

Alita vs Grewishka in his new body

you're welcome

I hope to Nova that Peaches was in this thread. He would've loved all these juicy deets.

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Dude, I was all over it. I haven't been using my name.

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I feel like it was a mistake to show the audience that Nova is some derpy science nerd

As a shameless OC addict, bless your soul for what you do.

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Kek. Based James reference.

we love you writefag thanks for everything

I'm staring to recognise your posts even without the name. I guess after 200 generals you start to make some habits huh.

I knew I had fallen in love with Alita forever, but I also knew she would not be forever Alita

>implying that you aren't false Peaches

Attached: right.jpg (428x469, 25K)

np friend

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it's even easier when he posts pics if you look at filenames

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Shit like this post is why I dropped the name.

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>Alita vs Grewishka in his new body

Speaking of, when there were scenes with Grewishka and people are looking up towards him and everything, was J. E. H. standing on top of a scaffolding or something, or were the actors just pretending to be looking at someone?

Also, how did this scene work?
>pic related
And how did the actors keep from bursting in laughing?

Speaking of, and last question from me because I know your time is precious, were there any on-set pranks or mess-ups worthy of the gag reel?

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Thank you crew user!

>Shit like this post is why I dropped the name.
>posted with name

>the sight on her gun is an eyeball

>“Even though everything has to end, I will always love you. And that’s all there ever needs to be.”

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I love u peach

I mean in common use. I'll use it occasionally for OC's or something.

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Whoops, responded to wrong post. Sorry user.

>Speaking of, when there were scenes with Grewishka and people are looking up towards him and everything, was J. E. H. standing on top of a scaffolding or something, or were the actors just pretending to be looking at someone?

I believe those were cheated

>Also, how did this scene work?

SPFX department basically moved them around and camera ops/crane techs did their thing. In addition WETA had many cameras around on the sets at different angles fix planted or cheaper 1080p cameras on tripods with their own operators just capturing the angles for creating 3D. This was the first time I have ever worked on a set where there was a department larger in numbers than the transpo department.

you're welcome

>it's not goodye, not really, never
>see you soon

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Anyways, I got to go to sleep. You anons have a cozy night, this was a pretty exciting thread. Thanks again crew user.

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I live in Austin. How do I get to work on films here?

I wish you comfy dreams without lewds

>was J. E. H. standing on top of a scaffolding or something
Yeah that's exactly it. When he's moving around they just had a ball on a stick or something for people to look at and Jackie stood nearby doing all the motions


I was hoping for this to happen

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night night everybody, I'll share some photos tomorrow

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It will never be over. Times will ebb and flow but we'll always share the world.

I am gonna write something special for the Blu Ray release for sure so keep your eye out for it.

Damn you're fast.

Sleep well user

Screwed up the glasses.

Attached: Rocket Hammer Surgery.png (536x538, 381K)

thanks for the questions. this was fun. good night.

Hope you can bring good news in the future. Probably not soon since Rodriguez is busy, but regardless. Night crew user!

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Hope is what makes an /alita/ thread special.

Drawing tablet + freehand.

I have faith. Also we get our >400m numbers soon most likely which is great.

Forgot pic.

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>We're going to have to remake all these pictures we've made using the camrips
>It'll be a repeat of the first 300 threads
Fuck yeah, the ride never ends.

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I wonder how much of the $170m budget was just development that doesn't need to be done again.

I want to cuddle with her

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I imagine 20 million or so of the budget could be dropped for the sequel.

I think we’ll reach it in March 30th

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Good night crew user. Thanks

I look forward to it, and in doing so, bringing joy to /ALITA/

Which then could go into marketing. Honestly, I see the sequel making more.

Maybe more. Problem is more will be spent on marketing second time and securing a good time to put it in theaters. They definitely realized that was a huge weakness.

Fucking kek

Thread definitely needs more rare Idos.

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This February wasn't too awful. Alita didn't have a lot of direct competition other than winter itself. At most it was How to Train Your Dragon 3 and then Captain Marvel.

New thread when

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This is hebrew, isn't it?

What did they mean by this?

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Do we need a new one? I think it's time for bed. We should all get some sleep.

Would anyone be interested in me tryna write a script of my own? I'm just sitting around without much to do.

>Factory Newpaper is in Hebrew
What do you think?

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>sleep shills
>in Yea Forums
>in an Alita thread

It's not even midnight, user.

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It's called Tiphares in the version i'm reading.

shut it down

Making new thread

>no cutie pie cyborg grill to do your laundry for you
Post the scene where the werewolf attacks and she pretends to be scared because she wants to be Hugo's damsel.

Go for it! I'm actually scratching up some stuff right now; shouldn't be too long.

Damn, this was one of the best threads we've ever had.


I've finally figure it out, bros.
Alita is just a modernized futuristic version of Brahm Stoker.
You can't prove me wrong.

Can't prove you right, either.

Then you're reading the old Viz version, if you want the newer scans you can find them here

thanks, I needed more for my Ido posting

>you said you're going out with a boy?

exercise and keep watching Alita
also read the manga
delve into the world and live in it
instead of loneliness concentrate on feeling awe at the 26th century
seriously this cyberpunk universe is so rich and alive it’s just begging you to feel the depth of every nook and cranny
and I gotta repeat it: EXERCISE

I’ve abused amphetamines and benzos off and on since 2009, last october I switched from pharma stims to smoking big boy shards and finally quit on feb 20th, on feb 21st I saw Alita the first of 13 times and got a gym membership and there’s been no looking back
this is not a platitude: it DOES get better with time and patience
at some point soon you’ll feel cravings tug at your soul trying to entice you with the promise of merciful relief and you’ll shout FUCK YOUR MERCY