Hayao Miyazaki Seems To Hate Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones And Hollywood Movies

>“Americans shoot things and they blow up and the like, so as you’d expect, they make movies like that,”

>“If someone is the enemy, it’s okay to kill endless numbers of them,” he continued. “Lord of the Rings is like that. If it’s the enemy, there’s killing without separation between civilians and soldiers. That falls within collateral damage. How many people are being killed in attacks in Afghanistan? The Lord of the Rings is a movie that has no problem doing that [not separating civilians from enemies, apparently]. If you read the original work, you’ll understand, but in reality, the ones who were being killed are Asians and Africans. Those who don’t know that, yet say they love fantasy are idiots.”

>“Even in the Indiana Jones movies, there is a white guy who, ‘bang,’ shoots people, right? Japanese people who go along and enjoy with that are unbelievably embarrassing. You are the ones that, ‘bang,’ get shot. Watching [those movies] without any self-awareness is unbelievable. There’s no pride, no historical perspective. You don’t know how you are viewed by a country like America.”


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I read in a previous thread that Miyazaki didn't have shit to do with any of Ghibli's good movies, can anyone confirm?

>he made the thread again

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Man he is really reaching on the Lord of the rings.

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Ah, a genius of GRRM's stature...

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Fuck Miyazaki he’s literally babies first animu experience.

and its based
i didnt see this thread before and its very informative
good work op

>good movies
lmao @ ur life

but everybody likes anno better
fucking hack

Well, to do not sound like an hypocrite he should not have included that massacre scene at the end of Totoro.

This. Who gives a pound of shit what he thinks?

Why didnt someone think about all those poor Urak-hai civilians, they just wanted to be refugees in Rohan.

>Lord of the Rings
>Civilian casualties perpetrated by the protagonists
Literally where? The attack on Isengard?

Why so triggered? Is Yea Forums the new Twitter?
Or you need an excuse, still butthurt by the appropriate comments on otakus and modern animation?

Especially since Tolkien specifically said that none of the stories are meant to be sociohistorical allegories.

Is Miyazaki even familiar with LotR as books or is he only going off of the glorified capeshit versions?

I didn't see many Orc women and children running around picking flowers lol
It mostly seemed like bloodthirsty orc warriors trying to kill everyone

Based old guy

OP is pathetic. And we already know Miyazaki prefers the least amount of black and white in his stories. I like it, but he has a point.
Why this samefagging manchild is butthurt, is a mystery.

Fuck LotR, it’s literally babies first big-boy-movie experience.

Yea Forums and "kino"graphy BTFO out by superior Japanimation Chads.
How will Yea Forumsplebs ever recover? By making another Captain Marvel thread?

>still blowing miyazaki’s milquetoast opinions of out proportion for clickbait

imagine being this much of a gen-X’er

I dont really expect a nip to understand civilian casualties after the whole unit 371, manchuria, rape of nanking, baton death march etc etc etc

>current year
>still fellating a homosexuals autistic scribblings about childish things like elves and homosexual things like jewelery
imagine being this much of a pretentious pleb

Indiana Jones has never killed a japanese person

He only kills germans, arabs, indians, and russians

based miyazaki

amerimutts btfo

>japs accusing anyone else of war crimes
>japs trying to have the moral high ground
>le epic jap man who criticizes modern society while simultaneously promoting it
>le epic jap man who rejected his own children

Based and RIP Stan Lee.

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That might be one of the most retarded takes I've ever heard.

I think he just meant non-white people in general.

I thought he was one of the good ones, guess not

He's correct, but he's also guilty of this. In Princess Mononoke, the samurai thugs are just there to be slaughtered.

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>Anti-New York, Anti-West Coast, Disneyland go back to America!”
based and redpilled

The director of Where Calls the Heart was supposed to be the main director for studio Ghibli but he died suddenly so Hayao Miyazaki had to take the reins. This was a very charming movie btw.

My top Miyazaki films are Mononoke, Nausica, and Howl's, voiced by based Christian Bale.

Is he straight up lying about Lord of the Rings? Is he really going SJW on this? What the hell?

Hayao Miyazaki is a cliche bitter old man, and an extremely unpleasant person.

>The Lord of the Rings is a movie that has no problem doing that [not separating civilians from enemies, apparently]If you read the original work, you’ll understand, but in reality, the ones who were being killed are Asians and Africans.
Are Orcs a metaphor for blacks?

And he's a pedophile, so it all balances out.

Japanese are also racist nationalists that still discriminate against foreigners and immigrants, his opinion is irrelevant.

>Old Japanese Man STILL Seething About Hiroshima


Indiana Jones is better than anything this slant-eyed fuck can make.


No one cares what you think discord tranny

Kinds ironic coming from a man who made a movie about an engineer who designed a plane that killed thousands.

Reads like /pol/ drivel. LOTR doesn't even belong to the burgers.

Who is this guy? Is this the chef who charges overpriced sushi? How do Japs even justify anything, they fucking brutalized Chinese people and they need segregated trains just to prevent women being molested. Degenerate nation

>“If someone is the enemy, it’s okay to kill endless numbers of them,”
Yeah, and? Many of Miyazaki's own works show the enemies being mercilessly slaughtered without any expectation of feeling pity for them. What a rank hypocrite to go blubbing about orcs and easterlings when he resorts to faceless armies of fascists being mowed down for half of his actiony works.


But the bad guys are, in order, Nazis, Indian death cults, Nazis, commies. Only 1/4 are nonwhite. Indy also has a bunch of nonwhite allies, like the asian kid in Temple of Doom and the Turkish dudes who protect the grail in Last Crusade

I don't remember Indy ever shooting a Japanese person though?

Miyazaki is literally an impotent old man who yells at the world. He basically abused and used up young talent to create his art, but his messages were never as deep as he wanted and he creatively peaked before the turn of the century.

He's done nothing to foster the new generation but strike down, and despite being a fucking commie at heart he still lives like a rich fuck. He's the worst kind of old man and the world will be better when he fucking dies.

Based Miyazaki BTFOing baka gaijin and westaboos

Nothing new here. I guess this interview is from at least 15 years ago.

He is a leftist.

>b-but Japan
Of fucking cause he shits on Japan and the Japanese way more often. You guys just don't know that. Being a old leftist in Japan basically means disliking USA and Japan. Japanese rightists are pro-USA.

How is Lord of the Rings supposed to be American? It was written by a Brit and directed by a Kiwi.

And filmed in Kiwiland too. But all gaijins look alike.

he seems to hate his kid too

That's because Goro's first movie wasn't as good as everything he himself had done so he should just give up.

I don't care whether I agree or disagree with the man, he is still based as fuck

Which were made by a new Zealander right?

Based Cranky Miyazaki dabbing on amerisharts.

>man who hates everything hates x
Color me suprised

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I love how he's a dick to everyone, his own people included.

Imagine believing that shit actually happened

I thought Japs were meant to be smart

Pick one

Anime cocksuckers who defend this washed up bitter fuck are pathetic

>NZ LotR
>Elves kill 50 orcs each

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He's not wrong.

LOTR is about Jews (dwarfs and elves) killing all of their enemies, who are portrayed as monstrous orks, dragons and the like. Indiana Jones is about a half-Jew killing Nazis. None of those movies are based on killing Asians and Africans.

What a pretentious fag

>all of these assblasted americans

Those poor Asians always getting shot and killed by us evil Americans


to be fair, miyazaki is a legit pacifist. a lot of the people who say shit like this just want an inverted version of the same thing (evil imperalist westerners/racists/reactionaries/nazis/etc. who are all 100% bad killed by plucky poc and stronk women who are 100% good). no nuance, nothing, just endless movies and shows with the same simplistic john wayne morality where the righteous hero figure is a transgender women of color.

He is so insufferable jfc. Lost any of my respect for him after his comments on Charlie Hebdo

>Well I outta slap this filthy Jap. Who does this kamizake, war protesting, Walt Disney imitating, Gundam pilot zipperhead think he is?

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>Gundam pilot
Wish I had a Gundam...

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Shit I'm sorry we don't come from a more advanced culture that is constantly fantasizing about tentacle rape.

>jap complains about someone making no distiction between combatants and non-combatants
lmao nigger you tried to give chinks bubonic plague like hold the fuck up


why do asians love jews so much

Does Miyazaki actually like anything?

>all these angry replies

Its amazing just how many layers of BASED Miyazaki has sticked around his dick alone,being sighted by him must be enough to get an IQ raise and the mysterious ability to assblast americans by doing as little as opening your mouth to breathe
Truly a god among men

>Senile cartoon homosexual embarrasses entire nation again

He sounds like a retard, wtf? What the fuck does he want a movie that's kinda trying to depict how medieval age really was to be like? Not to mention that the good guys absolutely don't go out of their way to kill any civilians in LotR.

Time to delete the OSTs for his pretentious manchild movies off my hardware. I know he isn't the composer for his shit movies but I'd have to think about this.

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why so triggered?

Flying and planes

Outside of Miyazaki’s terrible opinions on world events and movies I never understood why everyone sucks his dick so much. The only movie I ever saw from him was Nausicaa and it felt like a really long and pretentious Captain Planet episode but with an MC who’s more generic than Black Widow.

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miyazaki is the boomer meme materialized, but given a japanese twist
>western things bad
>new things bad
>old japanese propaganda good

>hasn't seen Spirited Away
>hasn't seen Laputa
>hasn't seen Castle of Cagliostro
>hasn't seen My Neighbor Totoro
>hasn't seen Kiki's Delivery Service
user I'm not much of a fan of this dude but go see all of these movies.

All his movies are pretentious slogs, sometimes Japs just pump a lot of money into some random faggot's work and make it huge for some inexplicable reason. See Nomura and Final Fantasy, absolute garbage but they throw all their money at it so people think it's huge and huge = good.

Probably some kind of inferiority complex.

in spanish laputa means the bitch/whore/OP's mom

Motha love me long time long time

If you aren't a brainlet, don't see any of them.

Literally only saw Nausicaa because my sister wanted me to watch it, I can’t stand anime so I don’t have any interest in watching any more. Sorry.

Amazing how you missed the point of the movie

>I can't stand anime
At least watch Tokyo Godfathers by Satoshi Kon, it's like an animated Coen Brothers movie.

says the man whose ancestors had to get nuked twice to stop committing genocide.

>all of his characters are white
lmfao this dude doesn't have a leg to stand on


>Japanese rightists are pro-USA

I think this is wrong, if you read a lot of right-wing Japanese literature or opinion pieces, you'll generally find they equally hate the USA and China, and generally lump these two together as collaborators of Japan's past and current (in their opinion) misfortunes.

Come on it'll be fun

Lord of the Rings literally has demons and horrible monstrous goblins as enemies what a dumb gook

A movie about a bunch of depressed and insane homeless people on Christmas is fun?

guy even hated his own son

Good to know Tolkien was American and modern. Wonder what he thinks about the shogunate.

Japanese people don't always have opinions, but when they do, they're really bad.

Don't forget the dumpster baby! It's a laugh a minute though, seriously.

Tolkien's orcs are based on western industrialized nations. This guy is completely wrong.

I don’t know, maybe if I’m bored enough I’ll check it out. Big if, though.

Never watch any anime or anime movie.

Except Akira. That shit is a fucking visual spectacle on the grandest scale I’ve ever seen. Makes these Ghibli movies look like weeb trash.

This is so retarded I could be convinced it's a Yea Forums shitpost

Katsuhiro Otomo was an absolute madman. IT'S FUCKING HAND-DRAWN

Holy shit you weeb faggot kys

>if you read a lot of right-wing Japanese literature or opinion pieces
Aren't you talking about old ones like Mishima and Jun Eto or KKK-tier weirdos? The Japanese conservatives are impressively pro-US nowadays.
Japanese people who care about Hiroshima survivors are now liberals. Japanese people who are opposed to US bases are liberals. The conservatives are obviously annoyed with them. not to mention they hate Miyazaki.

Didn't know Miyazaki was so B&R. Ghibli films are eons ahead of capeshit and are worshipped in Asia as they rightfully should be.

>orc women and children
>orcs are an respresentation of asians

Is he retarded? He doesn't even know what he's talking about. I've only barely looked at the books but even I know he's retarded.

no retard. he isnt an american who hates america
he is a foreigner who hates america, which makes him normal. most people do

And chinese

That's based

He probably means the Haradrim. But then again Tolkien had white vs white at Helms deep since a large chunk of Sarumans army were Hill men

>most people do
Most people are also pretty stupid.

Lord of the Rings isn't American though.

Typical burger. Asians = Middle easterners. He's obviously alluding to the Vietnam and Korean wars. How do you not get this lmao

>Orcs are Asian & Africans

I know some Liberals in USA think stupid stuff like this, but i didn't know Japanese people did

Seriously generic monsters have been written about in every culture, Japan especially

Then his opinion is even worse. I like some of his work but he seems pig headed.

Yeah people tend to hold a lot of resentment towards those that are superior to them. It's a damn shame really.

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You are a special kind of retard, aren't you?

& Japanese killed millions of them & deny it

Japanese Leftists are the biggest hypocrites on the planet
>Fucking White Americans are so violent
>What rape of Nanking lol?

Reddit fags do

hes right. lotr is a bad example but american tv is literally made to program retarded mutts. have you guys ever seen american sniper lmao? jesus christ that movie was a trip

>Japanese man with power
>Anything but pig headed to the point of lunacy

There’s a reason we did what we did back in WWII.

>Of fucking cause he shits on Japan and the Japanese way more often.

No, he really doesn't, he thinks Americans bombing Japan was evil, but quietly ignores Imperial Japan ever existed

>tfw her ugly feet is in the foreground of the picture

I wonder how many Japanese are even aware of what they did during World War II? Nanking was so bad even the Nazi's were horrified

Basado y rojoempastillado

my dick exploded when he shot that brown child. fucking liberated. god, what will these dumb brown nigger monkey countries do without the white man giving them freedom.

>Japanese Leftists are the biggest hypocrites on the planet
>>Fucking White Americans are so violent
>>What rape of Nanking lol?

You don't know anything about Japanese leftists. Japanese leftists are still complaining about imperial Japan EVERY FUCKING DAY. That's as stupid as saying American liberals don't care about blacks and gays.

same thing

>invents interracial porn
What did whites mean by this?

See that eurofats and other inferions? No matter how successful you are and how much money you make you will always be supremely butthurt over us.

>Miyazaki has previously made critical comments about the United States, writing, “I dislike the United States that dropped the nuclear bombs and does not regret it.” He added that he was “against Americanization” and “hate[d] people who are proud that cheap Japanese cars are popular in America, and I look at people who wear badges of the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force that filled Vietnam with dioxins as enemies.” He also claimed to be “Anti-jeans, anti-bourbon, anti-burgers”, “Anti-fried chicken, anti-cola, anti-American coffee”, and “Anti-New York, Anti-West Coast, Disneyland go back to America!”

based and antiamerican pilled to.be.ache


why is he such an asshole?

I honestly don't disagree with him on any of this.

>generally find they equally hate the USA and China
Based and redpilled

Tax laws though?

Imperial Japan could have surrendered in early 45 for a comfy deal, they were too proud, fuck em

This is the same man that directed episodes of the Lupin III anime series, and one movie, The Castle of Cagliostro. Lupin III features gun-wielding criminals, although they are portrayed as a likable lot, along the lines of Robin Hood characters, to some extent.

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Okay Hamajao, relax and make another feminist cartoon

>this is an insult to life itself
This guy is beyond ignorant. They should have shown him something besides a zombie but ANNs are a vindication of and tribute to life.

Hayao Miyazaki also loves loli hentai

he just hates gaijin

Just a reminder that Ralp Bakshi is still the master of animation and Miyazaki's childish flicks are no match to films like Fritz the Cat, Wizards, America pop etc. Miyazaki never had the guts to implement anything controversial into his films while Bakshi did so since the 70's. Miyazaki truly is nothing more than a "master" of a genre that only got popular in the west because Americans were bored of their own productions. There is a reason why Hollywoods's Golden Age animation still is a gold standard in the field of animation while anime is just soulless mass production aimed at lowest common denominator with only a goal to make as much money as possible.

It's a petty and pathetic way of viewing the world. He would fit in with the "freedom fry" crowd.

he killed 6 million

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Why are Japanese so racist?

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This was a pretty funny scene. In the documentary he spends five minutes bitching about how pathetic otaku's are, then it hard cuts to him and Anno playing with toy planes making 'rrrrwwwwwmmmm' noises.

They have a good country, they don't want gaijin to ruin it.

Something about living on an island probably increases the xenophobia a lot.

So hes like us

Hayao is literally the japanese Alan Moore. I'm 100% convinced at this point.

Orcs are not based off of Africans, but they are clearly inspired by Asiatic (Hunnic) peoples.

>Americans shoot things and they blow up and the like, so as you’d expect, they make movies like that
>“Even in the Indiana Jones movies, there is a white guy who, ‘bang,’ shoots people, right? Japanese people who go along and enjoy with that are unbelievably embarrassing. You are the ones that, ‘bang,’ get shot. Watching [those movies] without any self-awareness is unbelievable. There’s no pride, no historical perspective. You don’t know how you are viewed by a country like America.”

Lmao someones still bitter his country got fucking nuked

they shut off their country for thousands of years and then the same people who forced them to open doors nuked 300k of their civilians just a few decades later

Japs have small insectoid collectivist brains, they cannot think in any terms besides tribalism and nationalism

>no foreigners
>written in Japanese
Those guys really are full of themselves

Tolkien was shaped by the racist culture of 19th and early 20th century. LotR is obviously an Aryan fantasy, even if he disagrees with it.

It's a defense mechanism. For instance in the coming decades they will have an estimated twenty two million empty homes that they will have to sell for pennies on the dollar. If those homes are purchased by foreigners who then have families that will be the end of Japan. The same thing is happening in western countries but the elites believe that they can ride above the wave.

>You don’t know how you are viewed by a country like America.
They made Akira, so they're ok in my book.

Here is your grog Gorbag.

He aped that opinion from American intellectuals, lol.

>When Miyazaki attended his son's movie's premiere, he left 30 minutes in to smoke, saying it felt like he had been there for three hours. Before going back to his seat he let out an obnoxiously loud sigh causing the theater audience to burst into quiet chuckles and murmurs. When the film was over (and after an hour of Miyazaki fidgeting in his seat), the lights came on to reveal his son had been there in the audience all along. They both stared at each other for a few seconds before Miyazaki shook his head in disappointment and left. When asked later for a comment on the movie, Miyazaki simply said "It was a movie." When his son heard he had said this, he wept, saying it was the best compliment he could hope for.

>"I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence. I much prefer history – true or feigned– with its varied applicability to the thought and experience of readers. I think that many confuse applicability with allegory, but the one resides in the freedom of the reader, and the other in the purposed domination of the author."

he's objectively wrong about lotr

if you see the orcs as anything other than orcs that's on you

anyway this reads like some japs are trolling

he has worked with disney many times so he can't be that anti-america

only gays like this nips soý cartoons

So the orcs are Amerimutts?

>When his son heard he had said this, he wept, saying it was the best compliment he could hope for.
what a cuck

Based. Should've slapped that brat's shit for daring to try and adapt a western novel.

pretty sure this dude is on the spectrum

I really care what this shitty loli-loving sjw hack has to say about superior movies

Japanese are too soulless to understand Lord of the Rings.

It is ironic since Japan would literallly be nothing if it wasn't for American economic intervention and assistance

sharting rural american unhappily detected

cause they were on the right side of the war

Japs have had that for a very long time, as soon as the swarthy Iberians landed on their shores they've been making it.

Maybe he knows that modern Disney is anti-American?

Discord trannies

My people are more terrible by far than mere Orcs or Goblins you Europoor weakling.

>[not separating civilians from enemies, apparently]. If you read the original work, you’ll understand, but in reality, the ones who were being killed are Asians and Africans.
What did he mean by ALL of this?

sorry cant hear you of the real king of anime.

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The Lord of the Rings is a British story brought to film by someone from New Zealand. What a fucking retard

I mean the Haradrim and the Easterlings are basically niggers and gooks.

>Miyazaki berated a group of young animators on national tv for using cgi, then later that day called the animators families telling them they raised disappointing soulless children. some days later, he sent each family a katana with the names of the animators and the date of "the death of their imagination and dreams"
the dude honestly needs to chill

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>Discord trannies don't like cute animu girls, just like themselves
based schizo poster

lol he comes across like those nationalist extremists who pretend Japan never did anything wrong.

Whats his fucking problem? Did he get rejected by his loli oneitis back in kindergarten or something

Your mind has been so addled after years of abuse and mental regression you've started injecting cuck fetish fantasies into your revisionist history. Get some help before we have another mass shooter on our hands.

God damn that comment section is fucking cancerous. Just as bad as twitter.
He's an ignorant old nip, fuck him. Two nukes weren't enough.

I thought they were all Moors (North African, I give you that, but God knows he's probably trying to pool sympathy about blacks) and a mix of Seljuk Turks and Arabs and Islamised Indians.

>let me tell you about america
>because of a movie from 2004
no like actually seriously what the fuck? how do you live to old age and think such retarded shit?

We should've dropped 30 nukes

>“I dislike the United States that dropped the nuclear bombs and does not regret it.”
Start shit, get hit. Deal with it, faggot. Also LOL @ hating everything American when anime wouldn't even be a fucking thing if it weren't for American influence in Japan.

>for using cgi
They were showing him an example of machine learning and its ability to come up with solutions to problems humans might never consider and further how we might apply those solutions.

I'm not kidding. I've seen artwork depicting intercourse between foreigners and Japanese that dates back to the Muromachi Period of Japanese history. You, in your self-hatred, attacked the West but you cannot hanlde the truth. I am sorry for your loss.

>weeb incels are unironically defending this retard

He spends his time obsessing over little girls and airplanes and became rich and respected for doing so.

He's right.

Nevermind. Easterlings are pretty much Turks.

He's factually wrong on most accounts.

Miyazaki hates LotR because it is pro-Christian, and pro-western values. Also never forget when Japanese savages genocided innocent Christian missionaries and got away with it.


WTF? Did this hack even read Tolkein's works? LOTR was written by a British man whose tactics and inspiration for fictional wars written was based on mostly his personal experience of WWI. J.R.R. Tolkien even stated once: We were all Orcs in the Great War.

He was deeply disturbed over the implication that any race was beyond redemption or salvation due to his Catholic beliefs. So he specifically written the Orc race as corrupted creatures warped by a malevolent demonic entity to explain why they were all evil.

He wasn't trying to dehumanize any particular racial group. It's not an American propaganda against the Asians, let alone the Japanese, of which Tolkein didn't even bother including in works as inspiration like he did with Dwarves as the Jews of his Middle Earth setting.

White people at their worst are still the nicest race on the planet. Go look at what those poor Muslims are doing to white and Asian children in occupied France if you don't believe me.

Miyazaki has always been retarded, he is good at anime but that's where it stops, whenever he pretends to be a big thinker he just embarrasses himself desu

See: that one time he went OLD MAN YELLS AT CLOUD on those guys experimenting and called it an insult to life itself, dude is a prick with a big ego and thinks he's more important than he is, funnily I blame Japan for this because they treat him better than they should

I don't care what evidence your sick diseased brain might have "seen" (I doubt if anything you have stated thus far has any basis in reality as you offered nothing verifiable). This strange obsession of yours only has one likely outcome but I'm afraid you might be to far gone to see it.


Poor Japan, it's not like they allied with the Nazi's & invaded Asia or anything

This. Although I don't know if the "We were all Orcs in the Great War." is an authentic quote it is still a good point.

I think he mad that he'll never be better than Walt

Attached: walt-disney.jpg (580x386, 42K)

His last good movie was Mononoke, which had samurai being slaughtered en masse, so I'm not sure what he's on about

the reason he gets away with it is because japanese have a very submisive attitude and can't say it public because of social pressure of yelling at a clearly senile old man and so-called animation legend. Out of respect they can't put him on his place. Which is the reason anonymous imageboards became popular in japan so people could say whatever they wanted. The prude nature of the japanese mainstream society is what brough the most disgusting fetishes and movies.

All his shit is overrated as fuck. Its literally baby's first anime along with dbz and naruto.

Orcs killing gondorians, I guess

>and then the same people who forced them to open doors nuked 300k of their civilians just a few decades later
Feel like you're skipping over some pretty important stuff here, user....

Ah yes, America, the Lord of the Rings of countries

Didnt your country put babies on bayonets and rape an entire city and never apologize for it yet the only allusions you make to ww2 are MUH BOMBS MUH NUKES

and you have the nerve to talk about a lack of self awarness. Dumb gook faggot

>The Lord of the Rings is a movie that has no problem doing that [not separating civilians from enemies, apparently]. If you read the original work, you’ll understand, but in reality, the ones who were being killed are Asians and Africans.

did he read the same lotr?

Hi hoshi, praise the glorious emperor today?

colonel sanders makes anime?

>complaining about the US making the same movies when you just keep making CAPITALISM BAD movies

really you old nip

you mean 731

>discord trannies are now racist

They sound based

yeah it's strange that a japanese person of all people tries to take the high ground about civilian casualities.

>be miyazaki
>make the most memorable and praised anime movies of all time
>inspire countless creators and set the stage for Anno to create Eva
>retire gracefully making one final Kino
>in your retirement effortlessly piss off weebs, otaku, and amerimutts as you sit on your stacks of money with your place in animation history cemented until the end of time
Is there a man more based than miyazaki?

>Lord of the Rings
>orcs are being killed

>Indina Jones
>in the two most popular movie white people are the main villians

senile old faggot

>“Lord of the Rings is like that. If it’s the enemy, there’s killing without separation between civilians and soldiers. That falls within collateral damage.
There are no innocent civilian Orcs. They're all Chaotic Evil because they're were corrupted by a Chao Evil Overlord that wanted to dominate the entire world. That's why you don't see any of them when humanity takes out the invaders. They all volunteered to pillage, invade, colonize, enslave, and eventually destroy all other races. It's like being mad that ISIS soldiers or Abu Sayyaf militants are all terrorists that volunteered to be crazy fanatical violent religious fascists that want to overthrow the ruling government and send society centuries back where mass slaughter, slavery, and oppressing people was common back then. Because that's want they really want.
>The Lord of the Rings is a movie that has no problem doing that [not separating civilians from enemies, apparently]. If you read the original work, you’ll understand, but in reality, the ones who were being killed are Asians and Africans. Those who don’t know that, yet say they love fantasy are idiots.”
This nigga is the true idiot. It's obvious he hasn't read the books. The Orcs are the invaders. They have no real civilization, and there are no civilians because they're all corrupted beings that represent the worst of humanity, such as the terrorist groups mentioned above.

This. Miyazaki probably killed people himself during the war so where does he get off criticizing others for doing the same?

probably lined up babies for the bayonets himself

Have you not seen the Gurm shitposting threads about Aragorn killing orc babies?

I've seen all of them save Cagliostro, since I didn't like seeing Lupin become some Disney prince. The only title of his I've ever liked was Totoro, because it was honest about being a kid's movie. The rest are just some ugly floaty potato blobs and muh nature muh wholesomeness muh growing up. At least the plane movie had good music.

>Anti-New York, Anti-West Coast, Disneyland go back to America!”
But when John Lasseter came by he signed rights all away to Disney. Hence Totoro in Toy Story 3.

>nature is bad
>wholesomeness is bad
>growing up is bad
Ahh, America.

>in relevant history books
good one user, thanks for the laughs :)

Only retarded luddites keep going on about “muh nature” is good.

Honestly sounds like leftover butthurt from WW2.

Ok this is epic

This, nature is literally useless. The old world will burn in the fires of industry.

There are no civilian orcs.

Like a true sellout, Miyazaki openly shows his hypocrisy in front of millions for millions by an American corporation that he claims to hate for being a product of American and capitalism. This man can't even get his fighting for the oppress angle right, because he's also clearly racists and hates everyone that isn't Japanese.

butthurt zipper head boomer salty he got cucked by the west after WW2

What a lil bitch

Actually, Tolkien never reached a conclusion regarding the true nature of the orcs. He was torn between them being born like that and them being corrupted. I think that's why he had that scene in The Two Towers where the orcs complain about too much war and wish they could settle down.

Tolkien was anglo trash.
Fuck Am*rica and fuck the Br*tish.

The Jap fears the American warrior

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Not America and they're not bad, but the way Miyazaki approaches the subject is insufferable. If I want nature, wholesomeness and growing up and letting go, I might as well watch Natsume and get much more out of it.



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>miyazaki hates cars because they're american
i like him more and more

Clearly you do since you're posting on this thread

This is your brain on red pill.

It's a shame Miyazaki's spending his final years being a whiny bitch about everything.
Then again, such is aging.

he is a WWII survivor.

Ground invasion would had 10 times worse casualties not to mention the inevitable Rooskie rape fest after they annexed Hokaido

You dont watch Nausicaa, you read it. The movie is like 1/4 of the story with elements changed

Two nukes were clearly not enough.

Attached: startshitgethit.webm (448x320, 2.95M)

Why do retards can't even try to understand what they are reading? how dumb do you have to be to miss the entire point?

Nature is literally shit, thats why 99% of human existence has been denying the forces of nature


>Sleazy old fart with an inflated ego says something retarded: part 324235

Why do Americans get triggered so much when the ideology transported in their movies gets deconstructed?

sounds like loser talk to me, this is the position a loser takes that has lost something like let's say a war or whatever because they can't compete.

Because our idealogy is righteous. If you really think there isnt such a thing is hopelessly irredeemable humans id implore you to try living near blacks

What a small-minded dipshit. Lost respect.

Can someone please tell me he didnt actually have much to do with spirited away so I can like it again

>Lord of the Rings is like that. If it’s the enemy, there’s killing without separation between civilians and soldiers.

You know the war crimes of your country, Master? The ones it never apologized for, do you really find awkward that other peoples fantasized in their fictions what yours done in real life?

You just proved Miyazaki's point. He's right.

Honestly there would be a lot less wrong with this is he actually knew what he was talking about when it came to LOTR.

>Miyazaki saying how you can't just murder people at random because of their race or affiliation because that's evil and every person is their own
>dumbfuck Americans jump on the thread to scream "WELL BUT YOU'RE JAPANESE SO YOU PUT BABIES ON BAYONETS YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITE" and prove him right

He directed, wrote, drew, voice-acted the film on his own and ran the projector reels personally.


There aren't any orc civilians though. LOTR is black-and-white morality.

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Why do people do this with lord of the rings?

Its fucking fiction, fantasy. Why do people insist on drawing comparisons to real life groups and conflicts. There are fucking dwarves and elves and magic and you think the orcs are some parralel to real life about some group that is ireddemably evil? Why the fuck cant a fantasy race be irredeemably evil? Why cant the idea of iredeemable evil exist in a fantasy realm?

He's right. The story of Jules in Pulp Fiction is about exactly that.

>seething mutts are mentioning rape of nanking myth again

amerifats, and white amerifats in particular, are extremely dumb and this thread is proof

>Lord of the Rings is like that. If it’s the enemy, there’s killing without separation between civilians and soldiers

Tolkien specifically addressed this through Faramir's character. Miyazaki is full of shit.

Fucking idiot, we arent disagreeing with his sentiment but rather pointing out the hypocracy of pointing fingers at other countries when his own is insanely guilty of the very thing he criticizes

He's an esthete so he's 100% right to insult ugly trash.

Because nihilism stunted the idea of evil. Also LOTR is just copying from the mythological epics that inspired it. If Beowulf came out today pseudointellectuals would cry about how Grendel is a misunderstood victim too.

What was her tax policy?

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He has gone on record to say that the Japanese should apologize you imbecile.
He says plenty of shit about Japan, the only ones closing your eyes and covering your ears while screaming hypocrite are the /pol/acks on this thread.

Your words make my blood boil!

She ran a brothel, she just acquired currency from the customers.

LotR is based on real life just like all fiction.
If you start thinking the enemy is irredeemably evil you drop atomic bombs on them.

Attached: quote-the-enemy-his-sense-of-duty-was-no-less-than-yours-i-deem-you-wonder-what-his-name-is-j-r-r-to (850x400, 93K)

Ugly art is not bad art. His reaction was out of ignorance and ego, not taste.

Cool starwman. He never said Japan didn't commit crimes.
You Americans are so dumb and triggered, holy shit.

And incels will claim he did nothing wrong.

lord of the rings is black and white morality unlike the real world

sauron and the orcs are irremediably evil

LOTR isn't an analogy for the real world

A Japan... the inventors of pacifism and producers of nothing but peaceful media.

Could this guy be talking any more out of his ass?

at least they don't have nukes

Woops so he did say japan has done some bad stuff
Regardless lotr isnt even american you fucking retards. Why point to america when critisizing a new zealand film written by an englishman??

>Hates Anime
>Hates pleb movies
>Hates non-traditional animation
Completely unironically /our guy/.

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Uh... I don't think you read my post.

>LotR is based on real life just like all fiction.
No. The basis of a fictional work can be anything the writer chooses. If the axioms of the work are solid enough then it can travel any distance from our world.
> If you start thinking the enemy is irredeemably evil you drop atomic bombs on them.
Bullshit point. The USA wanted to intimidate the Russians and force the Japanese to surrender. They did not think the Japanese were "irredeemably evil".

Looking for Confirmation bias?

But there is no such thing as a civilian orc

That video makes me furious. Procedural 3D animation is hard shit but because its not cell drawings of big eyed children this old faggot had to embarrass them for eternity

Postmodernism. People are too brainlet to interpret historical and current events directly; all they can do is draw connects between fiction and real events.

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Based and redpilled. Fuck amerikikes

>I think that's why he had that scene in The Two Towers where the orcs complain about too much war and wish they could settle down.
Is this in the book?

LotR was done by Warner. It's a Hollywood film.

Blow it out your ass.

Imagine being in this much denial.

Its literally not based on real life besides there existing humans, grass, oxygen, and swords

Almost every other concept is entirely fictional. Any comparisons you draw to the real world are on you

In addition, we didnt drop nukes on those gooks because we thought they were irredeemably evil, we did it as a means to an end. We were very aware of the ideas of civilians deaths and collateral damage

Traditional 2D animation: soul
Procedural 3D animation: soulless

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How does this even matter? You got countless cases of people fighting for an evil cause, acting evil and showing no signs of any chance for redemption.

So yeah you might as well treat them as irredeemably evil.

>If you start thinking the enemy is irredeemably evil you drop atomic bombs on them.
The crux of the whole of what Miyazaki is saying. It's a shame he lacks the verbal acumen to say it himself. Absolutely /thread

Only white heterosexual males can be irredeemably evil.

Directed and spearheaded by a new zealand man in new zealand utilizing countless new zealand crews and production companies.

Sure it was funded by an american company but does new zealand and england get none of the blame? Also fuck you and miyazaki, its fiction. There is literally nothing wrong with the idea of an irredeemably evil fictional race besides that it can be considering sophmoric writing

>Japanese boomer

How is a country full of jew obsessed goblins more powerful and relevant than whatever shithole you come from? What does that say about your people? Lmao

Once again brainlet, we never dropped bombs for thinking anyone was irredeemably evil, we literally had japs fighting FOR us during ww2. Its almost as if we used bombs as a means to an end while realizing there would be civilian casualties and collateral damage and werent operating on lord of the rings logic that japan was isengard or something, fuck

>“If someone is the enemy, it’s okay to kill endless numbers of them”

Whats the alternative you fucking moron? Let japan rape the entire planet?

It's too bad the Japanese were all genocided. I wonder what the world would be like if the allies had not killed them all for being evil.

He's a war criminal and a loser

Japan was already without a fleet, without foreign land and completely decimated by the time the atomic bombs hit.

Why didn't they sue for peace and save their people? Why did they continue the war instead of surrendering?

they refused to surrender, either nuke em' or go with a land invasion where millions would die instead

It didnt matter, they were determined to literally send the rest of their country to hell

Ironically, the nukes are probably the only reason japan still exists. Had we kept warring with them we would have fucking wiped them out

Why is Japan raping the planet a bad thing?
According to your ideology, if the US is the enemy of Japan, Japanese killing American civilians and destroying American cities is alright.

Because, in the most tragic twist of irony possible and it only comes at the end of this thread, japan viewed the rest of the world as irredeemable orcs

>moral relativism

>Why is Japan raping the planet a bad thing?
Japan started the war by attacking the USA. They were the aggressors.
>According to your ideology
You damned fool. You can't attack another country in a total war and expect them to not secure victory. The only thing they had to do was surrender.

Imperial Japan was very much an evil nation, just like Nazi Germany if not worse in some area's, they were not the same people they are today, not by a long shot.

Because Japan was in the hands of a bunch of crazed ultra-militaristic generals that feed their population with propaganda that surrendering meant extermination and slavery.

The same thinking Bin Laden had when he committed 9/11. According to you completely alright.

Bin Laden was an ally and trained by the CIA, he went rogue it isn't the same at all. USA dropped leaflets telling the people they were going to get nuked to minimize civilian casualties, nukes were also dropped on military targets.

But you just keep trying to find some moral hill to die on, we'l be here to point out how wrong you are.

>The same thinking Bin Laden had when he committed 9/11.
No Bin Laden was angry at American influence in the region. He was not protecting the blood and treasure of his people but his own stupid pride.
>According to you completely alright.
Are you honestly making an attempt at conveying your view? If you want a good example of the United States deserving to lose a war look no further than the second gulf war. Iraq had every right to win that war and push the US out of its borders.

Not him but is there any evidence bin ladin was a glowie?

If they didn't want civil causalities, they shouldn't have dropped the bombs at all.
You are too dumb to see that your ideology can go both ways. You can't complain if your enemy does the same as you.

Me too. Which one do you want?
I want Deathscythe Custom

It's almost like Japan started the war and took the decision right out of their hands.
Please put words to this. What do you think the contents of the ideology is?


You are to dumb to understand that if they weren't dropped millions would have died in a ground war instead, nukes worked great and saved millions. You can try and conflate instances of irreverent similarity and continue to fail as much as you like, those nukes worked better than intended.

I can complain if my side's idealogy objectively results in less human suffering overall. A nuke or two to stop horrifying experiments, rapes, comfort women, and sending another several million to their deaths will be worth it every time. Moral relativism never wins. It wasnt just we liked chocolate and they liked vanilla, they were doing bad shit and we stopped it, if you want to play the game of "hurr from their perspective you were evil" then be my guest and go live in Afghanistan and tell me if your views on moral relativism change

>Please put words to this. What do you think the contents of the ideology is?

the fuck? you think the nukes were dropped due to some evangelical nonsense?

This is the most American post in the website right now.


It's Turks, LOTR was based a little bit off of WW1, people love to forget, but Turks allied with the Germans in WW1

Orcs = Germans, Easterlings = Turks

He sent Harvey Weinstein a Katana too, seems to be his thing

he's an old man that doesn't understand technology so he hates it

We have been over this.

Theist overestimate their own importance. Democracy was emergent within the colonies as so many people needed to hash things out.

The ground war would have likely lead to Russia getting involved too, so if Miyazaki was caught on the non American side, no shitty anime for him to direct, this is communism comrade

>there is a white guy who

Black Indiana coming soon

The Japanese military was already defeated when the bombs dropped.