Sex and Nudity should be banned from TV and Movies all over the world - A Rational Argument

>guarantee you can watch TV and movies with anybody without it being uncomfortable, such as family and platonic friends
>Actresses have to rely on their acting rather than their bobs and vagene, giving them no unfair advantage over male actors
>There is literally no reason to show sex or nudity on movies and TV except titillation.
>The quality of movies and TV in general goes up because they have to focus on story, acting, and cinematography instead.
>You can make love scenes more creative by forcing writers and directors to find ways to show or imply a couple has had sex instead of getting them naked or showing them having sex.
>increase the amount of adult-themed programming for younger people, forcing them to think more like adults at an earlier age instead of infantilizing them with cartoons.
>teach young people to appreciate the opposite sex for their personality, companionship and child-rearing potential instead of turning them into horny, primal sex monsters at an early age.
>express beauty in the physical form without resorting to showing the naughty bits
>Lessen the vomit factor of disgusting interracial and homosexual relationships.

There is literally no reason to NOT ban sex and nudity on movies and TV.

>inb4 degenerates and sexual deviants use ad hominems to "argue" against this

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>inb4 degenerates and sexual deviants use ad hominems to "argue" against this

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> he worked this hard on a shitty troll thread

I agree but it's too late
There's thousands of movies with nudity and sex
It's over

>deviant gets BTFO

>implying in your post that only degenerates and sexual deviants would argue against this, which is itself a pre-emptive ad hominem

>never any sexy webms from Outlander


I will say that movies were better under the Hays code, filmmakers were forced to be creative and subtle. Nowadays it's all in-your-face and lacks class.

That said I'm against "banning" shit in general. Sounds fascistic

ban violence first

This. Unless it involves a black male and a white women of course

have sex

How about we just ban boomers from viewing media so they can stop being upset by everything?

>incel never has sex
>nobody else should either
based desu

makes me feel good that I will never be as insecure as OP

enjoy never being comfortable watching adult entertainment OP

>guns and murder good
>sex and nudity bad
This is your mind on soya lattés, capeshit, and I can’t believe it’s not butter.

Outlander has the best sex scenes.

Only incels feel uncomfortable during sex scenes. Normal adults realize that sex is a natural part of life and those scenes are used to show intimacy between two characters.

If they banned waifufags this entire fucking board would stop being the dumping ground for all the shit from Reddit, Tumblr, discord, and more.

Americans are so retarded.

>That said I'm against "banning" shit in general. Sounds fascistic
Fuck off, kike. This is healthy and normal. Next you will say that restricting sex and nudity from children is "fascistic"

literally only watch it for the sex scenes

Your entire argument is based on the false logic that titillation is inherently a negative. Not everything needs to be high art. Titillation is as good a reason as any to make a movie or TV show.

Try pulling your head far enough out of your ass to get some perspective on the world. This thread is embarrassing.

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>ban violence first
Sex affects minds WAY more than violence.

Look at the average NEET. Is his life affected because he watches too many gore movies or too much porn?

welcome to America, the only place where people voluntarily sexually repress themselves

>American standards are soiboy
>European are manly!
It's the other way around, retard.

>Only incels feel uncomfortable during sex scenes.
I've fucked tons of girls but I'm not watching sex scenes with my mom, degenerate.

How about let parents keep their kids from seeing that shit. They had the fucking things let them protect them. It's not my responsibility to care about what someone else's kids are watching


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all these kvetching redditors and tumblrpedos who think they'll finally get some used-up tail and some sloppy seconds if only the world can become degenerate enough

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>Not everything needs to be high art.
This just shows you want the quality of society to decay. You're a pathetic libertarian.

Why the limitation against the portrayal of a human body in its natural and uncensored state

You’re retarded if you think people become neets because of just porn. Everyone watches porn, even people in relationships. People become neets because they’re autistic and lazy. Porn addiction is only a small part of their problem. Watching gore videos all day will literally turn you into a sociopath.

>welcome to America, the only place where people voluntarily sexually repress themselves
Being a bisexual soiboi isn't getting you anywhere, Chaim.

Americans are manlier than Europeans in general.

So my parents and little sister are incels?

but i like it when my peeepee feels funy

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parents suck so much at raising their kids that they've been giving them to the state for 8 hours a day for 200 years

It should be completely legal to kill people like this

>There is literally no reason to show sex or nudity on movies and TV except titillation.
Wrong. There are a number of artistically valid reasons for nudity, and even sex, including historical authenticity, realism, and symbolism. There are plenty of examples of nude scenes that are not meant to be titillating.

That it's not always (or even, these days, generally) done tastefully doesn't mean it can't be.

Sex scenes are for dumb animals meaning women men can just jerk off to porn if they want video sex.

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This is one of the bigger blackpills.

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>Watching gore videos all day will literally turn you into a sociopath.
Nobody is talking about watching He's talking about violent movies which is what you mentioned in the first place. The average horror movie watcher is not out there hurting people. He's dressing in black and collecting Freddy Kruger figurines. The average person who actively seeks sex and nudity in his movies and TV is a raging NEET incel loser with a hard drive full of increasingly degenerate media and NEETbux coming to him every month from my taxes.

Don't bother, he'll keep twisting and turning and folding back in over himself to justify his bullshit.

Where is this rash of sex and nudity in movies you're talking about?
Actresses are so overpaid that you can't even get a decent tit shot in anything not direct to video or the skinflick channel. I'm pretty sure Halle Berry is responsible for killing a-list/b-list nudity in movies with her extravagant costs for showing tits in Swordfish and Monster's Ball. They don't put skinflicks in theaters either, haven't since the 80s.
Even premium cable jew channels like HBO have their actresses get super-fucking uppity after one season and start demanding body doubles or cg deepfake work. It's only grotesqueries like Lena Dunham that are the exception to the rule.

No one who’s fucked tons of girls calls other people degenerates you insecure faggot

exception to the rule

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You have no power here.

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Men can fuck a lot of girls without being a degenerate. it's called being good looking and social in your youth. Girls basically offer to fuck you.