He did it again

He did it again

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Good for him!

I don't think black directors are allowed negative criticism.

/pol/cels absolutely seething

I can't wait to watch this shit. Jordan Peele is best recent arrival to the directors chair, cucks can hate on him all they want, his success speaks for itself

Prove him wrong. That's right, you can't.

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>his success speaks for (((itself)))
Weird that he started getting directing jobs and mass acclaim as soon as he married a member of the tribe.

can finally just kill all white males

I cant even read this

i really liked it


Peele's films have become prime virtue signaling means for white liberals, despite Get Out mocking them. It's no different from a film student telling the class his favorite movie is Citizen Kane and expecting oohs and ahs.


Why did she ask her clone "who are you" and "what do you want" if she obviously knew the whole story since she was an evil clone herself


The people on Twitter that have seen the movie are trying waaay to hard to praise it. "Greatest horror move of all time, see it three times!"

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White people are the only ones seeing his movies, black people only like Madea


I hate niggers almost as much as I hate soft ass no pride white numale fatass virgins that are threatened by niggers.

I really liked Get Out and this looks good.

She must have forgotten who she really was after all those years

Seems like a pretty important thing to forget. Especially since she remembered the event itself to the degree that she shaped her whole life around it.

95% means around 60% for a normal person.

its like GEY OUT: is it shit? no. its a flick. you watch it, you say something "ok" and move on.

but when youll see GET OUT on rotten tomatoes as "the best movie ever made ever" your natural reaction is: "how? this is shit."

youve gotta give the movie a 1 score to fight all the phony 10.

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>did it again
Who? Armond? brb. checking to see who rated it negatively.

>I hate niggers
>I really liked Get Out

Pick one

i really enjoyed the chorography scene of her vs the clone

Sounds like he is pissed that this movie is pretty much apolitical/at most "there are great divides between people (rich/poor, black/white, young/old)

I assume that she either actually had PTSD from living in the tunnels or she blocked it out of her mind (like how people forget past traumas)

I want to watch it again, maybe not in theaters, but it seems like the big twist was pretty well seeded within the logic of the movie

because opioids

If the clones had partial control of their twins why didn't they just invent treadmills and make their twins all walk into the ocean till they drowned

treadmills already exist, they dont have to invent them

I liked it, but what was her endgame?

The influent effluent of Us is more an affluent influence of insolence, expertly navigating a monotonous market marking its own making in modernity.

To expose the experiments to the world in a way they couldn't be ignored while also getting revenge on her twin for ripping her from her family and locking her in that place

Movie is actually pretty redpilled. The allegory is that "them" (Jews) brought blacks (the shadow people) to America in order to control the others (white people). But the experiment failed, and blacks (the shadow people) became insane and violent, leading to an inevitable race war.

>Effluent: Liquid waste or sewage discharged into a river or sea
>Influent: Flowing
>Monody: A poem lamenting death
>Specious: Superfluously possible, but actually wrong.
>Homogeneity: The quality or state of being all the same.

Ok. I already knew most of that. Only one I was totally unfamiliar with was monody.

But I still don't understand what he's saying.

The movie was fine but Lupita Nyong'o acted her fucking ass off. Oscar worthy stuff imo

he should direct a marvel movie now

Someone please spoil the movie. Just how is it a commentary on how whites are evil and responsible for all the evils in the world? Don't want to pay money just to find out

When she was terrified she looked -exactly- like Michael Jackson in Thriller.

Its not relly, peele has actually been vocal about not wanting some underlying race message with this one yet critics are forcing it

There's absolutely none of it. But its also not a good horror movie

Why not just go out and talk to someone? Obviously you have to be a bit careful who you talk to, but she could have gone to anyone, and it's blatantly verifiable. If she gets betrayed and they clear one tunnel, start blowing the whistle on another, etc. She just coordinated millions of people to go out and slaughter the American public, exposing the CIA, but someone will presumably just nuke the US and call it a day.

Its really just about how race war is inevitable, but doesn't really blame whites. He comes close to naming the Jew, but stops at just "them"

It's about how people, in general, are more divided than ever (Rich/Poor, Male/Female, Black/White) ect. It doesn't explicitly reference race at any point in the movie. Hell they even don't have a Trump reference and its >current year.

The jist of the movie is that the government figured out how to clone humans, however they failed to clone their souls. This means all of the clones are "tethered" together by one soul. The clones start an uprising to expose this experiment.

It's not race-based, though there was a line where she says "We're Americans" that came off weird.

I didn't notice the Trump reference. What was it?

I think they were going for "Us" being an allegory of "U.S." but yeah that came off rather odd.

He's saying there wasn't one.

my advice to the viral marketers on here is that you should speak in a prose people actually talk like and not like a shill like this dude

I misread. For some reason I read that first as saying there was a Trump reference but it was just a mild nod.

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>Implying that anyone other than white people go crazy for this shit

It seems they will block the 1 star review for this one too.


Get Out was fantastic. But this movie was an absolute gay.

I'm either too much of a brainlet or not black enough to understand this movie.

>huh the movie sucks because the ending wasn't happy

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Must be nice to make movies that everybody automatically says are good because they're called bigots if they don't.

Good. I don't mind "REEEEEE WHITE PEOPLE" if it's done in an entertaining manner. Get Out was great.

the more you understand the more retarded it becomes

- a black person

did based armond knock it down from 100% again?

It doesn't really make sense in the end.

Yeah this
so their souls were linked, fine.
That's why she couldn't escape of her own volition. Who uncuffed her though?
And why any of the plan? She wanted to expose the government clones. Cool, she succeeded, but died in the process. I like how the Thriller shirt foreshadows the clone being the real winner, sure, but why?
I agree that this movie made me feel like a brainlet, but that's why I want to talk it out, see what others interpretations were.

I was going to see this tonight but I got caught up with watching basketball

It was a very stupid movie, yet everyone praised it like its great.

Fuck, it was a better comedy than it was a horror

So where did they all get matching scissors
Are we to believe that the government decided to issue them all fucking scissors

Basically correct

it's heavily implied the son kniw about it in the end of the movie, he was shaking while putting his mask on after discovering the truth.

To be fair it's in a fairly shit genre.

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He know his "Mom" is a clone all along and the real one was the one attacking her was the "Real" one.

why is he trying to talk like a fag

thanks friend

Imagine not being able to enjoy anything without seeing the /pol/ boogiemen


Every fucking time to man,
Like seriously shut the hell up.
We get it already.

Without knowing anything about the film until just this moment, stab in the dark, does the film deal with race? I know the answer is going to be yes, but in the off chance it is no I'm putting the question here.

>deal with race?

But the clone is his mom. Not fake. Even though she's a clone, the real one was stuck underground for thirty years while the clone was out growing up, getting married, and having kids

There is actually nothing race related, other than the use of Fuck Da Police by NWA

No idiot
It has nothing to with race,
What is it in this fucking era where you see a black person and it's about race? Jesus this era is retarded, someone nuke us and put us in post-apocalyptic world please...

I think it's a play on the duality concept in the film?

I feel like it was really a twist for the sake of a twist. At some point she could of just up and left, but didn't for some reason and then decided the best course was to just cause a genocide.

ok sure

he's still disturbed over the fact his mother is a test tube baby and killed her original user.

Who Fucking gave it a negative rating!? It was 100% when I checked it like a week ago!

ayooooooo! niggers in DA house!!!


>not 100 percent

Uh oh.

Fucking Nigel.

Just got back from it. Unlike Get Out this has zero racial implications, it just happens to star a black family, why are people so triggered? Is it because Tim Heid*cker stole the movie?

Why can't N Night do this anymore?


What about spike lee, retard

This era is fucked user,
We need a damn nuclear collapse to fix this triggered shit.

movie just makes me want to buy some sweet ass scissors.

Twitter mob trying to be the first to see the "wokeness" of the film, confusing all the normal people.

he's not black

>Is it because Tim Heid*cker stole the move?

tether Tim stole the movie

A real man has more than one option you feckless spineless dickless virgin basement dwelling neckbeard faggot.

I personally loved that Get Out was one giant repudiation of white virtue signaling liberals. Only horror movie that actually pulled of the body snatchers meme. Intense. Immersive. Uncomfortable. All on a budget of less than half of what a single episode of LOST cost to make.

Try not to kill yourself because Tyrone is dicking down the girl you're too much of a pussy to talk to you beta fucking faggot.

As long as the blacks make their own movies and don't fuck with our movies I'm cool with it. Hell I might actually watch it.

Make bad movies?
He has done nothing but since 6th sense.

>5% of critics are racist

our movies are now made for the chinese

His entire filmography is worse than both of Peele's movies with the exception of The Sixth Sense and Devil. Everything else is considerably inferior with some of it being over the borderline of unwatchable.

From what I heard they're making their own Hollywood so they don't get nithing from us in the US.

>We need a damn nuclear collapse to fix this triggered shit

Well not really.

>Nazis want pose final solution to Jewish question
>Jews collectively gevalt and get their good goys to fight on their behalf
>They manage to defeat the Nazis
>Jews know they came close and that cannot be allowed to happen again
>Promote the direct opposite of National Socialism
>We can do this because the bad guys (Nazis) were defeated by the good goys (goys)
>The only progress that happens is things progressively getting worse
>This coincides with mass Jewish involvement and the promotion of (((degeneracy)))

Do you see my point? Do you see how all of this could have been avoided and how "a nuclear collapse" isn't really necessary or likely unless you're talking about the (((Samson Option)))?

Shut up,
Shut up,
Shut up
Shut up and let's just talk about the Damn movie! Jesus...

You /pol/ faggots are insufferable. Just looking for shit to get triggered about.

/pol/ is always right though. Only SJW's get "triggered" faggot. /pol/ makes fun of faggots like you and that is why you are seething right now.

He must be trying to confuse the niggers looking for the negative reviews on Rotten Tomatoes but ends up confusing everyone.

My question is it actually scary at all

It was very clear. The only thing not clear is if he realized yet he's half-shadow, but that part seems implied by him embracing the mask again.

They're no different from Far left SJWs of Tumblr and Reseteras. Always finding something to triggered them and create outrage. I hate both of them with a burning passion.

People in my theater were getting audibly spooked, but it also has constant humor. Too much humor, I think.

lmao who writes like that besides faggots that smell their own farts

It's pretty tense. Not gory, bloody images.
The end fight is kino

Didn't like Get Out at all, but this film is based, best horror in years

Wait, what did he do the first time??

Get out is a great comedy. If you watch it for "horror" then you are watching it wrong.

>doesn't smell his own farts

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Didn't find it it to be great in any regard, just a boring movie. This is a really good film though.

Can we claim Jordan Peele as /ourguy/ and win at least one?

Reminder that Jordan Peele is shilled as the greatest modern director because he sold his soul to Obama and the Hollywood Democratic mega donors. Remember those Obama skits on Key and Peele? Well, Obama actually contacted them and used them for media and outreach PR. They even appeared on stage with him at the White House Corespondents dinner. Eventually, Peele seems to have been inducted into the Obama camarilla and became a made man whose schlock is hailed as the greatest movies of our generation. Top Democratic donors and former Obama admin personnel are literally the board of directors for Netflix now.

He bonded with Obama since, like most suburban Mulattoes, he had no real identity of his own. He was too dark to be accepted as white, and too white and proper to be considered black. So he latched on to a romanticized version of black power that is common among the more intelligent mixbreeds. Similar to how deracinated white Americans latch onto romantic white nationalism even though such a notion is an oxymoron.

Peele is a decent comedy writer and actor, but a horribly mediocre director. His scripts are laughably bad, to the point that I though he was being ironic and directing a stealth comedy. Apparently Key didn't make the same deal since his career is so shit that he's starring in TV commercials. I guess that means Key might actually be a decent human being who refused to sell his soul.

Best director nomination guaranteed? Probably won't win unless it's overhyped like the last film, but is he guaranteed the writing and directing nominations? The actress will probably get a nomination too.
Haven't seen it btw.

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why u mad doe

It’s not even grammatically correct. At first, it looks like he’s using influent as an adjective alongside wish-determining. Then you see that there’s no noun for it to be describing, so you realise he’s actually using influent as a noun, which makes little to no sense in its context.

I hate pretentious faggots who think they’re getting away with convincing people they’re smart and don’t even realise that people who aren’t as dumb as they are can clearly see what they’re up to.

That's true. Black people don't do horror films.

spike lee was TOO black, jordan peele is that perfect wayne brady-type black guy that white people love

Who replaced the rabbits for an underground food supply? Why did no one have a gun? Why didn’t the rabbits shit and piss all over the hall?

There are so many plot holes.

To this day I dont understand how anyone can rate "Get Out". I cant wait to see this film to have the same "how the fuck" moment, when I see how its praised.


my mom just asked if I want to go see this.
I didn't see Get Out, and Peele's only works I've seen are his skit comedies (which I assume are leftover Chappelle shits) should I go to this?
The kicker; I have 3/4's of a totem pole left. I've been nibbling on the 1 quarter that's missing the last two nights but the imp of the mind is driving me to take more. Should I finish this school bus off and go to the movies? Or just ignore/flush it because anything after 3 days and I'll start to feel like shit

>his success speaks for itself

His success is almost exclusively due to his race and vocal endorsement of hair-brained liberal values.
If his "horror" movies were made by a white guy and didn't contain the pandering racial-elements that Hollywood fellates, he'd be labeled a low-tier schlock-miester at best on par with the people behind Paranormal Activity, and at worst already making direct-to-video or SyFy Original Movie content.

>waaaaaah, people are noticing patterns of poor-quality writing in Hollywood, which is openly full of moon-howler liberals! that means you're "triggered"!

Literally every time a leftcuck tries to reappropriate the accusation/insult of "being triggered", it makes their lack of intelligence extremely apparent.

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Shit taste devonte

Stop replying to yourself, queer.

"Monotony of tone" is redundant. Is Dickens getting paid by the letter or by how obliquely, alienating he can express a one-dimensional insight?

More like

75%. Always minus 20% and average against audience reviews for accurate score.

is 1 of these things spaced out over 3 days even enough mg of substance to give me a hangover? Or am I being a pussy?

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>imagine being this retarded

the optimal way to interpret critics reviews on rt is to put 50% as the optimal score and 100% and 0% both as the worst possible score.

>Hey Jordan, it's Keegan. How's it going? I hear your new film did well, that's great!
>I'd like if you responded to my calls, but you know, I'm sure you're busy.
>Right man?
>Anyway, no pressure, but I was just really wondering if you got that email I sent about the Key and Peele reunion special? We're both easy, you with your Oscar-winning movies and upcoming show, and me with my phone commercials, but I really do think it'd be fun to do it again!
>So uh, yeah, if you get this message, please call me back at 55-