
I'll admit it, this film made me cry.
Also, since it's the Lent period right now, don't forget that 215 million Christians worldwide are still persecuted, tortured and killed for their faith in places like
>North Korea
with 2019 expected to see a massive rise in the killing of Christians across Nigeria, China and India. That makes this the largest religious persecution in the world today.
Western news doesn't care about this, so please pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, bros. The worst we get is atheists tipping their fedoras online.

Also, Christkino thread I guess.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I need to rewatch this film because I didn't have any awareness of the world when I saw it first. Probably flew over my head.

>Also, Christkino thread I guess.
I can't believe I'm saying this about a pair of Jews but the Coens have a good deal of Christian know-how and morality from watching their films, especially Fargo and No Country for Old Men

Nolan's films are rooted in Christian values. TDK trilogy is the most archetypal Christian and politically conservative trilogy in ages and there won't be another one like it ever again.

It made me tear up as well. Watch The Last Temptation of Christ if you haven't. Peace.

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I found the last temptation to be a bit blasphemous, to be honset. it just rubbed me the wrong way, adding in scenes and motivations that weren't in the Bible. Same with "Jesus invented the table" and all the demon scenes in The Passion of the Christ.

>L A T E
>T O
>D I L A T E

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Scorsese's spin on that film was that whole "Make Jesus into a regular human being to make everything relatable" iirc. Weird take, but well done.

Tumblr ban hit you fucking pedos pretty hard, didn't it
Gut yourself faggot

Judge not lest ye be judged.
I feel sorry for transgender people and hope they can somehow find happiness amongst all the lies the media tells them. They are being set up for anguish and suicide and don't need any extra misery from us.

Christians killed people who wanted to follow other beliefs besides theirs during the crusades, so I'd say they're getting what's coming to them.

Post Christian Kino

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Silence does one thing really well: makes you hate and loathe that Japanese guy who keeps fucking over Christians, denouncing Christ over and over, then feeling guilty and crawling back asking for forgiveness over and over again.
Then you realise that it's directly asking you to do that one hard thing Jesus demanded Christians do.
" Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven (infinite) times."

Best picture of the 2010s. When we lose Scorsese, there will be nothing left.

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Revenge has never made anything better, user. And the Christian women being raped in Nigeria and Syria to convince them to abandon Christ had nothing to do with the Crusades.

Apostasy is a mortal sin.
This film is evil.
Scorsese is damned.

I'm happy to be judged. Nothing against trannies for their being trannies, but the Tumblr pedos that buried this board and ever other major board after they got banned off there need to be scalped. Fuck these faggot mods that never ban cunts who post CP and other pedoshit but screech anytime someone makes a non-leftist post.

the heart of Last Temptation is the struggle of Jesus being man and god and how the ending is surviving the final temptation/trick/test of Satan to ascend into being no longer a man but a spiritual entity fully

>makes you hate and loathe that Japanese guy who keeps fucking over Christians
Kichichiro right? God I hated that fag

I like his films but let's calm down. He's a fucking pedo apologist

I hate that I can't find a clip of him yelling "MOTHER WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME" anywhere online

The Coens are like Mel Brooks, Jews who are sympathetic and sincere about other people and minimize the nepotism to make quality work.

I'm talking about his art, not his politics. Chinatown is a great film no matter how many girls Polanski rapes, although unfortunately that director hasn't made something that moved me since Death and the Maiden. The point is, I don't consider that criticism of Scorsese to be relevant to the topic at hand.

Picrelated is more Christkino than it is a mystery film. The religious conflict is the whole subtle heart of the entire thing. Fuck Hugh Jackman for hanging with kidfucking sodomites though.

you didn't have any awareness fo the world three years ago?


>But I don’t want to push my chips forward and go out and meet something I don’t understand.
>A man would have to put his soul at hazard.
>He'd have to say, "Okay. I’ll be part of this world."
I've wanted to make a thread about openings like No Country for Old Men's opening. Pure fucking kino. Too bad this whole board is shat up by reddit, tumblr, and discord.

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No. 3 years ago I was helping run a frat on an ivy campus.

I don't have anything to add but seriously great movie. I'm glad they didn't shy away from what the Japanese did but they also didn't make them out to be too cartoonishly evil, it's not difficult to understand their motivations and it's still hard for me to say they were in the wrong for wanting their country to be theirs.

This but unironically.

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You are all forgetting the ultimate christkino

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This. Is this really a Christian film? He apostasizes at the end. He works for them the rest of his life and has hapa children. Sure he dies with the crucifix but he rejected Christ.

It's a tricky one because the Japanese Shogunate was completely based on making the people worship the samurai and Emperor as gods, worship the ancestors etc, and that you had to live and die for them without complaint. Japan itself was made by the sun God and the Emperor is a living god descended from Amaterasu.
A new religion coming in and saying that actually there is only one God, that the emperor and the government are just humans and that Jesus saves you for free without you having to pay anything would have undermined the whole system of control and had to be stamped out.

>that's where god lives

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and the USA kills thousands around the globe on a regular basis for their ideals as well...assuming you're an american judging by your absolutely ignorant post - do you have it coming to you?

Malick you pleb

Catholics get hung up on the small details, but if you are truly sorry Christ will forgive and welcome you back countless times. He knows what it is to live as a human and to be tempted and persecuted.

I personally think Scorsese,being catholic, felt guilty about that movie and made Silence to really show his Catholic self. Btw i know he had been working on making the movie for years even before Last temptation it's just weird how he made a movie that was somewhat dumb with its christian thinking and another that understands christian suffering.

Would you step?

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It's hard not to when he tells you to, but maybe that was a hallucination.

Ironic when Christians are safer in Pakistan than Muslims are in New Zealand.

Jesus basically told him he only cares about his heart, not the outward action. By stepping on the fumie he ended the suffering of all those around him

White Christians don’t move to Pakistan and demand gibs

NCFOM, TWBB and Synecdoche, NY are the holy trinity of American 2000s kino.

Yeah I can't blame them for wanting to keep their system together. I don't even know if it was a good one though I'm a historylet. Would christianity have been better?

Lol I'm protestant


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>You let a boy die
So fucking underrated and I hate that you can't talk about Terry anywhere without getting spammed by fedoras or footfags. Still believe him saying Zoolander was his favorite film is actually a redpill on mk ultra

Isn't synecdoche garbage? Kaufman is fucking whack and I wouldn't put anything I've seen from him in the same category as films from the coens or TWBB

I'm biassed so I'm gonna say Christianity would have been better, but the Japanese system at the time was to close their borders and outlaw any foreigners coming into Japan and any Japanese leaving Japan (to avoid foreign ideas polluting the country).
As you can probably guess, the rest of the world developed amazing weapons whilst japan sat there stagnating, like someone just turtling in Starcraft. Then America turned up one day with super advanced ships and cannons and guns and basically made Japan their bitch.
So any system that didn't close the country off totally would have been better. I mean, shit, at least send spies out to see what advancements the rest of the world is creating.

where were you when i laid the foundations of the earth? tell me, if you have understanding.

Atheist here.

Fuck 'em.

>Christians widely and generally persecuted in Islamic countries like Pakistan
>Could be murdered for converting to Christianity
>This is culturally acceptable

>Muslims allowed general faith and practice in """Christian""" nations like New Zealand
>One-off surprise event where a mosque gets shot off
>Mass support from betas in NZ
>Even though an equal or more amount of Christians were killed in a church in Nigeria, which the media will not use to interpret the facts of the world at all

Fuck off

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It's the ultimate christkino with such theological depth. brainlets here can't handle it

Murdering christians, gays, and progressives is a fucking pasttime in the medieval east

Matthew 10:33
“But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.”

Stop using a decent film to promote your bullshit propoganda. The Christian faith is the largest, most prosperous religion in the world. Is this the new "We white people are being genocided against." meme?

>"Jesus invented the table"
Love that scene.
Here's some articles that prove you're full of shit, by the way.

he said sorry though

>One-off suprise event
>NOW you care about niggers dying
Fuck off.

it is, but its followers are also persecuted in some parts of the world. both points can be true, it's not a tautology.

I think it would have been better if we never heard Jesus speak to him. There would be way better debates on if it was the right thing to do or not when he stepped on it but now that the audience knows he was told to I don't understand why it's even a question

>NOW you care about niggers
When they're my fellow Christians, and it's a sign of regular hatred towards them, and their deaths prove the media and NZ government are funneling shit based on lies, yes.

Lol I always think about what would happen if one day every white person in the world starting acting like sandniggers and darkies. Stop going to work, got drunk at 11am, and demanded every one else pays for their schooling healthcare housing and food. Just unanimously starting chimping out and murdering negroes at the slightest provocation. God itd be glorious chaos

>he said sorry though
yet he continued living in that sin until his death. saying sorry doesnt save you changing your ways to show true repentance does otherwise its just vain lipservice while you continue in sin.

it's Conservative Christianity you fucking muppet. Go ahead and delete your post. Also, here's a tip: try breathing through your nose.

You'll continue to sin until you die too. Guess you're just as vain and disingenuous as he was.

Let's hear more about how great this film is.

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People bitch about pol and capeshit but the only way to actually make this board good is to stop banhammering people for bullshit, kick off the mods that are openly commie and hyperpolitical, and most importantly start permabanning the worst waifufags that spam webms of the same child actresses everyday. Sincerely hope from the bottom of my heart that the mods catch Ebola.

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Please don't let this thread get deleted it's the only one that isn't full of pornzombie faggotry. Talk about movies too, bring it back on topic.

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>You'll continue to sin until you die too. Guess you're just as vain and disingenuous as he was.
sinning and living in sin are two different things. how can you honestly believe someone to be sorry that continues in their behavior their entire life? a truly sorry and repentant person will change their ways while an unrepentant person will not. its pretty simple man.

>if you are truly sorry Christ will forgive and welcome you back
That sounds like some new-age church bullshit. Your works matter, they matter big time.

You guys might as well be Islamists.

ill post it again since you missed it
Matthew 10:33
“But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.”

>don't believe in anything lmao
>having an ideology at all is extremism
You're why the west is doomed by the way.

being an SJW is an ideology too foolio.

I like this thread so I'm going to make an on-topic post so the degenerate sons of bitches shitting up the rest of the board don't kill it.

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I'd like to feel badly for Christians being killed for no particular reason, but when I think about all the millions of people that Christians have killed for no particular reason, it's hard.

more people have died at the hands of secular godless governments in the past 100 years than from all 'Christian' violence in history combined, gtfo

>don't forget that 215 million Christians worldwide are still persecuted, tortured and killed for their faith

Why doesn't God save them with his super powers, why come here to complain?
What can anybody here do against the Almighty powers of God. Go complain to your God.
Oh that's right, he doesn't actually do anything. Because he doesn't exist.

wow, noone's ever said that before. how deep.

>t. picrelated
No (you)'s for you, you desperate faggot

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>Why doesn't God save them with his super powers, why come here to complain?
jesus already saved them bro thats why theyre in heaven now

Well did he really deny him? It was obvious to everyone that he still believed in Jesus, stepping on the fumi-e was just a formality

>but muh problem of suffering

>Durr I'm so deep no one's ever dealt with existential questions before me time to swap out my onions IV drip for a new one

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>wow the logical inconsistency of my retarded belief has been pointed out for centuries

this is your argument

I do actually want to hear the argument against this. I can't stand the tone that stuff like this is always said in but I've never heard an answer.


google "theodicy"
That is literally a word in the dictionary for solutions to the problem of evil. That's how generic the question is

that's because they can't come up with any good or reasonable counter arguments, the christfag larpers on threads like these usually resort to strawmen and internet memes

>stepping on the fumi-e was just a formality
now youre just trying at semantics here but ill still reply by saying that there are no gray areas in what Jesus said “But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” its the precise reason why they were told to step on the image of christ is because it was a public denial of him which is why they had them do it. there is no formality loophole about the situation.

or watch Malick's "the tree of life." It's basically a theodicy that answers the question in the same way the book of Job does

where is it fag

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she looks like she hates puppies. does she hate puppies? does she view them as an inconvenience? is this a cursed image?

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I rewatched it the other day and wept. It's one of those films which doesn't lose any of its impact on further viewings. Jack praying as les barricades mysterieuses plays for the first time was probably my favourite scene on the rewatch.

I remember when I was 12.

>does she hate puppies?
She hates her dad

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I wish I believed in god bros

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>that other thread about nudity in media gets close to a hundred posts in a half hour and most of them are long and and detailed
>gets nuked
>a pedo makes multiple threads with pedo webms every day
>gets brought to page 1 when it ends up on page 10 after a whole fucking day of being left up

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Christkino coming In from an agnostic surrealist and one of Tarkovsky’s favorites.

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Isn't the point that we don't know whether it was really Jesus or wether he was imagining it? The way I took it that it was quite possibly his own wishful thinking, telling himself that Jesus would want him to do it, in order to make himself feel better.

I'll raise you picrelated

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You're Protestants, aren't you?

Has anyone watched picrelated? Is it good?

Ida is fucking trash btw. Degenerate bullshit.

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Literally every time I'm having a good discussion the thread gets deleted, even if it's directly related to tv/film. It's seriously bullshit. It seems like it's gotten worse in the past few months, too.

Stop using the word degenerate. It's extremely cringy.
Added to my to watch list.

Another Bunuel classic and favorite of Tarkovsky
>In a seedy, plague-ridden corner of turn-of-the-century Mexico, a pious priest, Nazarín (Francisco Rabal), takes in mentally ill Beatriz (Marga López) and her prostitute sister, Andara (Rita Macedo). At odds with the other members of his clergy, he decides to go on a religious journey with the two women, but manages to accidentally alienate or ruin almost everyone he meets. As Nazarín attempts to bring goodwill and faith to a decaying society, he's met with scorn, suspicion and persecution.

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Stop using the word cringy, it's incredibly faggoty


Which comment was yours?

The answer is that God likes to make bets with Satan on how much they can shit on humans before they break?

you got a point to make, make it

I thought the same thing. What a brutal situation to find yourself in.

I watched the Pasolini Matthew's Gospel the other day. It had its moments, but it wasn't as fine as I had been led to believe. The Whited Sepulchres speech was particularly strong though, makes sense given the angle Pasolini was going for.

The Diary of a Country Priest directed by another one of Tarkovsky’s favorites Robert Bresson
>An inexperienced, sickly priest shows up in the rural French community of Ambricourt, where he joins the community's clergy. But the locals don't take kindly to the priest, and his ascetic ways and unsociable demeanor make him an outcast. During Bible studies at the nearby girls school, he is continually mocked by his students. Then his attempt to intervene in a family feud backfires into a scandal. His failures, compounded with his declining health, begin to erode his faith.

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It was a beautiful movie and a near perfect adaptation of the book. People complain about the run time being too long, but I didn't have a problem with it as I knew what was coming. I was initially skeptical about Andrew Garfield, but I think he did a great job.

No complaints here, it was pure kino.

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The title reveal in the intro was so well done.

I'm asking which comment was yours so I know which specific topic to address.

>a near perfect adaptation of the book
Point of interest: Scorsese had met with Shusaku (the book's author) who hated an earlier film made from the book because it changed some key plot details. Scorsese promised him that he'd make a faithful film adaptation and even though it took over twenty years (by which point Shusaku had long since passed away), he did eventually keep his promise.

Bunuel was a pretty hardcore fedora bro


I like when the kids sing in Hebrew at the end. Ashira l'Adonai

It depends on what stage of Bunuels life you’re talking about, here’s a couple excerpts from his book written just before his death in 1983
>I don’t like the desert, the beach, the Arab, the Indian, or the Japanese civilizations, which makes me distinctly unmodern. To be frank, the only civilization I admire is the one in which I was raised, The Greco-Roman Christian.
>He (Eugenio d’Ors Catalonian philosopher) was the author of a line I often cite against those who seek originality at the expense of the everything else. “What doesn’t grow out of tradition,” he used to say, “is plagiarism” something about this paradox always seemed to me profoundly true
>According to the latest reports, we now have enough nuclear bombs not only to destroy all life on the planet but also to blow the planet itself, empty and cold, out of its orbit altogether and into the immensity of the cosmic void. I find that possibly magnificent, and in fact I’m tempted to shout bravo, because from now on there can be no doubt that science is our enemy. She flatters are desires for omnipotence—-desires that lead inevitably to our destruction. A recent poll announces that out of 700,000 “highly qualified” scienstist now working throughout the world, 520,000 of them are busy trying to streamline the means of our self destruction, while only 180,000 are studying ways of keeping us alive. The trumpets of the apocalypse have been sounding at our gates for years now, but we still stop up our ears. We do, however, have four new horsemen: overpopulation (the leader, the one waving the black flag), science, technology, and the media.

imo NCFOM is the best film that has ever been made

This is a reasonable opinion

>" Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
>Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven (infinite) times."
The real question here is what did Peter really mean when he asked by "brother or sister in Christ"?
Did Jesus Christ ever mention who his fellow brothers or sisters are? Hmm...

Is pic related Silence-tier in christianity?

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TLDR: Bunuel was basically a Luddite, in fact, when The Milky Way was released leftist groups basically branded Bunuel a traitor and some claimed it was propaganda funded by the Vatican.

Martyrdom is the one thing I wish the church would speak out against. There’s no point in getting yourself killed because you won’t deny your faith or god. If you truly believe, a gun in your face isn’t going to change that, nor will some hollow words of denial. It’s an archaic philosophy. Stay alive to spread the good word. Even if it means telling the bad guys what they want to hear

that goes against so many verses of the bible but you do you.

When did the Vatican start to become subverted from without? Was it before the Reformation or after?

I’m aware of that but we aren’t living 2000 years ago. We should be smarter than our predecessors and realize that we would be better off serving the church alive.

Has anyone seen ''Cristiada'' from Dean Wright? Is it good?

By the way, Gibson should make a movie about the Cristero Wars or even the Carlist Wars, since he is a friend of the pretender of the Spanish throne, D. Sixto. Pic related.

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Japs did nothing wrong, if religious demographic changed in japan you would've been slaughtering them or there would've been a divided japan. That's what happened all over the world and lowkey is still happening now because even now christians and muslims can't help but come to us and scream about their books to us. You lot are like muslims in this regard, cry when you fail or small, and persecute when in position of power.

Also china does nothing wrong, and india doesn't do anything even close to china which it should be doing.

Honestly it's a complex issue. It actually makes me think of a few things Jordan Peterson says.
One is about belief, essentially that what someone says they believe doesn't really matter. True belief is acted out, not spoken.
The other is about the Logos, and how it's connected to truth. He says that truth is extremely powerful, and we should all strive to tell the truth all the time because if you do it helps bring order to the chaos of the world.
Personally, I don't believe that God would want us to die just to avoid lying to an evil person.

>Hey just deny me when things get tough for you or those around you. Wouldn't want you to have to suffer and possibly die for your faith or anything.
t. fake scosese jesus

Christians should actually be ready to die at any moment and be at peace with death. This lifetime is but a blink of an eye when compared to eternity with God. You should never reject Christ in any circumstance, even certain death. You were told you would be persecuted and possibly killed when you accepted Christ. Christ died for you and the power of your faith to never apostatize will impact the bad guys even if you do not believe it. A person in this thread already posted Matthew 10:33.
The bad guys are going to kill you anyway. Your words in the future will not mean anything to people you try to spread it to if you are not willing to die for them. Why would they, if your priority is on survival in this fallen world instead of dying for what is true, they have reason to think you do not truly believe and therefore the gospel is false.

I’m conflicted about it. On one hand missionaries just show up and do their thing peacefully. On the other hand I can imagine how annoying it must be seeing your way of life threatened by parasites who are too timid to fight back.

This is the shit that makes people think Christianity is a cult

so peter isn't in heaven?

Hypothetically if every Christian in the world had a gun to their head and could only be freed by denying their faith, what would be the point? The religion would die with them.

I became Christian after seeing this film

He did answer that question, though, with the parable of the good Samaritan

Calvary is brilliant but I’m not sure if a non-Irish person would enjoy it as much

But nips already had a foreign religion (buddhism) imposed on them by the elite centuries before. Shinto wasn't even an organised religion before the meji restoration, just some folk beliefs that differed from valley to valley.

>Jesus invented the table
I took that as a Roman commissioned project or something

That's what the Romans thought.
Yet the blood of the martyrs grew the Church and many of her greatest saints are martyrs.

>He did answer that question, though, with the parable of the good Samaritan
No, that parable is about the Golden Rule.

Luke 10 NIV translation

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”

27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ c ; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ d ”

28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”

29 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

zen and shingon are different from mainland buddhism

This is actually a sound point. Christianity wouldn't even exist today if early christians didn't practice their religion in secret in the Roman Empire. Is hiding any sign that you're a christian and avoiding being suspected of being one any different from outright denying when asked? Plenty of christians did deny it back then. There's a reason martyrdom for the faith is equal to sainthood. It cannot be reasonably expected of an average man but it's something to be admired.

This issue was argued back then and the bishops of the church decided that renoucing your faith was a sin that could however, be fixed by repentance. The very concept of repentance in christianity developed during that argument.

Actually Peter had to do penance for that. Resurrected Jesus humiliated him in front of the other apostles by asking him three times if he even loved him. Incidently Peter was also tortured and killed for his faith.

Within the first century apostles had missionaried east to India, south to Ethiopia, and east to Greece and Italy. Churches had been set up all over Asia minor within 20 years of the crucifixion. I don't think it was as much as an underground cult punishable by death until Constantine as people make it out to be.

Is there any Protestant kino or are Lifetime-tier movies the best they can do?

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>watches South Park once
can’t teach those unwilling to learn I guess

This is a based and redpilled Christkino documentary that’s relevant to the topic of Christian persecution, torture, and killing. Unfortunately (((many people))) deny it happened, to the point of censorship.

They don't do things peacefully or even morally. North east india has christian separatist movements because of recent conversions. They target poor and needy tribals and ask them to convert for a bag of rice taking advantage of their pitiful circumstances. They call bible a "veda" or "upanishad" to dupe unsuspecting uneducated hindus. Most of all they are disrespectful and against everything we stand for but act like they are doing us some favour. God damn these christian and muslim cults, their theology demands them to constantly annoy and persecute us.

worse directing but Elder God tier soundtrack

as a protestant I'm pretty embarrassed by the lack of kino they've been able to make

if they did it would probably go over the heads of the jesus camp bible belt people

Accept Christ

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Top 5 Scorsese.


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Woah it's almost like people everywhere hate people of different religions fucking crazy man how do you walk around with that massive brain of yours?

Jannies need to die for their moderation. They're literal trannies and pedos who push their bullshit every chance they can. So many times a pedo thread would hit page 10 and these pieces of shit would leave it up while nuking other threads that were actually about tv/films.

>Why doesn't God save them with his super powers

>2 Timothy 3:12
Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted
>Matthew 5:10
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

>"There is an interesting story about the king who ruled there. You could say life had overwhelmed him with generosity. So his wife brought in four homeless men. Four. They were all envious, and they fought and fought without end. So the King of the North drove them away from his castle and peace came into his life again."
Do you think this story has a lesson?"
>"Yes. That this was a wise man as well as a great one."
>"I’m glad you see it that way because it means you see as I do. The King is like Europe. And these homeless men are Africa, Asia, Latin America, Middle East. Each whispering bad, bad lies about the other into his ear. Each trying to gain the advantage against the other and destroy the house in the process. If you think this man is wise, then you must understand why we must outlaw Multicultural Marxism."

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its Christkino in times where its most needed
in fucked up feeudal african and asian societies, a guy who says all people are equal because if Word of God is a FREEDOM incarnate
its no wonder so many weakling are afraid of free speach and life in general

this alyssa milano/ maximilian schnell vehicle "Candles in the Dark."

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>but he rejected Christ.
he didnt, he rejected his own being before Christ
you know nothing about Catholic faith

Can you imagine if they made this about Muslims?
>sure, we are called to spread the word, but reflection upon Muslim values leads me to conclude that paradoxically we must stop trying to convert people!
It is only Christians who must apologize for existing.

was going to post this

>he rejected his own being before Christ

Remember to reject denominationalism. There is only one church, the one that Christ built. Do not follow these false teachers such as Catholics with their adding and taking away of the scriptures, infant baptism (and sprinkling) and holidays with heathen routes. The Catholic church is not "the first church", but it is one of the first denominations. Don't be fooled. Worship as the Christians did in the first century.

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The Catholic church was much later, after Christendom had already morphed into something very different from it's jewish followers. The first "schism" within the worshippers of Christ was not Catholic/Orthodox or Orthodox/Aryan, but on how to treat the gentiles who wanted to join. There was the jewish christians (the original orthodox) and the new Pauline christians who more or less wanted to ignore Matthew 5:17 in order to embrace the "gentiles"

I don't know of any modern christian denomination who reject Paul, eat kosher and circumcise.

I wonder why that is

friendly reminder that catholics are not christians, they are catholics

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What's the best Christian movie that doesn't explicitly mention God or Christianity?

Reminder that Catholicism propagated the true faith to every buttcrack of the universe while Protestants were busy jewing eachother,

I think the coens kinda dislike Judaism and respect Christianity a lot more.

I mean look at a serius man and then watch hail cesar.

Or Ladykillers
Or O brother where are though

better imho

Best as in most closely representative of Christianity without explicitly mentioning it, or just the best movie with Christian ideas/themes? The former is probably Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe because it's almost a direct 1-to-1 allegory for the Gospel story (which was Lewis's intent for the books), the latter would be way to broad to narrow down.

I love Silence. One of my favourite films ever.

This precisely the reason I stopped calling myself a christian, because non believers love to lump you in with other self proclaimed Christians.

I was at a discussion about race and some other shit (it was required for the course and I go to school in San Francisco) and some Muslim dude, i forget the exact context, but he commented "What about the Christians during the crusades who killed thousands?"

And exactly what he was doing to Christianity and the crusades, I could say about Muslim terrorism. And both of us would have the same answer "THEY ARE NOT REAL CHRISTIANS/MUSLIMS"

Dude stfu. Cohen kikes are just as slimy and underhanded as any other Israelites, they just do a better job of hiding it under "Americana."

Though tbf Trump is a fucking Jew servant himself

don't forget that 215 million people worldwide are still persecuted, tortured and killed for their faith

dont worry bro we're all stardust nothing matters lol

I think the message is there are extremists in every religion. The movie in OP's pic is an example of Buddhists being murderous and violent.

I'm a Catholic Christian myself and I go to church every sunday (more than can be said for at least half the altrighters larping as Christians in the internet) and i will respect anyone who respects me and my religion. If a Muslim respects my faith and beliefs and is not an Islamist; I respect them. If a Jew respects my faith and beliefs and is not a Zionist, I respect them. You get the picture.

Dying for your faith is the highest honour a Christian can experience. Anyone who believes death is the end is not a true Christian, it's just the start of something new.

Most of the themes apply to any county with a reasonably large catholic population. Struck a chord with me. Australian btw.

Same here famalambam. How are you posting? Google public DNS?

>reject denominationalism
>mentions Catholics exclusively
Who could possibly be behind this post?

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islam conquered 2 thirds of the christian territory, they have nothing to complain about, the crusades were in response to that and pretty insignificant compared to what islam did.
You are just falling victim to lefty talk if you use crusades as argument agaisnt christianity.

My isp only blocked 4+4 chan. Got around that in 30 seconds anyway.

>Recommend my Jewish friend this movie
>He asks what it's about
>Tell him it's about Christian persecution
>He laughs and sarcastically says, "oh, CHRISTIAN persecution? How terrible!"
I'm not even a /pol/tard anti-Semite but damn, their minds are really warped, huh? They really seem to believe that either they experience the worst persecution or are the only one who ever experience persecution.

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Crusades were a war that happened 1000 years ago when literally everyone fought a war of conquest. Anyone who bashes the crusades or Islamic conquests using modern day morality is a retard. Wars of conquest were normal things back then.

It's really tiresome
>But muh crusades.
As if it was one-off event(s) in the history without it following the centuries of conquest and oppression from the other side.

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Who you with? I'm with telstra

And remember the only time they were in power how they treated others. Cannites and some other people that they destroyed.
And modern Palestinians. They have no sympathy for the Goyim.
Though Palestinians are worthless fucks themselves.

The crusades might not have been christian but they werent really wrong either.

iinet. Its silly really, the same type of people who frequent imageboards are the same type who've been subverting blocks on torrent sites already. Why they figured it would work is beyond me.

Redditers ruined the Yea Forums
Episode 420

Trying to say any war of conquest done 1000 years ago is "wrong" or "right" is stupid.

It also is retarded how they blocked both blue boards and nsfw boards. Like Yea Forums is pretty well moderated

Tree of life was the most 1st year film school dropout tier movie i ve seen

>I don't know of any modern christian denomination who reject Paul, eat kosher and circumcise.
Hebrew Roots?

so individual christians are responsible for everything done in the name of christianity for the past 2000 years? do you not realise what an asinine argument that is?

they do, but Christ is ever-forgiving. that’s literally one of the fundamental doctrines of christianity. forgive your brother not seven times, but seven times seventy-seven times.

absolute kino, probably the greatest film ever made

>Jesus caring about the fucking portuguese

lmaoing ova here

Saw this with my old pastor years after not being Christian anymore. He literally cried for days and said he wouldn't step. I would in a second to get those people out of their suffering. Giving up my pride and my God and maybe even going to hell seems like more of a sacrifice that Jesus would do.

>Would christianity have been better?
Turn the other cheek protestant faggot.

>gets told he's going to die
>still tends to his flock
>still also sad that he knows what's going to happen

Really sad but very Christlike message.

if you are looking for a faith or creed free of blood you'll find only small groups of unknowns

>book of Job does
Unironically how does it answer it? It seems like God going "ayo my guy to you I'm incredible and incomprehensible, but I'm always right, heres a ton of rewards btw. P.S. To suffer does not mean to be wrong, or that I hate you"

"where were you when i laid the foundations of the earth?"

The Mission is quality
Everything on the Vatican films list is very good

God's not dead 3 is the only prod flick I saw that was close to an actual movie.

Really sad when is dog dies
Also depressing how everyone was such a cunt towards him especially CIA man

You are gonna have to explain this to me like I'm a 5 year old
only thing that implies to me is divine command theory, which is not too far off from my post desu

Did anyone see this kino? It's a collection of 10 short films that explore the themes and moral values behind the 10 commandments. Critics love it but I'd like to hear user's opinion.

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haven’t seen this but three colors is kino so will check this out at some point

You niggers not bringing pic related as christkino are, indeed, niggers

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I'm so torn over this film anons, one one side it is a man torn apart because he wants to be faithful and is ready to be a martyr, but he is also arrogant because he is pursuing perfect and Ferrera suggests that he fancies himself like Christ.

The Vatican loved it, but it was that faggot Francis. E Michael Jones hated it and said it was blasphemy. Clergymen are divided on it. Peter denied Christ and was forgiven, but Christ said the only unforgiveable sin is to deny Him.

What do you anons think? Is Rodriguez in hell now?

it's great but it has a very anglo-irish sense of humour. Super gallows humour and very dead pan. If you like that you will love Calvary.

It's exceptional and never really gets mentioned on Yea Forums unfortunately. Kieslowski was great.

This guys got a point. I would bet my last dollar that we would have a lot less people claiming to be trans or gay if we had a greater sense of belonging in western culture. A lot of people end up adopting these identities because they are desperate to belong.

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you're going to hell mate

Lord of the Rings

yeah id like to know this too desu, know shit all about theology.

Can't wait to go to Mars and leave all religious fags behind

>Jews hate him
>Jews love him
would you just make up your mind already, tranny?

>What do you anons think? Is Rodriguez in hell now?
No because he never stopped believing, he just had to believe in silence, hence the title. Jesus did say "render unto Caesar", meaning He understood that people have to abide by the rules of the land.

haha what a faggot

Christians and their churches are constantly under attack in the USA. They have the wrong color of skin tho.

forgive my pure ignorance, but isn't the Catholic stance that scripture isn't like the Koran and it shouldn't be read literally, but I also see a lot of people defending/condemning this movie based on quoting the bible as if it were a mechanics manual. Is that a really evangelical approach? Or have I got this all mixed up.

That's not an argument tho and theodicy is one of the most complex problems in theology.

Kirishitans deserved everything they got for betraying their Gods and their own people. Them of all people playing the victim after what they pulled is hilarious.

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Didn't the Cohen brothers grow up in semi rural mid-west with very few other yids around?

I'm not an expert on eschatology, but as far as I know, the Bible can't possibly be read literally because it's a collection of different books from differing viewpoints written over a few thousand years.. Whereas the Koran had a singular author with a singular viewpoint written at one time.

>implying your descendants won't be praying to Elon Christ

Did CIA kill his dog?

yep they pretty much genocided and wiped out the indo-european faith.

Tarkovsky really did make the best Christkino.

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>I'll admit it, this film made me cry.
It made me fucking sick. Fucking Pope sending zealots to every shithole in the world. Convert poorfags by promising them eternal life that won't suck as much as their current one. They get brutally torchured for converting to your religion. Continue converting them anyway.
I walked out of the theater but i assume that the faggot they were looking for renounced his faith like a little bitch.
Fucking catholics and all their faggotry.
t. christian

>North Korea
Lel, only whites can be christians as white people were the ethnic majority in the Levant at the time of the son of David.

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This guy is right the church should have petitioned the Portuguese crown to launch a full invasion of Japan

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Look at what the converts did in Japan as well. They sold hundreds of thousands of those who didn't convert (like they did in exchange for guns because they were too lazy to make their own like the other clans) into slavery, burned and desecrated ancient temples and sites of worship, and then played victim when justice was brought down upon them.

Yeah, I agree, but why point in bringing it up is that people go HAM on Silence and say it doesn't follow X instruction from the Bible, but my understanding of Catholicism is that they take the bible and church history, and a long line of scholarship into account, rather than just quote the book and say the case is closed. Doesn't seem so Catholic to me.

But then some people do the opposite and quote the bible to trash the film, but then that's a Protestant approach which a Catholic wouldn't care about, presumably?

Lmao as if they could have. Portugal never could have, even at the later times when Britian and France could embarrass the Asian superpowers, they couldn't have. In fact during the closing days of the Sengoku Era the Spanish and Portuguese were told not to start shit with the Japs as they would end up embarassing themselves. This was after the Japanese blew up some giant Portuguese warship with nothing but some junks they set on fire and rammed it with.

based retarded historylet

‘Trample! Trample! I more than anyone know of the pain in your foot. Trample! It was to be trampled on by men that I was born into this world. It was to share men’s pain that I carried my cross!’

I interpreted it to have nothing to do with his personal suffering and more of God ending the mission to Japan

Kino lovers can watch the full movie here:

t. actual retarded historylet
Real life isn't a video game. The amount of men the Portuguese would have needed to invade, let alone conquer and hold Japan, would have been impossible to supply, even from their closest colonies. At the end of the 16th century the Japanese were more adept with firearms and had them in greater numbers than any European country.

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They haven't called for death of apostates yet


fuck i love this movie
>If might is right, then love has no place in the world. It may be so, it may be so. But I don't have the strength to live in a world like that, Rodrigo.

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