Dragged Across Concrete

Are we witnessing the birth of a genuinely reactionary American cinema?

Even most liberal critics are falling over themselves to praise this blatantly right-wing film...will this mark a turning point in Hollywood?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Even most liberal critics are falling over themselves to praise this
I've only seen them shit on it after it's festival premiere last year.

Yeah. It's kinda like getting people to admit the first Dirty Harry and Death Wish movies are actually really good. They don't want to for REASONS.

It's actually been pretty evenly divided. A ton of lib critics who one would think would've panned this are giving it rave reviews.

Brody trashed it though, lmao

Any release date yet?

Tomorrow on VOD and limited theatrical

Fuck yes.

>Tomorrow on VOD
My dick isn't ready, bros.

how long until YIFFY

Cool hope that suptv or brettygood stream that shit

>limited theatrical
>tfw live in bumfuck nowhere

Attached: feel corrado.png (211x239, 6K)

Meaning what? Netflix?

lemme ready your dick for you user

meaning on demand. aka you're gonna torrent it.


Zahler is this generation's Peckinpah.

I dont get it, is Zahler not a jewish name? How is he based


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>Zahler was born in Miami, Florida, to a Jewish family.[1]
Born in 1973 but this is the only thing on his wiki from before 2010.

He's a Jew, but a reactionary nationalist Jew like Stephen Miller, so he's one of the good ones.

honest right wing people do the best art.

look at these old fart paintings of he man and shit.

do you think they were gay friendly color blind people? FUCK NO.

now look at cartoons nowadays. every character mouth smiling like a faggot on xanax.

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>good jew

is it out on blu ray yet
>going to the cinema


what is this boring "conservative" shit?
if you want REAL right-wing art you have to get into futurism or vorticism or memeticism

no and this is the kind of bullshit why people torrent.
>limited theatrical run
>no Blu-ray
fuck that shit. I would've bought the Blu-ray yesterday. instead *click*

>tfw he announces what a fervent supporter of Israel he is

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he accepted Jesus into his heart

VOD in five hours or so

i think it looks pretty, but desu i was looking for some earl norem he man package.

anyway, going to check out the references you talked about.

gib 1080p.x264-FGT

How many right wing filmmakers are there? off the top of my head; William Friedkin, John Milius, Mel Gibson, Clint Eastwood, and S. Craig Zahler? So like 5, most filmmakers are hard leftists

nah, he's still a Jew


Alive or dead? Dead ones are John Ford, Sam Peckinpah maybe, Howard Hawks maybe. Orson Welles probably had problems with lefties but he was more of an independent I think. I can't imagine John Huston being very lefty either but who knows?

Last one of his I saw, pure kino.
Cannot wait for this one.

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it's still not on yiffy

The guy who did those two awful Civil War movies that made the Confederacy sympathetic.


oh and Eli Roth

The #metoo shit probably pushed some people to the right. I'm guessing Tarantino, Fincher and PT Anderson aren't as left wing as they used to be.

I think the ZAZ guys and the Faralley brothers are more conservative.

and you can't forget Leni Riefenstahl!

thanks anons, will seed for plebs on rarbg

>Tarantino, Fincher and PT Anderson aren't as left wing as they used to be.

>Faralley brothers
Based Farrelly bros are pretty leftist, did you not watch all the acceptance speeches for Green Book?

I think Hitchcock was more socially moderate approaching conservative, but he kept it on the DL. Practicing Catholic.

>blatantly right-wing film
I've seen it, it's really not. At least, not any moreso than all exploitation cinema, but that's another argument altogether.

lmao Lionsgate is not promoting this at all, what a shame.

You can buy the Blu-ray in a few months, I'm sure.

>making some dull middlebrow race relations movie that wouldn't have been edgy even fifty years ago makes someone a liberal

I still think he's a closet conservative.

I mean, Zahler is pretty much the only director working in Hollywood today (besides Eastwood) who explicitly calls his films "conservative"

Ford was left leaning for most of his life (though a definite conservative in his later years) and Hawks was staunchly aploitical.

I couldn't really get into Brawl in Cell Block 99, but Bone Tomahawk was fucking awesome.

If this is anywhere near as good as Bone Tomahawk, I'll be fucking hyped.

Mel Gibson?

>closet conservative
>talks about ending racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc every chance he gets
>literally refers to Trump as "the orange menace"

"apolitical" in Hollywood means "I vote Republican but I don't talk about it and keep it to myself so I don't get dragged by the court of public opinion and actors stop working with me"

I think he's retired from directing.

Most of Hollywood lowkey votes Republican because they're greedy Jews who want lower taxesFACT!!!

Bullshit. Some people are just sensible, regular people without being fucking political zealots who have to spew their opinion on everybody. Nothing wrong with keeping certain political opinions to yourself without forcing views on people who don't give a shit, no matter which way you vote.

making another WW2 movie about the US vs Japanese part of the war.

I'd bet: most of hollywood doesnt actually go vote they just do PSAs telling other people to vote

Does Zahler have good taste in films?

Adam Sandler

Opposite for me.

No, that's what it means in modern Hollywood. There were plenty of famous Republicans in old Hollywood, Hawks worked with many of them. He was genuinely apolitical.


Total kino. He's like a Yea Forums poster

I'd love to see a source on that, because every interview I've ever seen with the guy he falls back on the "I'm not a political person" line. He's definitely not a liberal, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was a right winger, but his films are hardly propagandistic and to dismiss them as such is woefully reductive.

do you watch america first with nicholas j. fuentes?


Decent taste, but I'm not believe this is him until he verifies.

>The #metoo shit probably pushed some people to the right. I'm guessing Tarantino, Fincher and PT Anderson aren't as left wing as they used to be.
Projection and baseless conjecture.

Never heard of it.

I feel like most people on this board loved Cell Block 99, but I'm a sucker for some fucking dark, brutal Western realism. McCarthy-esque stuff, sort of got a taste of it in some of the Cohen Bro's Buster Scruggs vignettes as well.

Not sure if I can explain why Cell Block 99 didn't really get me going, might have to go back and give it another watch. I think "Shot Caller" had a similar feel, and while I liked Shot Caller, I didn't love it.

I saw this week's ago at a film festival but I can't wait for it to get a wider release so I can actually talk about it on here. Every time I made a thread it died.

wow, great taste.

Not before he gives us his Viking epic or ill throw him in an oven myself.

>discussing movies on Yea Forums
good luck

Anyone in Hollywood who is apolitical I automatically assume is right-wing because it won't hurt their career at all (as far as being hired) if they start spewing typical leftshit talking points.

how many fucking WWII movies are they going to make?


As you wish, goy.

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>implying there aren't just as many Vietnam films

Yeah, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Clinton-voting Farrelly is criticizing Trump from the left, not the right.

spic* fuentes

>first Mad Max, but not Road Warrior
>no Conan the Barbarian

he's also part African

Yes, Vietnam is a problem too.
I want to see a film about the Spanish-American War or the Biafra War or even one of the Arab-Israeli Wars (oy vey!)

>The Revenant
>A humorless, monotonous, pretentious music video that occasionally feels like the Leonardo DiCaprio showreel.
>gimmicky showman Inarritu
>This is the worst movie I've seen in the theater since the similarly humorless, monotonous, and self-important movie, Precious.

Holy shit this can't be real.

Isn't he trying to get a film about the resurrection made?

>Biafra War
who was in the wrong here?

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is there some sort of backlash against this director now? I thought this guy was trolling on letterboxd and all the comments are people agreeing and saying this is how we should review cinema



I've heard movie about the resurrection, viking movie, and WW2 movie, I dont know if any of them will ever actually be made

>i had given bone tomahawk 4.5 stars because it seemed like a knowing and meditative work on the intersection of the Italian Cannibal Cycle and The Western which it totally is. i didn't understand at the time that Bone Tomahawk was the first Trump Horror.
I think this is a joke.

>israel on both sides

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Okay, Trump still isn't a conservative tho.

>israel on both sides


>Soviet Union
>Holy See

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no one's going to read all that gobbledygook, but if the point is that all films are political, then yes he's right. Everything is political under liberal democracy! Such is the price of replacing religious metaphysics with secular metaphysics. Politics IS everything, it's inescapable!

He's dead on about The Revenant but he insulted God Bigelow and thinks the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man is better than the Raimi ones so fuck him.

>Israel on both sides

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define "conservative"

conserving something? a way of life, I guess the question is "have conservatives ever successfully conserved literally anything?"

I just read that review and it pretty much confirms that he's a conservative.

Warren Zevon was


>"have conservatives ever successfully conserved literally anything?"
Depends on what conservatives you're talking about, and what you think they're supposed to be conserving.

Reminder that Spic Fuentes was fully on the Trump Train all the way up until two weeks ago. That lil faggot has been harping on "wignats" for two years, but they were right about everything.

>us release only

The good ones steals billions from tax payers to fund the ZOG military industrial complex. Literally worse than the ones who push the faggot tranny crap.

A harrowing, vicious synthesis of S. Craig Zahler's tumultuous abilities as writer and director. Easily his greatest work in a filmography both praised and lambasted for its moral ambiguity and negligence of explicit political representation. He doubles down on the thin, razor-sharp tight-rope balanced across an existential void, tiptoeing between depictions of race, class, systems of media, and a changing world of inclusive rhetoric. People might stop reading there, or with the reminder that Mel Gibson has a leading role, but I hope you don't, mainly because this is a masterpiece of ensemble-casting, of exterior and interior motivations, written like a shard of glass cast towards flesh. Every line, in the moment, sounds and hits like the greatest piece of dialogue in the world. Zahler has truly perfected a novelist tendency of stretching out and framing scenes, sequences, and even little tidbits of emotion, with a stark landscape of visual imagery. The camera set-ups are almost Lynchian, employing harsh, particular lighting, a serene development of movement and staging, in addition to his trademark clumpy, wet ultra-violence.
The tension mounts up with the body count, and Zahler plays with the silence, the pain, and the numerous spiritual/physical/emotional/societal divides that linger. It also exists as the longest movie ever made. Not really, obviously, but this fucker is practically two hours and forty minutes, and I wouldn't cut a scene. Zahler's screenplay builds an unbelievable amount of space, place, and personality by living and breathing within its conversations, and portraying *every* character as equals, even if some of the characters might not respect each other, or receive such equal treatment within the world they reside. Grimy, uncomfortable, but never gleefully so. It toils and cries out for the embrace of the same abyss it condemns. So beautiful, so lost and damaged, but a knockout all the same.

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How so?

That chick looks like a 56% Crypto-spic

Stop copy and pasting Letterboxd reviews onto Yea Forums you fucking retard

nick is a nice guy, he's just young and innocent. a lot of people were on the trump train for a long time. at least he got off it.

It's out on VOD tomorrow


Which service?

It's pretty amazing he literally had a bunch of libtard college kids killed by cannibals and no one gave a shit

Is anyone making a big deal about the white dudes being on top of the black dudes in the poster? Yeah, thought so.

Not a streaming service, VOD. I imagine it'll be on Google Play and the Apple store.

See the way she's grabbing his abs? See the way he doesn't give a fuck, because he's going to go home and procreate?

You'll never know that feeling because you're not a Man.

>turning point
good one

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Caught me offgaurd

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I liked the parts with extreme violence.

Death Wish is dangerous vigilante glorification. Dirty Harry is actually superb. It does deliver some accurate jabs at the left, but it doesn't limit itself to that. He fights corrupt vigilante cops who murder people unlawfully in the sequel for fucks sake.

doing god's work, user

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>Death Wish is dangerous vigilante glorification.

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nick is a confrontational, stuck-up retard

What do I watch in preperation tonight? Already saw the other Zahlers.

Triple 9
Payback: Straight Up Director's Cut
Street Kings

Lethal Weapon

>and no one gave a shit
pretty sure Green Inferno got majority terrible reviews

I don't know maybe Bad Lieutenant

>Triple 9
so fucking underrated

American Gangster
The Departed
Miami Vice: Unrated Director's Cut

>>Death Wish is dangerous vigilante glorification.

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The Wild Bunch, Cross of Iron, Death Wish.

>and Don Johnson
that's all i needed

Don't listen to this guy, the theatrical cut of Payback is better. (And Gibson's best movie desu)

Well it was terrible, and I'm a Roth fan. Don't know why people think he's conservative, though, he just hates political correctness like most exploitation filmmakers.

Seen a few of them. Its a decision between Payback (dunno which version), Street Kings and Triple 9.

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Triple 9 is the down and dirtiest of the bunch. Probably has the most in common with Dragged Across Concrete. Triple 9 for the win.

A Walk Among the Tombstones

Well, I guess its settled then. Seen some bad reviews but I trust you faggots more.

For what it's worth I like Zahler's films and I thought Triple 9 was the most pointless movie I've seen in a long time.


>A Walk Among the Tombstones

Fuck. Still gonna stick with it. Always takes me hours to settle on a movie to watch.

Does this drop at midnight?

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>Michael Jai White
absolutely based
can't wait

still not on yts

the theranos movie or dragged across concrete?
the former has been out since monday, the latter drops tomorrow

okay if you haven't seen it and are a Kurt Russell fan, watch Dark Blue instead. It's good.

Attached: dark-blue-cinema-quad-movie-poster-(1)[1].jpg (1050x791, 652K)

is that the blackish guy from CSI?

what time tomorrow?

>hates pc tyrannical ideology
That makes you a full blown Nazi Stormtrooper today, user.

nigga what do you think this is AMC?

I'm hoping midnite tonight... Id stay up for that, I'm off tomorrow and have been waiting for this kino

Dark Blue is majorly underrated.

I’m close to Sacramento and can’t find this fucking thing playing anywhere. I’d honestly be willing to drive down to the Bay Area to see it.

It's in only one theater in New York City. Got tickets for Wednesday.

I'm not driving to fucking South Miami to watch this. *click*

Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia by Sem Peckinpah

Did Michael Jay White got fat? Those are some puffy checks he got there

>posts a kitschy painting as example
you are mentally ill

and you have low-T

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His status as a reactionary is vastly overstated and he's just not a very good or interesting filmmaker to me. I find him refreshing simply because he exists in these PC times, and I'll watch it and probably enjoy it, just because I'm starved for the genre, but he's just a trashy third-rate VOD semi exploitation-movie maker. It's too ugly and shallow to be my guy. Far from the likes of Peckinpah or Milius (who was also Jewish but genuinely based), who didn't only revel in the grit but also strove to find the light, which is why their art was so superior. Mel as a filmmaker has this trait as well but to a lesser degree of talent. Zahler reminds me more of Eli Roth doing Death Wish with dumb fucks calling it "based" just because it triggered the dumbest of libshits, even though the movie itself was typical nu-dogshit, filmmakingly lazy and perfectly shallow and safe.

Huston was a major leftist but leftist 50 years ago = right wing by today's standards. Same with Ford and many others, who took a stance against McCarthy, and defended Jewish subversion. They wouldn't be allowed to make the same movies today simply because they were fucking white males making fucking white males movies.

pic related

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>but a reactionary nationalist Jew
When will /pol/goys realize that NRx is a Jewish movement?

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I really wanted to like Triple 9 after the red band trailer but it was such a big pile of nothing. Hillcoat makes really interesting movies on paper but they're all forgettable.

>jennifer carpenter

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why are they all so predictable

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>leftist 50 years ago = right wing by today's standards
A silly and historically ignorant talking point no matter how often you repeat it.
Worth noting though that while Ford was a progressive early in life he was a full on Nixon and Vietnam supporting Republican in his later years.

There's no way this is him.

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I like The Proposition and The Road a lot actually, but Triple 9 was just a whole lot of nothing. What a waste of a great cast.

My options are: 3 hours to Memphis, 3 hours to New Orleans, or 6 hours to Dallas. I'd do it, too, but I'm NEET so can't afford the trip.

Reminder to shills: Israel will burn in nuclear hellfire.

That movie deserved rotten desu, perhaps the most disastrous last 15 minutes I've ever seen in a film.

>he fell for the McCarthy distraction

>israel on both sides
>france and italy being contrarian faggots and fighting against all the other european nations
>portugal trying to be relevant
>soviet union and america working together
what the fuck is this conflict?

these people are pathetic.

Both of these movies sucked tho.

Coherent taste, it's becoming a rare quality. Surprised Rolling Thunder isn't in there. John Flynn is the closest filmmaker he reminds me of, for some reason. Can go from a cult classic Schrader script to a video club Seagal vehicle, which is the feeling I get from him.

Didn't know he was Jewish. Couldn't care less. His movies are the shit and he hires guys like Mel Gibson.

>His movies are the shit and he hires guys like Mel Gibson.

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>Director of this just got done filming Rambo 5.
Nice. Who is ready for Rambo fucking up some cartel shit?

oh fuck yeah. I don't even really like Stallone or any Rambo film besides First Blood. But in this political climate, my body is ready for ultra violent politically incorrect kino.


nah I'm fine
have sex my dude, and stop blaming jews for all your problems

need link soon, I can only get so drunk before bed.

The Coen Bros

>will this mark a turning point in Hollywood?

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Fucking based.

>only heard of this as of this thread
>writer and producer of Bone Tomahawk and Cell Block 99
>I can watch it tomorrow
God damn this is a nice feel


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holy shit even your digits lined up with current year. buy a lottery ticket immediately.

I don't pay the stupid people tax, but maybe I'll try something new today. It feels like a good day for it

>An actual film/tv thread
>Not another pedo pornzombie thread
What the fuck is happening? How is this real?

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holy shit even your digits lined up with Heil Hitler. buy a lottery ticket immediately.

I agree but isn't Bo Bartlett actually pretty shady. I like his "American" but he's made some weird satanic shit too and I think he trained at a school that was known for some creepy degenerate shit.

>Post yfw Clint Eastwood dies and all the goblins online just use it as an opportunity to dance on his grave
I never even cared about him as a person aside from his work but the thought is very unappealing

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>good one

Been waiting a while for this one. Renting it in 10 mins.

I’ve always thought Robert Redford looks exactly like Zach Galifianakis in this gif


>from the writer and director of Bone Tomahawk and Brawl In Cell Block 99

Holy fuck bros guaranteed KINO

Can't be blamed if that's your reaction on first time seeing it

From where? Let me know if it actually drops.

living in nyc
thats yikes for me
>living in miami
thats a big yikes for me

Sadly yes, I was one of those people who saw Jeremiah Johnson and thought ‘I recognize this reaction image’. Tbf it’s not that famous of a movie.

BASED, just started it on iTunes


>only available on US iTunes
wtf I was getting hype now I gotta wait even fucking longer?

Still only on itunes, is that how it usually goes? I don’t think there’s ever been a vod release as hyped on this board as this.

>I don’t think there’s ever been a vod release as hyped on this board as this.
The Shin Godzilla thread had like 600 replies

The House that Jack Built was a shit show, no VOD, rated cut only at first in shitty 480p fucked up framerate, people fiending for the unrated with extra nipple slice. Was worth the hype.

So in 24 hours it will be determined if Zahler is a one hit wonder or not

those threads sparked a lot of conversations about serial killers for like two weeks

He’s already been 2 for 2

he already has 2 hits, nibba

Dragged Across Concrete 2018 1080p WEB-DL DD5.1 H264-CMRG
>Dragged Across Concrete 2018 1080p WEB-DL DD5.1 H264-CMRG
Dragged Across Concrete 2018 1080p WEB-DL DD5.1 H264-CMRG
>Dragged Across Concrete 2018 1080p WEB-DL DD5.1 H264-CMRG

Ohnonononononono, you liked brawl?

Just watched this today
Jen Carpenter has like 5 mins of screentime before dying brutally, Vince, Mel, and the fat black guy all die.
Solid 8/10, easily going to be one of the best in 2019
Zahler keeps hitting them out of the park

Both Bone Tomahawk and BiCB99 are solid 7 flicks. This is the movie that will decide if he can break through to more mainstream projects.

Bone is unironically a masterpiece. Never been so surprised in my life. Brawl, eh. Vince getting his head blown off shocked me, cool violence but that's about it. Nothing special. That's why this film has to be good

What's your opinion on the other Zahlers?
Some more insight in this?

Bone 7/10, Brawl 6/10, liked them both a lot
This one took a bunch from Brawl, basically Mel's entire character arc is having to provide for his family and Vince to provide for his fiance and the black guy to also provide for his family
It started off rather slow and until the last hour there really wasn't much action, but the characterization was really solid.
A lot of staking out, a lot of following suspects around, and a lot of Vince doing things slowly.
If you liked Brawl and BT, chances are you'll more than likely love this too

Don’t forget Kubrick

>Bone is unironically a masterpiece.
You need to watch more westerns and movies in general if you hold that opinion. There's a reason why that genre has been dormant for decades.

>Bone is unironically a masterpiece
Big yikes

el reddito

>35 minutes of exposition
little much, eh?

It’s on Itunes


kek how about instead of hiding behind DUDE REDDIT LMAO you try getting some fucking taste?


another jew

Story itself doesn't seem very "right wing" so far. Dialogue is kinda overwrought. Couple of non-PC lines thrown in seemingly out of nowhere.
>media is intolerant of intolerance
>"I'm about as liberal as an ex-cop can be"
So far seems like dude is just trying to stir the pot.

I think I heard before on here that he was working on a tv western show.
I tend to like lots of slow burning buildup and landscapes so thats a genre that appeals to me.

You guys think they’ll be a semi-reactionary cinema movement in the future? There are a lot of edgy kids that might obtain careers in film.

A torrent of this film can also be found here:

Yea Forums goes through pretty regular serial killer phases.

t. embryo

>just trying to stir the pot.
this confirms him as jew if true

put the spoiler tag on, nigger

can't wait for that Ted Bundy kino with Efron even though it looks like shit.

oh yes


undoubtedly. Gen Z is reactionary af

my 12-year-old cousin is reading Culture of Critique lmao

>spoiler that there are non-PC lines in a movie that the (((media))) is screaming at the top of their collective lungs is LITERALLY HITLER


>mfw when I have kino to watch tomorrow night after work with some vodka

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Every character has a large vocabulary and high-brow sentence structure, including Gibson and Vaughn. Kinda weird for rough-and-tumble streetwise cops.

just turn off your brain, bro

hoLY SHIT his review of Elysium is brutal as fuck. Blomkamp eternally btfo.

>muh healthcare liberals
trips of truth

t. retard

I was gonna pay for this but seeing as it's still only available on iTunes, guess I'm pirating.


jesus fucking christ how has no one mentioned STANLEY KUBRIK yet

how is he even remotely right-wing.

Imagine thinking that the director of Full Metal Jacket and Dr. Strangelove who was openly disdainful of Reagan was right wing.

He might be going for a noir-ish thing with the dialogue, can't really tell.

not to mention Paths of Glory which is explicitly socialist

He wasn't at all, the right are just desperate retards willing to put anyone who's ever disparaged a liberal idea in their camp regardless of actual ideology.

>He might be going for a noir-ish thing with the dialogue
He's going for a Zahler-esque thing. He's his own genre!

or fucking Spartacus! Written by an actual communist!

Is Zahler really conservative or have you fags headcanoned him as conservative because he hired Mel Gibson? There's gonna be major asshurt when it turns out he's not.

Nah, he's an actual conservative. Read one of this books, it becomes pretty clear.

>crime drama
don't give a fuck if he's a faggot, the genre is extremely underutilized

>will this mark a turning point in Hollywood?
get the fuck out of here
>south africa apartheid state
villians in every film and divestment and boycott efforts
>israel is apartheid state
a dozen holocaust movies a year

get real buddy. unless you start killing jews and free masons there is no hope.

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Israel =/= Jews

>will this mark a turning point in Hollywood?
and if the jews make us invade venezuela do you think they wont send us into iran after?

get real

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zionists=all jews, free masons
that is what Im saying
that is correct

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I put a slash through the equals sign

Im not a fucking kike I dont understand interest rates

Vincent Gallo
>implying he'll make another film

Russia doesn't back Venezuela. If they didn't back Iran then they would have been nuked a long time ago.


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>a director can only make movies according to his own socioeconomical belief system

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Fuck off retard I don't give a shit


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sure you dont care?

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>Russia doesn't back Venezuela
uhh yes they do. they conducted joint military exercises as recently as december

You are really fucking retarded if you think I give a shit about a director being a pedo
I didn't give a shit about Polanski, I sure don't plan to give a shit about kubrick, even if he did, which I doubt he did
Considering I'm a libertarian and would die defending my home, no I really don't care
Half those articles are NRA trying to get people to panic buy guns to boost gun sales, the other half are delusional extreme liberals
Look at any *any* actual attempt to repeal the 2nd amendment in the past, it got shut down almost instantly

>that whole wikipedia page
no wonder fedoras love kubrick lmao

>Considering I'm a libertarian
Who pays for the roads?
Why do you endorse tax cuts for billionaires?
Are you aware that your political philosophy is the product of Koch Brothers propaganda?

NARC with Ray Liotta

>Considering I'm a libertarian

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Do you really want me to get into Rothbardian philosophy or would you rather not waste both of our time on a subject that neither will change opinions?
I've answers to questions ten times as interesting as yours, you won't achieve anything here. And yes I've already talked to more people than I care to remember about your own questions.

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Can't wait for the sequel "castrated by broken bottles". Who the fuck thinks up these names?

Jesus, someone get this redditor on the helicopter.

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Cool dude, but he's extremely jealous of Pizzaman for some reason.
Also, he tries too hard to be the next Cormac McCarthy. He has a great "vision" but his writing skills are seriously lacking.

Its officially online boys. Its kino time.

>"attacks threats to western civilization"
Liberalism is the primary threat to western civilization, dumbass.

Why do you endorse tax cuts for billionaires?
Don't you care about your fellow workers or whites, or are you so much of an individualist you'd charge your own children rent to live in y?

They're as liberal as Marx was a capitalist
Being called something doesn't make you it

based whyte boi pinong for a good old fashioned lynching

Because they give me jobs
I do care, that's why I'm trying to incentivize billionaires to come here by having tax cuts for them
As opposed to leaving taxes where they are and these companies go to China or India and non-white subhumans profit (if a company pairs up with the Chinese govt they pay 0% tax)

Who are "they"

You do know liberalism is only a couple centuries old, right? To paraphrase Ted: "The French Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race"

Solid film. 4 stars out of 5.

Well that's just an opinion man
John Locke praised the French revolution, but you shouldn't shape your mind around his opinion
Jesus Christ your can't even think for yourself can you?

Based autist Yea Forums poster

>Because they give me jobs
Keep licking those boots, wagie. Tax cuts for billionaires means less spent on healthcare, schools, roads, the things that us commoners need to survive.

>I do care, that's why I'm trying to incentivize billionaires to come here by having tax cuts for them
If you actually cared about your fellow workers you would support collectivization of the means of production so everyone would benefit, not just a select few. And the "incentives" for billionaires to come here just means worse working conditions and wages for the workers here.

Cell Block 99 had a great first half, but the moment Vince Vaughn's character got sent to the 'harcore' prison I started losing interest. I know it's meant to be a silly grindhouse affair, but I didn't really dig the stylized, over the top elements.

>account made in 2011

no one knew who he was in 2011 so maybe that is him

that is so cool a real life director ratings movies like me

>the things that us commoners lick the boot of the government to rob others for and give us for free
>muh means of production
You're 200 years too late
>muh gib good working conditions
If you want them, take the bad that comes with it. It's a global market, like it or not, and you have to compete with actual capitalists, and pure capitalism crushes whatever shit ideology you put up against it. So good luck

>Well that's just an opinion man
No, it isn't.

>John Locke praised the French revolution
Yeah, a prime reason to dismiss Locke. One of the most reprehensible philosophers in world history, second only to Martin Luther.

>Jesus Christ your can't even think for yourself can you?
Why invoke Christ? Liberalism is atheistic to the core!

>that is so cool a real life director ratings movies like me
there are quite a few real-life directors on Letterboxd. Sean Baker has one of the most followed account on there.

>no it isn't
Is it an absolute truth? How so?
>one of the...
Another opinion.
>why invoke Christ?
I was listening to Gorgoroth's Antichrist while typing and it came out naturally

>to rob others for
Private property is theft, though. It's the capitalists that are robbing everyone. The government is merely a mean to redistribute stolen property.

>You're 200 years too late
Oh? The People's Republic of China is still going strong.

>It's a global market, like it or not
>pure capitalism crushes whatever shit ideology you put up against it
Partially true. It has yet to crush China, which bends Capital to its will. But that does not mean it is a just system, or one that everyone should accept!

jesus christ dexters sister did not age well

Any bondages in the film?

>Is it an absolute truth? How so?
It is an absolute truth that the ideology of liberalism is only a couple centuries old, yes.

>private property is theft
>people's republic of china
Is not communist. Even communists agree on this.
I was referring to your paraphrasing

>Is not communist. Even communists agree on this.
It isn't communist, it doesn't claim to be communist, but it is (fortunately) led by a communist party which is guiding it through the historical stages of production.

>I was referring to your paraphrasing
The French Revolution and its predecessor the American Revolution indeed marked a crisis point for Western Civilization, as it enshrined secularism and republicanism modes of governances and a liberal mode of economics for most of the West.
Though, yes, socialism would not be possible without capitalism. We shall overcome, and the integralist socialist monarchy is inevitable.

>Park Chan-Wook directing
>S. Craig Zahler writing
>Matthew McConaughey starring

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I have gathered Good Time, The Mule, and this one.
In which order should I watch them?

without spoiling, how is the gore?

Brawl in Cell block tier...Head explosions are back

Anyone bondages?

>gave very positive reviews to Go-Busters and Kamen Rider Gaim
this can not be fucking real

There are some extremely graphic parts. I'm pretty sure it was all practical effects, and they worked pretty damn well

It's cute how you think that corporations going for full brave new world mode is proof that communism works
If there's going to be a monarchy, it's going to be a corporate one.


People getting tied up? Especially females

Once again, China doesn't claim to be communist. Nobody thinks it's communist.

>If there's going to be a monarchy, it's going to be a corporate one.
Capitalism's contradictions will inevitably result in collapse. Why you prefer rule by corporations over any other system is perplexing.

yea they rip off a chicks underwear and make her pee into while shes tied up you fucking weirdo

I don't want to be ruled by anyone, I'm an anarchist
And yes, I'm perfectly aware of Schumpeter's hypotheses, but I have my own reservations against them considering certain technological advancements. Chinese workers don't seem to be doing anything to avoid their dystopia for instance, do they?


>I'm an anarchist
An ancap? grow up, kiddo

>Chinese workers don't seem to be doing anything to avoid their dystopia for instance, do they?
American workers are living under a far more dystopic system than Chinese ones desu

make this thread again in a couple hours when Americlaps wake up, faggot

from Zahler himself on his main inspiration for the movie:
>"One of my all-time favorite movies is Prince of the City, Sidney Lumet movie, and that was a movie I watched probably 20-something times as a kid. And this was a little bit me trying to get into that space of you’re really living with these people and sensing the relationships prior to the movie beginning, and those who survive, what might happen to them afterwards, and really just getting a sense of how all these different people, you know, husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, close friends since childhood, working cop partners, inter-relate."
also The New Centurions (1972) + Freebie and the Bean (1974)

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