American Pie (1999)

American Pie was on Netflix so I watched it the first time. Is this really how Highschool was like for 30 year old Boomers?

Tbh I liked Finch a lot but the whole movie really just made me mad because I never had friends or sex in highschool

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I liked finch
>I never had friends or sex
Jee I wonder why

This movie should have never been popular, it was literally the most embarassing shit

I spent most of high school doing drugs and hanging out at seedy asian pool halls, and internet cafes playing counterstrike 1.6. I'm not even asian. I graduated in 2004, didnt have sex until 2007, and at this point in my life i speak to exactly 1 person i was friends with at the time. It's a different experience for everyone.

t. Doesn't understand satire

the only Jewish character in the entire movie was the comedic foil who gets caught trying to get off and sucks at sex. I miss 1999

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I graduated in 2000, a year after the first American Pie came out and yeah, living in the suburbs at the time was pretty much just like in the movie.

class of '05 here

i played Ragnarok Online with my cousins who were around the same age, they moved onto WoW and went to internet cafe's
we did play WC3 every once in a while with my older brother and then moved onto DOTA later
was and still am a bit of a loser

based retarded poster

I really wouldn’t consider AP to be ‘satire’ at all though.

Internet cafes were awesome, especially when you could still smoke inside. This one plaze in chinatown literally had 7 of them in one area. It's a shame they are no longer viable. I remember when steam first came out, i had like 10 accounts using CD-keys i jacked from various cafes (back then before steam, the idea was to get a warez copy of half life, and get a legit key from the registry edit of the cafe conputers, because everyone played lan, so the key was never in use) My current account is still one based off a cd key i stole in like 2002.

Different times.

Look at this fag, bro.

Class of 00.
None of us had lives like that.

Yeah, I don't really care what you "consider" it to be

I was also class of 2000. I think it all depends on where you lived. I went to a big high school in a wealthy college town so we had it pretty good. Lots of house parties and pool hopping in the summer time. Good times.

What the fuck do you think people's options were before the advent of the internet?

Okay well it’s not satire. I’m telling you that straight up.

I went to a small high school in Norway. Lol
None of us were like that. It was too adult for us.

American Pie came out in 1999 lol. We had internet back then. It was still the early days of the internet but most middle class households had dial up by then.

This but unironically
Fuck failed normalfags praising this piece of shit movie

1999 was about playing blink-182 or whatever pop or punk artist you could find and pulling your dick out at the party.

So yeah it was pretty accurate.

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based 2002

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It wasn't nearly as common and there wasn't half as much shit to do.

I was 450lbs in HS (class of 06) but people liked me b/c I could find drugs. I didn't chase pussy, and the more I think of it the more I realize I was kinda raped into losing my virginity. Word got around that I was good at eating out so I got a little action but being so obese held me back. Wish there was a movie to relate to.

super bad

I don’t think anything in American Pie was crazy though. Unlike most teen movies from that time, Stifler’s party was depicted as a pretty normal high school house party. The stuff they did in the movie was pretty realistic and not really movie fantasy.

More or less that's the most relatable. The girl who boned me was a hot gothy chick and she basically got me to do it on webcam. Strange times to be turning from boy to man. 02 to 07 was a turning age for the internet. So much chaos. They say highschool is 'the best time of your life.' but I found that came after.

It’s really odd. The modern internet as we know it now started in 05 when both YouTube and Wikipedia got their start. Movies up to even 2009 or 2010 can feel dated now because they came out right before smartphones took over and became the norm.

Just in here being a zoomer reading about how the internet came to be and how simple life was in the early and mid 2000s

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theres that fat kid movie that the voice of shaggy directed

You’d legit be amazed. Columbine completely shocked the whole nation in 1999 as opposed to being a monthly occurrence.

Spotted the zoomer. I had english teachers in high school in 2001 stressing the fact that wikipedia is not a legit source, and never will be.

Maximum comfy movie.

how stupid are you? its clearly satire on american high schools you tool

I still get angry every time I watch this movie and have to witness how he fucks up fucking the hot exchange student

Zoomers have it easy. It used to be a process to find liquor store runners, now Facebook goes right to their phone. I remember using Myspace and being restricted to computer desks for hours waiting to find the parties. You dont even need to use you mouth to talk to roasties anymore. Rejection is easier when it isnt face to face.

American Pie aged fast. It was all quite tame too. If I was at a party life Stifflers chances are I was looking for a better one.


Sucks to be u

It absolutely is not. What about the movie is so insane to you? I’m American and graduated high school in 2000. American Pie is pretty grounded in reality as far as late 90s/early 00s teen movies go. Was your country’s high school experience really that much different that American Pie seems bizarre to you?

Literally everyone except Stiffler was a jew.

What an awful time to be in high school. Literally everyone was an asshole and partook in bullying in some form or other. Everyone was petty, mean, spiteful, shallow.

Then when I went to college it's like everyone's personality suddenly transformed and people were likable/friendly again.

All these eurocunts are from small countries. They dont understand what it's like going to a high school with 2000+ kids

Kids now are so much more psychopathic.

Who did you bully?

Apparently. My senior class was like 600 people. I guess they can’t comprehend that American high schools really are like that.

I wasn't even a bully, but you sound like so much of a faggot that if I had known you irl back then I probably would have bullied you because you sound like such a faggot.


I wouldn't know, I'm an oldfag who went to high school in the 80s.

I hope you marry a beautiful girl, have kids, have your wife cheat on you, your daughter become a whore, your son get cancer and you lose your job and commit suicide

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Same thing happened to me. First couple years of high school was alright, it wasn't until the 2nd half I got tired of being around a bunch of shitty people I thought were my friends and eventually became a loner throughout the rest of the final year. Luckily I went to a college in another city that nobody from my high school went to. I met a lot of great people that made my college experience real memorable.


American pleb is shit. Superbad is much better.

School life in movies reflects the school years of the people writing it, not the school life of the era. I was in high school in the early to mid 00s and all the media at that time that depicted high school life had zero bearing on the reality I experienced. I only later learned that was how school was in the 80s and 70s.

Both are high school movie classics but American Pie feels more sentimental and heartfelt.

You will never know how good the internet used to be before normalfags ruined it. Fucking Facebook and Twitter and all that garbage.

my highschool experience was staying home playing t4c and daoc while everyone else had a real life

do zoomers even have life ruining mmorpgs?

That’s an interesting point. For the most part high school in the 90s wasn’t appreciably different from the 80s with the exception of the early internet and home computers being more common I guess. It was still largely the pre-cellphone era so American Pie felt pretty current when it came out in 99.

Chill out Elliot

Zoomers watch other people play videogames

im 32 and i do that too, mostly diablo2 and baldurs gate speed/challenge runs like a good boomer

they sorta do, and it's all posturing and nostalgiafagging for WoW of all things

remember when that was considered casual garbage?

>I went to college it's like everyone's personality suddenly transformed and people were likable/friendly again.

now it´s the reverse, at least in my life experience

Based Box Car Racer poster

man I used to dream about those parties in big houses and chicks everywhere, we only had the public park and shady homeless guys when I was that age

As an incel in school I hated all the normal faggets for liking this sort of ((movie)).

Jason biggs isnt a jew neither

I only do that because I'm a poorfag and I don't have console or pc gamer

>but American Pie feels more sentimental and heartfelt
kek no. American pie has no emotion or heart. Superbad has both those things in spades.

Oi vey son, fucking a pie? That's some degenerate goyim stuff there!

Here, have some porn to jerk your mutilated prick to instead. See you at the synagogue!

Shockingly true. He’s Italian.

class of 04 here.... yeah thats how highschool was


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99-00-01, best years of my life

Tony hawks pro skater


Did anyone bang their friend's mom back in the day? Or hell even today?

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>life ruining mmorpgs

Why can't we still have these. I have less of a life then I did in HS, let me waste it all.

class of '06 here.
My high school experience/sexcapades was mostly hanging out with the goth kids. I smoked a lot of weed and the girl i was dating, who was also goth, when I was 17 would sneak over to my house in the middle of the night during the summer and we'd have sex. We were both virgins too so it was pretty awkward the first few times. I couldn't get it up because I was nervous but we kept at it and eventually we started fucking like jackrabbits. Up until the night my dad got up in the middle of the night to take a piss and caught us. He called her father and it was a nice big embarrassing ordeal for everyone involved. Her father was a Jehovah's Witness or something and, according to her, her father had other people from the church who were high schoolers watching her all the time and when we were in school together she would like duck out of sight while around me if she saw one of the Witnesses she recognized. Still dated for about half of my Senior year until she got really too psycho for me and I cut things off. She turned into a huge slut afterwards and I heard she was sleeping with half the guys I knew. Pretty much the highlight of my high school sex stories though. Didn't get laid again until I was 21. Not for lack of trying though.

God I wish. I had an Asian friend whose mom was milfy as hell.

When I was 22 I went to an old friends bday party, it was the first time that group of friends had gotten together since early high school. My friends moms friend is the mother of a kid I went to middle school with. She was blonde, tan, and had big fake titties. Divorced wine mom type. Long story short, the party was a shitshow and everyone was annhilated. This woman spill red wine on me and we went into the master bathroom to clean it up and we fucked on the master bed. 5 years later I actually work with her son now and he obviously has no clue.

Bullshit, it didn't even launch until 2001. Nobody was stressing shit.

>download the warez rip of this movie .asf
>be about 11 year old getting shit from new-warez dot org
>total cash movie
>wow big boners
>thank divx

God bless wine moms.

I graduated in '06, so I was eleven when this movie came out. Highschool for me was puerto rican kids with those Jesus crown of thorn shirts, emos with fake fang caps, skaters with jeans so wide they looked like they were wearing skirts, and goths who wore fucking dog collars. My entire ninth grade body got banned from the talent show for dirty dancing during the tryouts. During MCAS one year I went into school later, as my grade wasn't testing, and got harassed by some religious nut holding poorly zeroxed flyers of a teenage boy crying with the title "ORIGINAL SIN" on the top. DDR was the fad at the time, and there was always one hallway that wreaked of cigarette smoke.

So nothing like this movie. I do remember in Middle School we had to have an assembly because that choke out game was popular. A girl and her friend had done it in the girl's bathroom and one of them hadn't woken up. She was rushed to the hospital and then had our principal tell an entire room full of eighth graders that choking yourself until you pass out is a bad idea. The tide pod challenge of my generation, I guess.

2001? Fucking bullshit. I’m 35 and no one knew what Wikipedia was until at least 2005/2006.

if this was filmed today the incels would not even have gf's to go to prom with

fuckin kek

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Uh oh!

My best memory of school was in the last year, getting a really good schedule that gave me a half-day on friday, hit the bus down to the main shop at 12 to play CS until the evening, get to the takeaway shop next door for a giant box of chips and a coke.
There were everywhere, I remember a couple of all nighters fondly, one that I went all the way into the big city for, absolutely wrecked catching the train home, another that was in the bigger town centre close to ours and everyone rolling out at 8am and hitting up mcdonalds while we were delirious from lack of sleep.
None of them are left now, the one close by was empty for a decade and I think is a furniture store now, and the one in the bigger town, the entire row of shops got demolished so our giant mega mall could get extended.
sad times brothers.

I graduated high school in 99. It was exactly like American Pie

Ironically Freaks and Geeks, a show set in the early '80s, was the most accurate as to early '00s school life as well

Undeclared is also a perfect time capsule of early 00s college life.

>You will never know how good the internet used to be before normalfags ruined it. Fucking Facebook and Twitter and all that garbage.

In 2004 I was ordering Absinthe from a wholeseller in Belgian and using my real credit card. They were lying on the manifest and import docs, if it got snagged by customs they would just re-ship it for free.

I was getting shit from Czech outfits that was probably part poison. The Swiss blue was pretty good and I paid my mortgage for an entire year flipping that shit to upscale club bars in Scottsdale, AZ.

My mostly white high schools with rich kids had amazing parties. My senior year I drive around with a keg in my passenger seat strapped in the last week. Graduation summer was incredible.

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I never understood it. can anyone post a single funny scene? I watched it twice
>t. comes to a website everyday and doesn't understand one of the most commonly used memes that is literal years old
not an argument
it's a mainstream comedy. THE ONLY WAY a comedy movie can be popular is if it appeals to retards

You’re talking out of your ass. The first American Pie was a low budget indie production that got picked up by Universal for distribution. The licensing rights for the songs that ended up on the final soundtrack probably cost more than the movie itself.

Jesus Christ
if your class is before
i don't know what you guys are doing with your life

>the chad stiffler Vs the virgin Jews

This was White America

I blame this movie for the downfall of western civilization
Its literally a bunch of fucking Jews being degenerates, produced by a bunch of Jews
Usually they at least have the grace to make a "4 dumb goyim, in, a Goldstein production".

The lead actress was an honors student in the Talmud before she went and made smut movies about kids.

Goddamn yids prove their sterotype everywhere

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Yea Forums has a way broader age range than you think, bruh. It’s been around since 2003 which makes it a legacy website at this point.

who is the lead actress?

Shut the fuck up asshole


>Is this really how Highschool was like for 30 year old Boomers?
No, of course not.

>Tbh I liked Finch a lot
He was the worst character.

>I never had friends or sex in highschool
Redundant given your previous statement.

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>Natasha Lyonne
Real name - Natasha Braunstein

i went to high school with fred (chris) klein, two years behind his class. he's not a jew either.

>No, of course not.

How was American Pie that unrealistic though? It’s not like it was crazy movie fantasy like Project X or something.

>hot foreign exchange students
>everyone tries to get laid (and succeeds)
>regular wild house parties with casual hookups
>high schoolers dating college kids
these are all american high school movie tropes that by and large happen very rarely or not at all among real life high school students.

In more affluent schools it’s actually more common than you think. I went to a private catholic school and there were tons of parties, lacrosse, exchange students, and enough people having sex (including myself).

Oof, sucks to be you.

sex is even less common in affluent schools. there have been studies showing that 40% of females and 50% of males incoming ivy league freshmen are still virgins.

My school had all of that minus the fantasy foreign exchange girl, I’ll give you that. Stifler’s house parties really weren’t that wild by high school movie standards. I’d say they were pretty true to life. To be fair though, I grew up in a wealthy suburb that wasn’t unlike what was shown in the movie.

Even if this were true and not completely anecdotal, private catholic schools enroll less than 3% of american students.

but he is a bad actor and huge coke head

My high school is right near a big state party college so girls in my graduating class were absolutely dating college guys.

What a fag
Class of 2000 here
My first time I didn't even get to cum at all even fucking her bare
I guess my dick was used to my hand or something
After a lot of awkward clumsy yet very eager slams into her unshaved "virgin" pussy I got off her and we just kind of laid next to each other
She didn't even try to spoon or anything it was just kinda weird and awkward
Luckily I've gotten better at it

he was a bad actor in high school, too. i wouldn't know anything about his drug habits as seniors don't really interact with underclassmen much here. plus he wasn't from here, and didn't stick around after high school.

girls get fucked by older guys at all ages. i'm talking about the "suck me beautiful" girl from the movie. no college girl would knowingly date a high school kid.

Idk man. All I know is cocaine was super popular in my high school and girls were doing it off our dicks by the time I was a senior. I had a great time in hs. Not memeing.

>low budget
>this means it isn't mainstream
it's mainstream normal fag garbage as fuck.

have you seen the greasy strangler? that's not mainstream. No wonder you like American dung pie you fucking retard. End it tonight. Do it now. kill yourself. I demand it

>is this really how Highschool was like for 30 year old Boomers?

Kind of, yeah. I had a lot of sex in high school and so did all of my friends. Crazy stories bruh.

this sounds like some next level incelcope projecting 2bhwys

Oh yeah, I’ll give you that. It doesn’t really go the other way except for maybe the Chaddest of the Chad high school athletes getting with college girls.

>mfw born in small town USA in 87
>took high school sweetheart to prom
>took her v-card that night
>played on the football team
>worked with my Dad for a summer to buy a convertible
>tons of friends
>literally live the life you see in the movies
>was probably one of the last to do so

I miss it, boys.

have sex

I have no idea what you even said

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jesus christ, look how long his pinky finger is

Everyone's music memories of the era will be different, the film wasn't my scene and I didn't think it was funny. I was a trenchcoat kid

Better scene than any in the American Pie series:

were american suburbs as dreamy like the quiet, peaceful white wonderland shown in that movie?

They really were where I lived. It was honestly a great time to be in high school.

also went to a private catholic school. plenty of people lived similarly to this. if it werent for a few of my friends families hosting exchange students i'd probably have never got laid in hs. also knew plenty of people into lax, was surprised later that it's considered some kind of uppity rich kid sport (that's hockey)

what city did you live in? ive always wanted to check out a white suburban neighborhood

Never liked these clone bands, give me based source band blink 182 anytime
why were the early 2000s so based and comfy?

Casual sex is cancer.

When this came out it was kind of a sleeper hit. Everyone wanted to see the new raunchy teen comedy where a guy fucks a pie.

Life was simple back then and whiter too.

your mom has cancer

The first two had kino soundtracks.
It was overblown obviously but the core of the movie was pretty true to the times.