He could play Spike Spiegel

He could play Spike Spiegel.

I don't particularly want a Cowboy Bebop adaption, but I think he'd fit the role pretty well, if you overlook the skin color.

I am completely, 100% sincere.

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He could kill himself.

>I am completely, 100% sincere.
I'm sure you are, but you're also wrong

Well that's just rude.


you are completely, 100% nigger



That's just life, peon. I could eradicate your entire existence.

Nah, Donald is just a serviceable actor. He can't get into Spike wavelength at all. It would be just a dude playing himself. Besides I'm pretty sure they are already blackwashing Jet. You keep it dark like that and suddenly it's a Spike Lee joint in space.

Hm, that's fair. I think he could do better with a good director, but maybe you're right.

100% agree. Both are PoC.

Even if this is bait I'd rather see Oscar Isaac and more than him I'd rather they just don't make one

Dong Lover has a very nasally voice that doesn't suit Spike's demeanor in any way.

Just because it attracts shitposters doesn't mean it's bait.

Spike Siegel was actually black in the anime.



Whites are way too beta to play Spike you'd basically need it to be a black guy

I'll suck your fucking dick!

You're actually gay in real life

He would’ve made a good peter Parker but he tries way to hard to seem nonchalant to play spike well. It’s like whenever I see him I can feel the stress irradiating off of him like he’s worries he’s gonna get “found out”

lmfao he played Lando fuckin Calrissian, I think he can handle a shitty little anime character like Spike lol

nah we need a karate man

>hey, you know what anime character that appears to be white and was made by Asians and voiced by an Asian actor?
>he should be played by a nigger
>btw, cultural appropriation is bad

he really could just kill himself

>appears to be white
You're one of those people who thinks every anime character is white, aren't you?

he sucks

No way, and not in the leadt because he's black.
They need to cast a martial artist who can act, not the other way around.
Troy from Community is a decent actor but he's a pudgy fuck, see: this is america.

with a name like SPIEGEL he sure isn't asian

They are white ya gook, all the chinkazoids in the world wanted to have big wide western eyes and pale skin

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>He could play Spike Spiegel.

anyone COULD play Spike, that doesn't mean they should


LOL incel weebfaggots btfo by BASED Netcucks

That doesn't really mean anything though; it's the future and people have all kinds of adopted names. Besides, if we're going that route he could very well be a Jew.

a Hapa needs to play Spike because that's what Spike is
a chink needs to play Faye because she is chinese
a nig can play Jet because he was essentially black
a spic can play Ed because he was essentially hispanic

none of the bebop crew were white

more like
spike - keauno
big guy - brendan frasier
dog - a dog
ed - some kid i guess? nopedo
woman - some big titty woman.

Please go away.


why are you trying to force spike to be a nigger when jet is already the nigger of the group?

>a spic can play Ed because he was essentially hispanic
ed was just dirty

lets hear your pick then?

lets keep it going.
dog should be a corgi probably.
woman should be daddario i guess. any suggestions?

who plays ed? millie bobby brown

You need to unlearned what you have learned.

based cucked americano


I just take John wick 1 as the spiritual adaptation of cowboy bebop.

Solo convinced me he really can't play up a convincing "cool gunslinging space drifter guy". That was a painful impersonation.

>who plays ed? millie bobby brown

I'm sorry, Ed was a computer genius, not a dirty instagram slut

Who would play vicious?

>A woman in her mid 20’s to mid 30’s of any ethnicity. Julia is a sophisticated blonde damsel in distress that has a mysterious connection to Spike.

What fucking ethnicity has blond hair aside from white? Would it kill them to say "Caucasian" for ethnicity?

Personally I would go with Ezra Miller but objectively speaking Idris Elba is a better choice.

>He could play Spike Spiegel.
And he would be a very poor choice.

It's the fucking future you sperg.

Fuck netflix too we pirate everything around here hohoho

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Not shit you dumb faggot

Spikes a kike

I mean that explains the Jericho.

you want him to have another shot at action-adventure space hi-jinks after how forgettably mediocre he was in Solo?

>"Whites are beta"
>they enslaved niggers and nearly conquered the planet

>no real human will ever have a body good enough to accurately portray Faye

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What are you talking about White people did. We just stopped putting a flag up after a while

Only one man BASED enough for the role of Spike Spiegel.
The man, the myth, the legend, the GOD, the BBC inseminating machine, John fucking Boyega.

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Nah, I think Scott would be a good fit. Just need a competent director to show what he wants out of him.

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So how does this work, if someone mentions Whites being beta we say Whites conquered the planet, but otherwise we say fucking Jews run things with their tribal nepotism, right?

Let me know, because I want to fit in.

Faye was quite the snack, but there's definitely girls that could portray her

>he doesn't know

Well it helps if you're really insecure about your own failures in life.

Julien Kang for Spike

Wheres the contradiction in that user? Parasites who don't play by the rules overcoming a valiant species, doesn't mean that the species is that of a pussy variety.

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White people remade Hamlet and replaced all the humans with lions. I think its fair for black people to do a little replacing themselves.

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I wouldn't consider Faye to be a modern roastie or thot. She's a bitch but I like that

you should be strung up and skinned alive fore even suggesting such a thing.
fucking asshole.

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Your tears are tasty.

Probably too old at this point, but damn.

I mean, she is a bitch but she's also just trying to survive.

made me lol

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by that logic the white colonizers were the parasites of Asia, Africa, and South America

They made new rules instead of cheating the current ones, therse a difference. And sure wite peepo' raped and pillaged their way to conquest everything just like literally everything in history

>I can feel the stress irradiating off of him like he’s worries he’s gonna get “found out”
That's because he's a honkey who grew up with more affluence than most blacks ever get a taste of in their lives

>You're one of those people who thinks every anime character is white, aren't you?


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anime is basically chinks pretending to be white so might as well cast a caucasian for the role

no spike is a halfu
his nasal voice/accent ruins everything for me
cant stand the guy

darkest timeline

I'm open to a race recast just because they're japanese in the original story (Ed is the only one that is 'Western'). Don't see how anything other than a white Spike can sell the space cowboy theme. Jet should and probably will be race recasted.

She's 5'6 size 2 with a c cup. Only ever seen her play a divorced housewife turned kike stand up comedian in the 50s but she's gorgeous. Solid actress too.

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Her nipples have to be at least the size of aluminum cans

Why would you go to all of this effort to make such an unfunny joke?

>Spike "The Kike" Spiegel

I used to be a huge weeb

They are mostly white as fuck

>They made new rules

What rules were those? Bring us gold or we'll cut your hands off?

Guns my friend

but the chinks invented gun powder. Sounds like whitey just stole their idea and shoved it in a metal tube and then went on to harass poor peace loving natives.


I lol'd.

The natives were complete savages. And sure chinks made boom boom sand, but my point was about the people who actually used it. Even if we go further back in time, where were Africans when steel was being forged? When we had knights and shit

When goys were busing banging each other over the head with steel objects, Jews were busy setting up the international banking system.

really makes you think

Will you fucking nerds ever shut up

you are 100% nigger, more like

John Cho was cast as Spike. It’s already done senpai

Too old.

why don't you go to a bar to pick up some slags like the rest of the cool extraverted bros?

Is this what passes for wit on Yea Forums?

Why would anyone cast him as Spike? That guy always plays tools and seem like a IRL tool too. Spike is supposed to be cool. I would rather see Chris Tucker play Spike than John Cho


funny how you never say this, because it's obvious that blade is pure black kino and his character would be lame if it was a white guy but somehow intrinsically white characters are somehow still workable as other races. fuck off, niggers shouldn't be bebop just like blade is only and forever black, your racial revisionism is in fact harmful to bemelanind's folk

t, armond "honorary" white

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Jonah Hill with the Superbad afro
he's even been learning martial arts
just sayin

But Blade is rooted in blaxploitation films. It would literally destroy his character to be anything but black. There's nothing about Spike that says he should be any ethnicity, to the point where it's ambiguous in the source material.

I can see what you were going for, but it's just retarded.

Alright that was pretty funny, i'm losing it

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I unironically agree

>Glover as Lando targets the nerd chic audience through idiotic Black Lives Matter marketing. Like the actor-rapper's recent (unimaginative) millennial anthem "This is America" which confuses Prince's soul-funk pizazz and racial eccentricity with dull Democratic manipulation and cynical social conformism, Solo is a film that corrupts the radical essence of its heritage. It sets both the Black and the nerd communities back 60 years, it is Obama politricks and Marvel imperialism. Jim Crow meets Flash Gordon, Disney is the new plantation and self-proclaimed nerds are happily picking up the cotton. At least the Lucas prequels had Jar-Jar Binks and flatulence gags, a bona-fide iteration of Black insouciance and freedom in a post-Eddie Murphy world. Comedic truth versus manufactured indignation. Solo epitomizes blockbuster nihilism and banality.

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sure is jig, sure is

I could see it. It's no Keanu, but that ship has past.

I never really bought into Keanu. He's too detached for a role that requires sass.

He uses an Israeli gun

Faye is the sassy one. Spike is more too cool for school.

>You're gonna carry off that bike
>See you in jail, spadeboy
Sounds good user, i can see it.

Would watch this. Vicious is played by Ornella.
You're damn right you're gonna carry that weight!

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>You gon carry that shit yoself
>Peace out, nigga

Based tripfag


The absolute state of the society we live in

Doesn't have the body. Spike is tall and lean with long legs.
Doesn't have the attitude.
Doesn't have the physicality to replicated the fights.
He is in no way like Spike.

>He could play Spike Spiegel.
No. He could play an autistic nog. He would not be Spike. Make your own characters and for once try to stop stealing or demanding.

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He isn't masculine or athletic enough, which is ironic considering.

>literally defend white betaness with "WE"