What version did you see in your timeline?

what version did you see in your timeline?

Attached: Moonraker.jpg (1526x809, 78K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The one where the big guy falls in love with her then bites a cable in half.

Thought it was a bit much when he slowly choked her to death, stared into the camera and correctly predicted that Matthew Broderick would kill those 2 people in a car accident

The one where she has some big ol titties.

She never had braces, it just seems logical that she would and people's minds manufactured false memories because of this

bullshit, the scene makes no damn sense without the braces

Go back to your own timeline, fool. It made perfect sense for her to have braces. It was poetic for Jaws, dude with a mouth full of metal, to fall for a girl with braces, again, another metal mouth.

She had braces

No the braces are the joke, they both have metal mouths.

I remember coming across this a couple of years ago and someone shared a magazine scan of an article that came out just before the film's release that mentioned Dolly's braces under a photo of Dolly where she clearly doesn't have braces. Anyone else familiar with this?

The film has enough distractions as it is.

Attached: james bond moonraker.webm (640x272, 2.71M)


Huh what you talking about there is nothing wrong with it...

I remember her having braces and that's why the scene made sense like this says. But I was 10-11 when I watched it, so...Fortunately, my dad marked his VHS tapes, so maybe I need to borrow his copy he taped of off television and see what I really saw.

I can feel it.

Attached: James Bond Moonraker.jpg (2392x3590, 1.88M)

the one with braces


I remember laughing when I first saw this scene when I first saw it, she definitely had braces in the film

she didn't have braces??

Attached: 5qljyiz0q4u01.jpg (460x397, 39K)

She didn’t have braces
All the parodies did have it though so it’s easy to think the original did, since you’ve seen more parodies than the original

Only braindead boomers think she had braces.

If you think we are living in a parallel universe then you need to see a psychiatrist

>She didn’t have braces
>All the parodies did have it though so it’s easy to think the original did, since you’ve seen more parodies than the original
This. The actor who played Jaws appeared in a commercial shortly after the movie debuted, where he hooked up with a petite blonde woman WHO HAD BRACES.

This is the origin of the "she had braces" confusion.

good effects for 79

it was a forign advert and people only seen it becuase people thought she had braces

the people who made the advert made it becuase they thought she had braces in the movie

not taking medical advice from a Yea Forums poster

sorry, not sorry

This makes no sense because i watched the movie for the first time decades after it was released. I would have never seen any tie in advertisements from the release period. She had braces. It only makes sense she had the braces

based all caps poster

So this is the power of that mandala guy

Attached: 6950E948-51E5-43DD-99E7-903E963C7673.jpg (640x480, 27K)

Bond usually doesn't disappoint.

Attached: james bond licence to kill-3.webm (640x272, 2.88M)


>tfw the AI overlords are fucking with our simulation again

Attached: 1543963260422.jpg (601x508, 94K)

This is the only Mandella Effect that's real, desu.

I remember her having it, but again it could be me mixing her and Amy Adams from Catch Me If You Can together.

Attached: MV5BZDEyZjg2MmYtZmYzNC00MTM0LTkxYzgtYmFkZDI2ZDE2YjFiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,17 (1777x746, 109K)

Greetings from the original timeline


She had braces, but tiny tits.

Attached: 1551927155185.jpg (480x472, 28K)

I’m watching this now

She smiles at Jaws, revealing her braces and he falls for her because they both have metal teeth.
It's absolutely absurd that I remember that so vividly but it didn't happen.

my mom and I watched all the james bond movies every christmas since I was born
she never had braces you fucking spergs


so yeah
having seen this movie at least two dozen times I can assure you this chick had no braces

and I always thought he smiled cause she had fucked up weird teeth cause I had braces growing up and remember thinking each year
damn bitch get some braces

the braces were edited out in later releases because it implied she might be underage

>bullshit, the scene makes no damn sense without the braces

a scene in Moonraker, not making sense?

Beautiful an creative. And to think some say Moonraker is top 5 worst bond films... Diamonds are forever is 10x worst.

The Statue of Liberty is in New York.



This. It's so obvious that it makes me hate the director for not giving her braces

she 100% had braces

Of all the throwaway bond secondary villians why did kids give a shit about Jaws?

she did have braces

Attached: 1445972464054.jpg (482x427, 36K)


>want to find porn of Dolly
>top searches even with r34 are Mandela Effect faggots

The Adjustment Bureau is on the way to your house. RUN

We're through the looking glass.

Attached: 4oxfGqw.jpg (1813x783, 684K)

he was a big guy

You have to go next to it when you arrive to New York in a boat, hence the trope, but it's not in New York and technically not even very close to the city.



Imagine waking up in a timeline where dadario is the wonder woman

My timeline is so beyond fucked that it isn't even funny. I've lost track of the amount of times I've died and It had to find me another reality. They think I don't know, they think I'm too stupid to notice the differences but I notice all of them. On my original Earth, Mandela died in 1992. The fucking internet wasn't even invented until 1997. This reality kind of works, my subconscious seems to be able to make it work somehow. bearenstein, not barenstain. The whole point is they were BEARS, not "bares". R.L Stein died in 2003 on my reality and he would have never, EVER let that piece of shit Jack Black play him in a movie. The DCEU was great on my universe, seriously glad this universe's timeline has left those relatively intact. A couple minor changes, Neil Patrick Harris was Robin's voice actor and the DC cinematic universe never existed, at least not until 2004 when I drowned to death and respawned a week later in my first new reality. 8 realities later and I don't know if its god or the devil or some sort of watchmaker kind of deal but every time I've died I just come back. Every time I do though, time gets a little weirder and reality has more and more cracks in it. If this is a simulation, I fear that it may be breaking apart altogether. God help us all if I am right.

she had braces
I asked my parents
they confirmed she had braces

I want out of this world. the jews are going back in time to change things subtly.

or it just proves we're in a simulation that can be altered easily

I want to believe she had braces. but I'm not entirely sure. I remember the ending.

based and briepilled

Attached: 1552139140105.png (750x1088, 1.05M)

has anyone had an accident that they know for sure would have fucked someone up but they walked away without a scratch?

I flipped over 4 lanes 6 times in the air and landed in front of a semi that barely turned in time
walked away completely fine

p sure I died but my overworld player respawned me

this her?

New York is a state, retard.

She needed braces. The human mind seeks to improve the Dolly in 50% of the cases.

Attached: DnL60tvU0AAFhjB.jpg (1200x675, 64K)

only movie I can remember for certain she had braces was catch me if you can

Stop posting this photoshopped image it fucks with my head.

Attached: james bond licence to kill plane exit trouble.webm (1280x720, 1.31M)

post more pics of her

She’s cute

Attached: Sir Timothy Dalton.jpg (1768x2658, 1.05M)

Only in 50% of the cases. Like the cat in the box not the hat.

Attached: catchmeif.jpg (480x360, 10K)

Henry Cavill as Bond and Amy Adams as a Bond girl when?

Attached: batman-v-superman-dawn-of-justice-henry-cavill-amy-adams2.jpg (3000x1996, 1.98M)

who was the girl?

shes a hottie

she did not have braces, your image is edited

Attached: Screenshot (7).png (1920x1080, 1.36M)

hmm thats odd, formerly she had braces

So basically people watched Moonraker as a kid, and then watched parodies which featured the braces bit and their minds combined the two. That's all that happened.

what parodies?

Henry Cavill - Bond
Armie Hammer - Felix Leiter
Amy Adams - Bond girl

Attached: 15487034237.jpg (1304x1688, 362K)


Barbara Broccoli I hope you're seeing this.

Attached: anglos who stick together win together.jpg (2500x1667, 549K)

you JUST KNOW...

There were no parodies. TNT used to run 19 days of bond. This chick had fucking braces.

I don't even think braces would improve anything

it's way more cute if a normal girl smiles at him then he smiles his metal teeth

>am I remembering this wrong? Nah, reality itself is wrong, not me.
"""people""" who unironically believe in the Mandela Effect should be dragged into the street and executed.

Attached: 1418228156215.jpg (306x306, 20K)

In my original universe it was spelled Mandala but you're a braindead NPC anyways

I saw this movie last year for the first time and she had braces. When are people saying this memory was changed?

Watch it again, moron

Attached: 1552975850680.jpg (512x288, 11K)

Attached: amy adams-3.webm (1920x1080, 2.95M)

No fuck you. I'll ask again.

When did people come to this realization she didn't have braces in the movie, because I saw the movie last year and she had braces.

that's strange, in my timeline I distinctly remember this particular poster calling me based

she had no braces and you are a retard

Bernstein bears, moron.

>dude the universes shifted, I-I'm not a retard

Attached: 1531775681601.jpg (618x800, 102K)

Has anyone found an original print like they did for Star Wars?

>I need to borrow his copy he taped of off television and see what I really saw.

The effect changes old media too, so I don't get what you hope to gain by routing out an old VHS tape...

nope. and this was never the fruit of the loom logo.

Attached: xfruit-of-the-loom_300x300.jpg.pagespeed.ic.YkD4VApkQZ.jpg (300x300, 18K)

No, lad she had fucking braces and I didn't see your shitty advert.

That's like saying NASA only fakes the moon landing/s but everything else they do is real.

Thanks for that link, interesting stuff.

ur a fruit of the loom

What fucking parodies?


Attached: 1551844391678.jpg (225x225, 5K)

guy seems right but he writes like a fucking wanker.

>Luke, I'm your father
>Beam me up, Scotty
>Elementary, my dear Watson
>Play it again, Sam
>Wanna see a magic trick?
>You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!
>I vont to suck your blood!
>If you build it, they will come
>You come to me, on the day of my daughter's wedding?
>No, I am Spartacus!
>Looks like we're not in Kansas anymore
>Many such cases! Sad!

She never had braces. What's more believable: people having fuzzy memories or parallel universes exist and somehow you can transport between the,?

>The one where she has some big ol titties.
>She had braces, but tiny tits.
What did they mean by this?


Imagine having to look up a whole TWO Dalton Bond movies.

Based 'he actually called me based' poster.

There is more to it than your simple condescending dismissive swipe.

Eat a dick, you dumb sack of shit. Imagine thinking you're so infallible that when you realize you are wrong you pretend you were right all along and that you somehow landed in a parallel dimension.

Oh, I didn't reaise you were a douchebag. Carry on with your day Ameritard.

Why are you so defensive over someone rightfully getting angry at Mandela effect believing retards?

I didn't mention parallel shit. nothing is possible for you so carry on as you were.

You replied to a person getting angry at people who construct paracosm in order to escape from the revelation that their memory is faulty.

Ah you seem to know all the answers, to nothing. The place in which you reside, mentally. Off you pop now kid.

What timeline is the version where you see her topless?

I know the answer to the question of whether or not you're faggot. Yes, you are a faggot, faggot.

Childish, you seem to have some mental issues, bye kid.

You know you can't quit me. I love you.

I'm positive I've seen something where two characters, one with braces/glasses and one with monstrous/cybernetic teeth/eyes have a love-at-first-sight moment, but I don't think it was Moonraker, since is seems familiar in an old way, but I saw Moonraker only fairly recently.

absolutely savagely based