8 year old niece is over

>8 year old niece is over
>wants to watch TV in my room
>Mom tells me to leave the door open
what the FUCK did she mean by this

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Honest question, would you fuck an 8 year old?
I wouldn’t because I like hairy pussies.

she thinks you're a PEDO

t. Pedo

mom was a whore at that age
she thinks you're cute, too

Only consensually


Close the door anyway. And have a tickle fight.

Girl's that age can't consent.

Yes but only if she looks 14


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>any parent letting a grown man be alone with their daughter that isn't their father

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She knows, user.

This. chances are you're cousin touches herself at night while thinking on you

so i have a chance?

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Post original content fag

>even your parents think you're a disgusting mess that can't be trusted to not do vile things

Protecting you from being accused of wrong doing.
Kids will say shit that can ruin you.

Hee hee

Children never lie

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>6 yo cousin tried to kiss me when we're alone
>acts like she doesnt like me when others around
wtf is her problem?

She wants to suck your cock if you know what I mean.

>27-year-old janny is over
>Mom tells me to post original content

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>I like hairy pussies.
Why would anyone? what´s so good about not even being able to properly see the pussy?

So who makes the consent with transkids?

Probably wants to make sure you don't put on something that isn't age appropriate. Chill out.

because this starts to happen

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>"do you wanna fuck"

why dont u fuck her?

Does she have nice feet? Are they bare or with socks on?

no one, which is why it's hated and considered child abuse.

Fuck I spit corn chips all over my screen

My niece put me in the friendzone. Im a sad panda.

Their jewish doctors

Same thing she meant all the other times you made this thread.

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>family friends come over to visit
>pre-teen sits on your lap while you're in your room watching kino

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