The lovely Nia, everybody!

>The lovely Nia, everybody!

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it always make me laugh.

look... at... this... SHIT.

> whole career lecturing men about the dangers of, basicaly, his wife.

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His smile and optimism gone.

>Ay yo lil bald cracka don't forget talk shit about them white bitches in yo set tonight, faggot
>y-yes dear

>that blatant shop

Oh jeeezzz

this. Its just embarrassing to listen to him going on and on about how a real man should deal with thots only for him to be bitched at by this creatura on every one of his podcasts

Reminder that she touched a stripper's dick and he stayed with her.

That's the dude you are modeling your life after.

She seems lovely actually.

All because he couldn't handle a little banter from his old man

Imagine being the dad, knowing your son is a comedian. He probably thought it was a joke when bill brought nia to meet them.

>literally bill cosby
ffs bill

>makes him sell his drumpset.
>makes him give away his dog.
>is an annoying cunt.

I feel sorry for him t b h.

I hate how "man up" nowadays means accepting a shitty woman and a shitty situation.

I relate to this, I also never introduce girls to my family. I hope this doesnt mean ill end up with a creatura

Women getting wet and spreading their legs for jerks and assholes. A tale as old as time.

I wish i had never discovered Yea Forums i loved Burr's stand up but this site made me aware that he never walked the walk and nos his special can just be percieved as cowardly larping. Shit sucks.

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yes. if he did all of this for a nice piece of ass, nobody would blame him. nobody. is understandable being afraid of loneliness and all that shit. but have some fucking dignity.

i mean, he is not that ugly, he is not brad pitt, but he is decent. he could do better, he should do better.

and now, the way divorce works in america, there is no turning back.

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>Decide to give Bill's podcast another chance just for the fuck of it.
>He is locked in being hilarious with day to day topics no reddit sports diatribe or even worse fucking formula 1 recaps or whatever shitty obscure sport he decided to latch on in his mid life crisis haze of desperation.
>Loving it
>"Look who just walked in, THE LOVELY NIA EVERYBODY!"

Why Bill, why.

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Never ever wish to be blind to things.
He woukd have been lying to you with his podcast

why did he do it bros

Bill has cancer?!?
Poor guy.

He could have chosen a fat short goofy white woman or he could have chosen a mexican maid as his wife

But he had to choose a woman with more testostetone than him......
He basically married a tranny.

Makes you wonder why he picked such an extreme choice

He got scared of dying alone.
That fear is in all of us.... the real question is, why go for such an animal of a woman. ( i dont say that because of her race even. But her personality and attitude)

How come people with daddy issues always end up as pathetic trash?

She’s so fucking annoying

shut the fuck up nia's dope af you just be hating cuz you don't have no black queen cus.

>modeling your life after.
Wut, he's just funny, nobody is living life following Burr's advice

>But her personality and attitude
she's the only bitch tough enough to deal with his shit

His dad is hilarious

shut up nia

I've never heard someone use that term in that context

Bill had to get his sassy black quota after his passing.
Patrice is rolling in his purple tuxedo'd grave

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>all those comments not realizing this is all coming from Bill's point of view

Some like to think that Patrice would've saved him but Bill would've left him behind to never look back like he did with Bob Kelly, Vos and Colin. Shit he only seems them nowadays BECAUSE Patrice died and Bill organizes the benefit yearly.

This was Bill's path and sadly nothing would've changed it.

how do you think he comes up with his material? his material has always been about shitting on himself

>Dude, man up and settle for the single mother. You're not a child anymore. Life is tough, take on some responsibility and make it work.

>listening to old O&A
>a bunch of the usual comedians in the room
>Bonnie is in the mix too
>everyone pretends like she's funny
Fuck Vos for dragging her around all the time. Did anyone ever have the balls to say she wasn't actually funny?

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He has female fans that would have fucked him. Married him, accept his drums and dog
Why the fuck did he go for such a beast

>self-deprecating comedian speaking from personal experience

She looks like a fat albert character.

Nobody says this what the fuck

OP is a liar. Nia is the OTHER black woman in this photo.

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daily reminder that their kid is blacker than nia and they refuse to post pictures of it

ahhh, much better

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whats the difference?

>those are women

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>This is better somehow

Heard grow up but never man up.

h-hey guys bill burr here with the monday morning podcast uuuhhhh...Y-you might
>stops talking, sounds of him looking around can be heard
you might be wondering uuhh..why im whispering heheh...uuuhhh
>sounds increasingly nervous
heh i-its because the baby is sleeping...uuuhh..and
>suddenly a hellish shriek can be heard in the background
oh sweet jeesus nononono I was so careful no god please
>furious fast steps can be heard coming up the stairs
fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck the lovely nia oh god I need to hide
>bill can be heard going through stuff frantically trying to hide
>door busts down
>nia can be heard furiously breathing
>starts shuffling through stuff throwing shit around laughing and sniffing
>throws some boxes to the side
>podcast goes offline