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>(Reporter) Jean Claude van Damme?
>(Punani Snatcher) Can I laugh in your face?

Attached: stevenlaugh.jpg (720x765, 55K)

hit me with those splits

Attached: 49584315864654.gif (499x260, 1.37M)

I gotchu senpai

Attached: split.gif (320x240, 2.51M)

The JCVD film was ok.

This is still my favourite scene of his.


He was first Husbando, no homo.

Thank God we have a worthy replacement in Scott Adkins. They've appeared in a couple good films together.

Attached: scott adkins ninja.jpg (2048x1290, 360K)

no charisma.


Attached: kickboxer4.gif (245x160, 948K)

ok usa

What the fuck was his problem? Did the two get into a fight? Did JCVD steal a role from him? Did he want to fuck Kylie Minogue?

who wouldn't. I mean, look at the moves, the body. This is perfect.

Very true, but a very good on-screen martial artist.

I like his daughter.

Attached: Bianca Bree Van Damme Ice Bucket Challenge.webm (1280x720, 1.12M)

Attached: seagal-2.webm (620x334, 1.59M)

I'd Damme her Van if you know what I mean

kickboxer or bloodsport?

Did they ever explain why he had an accent but his brother didn't?

Double Impact. Double the Van Damme.

Because he's good, very good

Bloodsport hands down
this is correct

Be more precise, JCVD made like 30 movies

based genes

Attached: bianca-van-damme-6.jpg (750x1073, 110K)

There's a movie called jcvd pleb

Hard Targets

fucking love that cheesy movie.

Double Team

Why is it so underrated?

Attached: Timecop.jpg (1000x1500, 259K)

It’s Double Impact. Also, Cyborg and Lionheart are underrated.

It’s one of his most well known mainstream movies though. I don’t think it’s underrated at all.

There's a Van Damme film called Double Team, silly.

That movie is shit and I usually like JCVD movies

pls see this pleb

Oh shit my bad. Double Team is the one with Dennis Rodman, right? Totally forgot that one.

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Lionheart is good, shame there wasn't any sex scenes


doesnt get any more kino than this

They could be adopted you know.
Also, I can be your brother without being related. You feel Me?
*hugs you*

was ahead of its time