More successful Peter Parker dies

>More successful Peter Parker dies
>Dead beat unfit suicidal Peter Parker lives

How did that happen?

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>more realistic peter parker lives
also reminder that he canonically gives mj cancer with his radioactive spider semen trying to concieve with her

Sometimes, the game is rigged from the start.

>Aryan peter dies
>Jew peter lives
>Jew peter encourages BMWF relationship.
This movie activated my almonds

Well, if you consider a basically forgotten alternate universe canon...

Peter Parker = successful is a teleological oxymoron. Either he dies or the universe gets destroyed.

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>successful parker takes risks and goes 110% against all the baddies
>dead beat unfit suicidal parker just bums around eating 'za all day and would rather let someone else fight the baddies

canon means absolutely nothing in comics now that everything is basically a fanfic

Why do retards and /pol/ not see that eventually Ultimate Peter would become the same as our peter? Give him another 10 years like he went through, see what happens.

>50 year old spider man is afraid of having kids

Marvel actually hates that Peter is objectively more popular as a grown man. A Peter with his life together and a hot wife is less story fodder than one who's totally JUSTed. Plus, they can always reboot the continuity if fans are receptive to having Peter back in school like it's the 60s or something.
Plus there's the kid demographic who are actually turned off when Spider Man is pretending to be a wimpy nerd being pushed by (now nonwhite and nonthreatening) bullies. The Jews hate when the little goyim won't consume the product as intended.

Bum Peter's villians aren't as strong as Arian Peter.

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keep your white kids safe from the nig

what's surprising is that they managed to make morales likable

haven't seen this movie yet, is this a twist that there are actually two peter parkers? i know there are multiple spider mans but what about peter?

Not really, he just doesn't use the plot device touch as often and isn't automatically liked until the end.

No, it's not a twist. First Peter is Peter at his best being an ace hero and always doing the right thing. He dies saving Miles in the beginning of the movie. Second Peter is a lazy bum who doesn't give a fuck.

i thought it was interesting that good peter parker had blue eyes and the other brown

No. The movie takes from a lot of things, but mostly from the Ultimate universe. Miles' origin has a lot of the same beats, but its more streamlined, more coherent, and just better handled because it wasn't slapped together hastily and passed through the hands of several people mostly unaware of what the others were trying to do. Miles in the book meets the 616 Parker after his universe's Parker dies, and eventually is just kind of slapped into the default universe after they discontinue Ultimate continuity.
It's a shame they kept his nonsensical cloak and sting "get me out of any tense situation with ease" powers

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That would be a good reason.

little girls should now what a real man looks like

Deadbeat Peter knew to take things more seriously when they mattered and to finish them. Successful Parker was drunk off his own success and thought he could play cops and robbers forever without putting his life at risk.


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The whole movie was based around basically forgotten alternate universes.