Reminder that Dave Bautista plays the best marvel character

Reminder that Dave Bautista plays the best marvel character.

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Reminder that Dave Bautista is a set piece.

more liek dave AUTISTA am i rite? (rofl)


How big is Batisa's dick?

Reminder that Dave Bautista's acting was better than Ryan in BR

Reminder that Dave Batista is the only WWE who has a role in an auteur kino

Objectively wrong.

Attached: tobey-maguire-leonardo-dicaprio-imagined-connections.jpg (768x512, 99K)

Damn I wish I had a neck like that

Leo was in capeshit?

That's clearly that one Daily Bugle reporter Parker or some shit with his best friend Harry Osbourne watching the game.

He's a fucking $0yboy

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Reminder that Final Score is the best Stallone/Swarzennigger vehicle filmed with a young man this decade.

>No Nintendo Switch from his wifes boyfriend

He's doing this shit for marketing purposes. S0iboys are their target audience

this desu senpai

Reminder that Dave Bautistic is a pedophile apologist

Paul Rudd*


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Reminders that the Chinese think they can fight westerners with shit like this:

reminder that basketballs don't hold grudges

reminder: weapons are no only welcomed...they're allowed.

*spits all over the mic*

When are The Rock, Batista, and John Cena all going to do a movie together?

expendables part 8

He was great in the first guardians movie but his character got extremely flanderized in the sequel.