Why didnt he decapitate them

why didnt he decapitate them

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I agree my man. You know what? I'm going to light up my vape just for that OP.

>*looks directly towards the camera*


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The show forgot Ned was his dad. Hell they flat out say Jon looks nothing like Ned.

You get your head chopped off from refusing to follow orders. Hanging is for direct treason.

Was it treason then?

Remember how middle-guy's character did a complete 180 on his character development for the past few seasons so D&D could throw in another shock death?

my friend had a picture of olly hanging as his phone's wallpaper for the longest time, I'd laugh every single time he'd remind me

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fuck off normie

lurk moar newfag.

dropped the show a while ago, is this for them killing Jon? Did he really hang that little kid?

Watch the show faggot.

yeah, and he was mad lol

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after season 4s horrendous finale?
fuck that shit

if the rightful king approves, it's ok

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fuck you, you made me lose

Why is death so fucking cartoony in this show, literally everyone dies with their eyes open like that goofy as fuck

have sex

>Was it treason then?


Dropped when they butchered him so hard

enjoying that dickless shitskin and afro wearing female romance that makes absolutely no sense?

Maario Naharis

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he's just sleeping bro he will be back for the grand finale

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gib poosy


>having the knot off to the side of their necks instead of directly behind
Jon really wanted them to suffer huh? With the knot positioned like so the noose doesn’t compress the ascending aortic artery and they choke to death instead of passing out from lack of blood to the brain


>compress the ascending aorta with a noose

that'd be real impressive considering the ascending aorta is in the thorax

it would be even more impressive if you weren't a massive faggot

hanging is supposed to instantly paralyze your diaphragm not choke you with the rope.

wrong, it's supposed to increase your abdominal pressure and make your gallbladder explode, so you istantly die from shock without suffering

>sacrifices his daughter

it's actually supposed to cause you to fart your own dick out

Weird, I always thought it compressed five major chi nodes in your head that together causes your brain to explode.

stannis will come back with a flaming sword and btfo the night king and put briennes ugly amazonian head on a pike screencap this

Maario Naharis

It is known

Maario Naharis

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