The real thing were the friends we made along the way

>The real thing were the friends we made along the way
This "movie" deserved to fail

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2/10 try harder

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no. Being serious I'm really bothered by them killing the Norwegian. It makes no sense. They weren't stressed out and paranoid at that point

The guy opened fire on them, for what they knew.
Also wasn't the guy a Swede?

>Also wasn't the guy a Swede?
It doesn't matter it's the same shit. Still the guy was obviously really worried about something and since they would be stuck there for winter waiting would be the smart thing to do. Also it's just a dog so it's not a big deal

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I get you
They're in the middle of nowhere and a couple of crazy guys start shooting at them and throwing grenades and things. No wonder they blasted him.

The prequel was a 7/10

The only people there are researchers. Something freaked them out and that's worth investigating

>During the summer the station population is typically around 150. Most personnel leave by the middle of February, leaving a few dozen (45 in 2015) "winter-overs", mostly support staff plus a few scientists, who keep the station functional through the months of Antarctic night. The winter personnel are isolated between mid-February and late October. Wintering-over presents notorious dangers and stresses, as the station population is almost totally isolated. The station is completely self-sufficient during the winter, and powered by three generators running on JP-8 jet fuel. An annual tradition is a back-to-back viewing of The Thing from Another World (1951), The Thing (1982), and The Thing (2011) after the last flight has left for the winter
I would be fucking terrified and wouldn't be able to sleep properly for a week

It's a good film.

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Neither of them were The Thing

You are genuinely autistic. I understand this is an insult here and is thrown easily, but you are genuinely devoid of theory of mind.
You assume your meta knowledge and position of safety as watcher as being the same of a group of scientist in the white nothing suddenly shot at.

Both of them were the Thing. If they're perfect imitations do they even know they're a thing?

No I'm not. Just be reasonable. Only people there are fucking researchers and they're shooting at a dog. There's obviously a reason for it

Why did they do it, bros?

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but the director said that one of them was, but he wasn't going to tell us who

You don't think like this if you are shot at you sheltered idiot. In case, one could say they were too calm.

>this movie deserved to fail because I don't like the premise

and the director also said neither of them was
he contradicted himself everytime he said anything about the film, for 30 years

>The Thing (2011)
shit taste

Humour me for a second. Wouldn't the Thing be technically capable of subtly releasing spore-like parts of itself into the air and infecting everybody very quickly without being detected?
Like you know what most of the dust in your places is made of? Your own dead skin.

It's an okay movie

Was the Thing, you know, a sociopath?

>Some random stranger storms onto your workplace and lets loose with an assault rifle, wounding one of your men
>waiting would be the smart thing to do
Nigga wut

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I imagine that a small part of the Thing would take a long period of time to assimilate someone. The thing took quite a while to assimilate Bennings and it wasn't completely finished when it was caught

He was shooting at the dog though. Maybe the dog was carrying a deadly disease or something. It's fucking Antarctica

Did you miss the fact that Carpenter cared to show the guy was not comprehensible?

Nice retard larp

Friendly reminder that you can just apply to work in Antarctica for a summer like any other job. They'll fly you out there and you're just in Antarctica. Kinda blows my mind

He was trying to communicate but the protagonists just shot him.

It's not that simple

A crazed man spouting words you don't understand comes running into your isolated artic base yelling and shooting?
Yes, someone's going to shoot him back. This is a movie about Americans, after all.

There is definitely going to be extensive background checking and you'll need to be useful instead of just being a janitor.

It is. Just not that easy to get accepted.

You guys can call it autism but I would have lowered my weapons and waited.

From what I've heard they actually have the tradition of watching The Thing every year when the winter months arrive at the station and most of the staff leaves.

They literally need janitors

>A crazed researcher from another base spouting words you don't understand comes running into your isolated artic base yelling and shooting?
I would be worried about why he became crazed

They have "handy men" who handle multiple jobs to alleviate budget issues over multiple low priority personnel.

I'm sure the "janitor" can also handle the generator repairs, electrical repairs, and god knows what else that would make their occupation a little more than just a janitor.

>tfw I can't even rewatch horror movies and get some proper sleep on the day of rewatching them
Guess I'm not cut out for Antarctica

You'd probably need to be a certified professional in maintenance/electrician, medicine, IT etc to get the chance to work there though

Which they did do, after they neutralized him as a thread. Did you forget they entire scene where they fly to their base?

Please be a troll.
Do you understand that while you are trying to get that, he can shoot you or your friends?
Do you have any friend? What would you do if able to stop someone that is immediately able to cause irreversible damage to them?
Do words, let alone people, have some meaning to you?

>killing the guy who knows what actually happened and having to resort to becoming armchair detectives
bravo. Pretty damn sure they have tranquilizers too

>Do you understand that while you are trying to get that, he can shoot you or your friends?
Yes he could but he's obviously aiming for the dog
>Do you have any friend? What would you do if able to stop someone that is immediately able to cause irreversible damage to them?
Only some of them were friends the rest were just coworkers.
>Do words, let alone people, have some meaning to you?
both have meaning to me

You see some norwegian dude chasing a dog flying on a helicopter, shooting it and throwing grenades at it. You hear him shouting something in his language while pointing at the dog and taking aims at it. Then you see your buddy getting shot after the dog got close to him.
>Maybe theres something going on with the dog?
>Nah, let's shoot the guy. Doggo dindu nuffin.

>Benning-Thing's breath clearly visible
"Childs is a Thing because his breath doesn't mist"-fags BTFO'd

Again, he was shooting at them. And the one guy that shot him was established to be a trigger-happy asshole. In his eyes it was either shoot him or wait for him to shoot one of them.

Do you love dogs like that pathetic shit Clark?

>Only some of them were friends the rest were just coworkers.
based psychopath
>both have meaning to me
no, they really don't, what you wrote here is chilling
You see the guy shoot at your group. You have no fucking time to tell anything else you idiot.

Because it went down well last time, a short story from the Things perspective:

With this, is confirmed is just trolling

Yeah those Canadians really killed that Swede.

Can someone answer my question? How does a Thing know it's a thing if it's a perfect imitation. Did Palmer know he was a Thing when he sold out his brethren?

>Wow some guy is shooting at this dog better shoot him back

>The Thing is supposed to super intelligent
>Spends it's time sperging out

>You see anyThing?
>No, noThing.
bravo carpenter

It was at this moment, I knew, he had become, a The ThingTM

Who was this?

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it was me :^)

Palmer. It looks just like him


The silhouette belonged to a stuntman

If we’re going by the book, which Carpenter too a lot from, a Thing organism will out components of itself that have revealed themselves, so as not to draw suspicion to itself.

In chess
>White plays black, white moves first

Mcready Drinks and plays chess.
>Mcready plays chess with the CPU, and "wins" by pouring alcohol on the computer (after losing to the CPU)

End of the movie, White (Mcready) and Black (childs) are the last two 'survivors' of the chess game.
>Mcready 'pours alcohol' (possibly gasoline) on Childs (gives him the drink) through the remaining molotov, and laughs to himself and the impending doom.

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when they tested the blood samples the thing's blood reacted to the hot wire because it was too small to be intelligent. spores presumably would be too small to be aggressive.


You're "sure" but you don't actually know, do you, faggot

It wasn't a molotov. It was actually just whisky. IIRC McReady drank some of it

>The Thing will out itself to not draw suspicion to itself
too deep for me. I'm honestly incapable of imagining what a being that absorbs/assimilates others would do

Yeah, so it wasn't as obvious, but it's Palmer.

>>Wow some guy is shooting at this dog
Yeah, easy to tell at a glance, amrite?
I mean the guy even shot one of them in the leg.
You utter retard.

Well yeah they're not going to let an actual actor get infected

It could be Norris.

this is good.

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That's because he was in the way. When they all ducked the Norwegian kept shooting at the dog. His target was obvious


If he was actually aiming at them he would have killed a few of them

obvious to you as a member of the audience who isn't getting an adrenaline rush as some trespassing lunatic shoots your friends

yeah, but see while you might know that the characters in the movie aren't sitting on their couch watching a movie where they know what happens.

A thread died for this trash.
When there was no one in his way he was shown clearly shooting at the dog for a couple of seconds

It's the first time I watched this

They weren't wrong for killing him because the guy did shoot one of them but they were wrong for not quarantining the dog and putting it in the kennel with the others.

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It’s not too deep, the thing wants to make sure it can win by assimilating enough people, before revealing itself. And it’s productive when hidden, as Blair it built a transport craft underneath the shack when left alone.

> IIRC McReady drank some of it
no he doesnt.


The music que's the second Childs touches the bottle to his lips, and Mcready laughs.

I cant remember if he makes a comment about the alcohol being gone around the same time he loses to the CPU in chess. or at least he gestures that the bottle is empty and the alcohol gone. I know at one point in time a character makes a remark about not sharing food or drinks, and only eating canned/sealed items.

no one will ever "know" either way, a true 10/10 movie though.

get the fuck off my board you retarded zoomer

For the last time. One of them was shot and harmed.
This guy Adds an interesting observation but you are an idiot.


Blindsight and Echopraxia by the same author are great as well, although not Thing-related.

I'm 27

>but they were wrong for not quarantining the dog and putting it in the kennel with the others
This is actually a valid complaint

>watched The Thing multiple times
>still react to the blood testing scene
I hate how I am scared so easily

when i watched this as a child i feeled pity towards the thing, it feeled as it was terrified and alone and that howling on outside scene it tried somehow communicate.

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It's not like it and the prequel say the word "Norwegian" about 900 times or anything

>watching the prequel

I know how you feeled

Thank you, fellow humans



He comes onto the base shooting violently in all directions while shouting in a language they don't understand and hits one of the guys in the leg

Yes, his intentions were good-natured, but all the Americans could tell is that he was a genuine threat to them all

Talking to you is like watching a YMS video

buddy I'm 20 I saw the trailer for the prequel before I even knew the existence of the original movie. Blame Hollywood

I doubt that

The book is kino too

>Garry spoke in a low, bitter voice. "Connant was one of the finest men we had here—and five minutes ago I'd have sworn he was a man. Those damnable things are more than imitation." Garry shuddered and sat back in his bunk.
>And thirty seconds later, Garry's blood shrank from the hot platinum wire.

>being 20
>in the current zeitgeist
second mistake

The things in the book are humans in the movie and vice versa right?

As if it's better being 30 in current year

We're all fucked you faggot

>not understanding humor
your third mistake

>not understanding that i get the fucking joke and laughed but banter requires actual responses instead of "LOL!!!!" because this isn't Reddit

y i k e s

>being a faggot denying the obvious in roder to damage control
fourth mistake

>in roder

>Like you know what most of the dust in your places is made of? Your own dead skin

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>focusing on a spelling error
fifth mistake

>being a homosexual
Your 9,001st mistake.

tell me about the thing why does he wear the skin?

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he's a shy guy

the cowboy needs a prequel

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>recurring to "u r le faget"
sixth mistake

Yeah solid books, Blindsight moreso. Third book when?

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he didnt become the thing
the thing became him after it killed him

The Thing doesn't kill it assimilates you. Technically you're still alive

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that voice dammn that voice it makes.

I didn't notice Windows dropping the keys in this scene at first. It made a lot more sense once I did

hey sweden!
theyre norwegian mac!

>that howl
Pure kino.

>this entire autism chain
you both lost, and I lost too

I bet OP is one of those zoomers who calls being able to actually sit through an entire movie without pausing "marathoning".

>I guess we were John Carpenter's The Thing all along
What the fuck

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how is that what you got out of this movie? What a complete retard lol

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>1 off

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and they do, after they kill the lunatic shooting at them with a rifle from a helicopter


The Thing is my favorite movie of all time, fucking fight me.

the guy that shot him was probably an old war vet. the norwegian already shot one of them, next bullet could've been in the face. why the fuck would they wanna take any chances?

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>and since they would be stuck there for winter waiting
They didn't know they couldn't contact anyone until AFTER they killed the guy. In fact, his death was what they were trying to radio in about when they discovered everything was down.

Why do people hate the prequel so much?

>killing the guy who knows what actually happened
and that also doesn't speak english, so yes, they would have to become detectives either way

thing internet defense force still in service, I see

> teleports behind you
fifth mistake

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The entire gimmick is retelling the original but with CGI and the CGI looks 10 times worse than practical effects

But there were tons of practical effects they were just covered by cgi. Split-face is an example of this

you realize you're arguing with a different dude now yeah?

yeah and then it's just a generic "actionized sequel" with none of the suspense, mystery, or atmosphere

anyone have a webm of the defibrillator scene


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They're not Swedish user, they're Norwegian.

That screech was unsettling. A onions-Thing would barely be able to let out a whimper

>John Carpenter's The Thing
>he's not actually the thing

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"Also.Reactedverynicely.Theylookfunnyashellwhentheystartmelting.Thebeasthasn'tany quickescape,whenit'stiedindogchains,orhalters,andithadtobetoimitate.

What pissed me off was MacReady's tape. There was barely any actual useful information there.

you don't talk shit about 10/10 movies

>he doesn't know
That movie was a confession

Describe the movie using title letters fa6s

N(o nonsense)

I still can't believe people actually thought it was a bad movie. I get not liking it because of the gore but calling it a bad movie is incomprehensible. I guess this how litfags feel when they learn that Moby Dick was hated at first

Anyone else sort of unsettled by the recent global diplomatic and Vatican interest in Antarctica? With Buzz Aldrin going down there only to be evac'd to Argentina. And Kerry making the trip without much explanation.

Carpenter is a very enigmatic guy who did not show his cards. They Live was his most obvious movie about his worldview, which he says is a documentary. But then you have the eerie WTC schematic in EFNY, with Snake crashing on top the roof, after robbing the LA Federal Reserve in the original story.

Point being: do you think Carpenter had confidential Intel, or was privy to pretty heady rumors in the 70s-80s? Do you think he heard something about Antarctica? I know it's a remake, but his version has a metatextual political interpretation.

These days Carpenter just gives the shortest replies in interviews and jokes about women and money. But is even that his way of saying, I told everyone but they didn't listen?

Not bad at all.

Well Spielberg had the entire MSM in his pocket for ET, and Carpenter was a total outsider. Even after the success of Halloween, Hollywood didn't care for him. Halloween was entirely funded by Mustapha Akkad, a Muslim producer who outspokenly criticised Zionist and Israel. When Halloween made a killing he was insufferable to a lot of people. And he actually died in a bombing at a big wedding in the Middle East that was blamed on Mossad.

Carpenter's movies didn't push any agenda. His male characters kept their shirts on. In the 80s, I read that there was criticism of Stallone and Ahnuld for always being oiled up and half naked, Christians thought it was pushing a gay agenda. Looking at where shit is in 2019, they weren't totally wrong. And it's one thing to have blacks in movies beating whitey's ass, and another to have whites and blacks gunning down the (((NWO))) in They Live.

I dont get why people used Child's lack of visible breathe as evidence when you see the Thing's breathe here (before it was debunked as lighting differences)

It's just a theory

Because it fits with the dark pessimistic theme of the movie: erosion of trust between men leads to parasitic extinction. You could also argue it's not whether Childs is inhabited, it's that this suspicion would inhabit both men after what occurred. It's inherent in the movie's title. It's not A Thing, or Thing. It's The Thing, the "the" means it's definitive, and "Thing" is the unknowable. They went up against The Unknown. Stare into the abyss become the abyss etc.

It also plays into Carpenter's concerns about race relations constantly put in jeopardy in America by a third ancient entity that prays in the shadows and weaponizes blacks and whites against each other.

