>Black people aren't commuting crime, the police are racist!
>>Right, Black people can't commit most of the crime if they're on 13% of the population
*adam teleport in*
>"ACTUALLY you're both wrong!"
What did he mean by this?
>Black people aren't commuting crime, the police are racist!
>>Right, Black people can't commit most of the crime if they're on 13% of the population
*adam teleport in*
>"ACTUALLY you're both wrong!"
What did he mean by this?
My favorite left wing cognotive dissonance is
>blacks neighborhoods are only more dangerous because they were kept uneducated and poor and oppressed by things like slavery and jim crowe
>but they also arent more dangerous because the crime numbers are actually inflated because police are racist
>*proceeds to never live near blacks if given the choice*
Who says they can't be more dangerous while the numbers are also inflated somewhat?
>the numbers are also inflated somewhat?
Numbers are probably not inflated. I mean, they could be, but they aren't.
>The evidence suggests that if there is police racial bias in arrests it is negligible. Victim and witness surveys show that police arrest violent criminals in close proportion to the rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes.
In other words, while racism obviously exists, it doesn't show up in the numbers in a meaningful way as being biased against a particular racial group.
Im a nigger and I wanna rape this faggot so bad
I guess you haven't been to Harlem recently. How does an extremely dangerious neighborhood become so gentrified?
According to a Harvard study POC of color receive more jail time for crime as compared to their white counterparts. Before you argue counterparts mean people who have same criminal history.
by white people moving in and occasionally calling the police
It depends on the neighborhood and locality
Don't forget the obvious that the left just looooooves to overlook:
If a racist cop arrests a murderer, that guy's still a murderer.
I can imagine.
That's a court issue and has nothing to do with police. Might just mean white people tend to hire better lawyers.
>New Century Foundation
lol gentrification is evil, but ethnic "minorities" invading large swathes of London real estate is fine.
>Gun control episode
>"Mu-muh black people are oppressed by guns."
I've heard blacks are more like to go to trail, so they get hashed sentences
The source is right there in the bottom left, my nigger-loving friend. Are the numbers wrong, my nigger-loving friend?
It's actually 6.5%. Nigger women are shit, but they rarely ever murder someone..
>do you show remorse?
>yes your honor, in accepting this plea deal i apologize to the family of my victim and hope they consider justice done
>do you show remorse?
>Rape in Sweden is only inflated because they broadened the definition of rape
>Socialism can work, we just have to copy the Scandinavian model
they're not pricing people out. in fact they make it more affordable
Does this take into account prior offenses? You got the study? First offences typically are more lenient whereas repeat offenders (even for diff. crimes) recieve harsher sentences which IMO makes sense.
blacks are arrested more by rayciss police, yet victim reports match arrest report %, weird!
>muh niggers
The source directs me to American Renaissance, not the NYPD
By the way the predictions about an all-white NYC are purely theoretical and discount any real life factors that could challenge the narrative.
Source? A lot of crimes go unreported or don't lead to arrests.
How many of those were repeat offenders?
You need to go back to my nigger-loving friend.
>I seriously can't believe a whole 6 million people were massacred just like that. What an awful thing to think ab-
>"HAHA. Well, ACTUALLY..."
The episodes directed by Raimi where another thing entirely.
Not an argument, butthurt Nazi